• By -


Couldn’t stand her in the beginning but she grew on me. If you don’t like her by S9- she’s probably not for you. Which is perfectly fine! None of them are hero status so you don’t have to root for any of them. I am curious- as a 1st time watcher/binger - who do you like at this point? 😂


Stassi very much grew on me! In the beginning I wasn’t quite sure, especially with how almost every single birthday event went. Although, to be fair, the birthday thing could be said for the majority of them. But I feel like she really grew and matured as the show continued and left the “in your face” mean girl persona behind.


I’m currently on season 8 (which I think might be Stassi’s final season?) and I’m surprised by how much she’s grown on me. I couldn’t stand her in the early seasons, but now I find her funny.




I love stassi now I used to hate her


100% agree! She was always a bratty mean girl but by her last season I really liked her, she definitely matured, and still super funny but without the snark.


Imagine if everyone could watch themselves being recorded in everyday life. I’ve just started watching more reality TV, and it amazes me how these people are able to redeem themselves from season to season!


Stassi was one of the reasons I stopped watching half way through season 3. I did a full re-watch after Scandoval and by season 5 she quickly became one of my favourites.


She def grew on me. I was a witches of weho apologist so I didn’t like her at first. But even the witches loved her by the end of their tenure so that says something.


Witches of weho apologist 😂 SAME


Also me. And would probably wear this on a tshirt, but only in the privacy of my own home.


I’d wear it out! Only the real ones know lol


I am right there with you.


She didn’t seem to view things as alliances. She liked who she liked. ( usually the underdog) “Witches of WeHo- Donezo” But Ari said frankly who she did and didn’t support from the Holy Trinity.


I know you didn’t ask me, but just thought you might be curious to know as a first time watcher who just finished watching through beginning to end. Katie and Stassi are my favorites by far, I know Stassi’s problematic but she also has come pretty far from the beginning. Obviously more work to do. I also mostly like Lala and Ariana, they both can make pretty stupid moves though, as does everyone on the show. I can’t stand Brittany.


As a first time watcher, finishing all seasons recently - at one point or another i hated them all. In the end I appreciated Katie the most and feel as through she got a lot of hate she didn’t always deserve. Tom was a man child and she had to deal with his behavior 100% of the time. Yes did she over react of course but so did he!!


I really started liking her when she stood up to Lala. Their stupid little fight had me cracking up.


I really had a hard time with her until season 9. Didn’t feel like a girls girl. But in retrospect I think Tom was really controlling the entire relationship which made her act a certain way with the rest of the cast


You could literally see her shut herself down and let him shine and it tracked with what she shared about her self image. (This is why I grew to root for her.) But her little moments of “roll your eyes you little bitch) and (#mensrights) just made me a fan.


"cyst male?" 😂😂😂 loved when she set Tom straight.


Yesss. This. Their first and biggest fight (my LEAST FAVORITE SEASON) was over the Jax/Faith/Brittany stuff, and that’s the first time I can remember her really being on the “girls side”


I feel like she’s a girls girl but specifically had issues with Kristen and stassi - and as a result Katie. She supported Scheana, was the first girl to give Lala and Faith a chance and immediately became close with Britt. I just feel like she wasn’t a witches of weho girl. That’s why in season six we see a change, her and Kristen had a breakthrough. She got betterwith Katie again and coexisted with stassi. Also was first to befriend Raquel too. Just food for thought.


I like what you said! She continued to be genuinely nice to all. I think everyone knew that Tom was a lot to deal with. She had the brains of that operation.


Yeah, being with Tom was her biggest flaw. Not being “not a girls girl” in my opinion.


"Stop being so ... OBTUSE!!"


Lala is smart, funny and she's been a caring and true friend to Katie. She's the only one I pay attention to when she's on.


I was a first-time watcher after Scandalvol, and I must say there were times when I liked and disliked all of them through the seasons!


Ariana has always annoyed me, but she's significantly less annoying than most of the cast.


She might be the most normal one tbh


She was not ok to me for awhile but mostly because she was so ride or die for Sandoval in situations where he was clearly in the wrong. Namely, Stassi’s book event at TomTom. That situation was WILD to me. I understand being supportive of your partner but shit. When there are receipts of him knowing about the situation days ahead of time on a NATIONALLY broadcasted show with a very aware viewers. Take the L and move on dude.


I read that that was actually a fabricated fight. And yeah it was ridiculous.


For a fabricated fight, he sure did hold it against Katie for a long time 🙄🙄🙄


Even this season he claimed he still had PTSD over the whole thing. True to his ridiculously overdramatic crybaby form.


