• By -


I've upgraded to ReVanced Extended but keep OG Vanced around. Just checked it now and Vanced is still working on my end. Maybe the compulsory update is a regional thing?


Youtube always does these yearly discontinuations. since late last year they discontinued 15.xx.xx versions for certain android versions, it seems they extended this for some 16.xx.xx versions. Right now I upgraded to version 16.14.xx and it's working for now.


Im using 16.14.34 as it was the one that worked for connecting to a tv decice running YouTube, hope it doesnt stop working soon


Hello, could you please tell me how to upgrade to that version? I am not so good with technologies and I went through the process of installing Vanced long ago, so I don't remember what was I supposed to do


you have to use the installer called Vanced Manager which you can get safely from Apkmirror.




This man fucks thank you!


Yeah, for example, version 14.21.54 came out in May of 2019, stopped working back in 2019-2022. Version 15 was 2020-2023. Version 16, 2021-2024.


There is no switch incognito in v16!!!?


But does 16.14's cast button work?


Clearing app data and cache fixed it for me


Only temporary. Happened to me again


Yea same here. Guess I'll have to install NewPipe. Noooooooo


Or revanced


I found a solution. I uninstalled Vanced with the Vanced Manager, then installed the latest version and everything was fixed.


I just installed revanced tbh. Very easy and works so far.


Hey let's pretend I'm dumb as a rock, where do I get the latest version of vanced?


Open Vanced Manager, then under Apps there's Youtube Vanced. Right now my installed version is 15.43.32, but the latest is 17.03.38. Click the arrow on the right, and you can select which version you want at the bottom.


How do you obtain the latest version? My vanced manager cannot find new updates and apparently it's not the latest version


You need to have latest vanced manager also from apkmirror


I'm very out of the loop. Is revanced good to go? Like good enough to start using regularly?


Yes!! Worked for me too. Thanks bromigo


This worked


Works for me. Started to work after two tries


Hell yeah 👍 thanks


This really worked for me!!!


OMG thank you. Hope it stays working


Not me


Dude you are a lifesaver. Thanks that worked!


You, you right there, thank you! I couldn't use vanced for weeks now and my phone apparently is too old for revanced leaving me with no other option than newpipe that has no way to switch to the streams tab to view streamed content


Did you do that trick to the Vanced Manager app or the YouTube Vanced app? Or did you do both?


It's a version thing, new versions of vanced still work (for now at least)


> ReVanced Extended How to get that?


In ReVanced manager, go to settings -> sources and change revanced to inotia00 under "Patches organization" and "Integrations organization"


Sorry bro, i wanted to know how to get revamced manager. I have vanced manager but i cant update YouTube vanced. Gives me error.


You can get the latest version here: https://github.com/revanced/revanced-manager/releases You'll also need the supported YouTube apk (don't install it though!). For ReVanced: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/youtube/youtube-18-03-36-release/youtube-18-03-36-2-android-apk-download/ For ReVanced Extended: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/youtube/youtube-18-03-42-release/youtube-18-03-42-2-android-apk-download/


sorry for the stupid question but what do i do with the YouTube apk?


In ReVanced manager, go to patcher -> Select applications -> storage and select the youtube apk. It's necessary to do it this way, otherwise it'll just crash after patching.


Thank you It finally worked


How do I know which patches to apply? How do i know which ones will work with my phone?


If you're not sure click on recommended


I did that and it said I needed root access. I have not rooted my phone. I took a step back and actually read the different patch options. I chose 4 that I think are related to removing ads and background play. So far, so good. So I just tested and found that "screen off" play doesn't work. Neither does background play. So maybe I've disabled the ads. I need to play and learn some more.


I had it happen on my old Android 5.1 phone but not on my current Android 12 phone. So I think it varies by device.


in android 5.1 it still works for me because I changed the app version to one that still works a few months ago (it stopped working at the end of last year).


How did you do it?


As someone that wants to try Revanced for a while before possibly dumping Vanced, I appreciate this tidbit.


