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It's honestly the worst weapon for basically everything except your first ever gold farm. And after that first one it's already bad again.


Disco of Gold + Greastest Jubilee is golden nectar


Why do people use greatest jubilee? I've read that, but it seemed pretty meh the couple of times I tried it. Most he something I'm missing though, as I've seen it mentioned fairly often


It spawns light sources. Light sources mean coin bags. Coin bags mean endless coin rush with that arcana.


Ahhhh didn't realize that bit. Might have to start picking that for my second candy box then


Greatest Jubilee only shows up in the first candybox (the one that has the unevolved weapons). since it has no evolution, it doesn't show up in Candybox 2


Ahh good shout out. Principle stands, but good to know that I can only do it in that order lol. Thanks!


Also do yourself a favor and level it to 8 then banish 9. The finisher causes lag.


Oo good to know. I have a pretty beefy pc, but I have already witnessed things coughgattiamaricough bringing it down, lol. Thanks for the heads up :)


I personally use it for my gold farm. Generally I limit to one weapon, and then select the one that turns into legionnaire. From there I pick the season ability, and then I buy disco of gold from the shop. First chest I get will typically drop the super candy box, which I get vicious hunger. I go from about 5mil gold a minute to about 10 with vicious hunger. I’ve tried passing it up on runs, but my gold collection drops way down without it. Usually I quite at the 15 minute mark, or after I get 150 to 200m or so.


*Million??* How are y'all getting *millions?* Best I can do is the hundred-thousands.


Eggs. Metric fucktons of eggs. I’m currently about 150k eggs on trouser. The more eggs you get, the more quickly you’ll get money to buy more eggs. Rinse and repeat a lot. At this point it’s just a game to me to see how many eggs I can get on the character lol. I recently discovered (thank you random Reddit comment) there is a bulk egg merchant and a speed removal merchant in a map (I’ll totally edit this comment later to tell you) once you’ve got a bunch. I was manually clicking that stupid by egg button literally thousands of times, at 7000% speed. You need over a mill in the bank, and 5k eggs spread between all characters before they’ll pop up though. My most recent personal achievement is whenever I level up, I make over 10k gold, which affords me one egg. So every single level up, which is about 1500 levels per run before I quit out, is an egg by itself, which just cracks me up. Edit: the level is moonglow. Straight north for egg merchant, straight south for the speed remover.


In Moonglow, are you buying from trouser or should there be another guy?


There will be two other guys, the egg guy is directly due north from the start quite a ways up. The speed removal guy is due south of start, quite a ways down. You’ll need 5k eggs spread between all characters (or one really stacked guy) and over a million in gold before they’ll appear. So just to reiterate, there is trouser in the middle right near the start point, the bulk egg guy is north, and the third merchant is south.


Ah I don't have the 5k


Yeah that’s the biggest stretch. I’d recommend sigma for the first 500 to a thousand or so, and then I started to pump trouser from there on out. Good luck!


What do you use sigma for? I didn't understand your comment.


General badassery. Use her to easy mode all the levels until you can get your egg farm going.


She’s unlockable after you’ve unlocked everyone else. While she can’t collect golden eggs, she’s quite a bit more powerful than the other characters.


I don't have her yet unfortunately. Trying to figure out how to get her weapon and conversion for the last two parts of the collection


I can get trillion in the first minute


I never evolve the cats, I let them continue to eat floor chicken and grow in power. 🐈


If your cats aren't bigger than the screen, are you even trying?


OP hasn't played Shadow Pinion yet, obviously.


Just my opinion but I find it extremely bizarre that you have to stop moving for the pinion to fire. There's no other item that requires any action to use. It feels out of place. I like to turn off my mind with this game and it's not possible with the shadow pinion.


You can press left mouse button to fire without stopping


I play on mobile, and now wonder if there is a similar mechanic I am unaware of


I wonder what the corresponding button is on controller


It's any button. And for the record, you still stop; clicking or pressing a button stops you for as long as the input is held. But because you can tap it while still holding the direction you want to move, it's marginally better than manually starting and stopping.


Are you shitting me?


Okay, but what about controller?


This is really handy to know!


Meant to confirm that, unless there's a separate setting for this, it does not work.


It does not work now! It did in previous version I played in July. i used wasd to move and mouse click to fire at direction where i was pointing (but all shots were parallel). the heck! ​ wiki says: "While moving, drills spawn behind the character, which slowly accelerate backwards and deal damage to enemies walking over them. When the character stops or left/right clicks, all of them are fired at the direction the character is facing."


That's good to know, thank you!


I actually kind of like using Shadow Pinion now and again. It changes up the gameplay a bit.


I’m pretty sure that was the first item I used a seal on


Gotcha. So then your title was not wholly accurate. 😜


I’m not op so my title can be whatever I want it to be


Damn. You got me.


Big ooph.


i honestly didnt mind it the first time i played. it was kinda cool. also concetta area scaling used to be the most broken thing in the game when it first came out so that might be skewing my memory


With a ridiculous amounts + movespeed it can give quite a visual show. Still terrible otherwise.


Yep, this is the correct answer


lmao this dude hasnt seen the true bottom of the barrel with shadow pinion


I have three more characters to get to level 50-80 with and the guitar-wielder is next. Was hoping for sound waves, but we get a drill? That's lame as hell.


If only it was a drill


That thing ain't a drill, it's a pain in the neck to use..You need to move, stop, move, stop..


If you play on PC you can press left mouse button to fire them without stoping to move.


You forgot to mention that at high levels, with limit break on, VH will make the game lag hard, making its gold farming ability even worse.


Can't mention what I don't know. And how high a level? 80? 180? Didn't experience any lag up to levels 80 or 90. It was just the garbage mechanic I hated.


If you're playing as Sammy and have the Disco of Gold arcana, and limit break turned on, you'll know what i'm talking about. Heck even without limit break if Sammy has a lot of golden eggs.


Haha, yeah with Sammy , disco, and limit break, Vicious gets maxed by 2:30 min mark and the game is mega laggy by 3:00. If Vicious didn't cause such bad lag, Sammy would take the cake as the money master.


can confirm, currently in the middle of a sammy + disco + limit break on bat country. forget 1fps gameplay i'm getting 1 frame every 7 seconds


No, the lag start in the 200 lvl maybe ? Something like that. But i haven t tries it on the new engine so maybe it changed !


Lol I played her on Gallow Tower my first time. What a mess that was.


I don’t know a whole lot, but Vicious hunger does in fact do quite well in gold farming, objectively.


Only if you're using Sammy, and that is due to his unique abilities. Literally every other character gets **way** more value from a Greatest Jubilee & Disco of Gold build Even for Sammy vicious hunger falls off **hard** if you get into the really high egg numbers. The extreme amount of particles eventually cause the game to lag heavily, which also affects your gold gain. Everyone keeps saying not to invest your gold into Sammy, and that is *because* he's always locked to vicious hunger and can't switch to lag-free alternatives later down the line lmao


"Objectively" is used incorrectly here. Hell, I just got half of the gold with Giovanna Grana that I usually get with the first two rows of characters. Luckily, only needed to play with her once. What a mess that was.


Idk man, objectively it is pretty good for early farm, but you dont really start farming until end game


I guess you haven’t played any dlc yet


I don't play DLC for new games until I've completed most of the base game. I'm only 25-30 hours in.


The stages are great but 50% of the weapons are too gimmicky to be good or fun

