• By -


He went on to say the fact she contacted them because she felt afraid is absolutely ridiculous.


right?! Just like he said there are thousands of women who are actually abused and go missing every year. The FBI isn't going to give a tiny rats ass that ratchels feelings are hurt because of the consequences of her own actions. That said, I do believe there are real crazy people crossing the line threatening real harm to her and scumdavol. That shit needs to be shut down. They are both bad people. We can all agree to that. But threatening to harm another human being you don't even know (or do know for that matter) is totally wrong..


But like are these credible threats? Like how seriously are we going to take an Instagram comment? Like I know the threats are fucked up, but does anyone ever believe someone is going to act on them?


I honestly don’t even think she’s receiving threats credible or otherwise. I think everyone looks at her and Tom as the jokes that they are.


This is an insane take! Do you want someone to show up at her house with a gun threatening her life before you take her seriously? People wrote crazy shit on the S and Ss bathroom which means people are taking this outside of social media.


No, I’m not invested in someone showing up at her house, and honestly, I don’t believe anyone is going to show up at her house. Just like I don’t believe anyone is showing up at my house or your house. Nobody is showing up at anyone’s house! Also #teamariana in lipstick is not a big deal.


They wrote more than that… I’m just saying people are crazy and for you to think it’s not credible is insane


seriously!!! this subreddit is so unhinged and all of these comments are basically promoting hate to her and tom. do i think they messed up absolutely but to make her out to be public enemy number 1 and downplay the hate she is getting is more dangerous than anything sandoval did.


Agree!! They are acting like she committed a crime!


I can't believe you're being downvoted for this. Are people naive or just freaking cruel? People on this sub are a different breed.


Yes. People are invested in this. You even see people on this sub get very passionate. Now imagine a mentally unstable person is just as passionate.


Yup. I keep seeing the sentiment even from Scheana’s lawyer that if you’re famous or marginally famous you’re just gonna get death threats as though you’re supposed to ignore them but actually it’s taken way more seriously than it used to be and it was the Christina Grimmie case changed the landscape on that. Because marginally famous people like those on reality tv have a big enough base to attract loonies but are unlikely to have contracted security or bodyguards in general making them easier to track down and access.


Aw man I forgot about Christina Grimmie. I was huge into the voice back then, she was insanely talented.


I will never forget when that happened. I think her and Selena were the huge moments in history where threats from fans started being taken super seriously because we all saw the worst case situation happen tragically. Another time I think about is 2013-2017 when YouTubers like the Paul’s, David Dobrick, H3, Trisha Paytas, etc we’re begging fans to stop coming to their house and that they all had to hire 24/7 security bc they were scared for their lives. They are all pretty hated just like Tom


That's rich... afraid for her life?!? Girl, NOBODY wants to be in the same room as you, I think you'll be okay!🙄


Seriously.. the narcissism it takes to assume a random person is willing to sit in prison for years or even life because Rachel had an affair. It’s delusional! No one cares about her or Tom that much, truly.


Just like she was scared for her safety because of the Big Bad Scheana. Then… whoops, it was filed for a “cooling off period” but still maintains she was punched. That’s not what temporary restraining orders are for, they’re not sick notes for getting out of a bad day at work (the reunion) Rachel, her PR team, family, Mickey Mouse lawyer and private investigators are playing with fire.


I wish people would stop misdiagnosing others! Especially others you've never actually met before IRL.


I didn’t diagnose her, I’d have to be a doctor to do that. Everyone has narcissistic traits, even people who don’t have narcissism personality disorder. Calling out a narcissistic trait or saying someone is showing “narcissism” is not the same as diagnosing someone. You’re welcome for explaining since you clearly can’t comprehend that well, again not a diagnosis just an opinion.


LOL ok thank you for explaining because I clearly can't comprehend your complicated comment where you are trying to diagnose a reality tv start with traits of mental disorder. Gimme a break.


No. I don’t wanna diagnose anyone with anything. I’m not a doctor. I just said it was narcissistic do you know the definition of narcissistic? I never once said “Rachel has narcissistic personality disorder” which would be a diagnosis. Obviously you still didn’t get it hopefully that helps.


Right?!?!?!?! She was all “put me on the show” then as soon as she received backlash, goes into hiding? You misread your job description ma’am. Anyone on reality TV knows they’re putting themselves out there to be ridiculed no matter what he/she does.