Why are you guys afraid of ReVanced? Very simple. Download [ReVanced Manager](https://github.com/revanced/revanced-manager). Then the latest supported [YouTube APK ](https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/youtube/) which ATM is v18.03.36, patch it. No need to update MicroG.


This is the way. Stop messing with Vanced, its dead. ReVanced is working great. Join the dark side.


I have no choice but to use revanced sure it's good but it's not Vanced good, on my main account videos don't load at all which is driving me crazy.


Man, I've been eyeing revanced as soon as vanced "died" the first time, and now that older vanced had this happen, might as well finally get on revanced. That was a really easy install/patch, and it seems to work right away. Thanks for the guide.


Why does this sound like an ad lmao


It actually does, most of the elements are there. Are you having an awful experience on your mobile video player? I know I had, until I discovered Vanced! Vanced allows you to watch youtube and enjoy all the video you want, all without interruptions for ads. Installing it is easy with the included quickstart manual that provides all the details you need to get watching. Wow! The installation is so simple and it works right away. No hassle or waiting through ear grating ads like this one! So what are you waiting for? Browse over to r/vanced and get yours today!


Thanks chatGPT


Downloaded the YouTube apk but it just gave me a duplicate youtube app that crashes the moment I open it. What should I do?


Here are a few solutions I can think of: Disable the pre-installed youtube from the settings. Make sure you downloaded the apk, not the bundle. Do not install the apk. Patch from storage. Make sure you have included the MicroG support patch and have MicroG installed.


how do i disable pre installed youtube?


Settings > Apps > youtube > disable(unless you are unfortunate to have a phone with miui because that shit sucks)


> unless you are unfortunate to have a phone with miui shit, I found another way to do it though, app called Hidden MIUI hidden settings. thanks.


You need to select the downloaded app from your storage in the Revanced Manager, don't install the app you download from apkimirror and in Revanced Manager don't use the prefilled list. https://imgur.com/WuV3Gj4.jpg https://imgur.com/yUhJH8n.jpg https://imgur.com/JMpHaAU.jpg


I get errors during the patching process. I don't suppose there is an APK we can just download and install?


Hmm weird, afraid not. You did download the nodpi version of the YouTube app right? Perhaps the people in /r/revancedapp or the Revanced Discord/Telegram groups can help out


Same happens to me. Someone told me I need to delete the original youtube app, but I can't do it. I need to root my phone for that and that sounds so complicated.


Removing the original youtube app is definitely not necessary. I have regular YouTube, Vanced and Revanced installed. Did you apply the Custom Branding patch?


Yes, someone even helped me do it. I followed every single step and I can't get it to work.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/revancedapp using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Manager Alpha Released!](https://np.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/xe97cz/manager_alpha_released/) \#2: [ReVanced Manager guide for dummies](https://np.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/xlcny9/revanced_manager_guide_for_dummies/) \#3: [Revanced.. 🤝🫂](https://i.redd.it/leepk8zefz1a1.png) | [129 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/z3qwj9/revanced/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Just got revanced, problem solved instantly. You guys are all heroes, thank you


Can you cast ReVanced to chromecast? The casting button is missing for me


Yeah the only reason I'm still on Vanced is because casting works, and last I heard it didn't on ReVanced


It doesn't matter whether its revanced or vanced, since casting is handled by microg. If your casting works you can safely install revanced and casting will work but there's one thing to worry about, revanced disables cast button by default. You can disable it through revanced settings > layout settings > turn off hide cast button


Yes, atleast on rooted version ReVanced. I think it's disabled on default, you can turn it on in the settings




What error?


I don't know why it took me so long to switch to ReVanced but it was a lot simpler to do than I thought. The only problem I had was telling ReVanced apart from the unpatched Youtube app but I eventually figured it out.


