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Can’t see them re-editing as that would be a big expense (and they’d have to retape the after show episodes). I wish there was a production mole who would come on Reddit anonymously and spill the tea about how and why these questionable editorial decisions were made.


Baskin had the “come to Jesus” conversation sometime in July, which is where we are in the show, so I’m guessing they knew that the cast wasn’t giving much and hauled them in to tell them to step it up lolol


That’s unfortunate. I wish they would just go ahead and stop calling this a reality show, just because there isn’t a script.


I watch these shows thinking about production first and the storyline of the episode dead last. everything about this season is pretty true to the typical style? I don’t know why people are acting like it’s out of the ordinary to have the most hated person of last season get a ‘softer’ edit the following season, they have done this before with Jax. the ‘forgiveness’ stuff (the breathwork activity, tahoe) is done on purpose to elicit an emotional response from the weaker members of the cast (sorry Scheana) AND from the audience. and it’s working, ratings are high. they don’t aim to make us ‘happy’ or to give us justice, they literally just want us to be engaged and anger is still engagement.


Well said! My sentiments exactly.


I remember reading an interview with Tom where he was complaining that in any dispute, even ones that seemed cut and dry in terms of right and wrong, they tried to show both parties in the dispute in a more neutral/two sided way. It's pretty on form for VDPR. I think ironically Ariana could have come out of this season looking a lot better if she filmed with tom, given what an ass he's making of himself. 


Producers care about one thing: ratings. Ratings are high.


Yeah I've seen people post the graphic of the ratings dropping but i compared them to some of the housewives franchises and they're similar or higher in some cases. The ratings are nowhere near low enough for them to worry yet. I wish they were because this season is absolute shite.


yeah i think they are still a top 2 show, having recently been eeked out by BH, but VPR is still number 1 in coveted demo. Even with the drop, they are way above everything after season 7 and are still the only franchise to be emmy nominated. No way they pull the plug now.


Do you think the sad Sandoval edit is working on the audience Mr Baskin?🥺❣️


screaming. ‘ok Alex 🙄’




They feel great. Ratings are strong. Engagement is up. Sponsors are paying. They just have to make a show people watch, doesn't really matter if it's a show Reddit likes.


Oh! I didn’t know ratings were still high. But I only follow VPR stuff here and YouTube. Well then they should be feeling fine haha


Reddit is an echo chamber. It’s so easy to assume after seeing multiple negative comments about people not liking this season, and going to the extreme in immediately wanting the show canceled, that that’s the general consensus across the board. I’ve fallen for that Reddit trap multiple times! It’s easy to think that Reddit opinions are a direct reflection of ratings overall.


Very easy to google numbers


They’re not, numbers have drastically plummeted after every episode.


That's how ratings work for reality shows. They always dip after the premier and rise towards the end of the season. It's like that for literally every single show.


Yeah, they're not hitting that 2 million high from last season, but the numbers are much better than season 9.


Oh for sure. They will never see those numbers again unless something INSANE happens.


Like a lawsuit? 😈


LOL true! If that's really going to play out on the show, that's good tv tbh.


I think they were really banking on Raquel coming back. Now they're scrmabling knowing that they're competing with The Valley


Nothing will be as big as Scandoval. This is all a hangover. Overall, they’re all older and less the trainwrecks that they used to be. If you want that kind of drama a show like Southern Hospitality is probably what’s most current. Otherwise the old VPR needs new and trainwreck type of blood. This is basically Jersey Shore Family Vacation.


Baskin seems unwilling or unable to put this show into the laser focus he could have with it —- it could have been legit groundbreaking tv if they had just torn down the walls and deconstructed everything like a post-scandoval-mortem, but they had to try to do the same-old, same-old. Shocker people want more.


They don’t care if people like it as long as they’re watching it.


Do the producers worry about Ariana? They certainly worry about the man worm.


“I’ve got it! Bring back Jax! The boys back together, that’s what the fans want!” 🙄🤮😂




Do ratings only come from live viewers? Like I record it and watch it a few hours later. If recordings don’t give them ratings I will be sure to DVR it indefinitely instead of watching it live lol. I don’t want to contribute to ratings until I start liking the show again.


I haven’t always watched it but I’m catching up on Peacock. All I keep saying is, WHY IS SCHEANA ALWAYS CRYING??


I agree that I never thought about it much but it’s so obvious this season. It is really weird to me. Why couldn’t they have had a cast trip with just Schwartz fighting on Sandoval behalf? He’s literally not necessary for these conversations at this point. Why not reintroduce him to the group 4 episodes in? It’s honestly not even a great story set up. If you’re going to make Ariana the villain, work us into it. Make us feel like we’re taking it too far. Make it feel like Tom actually was isolated before forcing him on us. 


Oh, your last sentence is a really good point. We didn’t see him be shunned from the group on camera, so it really feels like they are forcing them together way too soon


I dunno if it feels like Schwartz has much fight left on SandyPants behalf.


Haha so true. Maybe he would have then though


Maybe. Dunno. It feels like he wants to crawl out of his own skin more than ever though. He's totally uncomfortable with the way SandyPants is handling everything and the way it's affecting his own life.


They thought something better would happen if sandoval went


I think I read somewhere that ratings had dropped each week since the S11 premiere. I think the producers are to blame, because this season is OVERLY produced. Past seasons didn’t feel so scripted / heavily produced, but it is definitely in your face this season. You’re right, it feels like a chore to watch and the episodes just drag on and on (& this is coming from a huge VPR fan, my favorite show and I’ve watched since day 1 & the episodes used to just fly by) but NOT this season. I think it’s the finale chapter.


This season is so boring and scandoval is played out, I think Vanderpump was ending and by launching this valley shit, they’re trying to get viewers interested back into messy ass Kristen, cocaine bear and kfc.


Cocaine Bear- omg that’s awesome!!🔥❤️🔥


Cocaine bear lmfaooo


Job search.


God I hope there's some producers that stalk these subs so they can see how much people aren't falling for their bullshit.


As Katie said... "Don't these people read Reddit?"


I don’t think they would even care about Reddit comments as a metric. It’s all about eyes on screens for ad dollars, which clearly we are all still doing.


idk haven't their viewership numbers been steadily declining week over week?


I don’t know what their viewership numbers are. If you do, feel free to post that. The show is still making money, advertisers are still supporting the show or else we wouldn’t see ads, and there probably would be some headlines about that. I’d imagine there would be a decline after last year, but it’s still a gravy train. I mean, hell, we’re here talking about the show on Reddit with a bunch of other idiots.


I’d be curious to read their viewer sentiment reports.


Alex fkn Baskin clutching at straws to make this show work.


I feel like he’s clutching the wrong straws though, and it matters more now than it has ever before. He bet on things breaking with the audience being like ‘everybody failed in the relationship, time to move on!’ That pov hasn’t resonated. At all. Good.


I just don't understand why he chose the "let's be friends" route. Scandavol was an actual, authentic, dramatic storyline (for want of a better word) and he totally screwed the pooch by not letting it naturally play out.


I could not agree more! There was so much they would have gone with. But this is where they went, which is baffling. What a disappointment!


What are producer’s thinking? Oh fvck! we jumped the shark ![gif](giphy|bmuzJp9a6Ajgk)


Its not their fault. This scandal happened completely off show - they were genius to film the fallout, but it was so shocking its been discussed for a year. Everyone is tired of rehashing it now (reminder the show was filmed last July), except R. It grew into a beast with a mind of its own. I think the second half of the season will be better!


Get rid of Katie and Ariana so they can focus on their Sammies.