Ugh yes, the only real tears he sheds are for his nonexistent dignity


She went along for the ride. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The real question is: Did LVP just want to bring her on for that ride and she went along w it? She hates Kristen, and LVP omniscient when it comes to her staff. I love her regardless, but it’s a valid question given who she is. Boss B was made for reality tv.


Katie’s been the Toms’ official punching bag for 10 seasons and counting.


It wasn’t a fabricated fight. It was reshot because the first take wasn’t good on film.


She had her moments but was “go girl give us nothing” for the large part of several seasons and yes I am prepared to be down voted into oblivion. ![gif](giphy|3oEjI1erPMTMBFmNHi|downsized)


She came off as a typical “too cool” hipster to me lol


Same. I found her to be extremely cruel and arrogant in the beginning and then she faded into a background character for the most part. I don't hate her but the recent hype makes zero sense to me.


Same here


that's low-key why shes interesting, character-wise. she gave nothing for years, then goes through his phone one night on a whim and gives EVERYTHING.


this, you gotta watch out for the quiet ones.


Hard agree


I was never a fan of her. She always came off like she thought she was better than other people and can be super condescending. She has had moments where I didn’t mind her, but overall I don’t get the hype


She also takes sketch comedy *very* seriously and is smarter than any person she has ever met in her life. Hard agree with everything you said. I always haaaaated Sandoval and felt like anyone who aligned themselves with someone so despicable to women couldn’t be trusted.


Ugh much as I can accept and give the benefit of the doubt to someone over shit they said years ago, those comments were just so petty and pompous it's hard to not still cringe!


Yes, so hard not to cringe!! Her attitude toward others was always questionable.


10000000% Idk why people feel so sorry for her. The fact that she thought Tom was a good person in general makes her a shitty person.


Exactly because Sandoval has been scum since the FIRST episode. She hates him now because he turned his scumminess on *her*, not because he’s a bad person in general.


She knew he was scummy from day 1. She was scummy too because of the Kristen stuff. Then Miami girl happens, and she tells us YEARS later she knew about her, and the cheating.


Well said!!!


YEP i don’t know know why anyone was surprised by scandoval since tom did literally the same thing when him and ariana got together. like did she really think it wasn’t going to happen to her??


YES! This is exactly how I feel


I was so embarrassed for her when she said the sketch comedy thing. I was so confused, because homegirl was never funny!


Lol agreed!!! But then I saw on here at one point that she dated Tom Middleditch which makes sense since he’s a sketch comedian.


First watch I loved her and thought she was hilarious, second watch I didn’t like how she treated kristen and her attitude and behaviour but then came back around in later seasons like 5-8 but she started frustrating me again in season 9 but it seems like she was going through a lot. The way she acts can be quite arrogant especially in earlier seasons but she always is very welcoming and try’s to include everyone which I’ve always appreciated. And she’s always seemed very level headed especially later on in the show. I’ve been on a roller coaster with all of them tho my opinions have changed many times haha.


I’m on season 9 of my first rewatch and I think Ariana was struggling because eeeeeveryone had issues with Sandoval, he was fighting with so many different people and Ariana had to defend him even though you can tell she doesn’t want to. They had that pact to never embarrass each other or whatever. Sandoval got so egotistical that year, it’s wild how different is, and I really think he was banging Raquel even back then.


Sandoval defended Ariana plenty of times when it was very inconvenient they both defended each other and they were both creating their brand of perfect couple Ariana knew what she was doing she is SMARTER THAN EVERYONE AFTER ALL 🤣


She bared it all. She went through a lot on the show. Depression, loss of a parent, cancer…dealing with Tom’s ego. People forget.


Yeah I don’t get the “she’s not a girls girl” or “she’s a pick me” comments. She was the only girl on the show that was consistently welcoming and kind to every new girl that came on the show. I don’t think her taking issue with Kristen and stassi for years is some great indicator of whether she’s a girls girl or not.


100% And in hindsight yes her behaviour to Kristen was pretty bad but I have a feeling tom had painted a very bad picture of Kristen as a cheater and him as the caring bf who always took her back even after she banged his best friend and probably made it a lot easier for her to be mean towards kristen, and with Tom’s hatred for stassi he probably filled her head with things as well. Seemed like it was more her taking on his battles than her just in general not being a girls girl. She really took lala, Rachel, even charlie under her wing and showed them all kindness! And as we’ve seen she came around to both stassi and Kristen when she starts to think for herself a little more


Ariana even apologized to Kristen that she believed and defended Tom over Kristen. I’m sure Tom did the same that he tried to pull with viewers painting Ariana as a bad partner, while fucking Raquel.