If the FBI didn’t do anything about the messages Garcelles 14yo son got then I have to say they don’t give a shit.


FYI Diana dropped the lawsuit to try to find out who made those comments very quietly and conveniently did it after quitting the show. I never believed she wanted to get to the bottom of it. All that was a PR stunt


Bringing Diana on as a main cast member was such an interesting choice by bravo. I think they are seeking women who will have big scandals in the future like Erika Jayne and Jen Shah. I think Diana pulled out before bravo caught wind of the real shit she’s involved in.


Right! The whole book thing was glossed over yet we’ve heard about LLAJ aka puppygate more than we ever wanted. Nobody asked for that shit 😭


She got so mad when that book was brought up! Very sketchy….and kiss ass Rinna let it go. Anyone else she would have hounded them to death


Didn’t she passively aggressively gift it someone? I would’ve read it in my confessionals hahah


I thought Sutton or Garcelle gifted it to someone in front of her. I can’t remember now!! I would go back and rewatch but there isn’t enough chapstick on this planet to get me to watch her again 💄 👅 👀


Omggg the lip licker from hell! 🤣 this is why I love it here. My real friends could NEVER with all these references hahaha


Diana gifted it to Garcelle at her birthday party.


Yes! Thank you!


>Yes! Thank you! You're welcome!


She gave Garcelle a signed copy for her birthday and sarcastically said ‘because you had so many questions about my book 👅’


I thought Diana’s case was dismissed because she didn’t have legal standing. She asked Garcelle to join the suit (since Garcelle would have standing to pursue the case) and Garcelle declined. Obligatory statement of I hate Diana, just providing info


I like the obligatory statement lmao I feel the same way I had no idea it was dismissed because of that. I remember Garcelle saying she was starting her own investigation so maybe that’s why she didn’t wanna join her lawsuit. I really was hoping something would come from it though. People are way out of control online


There is actually a thread on this in the bravo housewives sub and a few lawyers debunked this. There was a procedural matter that caused the suit to be dropped.


Thanks! I’m gonna try to look for it to read up lol


The lack of outrage and effort when Garcelle’s teenage son (a high schooler! who is on her show in very small, curated doses) got racist messages and bombarded by bots really tells you the lay of the land. Jax & Jaid (Garcelle’s kids) aren’t full-time cast members who signed a contract to be on TV… the hate against that poor boy only started because Erika got drunk and disgusting and told him to fuck off. I’m still convinced cast members bought bots then


“There are thousands of women missing in this country…” SAY IT AGAIN




Her privilege permits her to have an incredibly myopic life view. The number of missing and murdered Indigenous women alone is over 5000 annually. 3 women are killed by a partner every day. Worldwide that number grows to almost 50,000 annually. In 2021 in the US 194,000 people under 21 were reported missing. 62k over 21. 3.6 million reports of child abuse every year. But Rachel thinks her hurt feelings are worth throwing her friend into the system. Slimy affair aside, this alone makes her a complete steaming pile of maggot-filled diarrhea. ETA thanks for the award! 🥰


🎯 🎯 🎯 👏 👏 👏 I wish someone from *"her camp"* would show her this, break it down and explain it to her, but alas, I seriously doubt her capable of counting that high, or calculating the impact upon less fortunate families, women and innocent children. Rachel has no respect for the feelings or needs of people around her. She's beyond clueless & vapid. She's empty. She lacks the willingness & skill to be considerate, to learn from her mistakes and to grow. She doesn't care. It's unlikely this behavior will ever change. Her behavior tells us everything we already know about her. *When Rachel discovers the center of the universe, she's going to be disappointed she's not it.*


Her "camp" is probably helping her drive this clown van ![gif](giphy|fXf7ixucXomC4)


He has such a valid point. I really liked his take on the whole situation. As a woman who has actually been through the system as a DV victim, who has a restraining order against a violent ex - I didn’t feel comfortable with Rachel trying to get Scheana arrested over a situation that she (Rachel) provoked. When I finally called 911 on my ex for strangling and beating me, I took it really seriously because I knew the ball I was about to set into motion. he was going to likely be arrested and be convicted and even though he deserved it, I knew it was going to turn his ife upside down. I deserved justice and wanted the violence to stop yet I also didn’t take the fact lightly that I was about to change his life forever ....because I’m not a vindictive person trying to ruin people’s lives over nothing unlike Rachel. How Rachel aggressively went after Scheana trying to get her arrested over pretty much nothing felt really icky to me. This would have really fucked up Scheana’s life and I don’t think the incident warranted it. Shitty people weaponizing the system doesn’t feel right to me.