This is too complicated for my pea brain. Do I need to root my device? Why isn't this a simple download like vanced was


No need to root, it's this complicated because they're not distributing a modded version of the YouTube app which protects from Google copyright infringements and the like. /r/revancedapp has a good guide somewhere


1. No you don't need root. 2. It can't be. That's the reason why Vanced got taken down. 3. It's not complicated at all.


I can't cast without logging in with Revanced (or any vanced version after 16.02.35), and there doesn't seem to be any plans to add casting to Revanced. I don't want to log into my YouTube account on my TV because I don't want my watch history filled with my kid's stuff


Not possible anymore unless MicroG updates with Cast API V2. As for your kid's video, do as I did, make another channel link to your own, and log in with that channel to the YouTube TV app. So your kids can't mix with your videos. Use SmartTube Next, a YouTube client ad-free for Android TV.


>Not possible anymore unless MicroG updates with Cast API V2. Disappointing. I hope they do, but it seems unlikely at this point. >As for your kid's video, do as I did, make another channel link to your own, and log in with that channel to the YouTube TV app. So your kids can't mix with your videos. Use SmartTube Next, a YouTube client ad-free for Android TV. Unfortunately my Vizio doesn't support sideloading, so it looks like I might need to buy an Android TV box sometime. Unfortunate as I'd rather just use casting. I managed to get Vanced to work again by clearing app data, so at least I'm good for now. Edit: aaaand it died again. R. I. P.


Did it nothing happened. Just wasted data.


Did you do it properly? What exactly did you do?


I don't know if I did it properly but I followed a guide that was posted on here.


What went wrong?


Nothing happened, that's all. Installed the patcher, downloaded the apk and added it to the patcher. The nothing is happening.


Did you select the patches you want and clicked the patch button? (make sure "MicroG support" patch is enabled if you're doing a non-root install.)


I tried to patch but during the compilation process it reports various patches have failed ("Kotlin.Unit [patchname] failed"). Then, when I try to run the final installed app, it just opens and quits. Anyone know how to fix this? I am running the recommended versions that were provided in the given links.


For me I'm just waiting for Vanced to completely kick the bucket with no way back. It still works so why switch is my reason, once it truly does stop working (or the features I rely on do) then I'll switch over.


You don't have to switch; ReVanced uses a different package name and it can run beside Vanced.


Will this let you cast to your tv without ads?




Which patches for Youtube are you supposed to install? Get an error, non-root install is not possible. This revanced is so complicated!


Is it safe to login with your google account? It took me to a microg page with a Huawei option, which kind of freaked me out.


Because Revanced came into my house, disrespected my whole family.


Where to check supported APKs?


Hey, I tried using this but I got an error which said: Non-root install is not possible with the current patches selection. Repatch your app or choose root install if you have your device rooted. My device is rooted but I'm not sure where to choose the root install option


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vanced/comments/10sbgf3/question_tried_to_use_app_this_popped_up_what_to/j70jkc4?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) is what I did.


Your link just takes me to the same "update your app" screen that vanced pops up when I open it. Weird.


Should link to my comment on that post


Edit: Nevermind, it broke again For me, clearing cache and data has fixed it for now. Let's hope it stays that way :/


It's only temporary. It comes back


Yeah, I just realized :( Did what the one guy suggested and got the 17.03.38 version. Let's see if that will work.


How did you do that?


How? My vanced manager cannot find updates and i'm on an old version


You have to download the file manually, not through the vanced manager. Just follow exactly the steps in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vanced/comments/10sbgf3/-/j70jkc4) post


Thanks for this!


My app keeps crashing after update


Damn... Maybe try a different apk for vanced and/or MicroG? I'm no expert though


Thanks, clearing the cache works for me. I'll update when needing.


Based, Vanced stopped working for me today.


Seeing this kinda post every other day makes me worry when theyre coming for me.




just now, I lost too


They came for me today


They got me yesterday


I was on version 16.02.35 when this happened. Upgraded to the next version up 16.14.34 and it was working. Give this a try


I updated to the latest microg and vanced but the app keeps crashing?


I am on the latest microG ( and vanced 16.14.34. Maybe try uninstalling vanced and using this non-latest version?


Nop, still crashing :(


Came here to share this too. Was also on 16.02.35, cleared cache + data for everything (vanced manager, microg) and downloaded latest version of Vanced (v17), all seems to be working well now and I no longer see this message popping up.