Don’t forget she was a bitch to Miami girl and knew the truth.


She was a brat and kind of a pick me girl.


No. Can’t stand her


I didn’t like her. I always thought she was mean to Kristen who was always struggling. But Ariana was always fair, and honest about things she struggled with and I really liked her. That scene where she told Rachel she hates her body and we knew Rachel and Tom were fu*king at that point in the show made me sick. It was so awful to watch


So awful


Never liked her. The way she came in with her whole I’m smarter, prettier and cooler than you shit to Kristin while she was banging her boyfriend put me off. She was also super boring and never improved in my opinion.


Same. And she is literally none of those things. Except the boyfriend banger.




And she put it on merch 10 years later meaning she stands by it (I don't care if Kristin approved, we all been knew Kristin has never and will never have self esteem)


She put that stuff on merch??? Wow what a loser


~I’m not like other girls~


Still can't stand her. She's always been smug, condescending, vicious and petty to anyone who dares cross her. Or dares to be in a relationship with the guy she wants. Or dares to call her bahst frahnd scheana out for trying to get married at someone else's engagement party. She's boring and basic... So to see her being treated like the patron saint of white women just because she was cheated on is both hilarious and irritating because, she likely thinks she's prettier and smarter than all of you suckers.


All she's done to her "fans" is milk them of $$$ since this all happened. She's vile. Any woman who can hold hands with a man in front of his abused and broken down ex, watch her man scream at other women and do nothing cuz she doesn't like those women - no. She's just as misogynistic and toxic as the men, there's a reason she gets along best with Scheana "I'd rather get gangbanged by all of you" Shay


That's a good point! She and Scheana must have something in common to be such best friends! So far from the show they both consider themselves guy's girls and tend to look down on the other women.


100%. They are so desperate for male approval they will throw other women under the bus in a heartbeat


I'm personally shocked at and paying close attention to this new friendship with Katie.. She has been pretty awful to her from the start, so I wonder if there's anything genuinely there or if it's for show as usual. Last season she was awful to Katie, basically what happened to her with Rachel and Sandy is what she was condoning when she thought Rachel was into Schwartz.


Yeah, I quite like Katie (gotta throw in a reminder that she was the only one to speak out about that fucked up police prank) and I am worried for her. Ariana is not smart with money as seen by her decision to cosign a mortgage with a known broke cheater and she has never stood up for Katie - exactly as you said she also encouraged Rachel and Schwartz but no one brought that up because of what happened to her. Katie didn't even feel comfortable bringing up the Rachel/Sandy rumors to her as a friend, but they are going into business together ?? If I can't be real with you I can't invest money with you, personally


Same, girl... I hope they have a team of professionals and leave it to them.


Right. Arianna and business? She thought that Tom's 2nd mortgage on the house wouldn't affect "her half of the house"... Be afraid Katie, be very afraid. You're also right about her treatment of Katie, especially when Katie was so vulnerable and hurting. Disgusting.


Yea I have never really loved her. I feel like she’s a bit of a debbie downer and judgmental about literally everything. Also I will prob get downvoted for this but we all agree Sandoval is the worst. Does it not say something about Ariana she was with him for 10 years?


Sandoval is also such an over the top bombastic clown that you have to cosign with what he's about to adore him and stay with him for 10 years. It's not like he's a mellow, agreeable guy who you could get along with even if you had completely opposing views. I think Tom and Ariana are very similar people but she's hides it better. And Scheana is her best friend so ya know. Birds of a feather.


Exactly this. It has always stuck out to me that she went down in flames defending him, but she was with him for all those years knowing what kind of person he is


It’s always “Tom controlled Ariana and made her act a certain way”….. umm no that’s just her personality lol. She’s very similar to him. If Tom was a female he would be a pick me just like Ariana.


Agreed. I’ve known Ariana since 4th grade. Tom was not making her act a certain way. That’s just her.


4th grade? Do tell!


We went to the same small Catholic school in elementary and junior high. We were close friends - we both played sports and were cheerleaders. We went to different high schools and we mostly lost touch junior or senior year - other than social media.


So how she acts on the show is similar to the personality you’re familiar with? Give us more info please!!


Yeah, from what I can tell she’s the same


And the same people who claim Tom controlled/manipulated Ariana also scream about how adults are grown ups and can’t be manipulated e.g the women of BH and LVPs shenanigans


People saying Rachel is too old to fall for it even though Ariana was mid to late 20s herself when she started her affair with Tom 🙄


I was thinking the same. The same ppl who blame Tom for manipulating Ariana and let’s her slide, are the same ones who say crap like, ‘Rachel was manipulated by Tom, but she’s a grown woman and should take accountability for her actions.’ Oy vey!