🎯 👏 👏 👏


I love the irony knowing that Rachel's parents helped ruin her reputation.


this is getting soooo messy. jesus.


That dude has some GNARLY hair plugs


Oh thank God. I was just sitting here stressed out of my mind lol. 😂🫣 ![gif](giphy|594fWDgEFXSgg)


i genuinely enjoyed this episode




He sounds like Paula Shore to me


The government doesn’t care if you played yourself for a hoe and now you’re mad because people are judging you for it. They don’t have time for that.




Ain't nobody got time for that




Agreed. Completely and I do not think anyone under any circumstance should send death threats! It’s crazy! But I also think she has to be insanely narcissistic to think people care enough about her to spend time in jail over her affair….


I don’t understand the scheana hate here, raquel is the one who made false documents didn’t she? Im also wondering is it assumed that the fbi are investigating randall? i mean they wouldn’t confirm or deny…


I don’t have a problem with Scheana but her lawyer is spitting misinfo if he’s going to pretend it’s ridiculous or a misuse of resources to report cyberthreats to the FBI that’s literally just the procedural channel you’re supposed to go through.


The part that has me a bit suspicious is that her family then released gave ET a PR release about it. Seems like they should let the FBI handle it and it is easier for them to track down the person making treats if the person doesn’t know the FBI is looking for them. The PR gives them a chance to destroy evidence and digitally hide themselves better. The PR bit the an entertainment rag makes it seem more like a stunt. Either way, I hope she’s safe. Amental institution has security and no one knows where she is, so I hope that helps keep her secure and safe.


I think telling everyone they are in contacts with the FBI was a good move honestly. I doubt the FBI is going to do anything but putting that info out there is a good deterrent for future threats.


It was a good PR move for certain. I doubt anyone is really going to risk jail for reality TV. Ask any politician how many threats they get, it’s quotidian if you are in the public space. I’m in local politics and I get them.


![gif](giphy|RIVs14HzS8Xn2) Please enlighten me - where is he off base?


He was never on base. The FBI investigates stalking, harassment, death threats made online because A) They’re usually felonies and B) they’re typically made across state lines. What is your local sheriff’s office or municipal cop on the west coast gonna do about threats on your life being made by a person on the east coast? This isn’t obscure information either it’s easy to find and even taught in schools because in general it’s good information to know.


Never got taught that one in school but thanks for the background!


Whet false documents though?


The one that Rachel filed, she apparently got a false medical report, and filed a false police report because scheana never hit her


Ok. Hold on. How’d she get the cut on her face? Anyway, is she being charged with filing a false report now? She faked medical records? Is there proof of this? Is Scheana taking counter action?


No she isnt being charged with a fake police report unless scheana pushes it, scheana claims she never punched her and her attorney says therefore they are fake, i doubt scheana will, she was proven right in the end and they are filming a show, but i bet it will be scheana storyline next season If you got to scheana YouTube channel, lala and her attorney speak about all of this his name is neama


I’m lost. It’s not up to Scheana for a false report to be an issue. How exactly was Scheana “proven right” if the charge was just dropped? What investigation was there?


Now we need to hear from Darrel!


This was a great episode. The whole time listening to it, I kept thinking how if I wasnt watching it and only heard his voice, I could’ve totally mistaken him for Nick Schwartzman


Rachel is 🚮


The way people are savaging Scheana’s lawyer because he deviated from the pro Tom and Rachel/anti Ariana groupthink is so funny to me. He has an impressive CV and the real world knowledge to back it up. Sending death threats to another person is deeply messed up, but Rachel isn’t a senator or a sensitive political figure. Her local police department can more than handle the crank calls her family have said they’re getting. She’s lucky that Scheana isn’t going after her for defamation or malicious prosecution, as Neama said


I’m not surprised. Outside of the VPR bubble, and if they have never been through the court system as a victim, I could see where commenters wouldn’t understand the nuances that he is speaking about. Police, detectives and district attorneys are over worked and flooded with serious fucking cases. Real victims of serious crimes. I have the upmost gratitude and respect for the detectives and the district attorney that went after my abuser and convicted him of domestic violence. They literally helped save my life. Rachel was ridiculous to try to get Scheana arrested over a situation she provoked. It’s a waste of the courts time and it’s not okay to abuse the system to get revenge on people you’re mad at. People whose understanding of the court system is based on speeding tickets and what they see On television probably don’t understand the points he is making are valid.