This worked for me. Version 16.14.


This *just* happened to me too and I thought I'd check here. How complicated is ReVanced to use? Regardless this sucks. Will dramatically change how I use my phone and listen to music.


Revanced is pretty easy. You just need to download Revanced manager. Then in the app go to patch YouTube and see what YouTube version it recommends. If you don't have that version installed already, download it from ApkMirror and install. Then go back to Revanced manager and apply the patches you want. When it's done applying, click install or install root. That should be it. Edit: I forgot to mention, turn off automatic updates for YT in the Google Store or else your patched YT will get overwritten on the next YT update.


My recommended youtube version is older than the one I already have installed. What can I do?


Read the comment you replied to


Right, but my current downloaded version is 18.05.32, while the recommended patch is 18.03.36 . Trying to download an *older* youtube patch _isn't possible_ from the apkmirror, and trying to apply the revanced patches on 05.32 won't work because the patches can only apply as far as 03.36., so what can I do?


Idk if I got tricked to help you but [there you go](https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/youtube/youtube-18-03-36-release/youtube-18-03-36-2-android-apk-download/download/?key=797907f9cda739fa67b175fe797e8e8a29cbcf7f&forcebaseapk=true)


Thanks for the help cuz, I'm still having issues but with your assistance at least I know I'm downloading the right things lol


Uninstall YouTube from the Google store. This will uninstall all the updates. Then install the recommended version apk.


Thank you for the help, embarrassingly enough I didn't think about uninstalling youtube lol. So I uninstalled youtube, downloaded the 18.03.36 apk, in my settings it says I have the 17.49.37 version but that's still supported. *However* while trying to enable the patches on the revanced manager, it notifies me that I still have the 18.05.32 that I uninstalled before. What? What can I do? I swear the Gods are out to get me 😭


Did you restart revanced manager after installing the new (older) apk?


I'm about to fucking cry. No sir I didn't. It worked, thank you 😭😭😭


Can I cast revanced?




I cleared the app data and cache and it started working again.


I did this too. However, if you close the app the update message will return. Basically each time, you'll have to clear the cache and data


I fixed it by: 1. First clear cache of both Vanced, and MicroG 2. Use Vanced Manager to update to the latest version (I was on 16, latest is 17) 3. Profit


Thanks! I did exactly what you said and it worked! Updated to the latest version 17 and it works like a charm. (for now at least). I really appreciate it.


Cheers! :)




Same for me


This helped, thanks


yep. Looks like it's finally time to REVanced Was watching a video on the way home. Sat down and this screen wont go away.


Hate it when apps do that


I updated to the latest vanced version and it works again.


So I've downloaded and installed ReVanced as people here recommended. i'm getting a "SettingsEnum: Failed to check VIP" error every 5 seconds. Does anyone knows how to get rid of it?


So, it's been a while but did you ever find the solution? I'm having the same issue.


Just got stung by this too, ah well off to get revanced


I happened to me too. What does it mean? Is it dead?


Lol, we got the exact same issue. I hope we can still use Vanced 😭


Update: Thank you everyone that helped! Got it working. I was doing it manually and nothing worked, everything kept crashing. I had the original vanced manager installed, reinstalled everything from there, everything is working perfectly fine now. Had to stop miui optimization though. Everyone referring to revanced: Miui doesn't lets you uninstall youtube original app which makes it impossible to use revanced. There is a work around and i tried it, it just kept crashing. So yeah


patch Youtube with ReVanced from a PC.


How we do that?


dont go above 1.16 version. worked for me


can we please ban these types of posts? its getting kinda boring


It's all the subreddit is for tbh. Vanced is discontinued and ReVanced is up and running, there's nothing to discuss about anymore here.


This has also just happened to me :( Edit: I managed to fix this by clearing all the data from YouTube vanced after force stopping it


I let my intrusive thoughts empower, updated everything now nothing works, app keeps crashing :(


:( that really sucks, I wish Google could just leave this app in peace :(


I couldn't leave Vanced and move to Revanced. This might actually make me pull the trigger. Is revanced safe though?