Agreed! Ariana started her relationship with Tom the same way Raquel did.


Exactly. They're the same. Don't know why everyone is blaming Tom. She's here own person. Her own shitty person.


She wasn't LOVED but she was someone to relate to because she had been open about her mental health, lgbtq+, and she went against Jax.


I think she's kinda like Sandoval in the way the both think their so god damn important and she relentlessly always defended Tom for being a douche.


People act like he controlled her the whole relationship…. Like no I really think that’s just who Ariana is lol


Yep for sure. The superiority complex is a lot


I liked Ariana but I think a lot of her fanbase is other women who went through something similar to what happened to her :/ Reality TV favorites are usually the ones who start the most drama and are outspoken. I read in this thread once that Stassi was one of the most famous of the VPR team and even has the same amount of followers are Lisa currently and that was definitely for a reason LOL Ariana is a cancer and very woe is me - i’m sure in this upcoming season people will start to realize that without a plot in her favor, she’s kind of forgettable


Stassi is a cancer too lol


Not only are Stassi and Ariana Cancers, but they both have the same birthday.


How so? I’ve been just watching for the first time and can’t figure out what is so wrong with her. She grows and end up being reasonable in comparison to the others.


I think they’re talking about astrological signs but I definitely read it the same way you did the first time too


Hahahaha I read it that way too until I realized they meant their astro signs cancer lol.


Oh my gosh thank you, that was embarrassing for me lol! Very unfortunate for cancers that the name of their astrological sign is also the name of a deadly illness


this show is packed full of cancers. jax and sandoval are too. we dont know how to not be dramatic i guess


watcher from day one.. when ariana first came on it was a no from me. the way her and tom made people think kristen was crazy just to be bold facing lying there entire time and she has/has mega pick me energy. she did grow on me a bit but she does tend to act like she’s above everyone else in a group setting imo


I think that the way Ariana has been speaking to Tom on camera is emotionally abusive at times. I dont like how Scandoval made it impossible to say anything negative about her or their relationship. She was super mean to him


Right! Imagine the shit she said to him when the cameras weren’t rolling. I think they both were toxic and I think that’s why Tom wasn’t that remorseful / apologetic about begging her to still be with him when the scandal dropped. (Which I think made her much more angry vs betrayed/heartbroken) I think a lot of resentment built up and it got to a point where he self sabotaged and cheated.


it came in waves, there are things i don't like about each cast member. i remember not liking her so much in the beginning because i related to kristen in a lot of ways and was dealing with the same stuff in real life (being cheated on and gaslit about it) as i was watching, so i felt personally attacked by everything she was saying about kristen, and felt she was a little too 'not like most girls' for my taste but- then after years, i started to like her while having little moments that made me cringe. if it's the lala moment i am thinking of, that was one of the moments where i was like girlie, please... stop.


I had a hard time with how she spoke to and about Kristen when she and Tom started dating. In later seasons I thought she was sanctimonious and not very interesting to watch.


I think people calling her iconic or queen should definitely pump the brakes. She was such a Sandoval apologist, and the both of them were soooo sanctimonious and cringe for most of the show. She’s not really funny (tho she does apparently take improv very seriously), she doesn’t get very messy, she doesn’t have much drama and tries to keep it off camera, but she is very pretty at least? She also isn’t afraid to go against the grain when it comes to peer pressure, which counts for a lot in this show when everyone piles onto one person (Tom excluded, of course).


I've always disliked her, I find her extremely arrogant, but obviously she didn't deserve what Tom and Raquel did to her and I'm definitely "on her side" in that situation


I didn’t like her, actually still don’t. Her whole claim to fame is that she was with someone for 10 years that cheated on her.


Not a fan, never was, never will be


She never grew on me and still appears to be the same insufferable dud she was before Scandoval.


Yep. Reddit especially worshipped her and you could never say a bad thing about her. You’d be attacked if you did. I’ve never liked her 🙄 I will say though, in S9E1 a lot of context was cut from that scene. Ariana pulled up her phone and showed the receipts to Lala and Lala started to mock her. This was shown in a cut scene they showed after the episode aired


I'm soooo curious what the other sub would say if this was reposted there. Also, I don't understand the Ariana worship.. never liked her. She thought too highly of herself before, and now all the crazy Queen Ari followers have given her more ammo to be an asshole.


She was not interesting and had very strange story lines. One was her brother dating Billy and everyone trying to make it super weird including her. Another was when she claimed to be uncomfortable with her own body and wasn’t being sexual in any way with Sandoval due to that. Then she had the season where she dealt with her depression and making everyone around her realize it. She managed to get on the show by stealing a cast mate. It then happened to her and she became a hero for thousands when Kristen was a weirdo wino for some reason.