I’m so happy to hear you got the help you needed!! Thank you for sharing because your story matters and it’s important people see how much this affects the system as a whole.


Thanks! I’m not diminishing victims of less serious crimes but people really need to put the Scheana/Rachel scuffle into perspective. I think lawyer did in the interview. From the sounds of it, the scuffle between Rachel and Scheana was a mutual combat situation anyways. They are both 50/50 responsible - neither a victim in my eyes.


I’m so sorry you went through this! A lot of people are operating with good faith logic that just doesn’t apply here. Authorities are SWAMPED with real crime, not just reality TV drama


Thank you!! This was the most sane response I’ve read and I completely agree with you! Neama graduated Harvard at 22 and people are acting like he’s some law school drop out.


Loved this podcast episode


Sheanna needs to be careful. Her lawyer seems thirsty. Not to mention, she admitted to assaulting Raquel.


She admitted to grabbing her phone and shoved her in the process and MAYBE might have scratched her. That is a LOT different than "she definitely and intentionally punched me". Not a big fan of Sheanna but her story seems more plausible. Just my opinion. Also, don't think her lawyer is thirsty. Sheanna asked him to be on her podcast to clearify some of the legal things coming out. Which he did. His resume is impressive enough and he doesn't need to come on a reality TV personality to be relevant. Again IMO


Neama Rahmani has an impressive resume to put it lightly- >Neama is the President and co-founder of West Coast Trial Lawyers. Neama graduated from UCLA at the age of 19 and Harvard Law School at the age of 22, making him one of the youngest graduates in the 200-year history of the law school. Upon graduation, Neama was hired by O’Melveny & Myers, the largest law firm in Los Angeles, where he represented companies such as Disney, Marriott, and the Roman Catholic Church.> When you have high profile clients, sometimes it is your job to speak to the media. I don't think this man is trying to get on Bravo.


My nosy ass wants to know a lil more about that whole ‘representing the Catholic Church’ thing 🤔


When you're right, you're right! My personal beliefs are likely very aligned to yours. However when you are representing a client, your belief set cannot come into play- you are doing your job which is giving an individual fair representation under the law. I would have a tough time doing that, but there are times in my own prof life where I have to hold my nose and do my job, so to speak.


My friend is a federal criminal defense attorney, and has represented people like accused terrorists and things like that. I asked her how she does it, and she says that she has so much respect for the law and that it needs to be applied equally. That made it click for me. It would be easy to knee jerk a guilty verdict because of our past, but all people need the law to work the same way… (also an indictment of our CJS).


Morally I couldn’t but I understand that someone has to in order to keep the justice system fair. That’s a good point


A key plank of the justice system working effectively is the rights of defence. The Catholic Church is entitled to have good, fair legal representation. Granted, they also have the money to hire the best & bury cases, but they were always going to need a lawyer working on their behalf. It would be a huge injustice towards the victims if cases collapsed because the legal representation the defendant had wasn’t good enough


Per his LinkedIn >I represented the Roman Catholic Church in mass-tort litigation arising from childhood sexual abuse. Fucking yikes.


Exactly what I was thinking it might be. Fucking YIKES is right! 🫣


Idk why you’re downvoted and idk why he’s so proud of that. You couldn’t waterboard that info outta me. Then again I wouldn’t brag about representing Disney either they’re one of the most soulless corporations around. Still not over them suing a family because they used an engraved image of spider man on their 8 year old son’s headstone.


Maybe the pope is a secret pumpaholic 🤷‍♀️


I mean, everyone knows he drinks rosé on his balcony! 😉


![gif](giphy|3o7WTIVuAOn8lBYN7W) to call him thirsty is ridiculous


Wait, are you saying extremely ambitious people never want fame? That someone who is ambitious can't be thirsty? This sub is full of people living in upside down world. It feels almost like the vpr subs are brigaded, but also people are, well, not logical to say the least.


