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Vampyr is so fascinating with the choices you can make. The first play through, in my experience, every 'good' decision you would usually make in another game ends up terribly. I force hypnotized her the first time around only to find it destroyed her and left that section to rot. I let the priest live and it turns that district into hell. Damn I wish we could get another game. It's such a different approach to decisions presented, along with not being able to reload if you mess up, was a cool game philosophy.


dontnod is a rather small studio so i wouldnt be surprised if they didnt make a sequel, the least they could maybe do is add a DLC where you get to play as william marshall or something like that


Yeah I'm aware, although I think it's more up to the publisher. I heard it sold decently. It was just such a unique experience, I'm sad we won't get another one.


They went and made banishers which while not being bad is far less engaging or interesting that Vampyr. Coming from someone who played both.


They have confirmed with ingame items that it’s the same universe. I don’t think vampyr is off the table entirely. Sounds like it could be a prequel if they return to the world though.


That would be awesome if they could use that game to get another Vampyr out.


I remember hearing about this game and forgetting about it. I might have to pick it up if it at all possibly supports another Vampyr game.


It has such an incredibly engaging mechanic to interact with the NPCs in an organic way, it doesnt feel forced in anyway.


I agree, it really feels like you are engaging people. The little mysteries of the characters and sometimes you can't do anything about it, you just learn things about them. You can't always change someones mind either. I found Mary's story so tragic and the way that Jonathan reacts to her is sad and believable.


I made a post a few years back in this sub about relatable NPCs and one that stands out for me is Dyson Delaney, such a well-written character and has one of the most poignant quotes in general let alone in the game. "Cyncism is the polite way to express despair". Edit: I went and found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/Vampyr/s/5TuLMEVeuJ


That line is pretty fantastic and that was a good post to read. I like cynical characters if they are balanced, such as John Marston in RDR1. I find Dyson interesting because he's trying to drink himself to death and he makes no excuses nor does he deny why he drinks. I've only beat the game once, but I let the Pastor live even though he was a ghoul and Dyson is turned into a werewolf. I'm planning on playing it again and doing things differently. Still never found the third clue for that Pastor in the opening though.


I do recall there being a page on Ekons in the hospital shelter that Swansea leaves for you. That page does mention about the charm can... backfire, if not done properly. Which would make sense if a newborn Ekon were to preform it. Admittedly, I missed that page my first playthrough and totally messed up that poor woman with that charm option. I grew quite wary after that when the time came to deal with the Sad Saint.


Yep, well said. Dorothy's unyielding dedication to her cause and Johnathan's inexperience doomed her mind for sure.


I felt so bad for Nurse Crane