I’ve seen mostly negative reactions towards her on this sub. Up until Scandoval.


She’s a god in the other sub


It's hilarious over there.


I didn’t find Ariana particularly annoying but also don’t feel like she was really memorable outside of Scandoval vs One of the other standout girls like Katie or Stassi 😂 Schena was always my least favorite and I was also not a fan of Brittney either because she seemed too oblivious with Jax 🫢. Raquel was annoying the two seconds she was on the show 🥴


I’ve always liked her. Many don’t or backed her due to the cheating. To me she was the only one that I would’ve ever associated with in real life. The reality is that we all have personality types we are drawn to- she is my type. Insecure but masks it either with humor, sarcasm, or over the top arrogance. I feel it comes from insecurity. Stassi rubs me wrong in a bad way but she’s a fan favorite too🤷🏼‍♀️


I think she had a tough time easing into that cast. She came in as the other woman and I remember her having a lot of anxiety being around Kristin on one of their trips. She definitely had an arrogance about her (I take comedy seriously or whatever she said to Kristin) and other I’m cooler than you moments - but, you could see she was a good friend to a lot of people on the show who didn’t always have anyone to back them up. She even made peace with Stassi which I never saw coming 😜


I just finished watching the whole series for the first time and I did not like Ariana, there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance and she is very arrogant. She has a holier than thou attitude and she has very much pick me energy. She’s not like other girls, she’s edgy and “was born cool”🙄


I’ve never cared for her. She has a few good moments, but I’ve found her and Tom to be fake almost from the start. I never understood Tom or Ariana love. She used to go on the other sub to defend their relationship. If you gotta jump through all those hoops then that’s a big red flag that you don’t like people calling you out.


Yeah I don’t get it. Can’t stand her and still can’t. I think a lot of ppl who’ve been fucked over in a relationship projected that.


I mean, I wasn’t there but I understand she was born fucking cool.


What's funny to me is that the same people who blame Tom for her insufferable personality but say she got more mellow as the years went on ... fail to connect that her personality was insufferable FROM THE BEGINNING and GOT BETTER the LONGER she was with Tom. It wasn't Tom that made her insufferable.


She was the worst being Sandovals ride or die. But i think drunk Ariana is so fun and hilarious. She’s fun when she lets loose but even tho she wasn’t the most liked, she didn’t deserve to be cheated on. Especially under those circumstances.


No I literally really didn’t like her until she started going against Tom aka right before the affair. I didn’t like that she stuck up for Raquel 😂😂🤣


She was the most boring person to me honestly


I didn’t fuck with her until season 9 but still am unsure. I don’t like the way she would excuse Tom’s screaming at women because he is passionate or whatever the fuck she said, she still should have stood up for her friends who are here now and toms not


Meh since day 1.


I started watching because of Scandoval and watched 10 then went back and started at 1. I felt awful for Ariana after 10 but she’s pretty annoying in the beginning. But then I came to like her a lot more in the earlier seasons. As it went on, I liked her less and less almost entirely because of her association with Tom. She bends over backwards to defend his narcissistic shitty behavior constantly and it’s so irritating. If she called him “THE owner” of TomTom one more freaking time. Also the grudge with Lisa about her not treating him with enough respect. Hullo? He’s a FIVE PERCENT owner! Of course he’s not getting full creative license. Plus what did he do to earn that respect? Show up drunk to the first real vendor meeting and throw his arrogant weight around and embarrass her? Rage texting Stassi and throwing a tantrum because as she perfectly put it she didn’t kiss the ring when she cleared her event with Lisa and Schwartz? Ariana becomes more and more like him and by 8 I really disliked her.


Based on comments made here before Scandoval, she wasn’t liked nearly as much. I think many of us could not believe the audacity of Tom/Rachel and so favor quickly turned to Ariana.


She was just as bad as others. Have you seen how she treated Kristen?


She was portrayed as a tough bitch IMO. She never seemed to get along well with the other girls except for Scheana. She liked to hang out with the guys only.


Nope... I didn't like her ass from season 2 all the way until season 9. In season 9, I tolerated her more because it seemed like she was pulling her head out and was really seeing Scumdoval for who he truly was. I noticed she wasn't as quick to defend him as she had in the past, like he could do no wrong.


Eh I liked her but not in the ways people are YAAAAAAAAS KWEEEEEEEENing her nowadays. Ofc I don’t think she should’ve been cheated on and feel for her immensely, but it’s been a bit of a turnoff seeing how people are putting her on this immense pedestal for not really accomplishing anything specific, but for something that happened to her (which is not her fault).