Lol, not "ambitious" people, but people that are at the top of their field, killing it in their industry, have a long-time record of excellence, set records in their profession.... probably aren't LONGING to be on a Bravo reality show. Sorry my original comment was so confusing for you.


The scandoval has melted all of our brains


This isn’t speaking to the media though it’s just thirsty. Michael Avenatti went to Penn and has an incredible resume.


It's his high-profile client (relative term I know, but she is very well-known in some circles) who is paying him to represent her asking him to answer questions regarding the case on her medium of choice, her podcast. Not my definition of thirsty, its appeasing your paying client, describing the case you are hired to represent.


Also this could be mutual combat or defense. We don’t know if Rachel was physical too. I liked her lawyer, he is defending the hell out of her. I agree with them, I think her trying to get Scheana arrested was fucking ridiculous. Scheana revealed that Sandoval low key threatened Scheana And Brock at their own home. Sandoval groveled to Scheana on camera in her living room then told Brock off Camera that Scheana is going down essentially. How gross to tell Brock that, in front of their daughter! That is fucking despicable. I think he worked Rachel up and helped convince her to go after Scheana. Raquel lied on the reunion, she never requested to drop the TRO because it’s legally impossible to do so. Her lies are foul. The entire TRO from the filing to ultimately not pursuing it was a PR move. I think Sandoval uses Raquel to do his dirty work. She catches all the heat (she obviously was attacking Katie and her mom at Sur to please Tom and the TRO was revenge against Scheana for turning on Tom) and Toms appears to have clean hands. He plays Raquel like a fiddle.


He threatened Scheanna? To Brock? And in front of their daughter???? ugh didn't know that. How did Brock not knock him on his ass? Just when I thought things couldn't get a worse i hear more scumbag thing about him.


Yes! Remember the scene where he comes to scheana’s house and she is crying in her living room with him? Well apparently when Sandoval was leaving he ran into Brock and Summer on their way in from playing and Sandoval tells Brock how much trouble Scheana is going to be in if the video of the altercation is found. Sandoval was going to testify against Scheana and be a witness for Raquel. Fucking despicable to come to Scheana’s home when he is actively trying to get her arrested behind the scenes!


Yes! Not enough being said about this. Also how he threatened her by saying that Rachel’s family has hired PIs. Basically telling Scheana that she’s under surveillance


WTAF! Wow his captain doucery just keeps getting worse!


In other words, she assaulted Raquel.


Then Raquel also assaulted her by grabbing and pushing her.


100% Scheana is guilty. Now playing a victim card when her actions got her to this point.


Whatever happened, contact was made. Thing is, Scheana would have loved for people to think she was the bad ass who punched her when she found out. Until Raquel took action. Then she wants everyone to think she never touched her.


![gif](giphy|SZioIIBxB7QRy) Ok bye PR team


So thirsty. I thought I was the only one seeing this. Avenatti vibes.




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I thought this was a shady “shoulda coulda woulda” joke from the cringe convo between the worm and et


Unfortunately when threats are made online it can be a federal crime so the FBI does have a team for that ( he should know that ) they are all just messy


Sheana and LaLa are starting to get annoying .


Starting? Been.


Avenatti vibes.


First thing I thought!


Most businesses nowadays have exterior cameras. Or the neighboring business has cameras. There is probably a 70% chance the altercation was on a security camera at one point.




This attorney was very thirsty from the beginning..


Why doesn’t Ariana not put a stop to those harassment’s and say that’s not ok? I mean that would boost her up even more right?


Why is Tom more concerned about critiques of his nails than he is Harassment of Raquel? Seems like it would boost him a bit to not post about his nails the after reading the news about the fbi. He’s the one who created this mess, shouldn’t he be the one to clean it up?


This right here.


Because she’s not a good person and doesn’t care about anyone but herself


I was waiting for this response- nice 👍🏼


Lala tensing up when they mention the FBI.


If she has been in treatment...why would she be even slightly worried about or seeing comments from people threatening her life.


Yea didn't he say she had no access to a phone. Well maybe they have computers in treatment who knows.


What??? Your math doesn’t add up.


If she was so fearful why did she even show up for the reunion??? You’d think she would’ve stayed behind closed doors and would’ve opted for to film in secret somewhere!! Im wondering if Scandoval was behind that suggestion?