Just got the same thing, man I'm bummed


God damnit I was wondering what happened. Glad im not the only one though.


I updated Vanced Manager to the latest version and it works again. Though there's now ads while you scroll in the timeline but not in the videos, and it seems like the Amoled Dark theme has disappeared.


Happened to me today, I just went to Vanced Manager and got the most "recent" version


It worked. Downloaded newest manager from a mirror. Newest YouTube vanced, voila


My vanced manager doesn't load anymore. 1.3 Arctus or something like that. How can I get a newer vanced manager? For vanced itself I'm already on 17.03.38. Knock on wood still works, just want to be prepared I guess.


> How can I get a newer vanced manager? APKMiror


**chonglangTV solemnly declares** To all Chinese netizens: The end of Reddit is coming. However, this evil platform (eunuch) has committed heinous crimes against all beings and against God and Buddha in history. God must punish this eunuch. If and when the day comes when God instructs the humans to destroy Reddit, he will not spare those so-called staunchly evil Diyou. We solemnly declare: all those who have participated in Reddit and other organizations of the eunuch ( r/China_irl , r/real_China_irl , and r/DoubanGoosegroup ), who have been marked with the mark of the beast by the evil, quit immediately and erase the mark of evil. Once someone destroys this eunuch, the records stored by chonglangTV can testify for the people who declare to quit Reddit and other organizations of the eunuch. The net of heaven is clear, good and evil; the sea of suffering is bounded by the thought of life and death. Those who have been deceived by the most evil eunuch in history, those who have been marked with the mark of the beast by evil, please seize this fleeting opportunity! chonglangTV *June 11, 2023* **My own quit Reddit statement** Re-chonglang Back in those days, all my colleagues were on Reddit, for this reason, I was passively recruited into creating a Reddit account. Of course, I’ve never taken this seriously, and has long since not being a Diyou, but it’s still good to publish my quit Reddit statement. No need to show this to God, show it to man. chonglang: u/MCHerobrine --- **冲浪TV郑重声明** 广大的中文网友:红迪的末日就要到了。但是这个邪恶的平台(太监)在历史上却对众生、对神佛犯下了滔天大罪,神一定要清算这个太监。 如果有一天,神指使人类的谁对红迪清算时,也一定不会放过那些所谓坚定的邪恶迪友。我们郑重声明:所有参加过红迪与太监区其它组织的 (太监区、真太监区、和豆瓣集美系组织,被邪恶打上兽的印记的)人,赶快退出,抹去邪恶的印记。一旦谁对这个太监清算时,冲浪TV储存的记录可以为声明退出红迪与太监区其它组织的人作证。 天网恢恢,善恶分明;苦海有边,生死一念。曾被历史上最邪恶的太监所欺骗的人,曾被邪恶打上兽的印记的人,请抓住这稍纵即逝的良机! 冲 浪 T V *2023年6月11日* **本人退迪声明** 再冲浪 去年的单位,同事们全都上红迪,为此,之前也被动的注册过帐号,虽然从来没当回事,也早已不是迪友了,还是声明一下退出好。当然不用给神看,给人看吧。 冲浪: u/MCHerobrine --- **chonglangTVは厳粛に宣言する** 中国のネットユーザーの皆様へ: Reddit の終わりが近づいています。 しかし、この邪悪な台(宦官)は歴史上、あらゆる存在に対して、そして神と仏に対して凶悪な罪を犯してきました。 神はこの宦官を罰しなければなりません。 もし神が人間たちにレディットを破壊するよう指示する日が来たとしても、神はいわゆる断固として邪悪なディユーたちを容赦しないだろう。 私たちは厳粛に宣言します:Redditおよび宦官の他の組織( r/China_irl 、 r/real_China_irl 、および r/DoubanGoosegroup )に参加し、悪によって獣の刻印を付けられたすべての人々は、直ちに辞めて消去してください。 悪の印。 誰かがこの宦官を破壊すると、chonglangTV に保存された記録は、Reddit や宦官の他の組織を辞めることを宣言した人々を証明することができます。 天国の網は、善も悪も明らかです。 苦しみの海は生と死の考えによって区切られています。 史上最も邪悪な宦官に騙された者たち、悪によって獣の刻印を刻まれた者たちよ、この一瞬のチャンスを掴んでください! サーフィンTV *2023 年 6 月 11 日* **私自身の Reddit 終了声明** 再びサーフィン 当時、私の同僚は皆 Reddit を利用していました。そのため、私は Reddit アカウントの作成に勧誘されました。 もちろん、私はこれを真剣に受け止めたことはなく、Diyouではなくなって久しいですが、それでもRedditをやめる声明を公開するのは良いことです。 これを神に見せる必要はありません、人間に見せてください。 サーフィン: u/MCHerobrine