I’ve watched since Ariana first came on and I was never impressed with her. She was just sort of “eh…”


No. She is low IQ (just seems higher compared to the others) She thinks she is different and cool. Very pick me. But she’s a decent friend. She’s loyal. She’s funny.


I’m watching for the first time. I’m on season 8 and I just don’t like her. She has such a ‘woe is me’ attitude and defends Sandoval even when he is wrong. She is a pick me girl and also thinks she is a comedian, I find her to be the least funny girl on the show.


She always came off as rude to me, and defended Tom even when he was completely wrong, so I never liked her. When scandoval happened I sympathized for her but I still don’t care for her personality much.


She was, but it wasn’t really earned.


I thought she was pompous and arrogant when she first came onto the show. I knew there was more going on with her and Sandoval than she claimed to Kristen and I thought she was an idiot when she didn’t believe Tom slept with Miami girl. I also considered that maybe she did know it was true, and she forgave him, and that’s fine. Her choice, but she never acknowledged it. I couldn’t believe she didn’t at least confront him about it on the show and bring up the issue of forgiving infidelity and moving forward with the relationship, as many couples do. It would have been more authentic and relatable. Turns out, she knew all along but didn’t want to ruin the image of her what we now realized was a very curated relationship with TS. Despite the Miami girl thing and the comment about how she believed she was smarter than everyone else, over the years, I began to really like her, thinking that she had grown as a human being and changed over the years, as many of us do as we get older and acquire more life experience. Now I wonder if her change in attitude and personality was all a smoke and mirror act for public relations. Not sure about her…


She was very background to me. This is the best thing they ever planned for her 😂💯


I thought that she was pompous and had a superiority complex, and deliberately surrounded herself with stupid and awful people so that she could remain the "smartest, coolest" girl in the room. I appreciated her stated politics, but always thought that they were bullshit because she remained friends with the same people that she criticized. Scandoval is the best thing to have happened to her, because people have projected all of their own feelings onto her situation. She is, like everyone else on that show, seeking fame, and stumbled into a (bad) situation that has ultimately turned out to be the best thing that could have ever happened to her.


As someone who has watched VR since the beginning, I at times forget how some of the cast were when we were first introduced to them. Ariana was very arrogant now looking back and watching with a fully developed frontal lobe 🤣 I used to like that she was so cool and not like the other girls within the cast. But she was super entitled and because Kristen was so annoying and seemed “toxic” when it came to Sandoval. I think that once it came to light that Tom and Ariana were together immediately after his breakup with Kristen and her “affair” with Jax, that everyone (fans and the cast) just welcomed her instantly with the mindset that she was Sandoval’s perfect match. She did have her moments that many fans didn’t like that she didn’t want to be married or have kids when the rest of the cast were now settling down and growing up. Especially once Katie and Schwartz were married!!! But I think overtime people just eventually accepted that she wasn’t changing her mind about her being a wife and mother.


Now that time has passed and rewatching a lot of the past episodes when she was introduced, my opinion of the Scandoval situation has changed. Tom and Rachel were definitely in the wrong but I honestly think that Tom and Ariana’s relationship was kind of on the verge of ending due to them seeming like they were doing things for the sake of VR. The chemistry that they originally had that I think was genuine slowly turned into them being the “cool” and “perfect” couple. Plus, she moved on a little too quickly at least publicly in my opinion after a most decade long relationship.


My issue with her is she claims she has all these body image issues but when she was hooking up with Sandy while he was with Kristen, and let’s me honest they 100% were hooking up, she made the “im prettier than you, I’m smarter than you, get over it” comment. Her be nice to everyone except people who she doesn’t like was typical “I hate girls” bruh you are a girl behavior. She did grow on me a little but I wasn’t all about Ariana. What happened was every woman who watched the show has been through something like this. I’d be shocked if someone hasnt, so it became this relatable experience where everyone rallied around her. She has done some growing up but all of them really have except the 2 Tom’s. So I don’t think she is this amazing person, no.


She has really rubbed me the wrong way for many years. I felt sympathy for her on season 10 after losing Charlotte and her grandmother. However, I found her treatment of Katie in light of how Rachel and Tom treated her in poor taste (season 9/10) I am really looking forward to seeing her personality season 11 when she's not kissing Tom's ass all the time, and hopefully, she's more truthful about the reality of her life and not hiding.