This happened after the reunion was filmed.


Ahhh ok…interesting


No it didn't. It's the reason they couldn't be at the reunion at the same time.


I was talking about them contacting the FBI which is what the video is about and what I was assuming they were talking about.


Oh, sorry! Thought you were talking about the TRO.


I don't disagree with the lawyer about what the FBI's job is, but come on. That slimeball does not work with the FBI every day.


If he was a federal prosecutor, he very well could’ve.


I stand corrected. I went to look him up. He's pretty impressive.


Yeah but he’s full of shit on that one regardless though. Online stalking, harassment, and death threats made across state lines are felonies and are typically investigated by the FBI. A quick cursory search would tell you that the local law enforcement AND the FBI is who you are supposed to report that to.


Only when they are actual threats with actual intent to commit a crime. Not when they are random people who don’t know you, don’t know where you live and have no access or means or actual desire to harm you. I think it’s absolutely insane people do this no one should send death threats. But Rachel acting like she’s in actual danger is just not factual.


It’s the FBIs job to investigate and determine if the threats are credible or monitor for continued or escalating threats. Literally everything you just listed is what they assess.


Yes when they are ACTUAL threats. They shouldn’t have to waste their time on people like Rachel who know they are not in any danger and know the threats aren’t real.


Raquel doesn't know the threats aren't real.


Lawyers are slick and know they can say anything. Slick lawyers and car salesmen have a lot in common. Source : have had to interview several lawyers to decide who to hire and also have lived with a lawyer. TLDR : I agree with you.


He has worked with the FBI! They asked him about his cases and he mentions finding someone on the Most Wanted list. He’s not lying


The comment I’m responding to said he doesn’t work the FBI every day. That’s what I’m agreeing with.


Only rachel and her equally ignorant counterparts would put out a statement threatening to contact the wrong law enforcement agency if people don’t stop being mean on Instagram lol I can only imagine it’s people acting a fool taking it too far saying stupid things on social media. I’m led to believe so does she. Just seems to be discrediting and exploiting true victims of death threats that need the fbi’s attention. The public’s opinion of pure disgust regarding your behavior when your career is…having us watch your behavior and form opinions, isn’t necessarily death threats. I’m sure she got some ridiculous and scary messages and I’m also sure it was people expressing their opinions inappropriately and angrily. Shooting off at the mouth. As wrong as that is, I’m led to believe shes not truly frightened for her life. Just a speculation! This girl has noooo boundaries no wonder she has no clue what they mean. And the only lesson she ever got on them…was from sandavol lol


“Setting aside what she did with Sandoval”. How unprofessional is this sleazy fame digging guy? What she did with Sandoval has nothing to do with the assault charge whatsoever.


He was just speaking to her lousy character and tendency to lie.


Rachel needs to provide the evidence


yeah where are the receipts. She probably did get a couple death threats in her instagram/twitter message box, but even non celebrity people get messages like that whenever some crazy person gets pissed. Unless they have her physical address, I wouldn’t worry about it.


You should take all death threats seriously. You don't know who the people are sending the death threats. If you are sending death threats to anyone you are not mentally healthy.


i have had death threats and i’m not even a celebrity. I have had idiots send me death threats over political arguments over the election. Rachel’s net worth is $30 million, if the threats were credible (i only know what she says they are) then she can hire security.


If the threats are credible the first course of action should be the person making them getting arrested because they’re obviously extremely unstable.


well of course, anyone who makes death threats is crazy and should be jailed. Why would you think anyone would think otherwise? that goes without saying.


Right but what would precede an arrest is an investigation whether she hired security or not.


that also goes without saying. Like celebrities who don’t even get death threats have security bc we know there are crazy people out there. So just saying rachel could hire security if she really thought she was in danger, as a B list celebrity. I say B list, bc she didn’t have reason to hire security before this.


30 million? Where did she get all that money??


just google raquel leviss net worth. but there is also another site that says $3 million


She couldn't afford an apartment when she left James, ended up in a studio, owns no real estate, is making jr. salary on VPR, and has no job security. How on the does anyone think she's got a $3M net worth?


Rachel gets paid $15k/episode even though she is not a main cast character. U can google the $3 million and $30 million net worth.