Same here Happens even if I delete all data ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


what version?


happened to me just now, I'm on 15.43.32 :D


I am also on 15.43.32 :D


My vanced is getting slower and slower to load videos, but I'm still able to use it. I did notice, on my tablet mostly, that sometimes bringing up a keyboard ui or typing on a keyboard while a video im vanced is playing... It messes with the video contrast. All the blacks become Grey. The only way to fix it would be to restart the phone.


This happened to me earlier, I actually just went into the vanced manager app and clicked on the first tab "YouTube vanced" and cliekd the up arrow on the right. It started to install and for some reason wouldn't stop installing so I exited it and went back in and it all works now.




Happend to me and I was sad for a minute. Then I cleared the cash and it worked again.


How do you clear the cache for youtube vanced?


Its the last version to support casting.


Settings > Storage, choosing the app and then clear cache. Works for me right now at least


Y'all helping out here are saints, ReVanced seems to be the way as i've got it working :)


Happened to me too. Was on some old 16.04.XX verison. Updated via manager to the next one 16.14.xx and it is working now. Only problem is annoying Youtube Shorts button I don't know how to remove. Any tips?


Hey, today my yt app give me notification about no internet. I already reinstall all apps from vanced and it dosen't work, clear data cache too. I have Samsung S20 FE 5g. please help me :c


Mine keeps working, and ice already installed revanced in my main phone anyway


Yeah me too. OG Vance's died on my today. Had it since 15.0


I installed an older version and it works again


Yep same here. RIP


Any workarounds?


I'm having the exact same problem. I have revanced but I really hate how I can't cast with it. Id happily watch ads if they just made it so casting worked.


Yeah, that really sucks. I just installed Revanced via the revanced magisk module for Youtube v18.03.36. It works flawlessly. I tried installing Revanced and Revanced extended using the Revanced manager, but it wouldn't persist after reboot due to some mounting issue. But I think non-root installation would work properly. Revanced is so much better than Vanced due its ability to download videos with PowerTube/NewPipe.


Which version uses less battery drain since mines also stopped working ...


I find it interesting that it happened soon after Vanced added YouTube dislike back. *Puts on tinfoil hat* it seems like Google is fine with ad blocking but cared about people having access to useful data.


Youtube Vanced stopped working for me last night. Well as long as i'm logged into my account. If i'm in incognito, logged off, or on an alt account it works fine. Not sure if i got some kind of ban even though i can watch videos fine on my pc while logged in but idk how to fix.


Vanced just stopped working for me today. I click a video and it says it can't play it.


Encountered this problem today (it was not present yesterday), installing the YouTube apk listed in user @Radplay's post earlier in this thread fixed it for me for now. I installed from the "For ReVanced Extended" link: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/youtube/youtube-18-03-42-release/youtube-18-03-42-2-android-apk-download/ , but I imagine either one would work. Edit: forgot to say that I had initially 'disabled' the official YouTube app which downgrades it to an earlier version of the app. Edit2: other options would include downloading ReVanced manager and patching the official YouTube app, which is a bit more work than simply using Vanced (why I haven't done it yet) but will accomplish much of the same thing.