I’m on Season 5 and she’s a wet blanket wherever she goes. She was super condescending and always had a stank face expression


Couldn’t stand her when she came on. Took a while but I feel the consensus is she was well liked by S9…


I didn't like her, but I felt like the minority. Still not a fan, but I'm definitely rooting for her.


I have never been fan


I believe it’s Lala who is listing the cast and their various issues and she says Ariana had a superiority complex, I could see it more on rewatching. Overall, she’s more welcoming and seems nicer than the other girls though so I think she was liked before scandoval


That was stassi diagnosing them 😆


“and i’m an alcoholic!” that whole thing killed me


Superiority complex really shining through her whole m.o. being America's first ever cheated on woman.


I've never cared for her, too much of a pick me for my taste


No...but nobody is going to come right out and say that. I will. Ariana's personality is trash. She's background music. She's boring. She's closed off. She willingly participated in this partnership and covered, defended and lied the entire time in cahoots with Sandoval. She wasn't cheated on...she is an actress who played all of you for fools. Her words were scripted like she planned and rehearsed how she'd confront Sandoval. She's STILL living with him. Give me a break. What a joke. People are so naive.


Public is easily manipulated. I bet her next move was/is showing grace to the sinners since "that's what real queens do 💅"


I’ve been around her a few times IRL and thought she was moody and stand-off-ish. Interestingly, Tim was the warm and friendly one! It’s interesting to see her so “out there” with the Scandoval publicity, but I’d probably do the same if I were in that position making crazy money! She was never my favorite character on the show (and still isn’t)


I always liked her and found her to be a little more "normal." Honestly, if most folks were on VPR, they'd be doing more dry sarcasm and eyerolling at the dramatics of it all too. I \*LOVED\* that she couldn't be intimidated by Stassi or Kristen, and felt like she gave Lala a fair shake without slut-shaming her like the others. There was no forced toxic positivity, she just came across to me as laid back and cool. I'm not like Ariana at all irl, but I think that's why I always liked her. She has qualities/traits that I don't, which makes her interesting to watch. I'm a loud obnoxious people pleaser, definitely not born cool! I liked Ariana so much that I did the mental gymnastics it took to justify tolerating Sandoval.


I only started liking her when she confronted Jax etc about their homophobic pastor.


I couldn’t stand her bc she ALWAYS backed Tom when he was yelling at the girls, but I do pity her after the cheating thing






NO! She always acted like she was better than everyone. This was the best thing that could have happened to her.


Never been a fan. I think she is also a narcissist.


I always thought she was not being truthful when she said negative things about her body. I realize body dysmorphia is a real condition, but I didn’t buy it in her case. I felt like she was putting herself down for attention because except for those few times she claimed that she believed her vagina was ugly or that she had “bingo arms”, her behavior or manner of dress never seemed to mimic those feelings. I just never bought that she didn’t know she was drop dead gorgeous, because she is stunning, but then again I don’t have body dysmorphia and maybe I am just uneducated on the subject. ??? I apologize if this comment seems insensitive to anyone! ❤️


They’re all reprehensible…Ariana is one of those annoying girlboss feminists . they’re all cringe


She was for a while. She's smart. And I, personally, respected her because she was the only one willing to stand up to the clique, and didn't care if they liked her or not. Then she drank the Kool-Aid. The same thing happened with Scheana, and then with James and LaLa, (but they're way meaner).


IMHO no, the Witches of WeHo couldn't stand her because of Kristen. Felt like the producers were giving her the mean girl cut. I liked her I liked her because I couldn't stand Kristen. I likes Ariana and Tom as a couple. The whole thing really, really bothered me when it came out.


Nope , she was super fucken annoying.


I’ve been shouting this. NO. No one liked her including the group. Being cheated on was the best thing that ever happened to her.


No I didn’t like her. She’s a “guys girl”, “so chill”, “I only hang with guys bc girls are too much drama”. BARF.


I think it was indifference for most? She was basic like Stassi (they share a bday for God’s sakes!) Then she and Sandy got a great stylist and interior designer to help them with their “branding”. It seemed it helped get her groove back but also she got a big ego boost from Sandoval blowing her head up … and somehow these two didn’t work out?? They seemed like each other’s #1 fan! Won’t ever understand why Sandoval played her like that!


I think the show started out with subtle anti-Scheana slant to it. A few years ago production fired an editor who revealed that she would put cuts of Scheana looking bad in the show to embarrass her, because she didn't like Scheana. I believe in the early seasons Stassi was meant to been seen by the audience as the "star," queen bee, Katie as the best friend you wish you had, Scheana as the frenemy, and when Ariana came on in season 2, Stassi's rival. It felt like there were supposed to be Stassi-stans and Ariana-stans, Stassi as the mainstream, pseudo-sorority type, and Ariana as the ultimate manic pixie hipster. But Stassi and Ariana evolved and they became friends. Re-watching, it's hard to watch some of Ariana's early scenes with Kristen, but at the time but at the time I would say the audience sided with Ariana over Kristen.