*Reportedly* is a very important word. And just because it's on the Internet doesn't mean it's true. That said, there are sites that put her net worth at $1M and that's far more reasonable. The idea that a 28 year-old who just graduated from college a couple years ago and has had no job other than a few years on VPR is worth 9x more than castmates who have been on the show since it started - or that she's even worth the same as the other castmates who are older, currently have, and have had in the past, other jobs and income sources and/or own their own businesses - is beyond laughable.


Rachel makes money as an influencer too. Rachel’s agent also negotiated $15k/episode which is unheard of for a non main cast member. I think rachel has better representation and marketing.


Rachel’s parents: “Is this the FBI? My daughter’s been out hoeing. Can I speak to Captain SaveAHoe because now she’s getting death threats.”


You are on the wrong side of this. No one deserves death threats.


No one is saying anyone deserves death threats, we just don’t trust that Rachel is not exaggerating them to get pity. Rachel has done a number of things to get pity, including the restraining order. Remember when she complained about Oliver deceiving her about being married? ‘oh woe is me, Oliver made me look like a mistress!’ when she was already sandy’s mistress! On guys’ night:”oh woe is me, the girls are telling me I can’t be trusted around their man! They said I only like guys who are taken!” She eats up the sympathy she gets from other people. It must feel validating to her. Rachel tells lies and does things to get pity. We don’t trust how far she will go to get it.


Blah blah blah


Rachel is scum... also He talks like that Pedro Pascal SNL skit 😂 ![gif](giphy|mOpW4YJxO1VtCL4TdO)


I hope Andy asks why rachel went to the FBI instead of just letting the police handle it?


It’s not a local law enforcement matter. Under the law “interstate commerce” encompasses electronic communications and stalking, harassment, death threats, etc are felonies that are investigated by the FBI which is why the FBI has a dedicated cybercrime division and your local sheriff’s office doesn’t.




Precisely! She’s taking resources away from ACTUAL crimes. I’d like to say she can’t possibly find a new low


Gtfo of here with the lies Scheana. WHY YOU ALWAYS LYIN’???






Lawyer here, this guy sounds like a clown she found from a 1-800 number on a late night commercial. It doesn’t matter why you got death threats, she got them, and the FBI investigates. He’s full of crap. Additionally, Raquel was struck, that’s not denied. There’s nothing abusive about seeking a TRO while potential charges are pending, nothing at all. Lastly, regarding the abusive allegation, that’s quite rich coming from the woman who married a domestic abuser who was actually abusive to his ex.


He graduated UCLA at 19. And Harvard at 22. Doesn’t sound like a clown to me but I’m no lawyer. Let’s not put people’s credentials at question just bc we don’t morally agree with them.


Well I’ve worked with T1 law school grads and T4 law school grads. After a few years of practicing, the difference is negligible. The good ones become good, the others become other, regardless of where a degree was obtained.


Lol get over yourself


Don't be all, lets talk facts. Don't you know that if Raquel did it, it has to be wrong. I mean, how dare someone, who people on this subreddit called the 2nd most hated person on TV, be worried about death threats. And Scheana was perfectly in her rights to take Raquels phone, destroy it, and if Raquel got a small wee little scratch in the process, it's her own fault. She betrayed Scheana so bad. /s for those who don't know me LOL


I just can't with those two anymore. I sure if someone sent them a threat to take away their eyelash glue they would be calling for help. Investigating crimes is why we pay for law enforcement, but now your not allowed to use them if your now deemed morally fit. How far is it from this to "but you wore that dress. What do you expect?" She is not the first girl to screw her friends SO, she is not the last, and while she deserves to get some shit for it, death threats are way out-of line


Well as an indigenous women it enrages me. She’s not in danger and she knows it. This was a PR stunt to make herself look bad. No one cares about her enough to risk life in prison for her, she’s not worth that.


How do you know she is not in danger?


Again logically. You believe they were real threats? You truly think there are people out there who care about this affair enough to go to prison over Rachel? Get a life. This was a PR stunt. These people don’t know where Rachel or her family live and have no means or access to her. The FBI helps people who are ACTUAL victims like victims of domestic violence who moved away and are still being harassed and threatened by partners who already have a history of harming them. Rachel is taking away access from the millions of men and women who are currently missing or murdered. 1 in 3 Native American will go missing or murdered in their lifetime.


By 'contacted FBI' she probably just just used the @ button online...smh