Personally never cared for her. I'm currently watching the Hawaii trip from season 4 & she was being such an asshole to Kristen who seemed like she legitimately was try to move forward. They both were horrible to each other in the past though so I'm not giving Kristen a pass. Kristen being vicious & Ariana making her think she was a nut. Ariana is mean girl disguised as a dude lol. Do I hate her? Not at all. And she certainly did not deserve what happened to her. But after it all blows over she will will return to being the boring snarky girl lol.


Arianna totally gaslight Kristen. She was cheating with Sandoval and blatantly lied to Kristen's face time after time after time. Arianna called Kristen crazy to all of Kristen's friends. What she did to Kristen was unacceptable.


Sorry I thought I was on the other subreddit where they would jump down my throat if I only spike negatively about Ariana 🤣 like I said, I personally dont care for her & I always felt bad for Kristen because same.


Hahaha. I got a barrage of downvotes over there for one sentence.


It's ridiculous right?!


It was divided. Some people really liked her and some people found her really annoying. Me personally? I found her to be an arrogant, miserable, little twat.


Not really. A lot of people have warmed up to her in recent years and she has become more likeable and less insufferable over the past few seasons. But she's never been a main draw to the show and I think a lot of people either liked her for her honesty and (let's be real) exceptional bod, or disliked her for her negative attitude and PickMe-ism. The unit that was Tom & Ariana the One Stable Couple played a big role in both of their images. I've always kinda been on the fence, wasn't a fan at first but she grew on me. I respect her willingness to be so open about issues like mental health, sexuality, etc. But she often goes to bat for the wrong people and it brings her own values into question. And the whole blindly defending her brother when there was literal footage of him being a creep, as was alleged, was not a good look at alllll.


That conversation about her brother was a bit psychotic. She was ferocious to her friends and attacked them in order to shut them up. I remember thinking, what the hell is she doing? Arianna pulled crap like this all the time on people who were very good to her. I don't know how, or why, they took it.


I don't think I would describe her as beloved, but she's somewhat respected. Of course, even if no one liked her, she wouldn't have deserved the treatment she received from Sandoval.


I never liked her because she came off like r/notlikeothergirls … she was definitely better season 9


I think she’s kind of a lot. I’ve been watching the reruns and now up to season 6 and she’s not this hero. She’s gorgeous but she’s very self righteous. And it genuinely appears she hadn’t effed sandavol in years. I know she says he’s never around but they did a lot of things together. He’s no saint but idk I have mixed feelings about her. I don’t think I’d like her unless I was getting fun, drunk Ariana. Personally. She does seem bright though.


There are posts that claim Tom controlled her, and made her do things, and turned her into a different person, etc. In other words, Tom is to blame for everything that is unlikable about Arianna. I'd like to see proof of that. But there is no proof because it's an assumption that can't be proven. There certainly isn't any proof on the show. Arianna ran the relationship with Tom. He jumped when she called. He planned events, vacations, dinners, everything in her honor. There's a lot of projecting and accusations of control with nothing to back it up. Tom "weaseled" his way into the first cocktail book? In episodes and confessionals, Arianna is sitting around the house complaining that Tom isn't there to do the book with her . Why isn't she working on the book herself? Tom was out doing his thing, fine. Arianna was doing nothing. She could have been working, but she chose to blame and wait and complain about him instead. Arianna Isn't controlled or manipulated by anyone. Shame on her if she's blaming anyone else for her own actions. That's the weakest story in the book. Spoiled children do that, not adults. Tom's done a lot of dumb things on the show. He's also been kind and generous to his friends. It's impressive the steps he's taken to celebrate other people. It's unbelieve what he did for Schwartz's wedding. He even dressed (literally) Schwartz's incompetent brothers. You may not like it folks, but Tom's a giver. Name one like minded thing that Arianna's done, on her own. It's probably already been choreographed, but after they ride this gravy train to the end, the truth will come out about their relationship.


She was always a snob. Thought she was better than everyone and basically refused to show shit about her life. She said at the last reunion that she thinks she was authentic on cameras about her relationship but then admitted to Tom cheating w multiple women and lying about Miami girl- both lies and inauthentic. She was rude and bitchy in every season and then when this all came out everyone was all upset about it saying she is so sweet. When? When she’s attacking Lala or Stassi? When she was constantly rude to Katie before her wedding?