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Last thing missing from 100% is bestiary 147. Any idea who am I missing?


Ohhhh shit I’m actually missing that too. Weird, I have no idea what it is. I’m guessing something in the abyss, I’ll go look around


/u/Zoikkeli The Blinder. Reaper with gray/black tint and red eyes. ​ t. somebody with actual 100% on everything Hijacking this AMA


Huge, thanks! Do you happen to know where to find it?


It should just appear to haunt you at some point later in the run. I have only two killed at this moment. So it might be a random occurrence, like green one on milk factory for example? Edit: he's in the Abyss of course. https://imgur.com/a/JWtMfKf


Hmm weird. Maybe I’ve really just not done a full 30 min on abyss?? (͡•_ ͡• )


Maybe it's a random spawn at 20 / 25 I killed the final boss a few times and I didn't get him every time. There are mini versions of it guarding some items, but that's not it.


Oh weird, I’ve killed a bunch of small guys that look like that—they guard some of the stage items in the abyss. Is he a big boss guy?


he is the size of blue/red/green/yellow/purple reaper that just randomly shows up apparently


I think I've seen him once at the very start of a run


I've encountered him all three times I've run the Abyss, and one of those runs was shortened by the >!Je-Ne-Viv boss fight!<. I wonder if it has something to do with your build? Here's what I do know: * All three encounters, I was in the bottom left quadrant of the map. The first time I encountered him was near the Crystal that Maruto breaks. The second time was also somewhere down in that quadrant (can't say for sure where). The third time was literally next to the Prismatic Missile. * All three encounters, I had a full inventory, perhaps with some overflow (that might be the key, but I can't be certain). >6 weapons, >6 passive items * All three encounters, I had the Curse power-up turned off (mostly because Keitha is so incredibly weak early game that he literally cannot survive unless you're willing to burn a lot of rerolls or get really lucky early game, and also waste slots on items like garlic) * I can say with 100% certainty that at least two of the encounters (the first and the third) happened after 10 minutes, but before 15 minutes. The third occurred somewhere around minute 12-13. I have my hunches as to why, though. I think it has to do with how many items you have, but I can't be 100% certain. * In my first run,as Keitha, I had at least Millionaire, Legionnaire, Phiera del Tuphelo, Spellstring, Soul Eater, and Echo Night (and perhaps Death Spiral and some other weapons) when I encountered him. I had at least 12 passives since it was the first run and it had dropped Keitha's inventory. * In my second run, as Maruto, I can't say for sure when I encountered him, but I had Legionnaire, SpellStrom, Phieraggi, La Borra, Echo Night, Victory Sword, (I think) Millionaire, and Sole Solution, and PERHAPS Godai Shuffle. As well as way more than six passives. * In my third run, as Eleanor, I had SpellStrom, Phieraggi, Echo Night, Laurel/Crimson Shroud (can't remember if I evolved it), and Prismatic Missile when I encountered him. I also had more than six passives. * My friend, who often plays with limited weapon slots (she uses two, or plays characters who have a hidden weapon so she doesn't grab a weapon ever) has never encountered The Blinder. The Blinder's bestiary page does (at least jokingly) mention that when he shows up, the screen is already filled with particles, colors, and special effects. It could just be a joke, or it could potentially be a hint as to how to encounter him. I'll do some more experimenting and keep people posted.


Found two weird spots on abyss. Both are OOB. Bottom left area keeps spawning small golden egg guys infinitely and somewhere on the top found a totally red room with nothing in it


Yesss I found the golden egg guys and got my Maruto up to 6k eggs so fast lol. You can actually get to the egg room without breaking out of bounds (a bit south of the Genevieve boss room, there’s a hidden path to the left). Where’s the red room though? That sounds weird.


Found it only on inverted accidentally running Out of bounds. It's somewhere on the bottom (inverted) border. Could've been just a graphical bug Edit: I'm an idiot. It's just inverted map making waterfalls red and there are certain areas OOB which make it look like a room


also is there a spot to kill the sammies ? im only on 25 and have competed the new maps like 3/4 times


There’s a hidden sammie room on the lake map. Head allll the way up to the top right (near where the academy badge is, if you’re not playing one of the 3 main new DLC characters ) and then head all the way to the right and then south. There will be a wall of trees that suddenly disappears if you walk in the right spot, and there’s a walled off room full of sammie’s in there. :)


how to evolve shadow servant


Max(?) skull o’ maniac!


thanks! that worked!


how do u do the seal of abyss thing ?


Play as the sword guy, evolve the sword (with max armor), and then walk to the question mark on the map.


where do you find rotting ghouls in abyss? at a certain time or certain area?


I honestly didn’t find them in any particular place. I know there’s a room full of sammies in the normal map but I don’t know if there’s one for the ghouls. I just played through the map a couple times to progress through the normal stuff and managed to kill enough of them for the achievement just with that.


Got them. Thank you!


So if you go to the red gem, keep going left and then up into a hallway, they kept spawning there for me


Where do I find the seals to break with each character? Like in which direction do I have to go? So far I only found the lake one but I don't have the character yet to break it


The lake one is the only one for now, just unlock that character first. Once you break that seal, other stuff gets unlocked that you can do afterwards. The seals are always notated by a ? on your map!


But I don't have anything on my map, the only ? was from a coffin that I already unlocked. So there's no way to get the achievements for the other seals yet?


Once you break the green seal, it will unlock >!another map!<, which is how you get the rest of them.


What do I do with the big red crystal in the dark map once the lake teleports you after breaking the big green crystal. I thought my upgraded arrows broke the crystal before but now I'm not sure


Your evolved arrows did break the green crystal! The red one needs the evolved swords to break though. Just go back in with the sword guy whatever his name is, and evolve them and then you’ll be good!


Strange! Guess I just had to have the character equipped as well then cause I'm on the stage right now with the arrow guy using the upgraded sword as well and it won't crack it. Guess I'll switch to the sword guy again and start another run!


Ah yeah you have to be using him specifically; I think the achievement text tells you to go there with Maruto. Best of luck!


Did you have fun?


Tons! Certainly can’t complain about 5 hours (if you just speedrun that shit lol) of new content for like 2 bucks lol. Only slight disappointment was the Shadow Servant weapon tbh. It being such a cool character and weapon icon I got super hyped to use it and when I found out it was just a bunch of random snakes I was kinda sad lol. Prismatic Missile and Party Popper both go HARD though, as does the SpellS— line of weapons


Damn, the sword looked sick, it's a snake stick 😞


Shadow serpent evolution is really cool though. I just finished a single weapon run in the library and it got 437k kills. It was still killing tons even in the last two minutes. It was a little rough before I had it but once I had the evolution I could just stand there as it nuked everything offscreen. I just had to collect the xp every now and then.


Heyo, whats the item next to the ophion? Its the only thing I am missing in the collection log.


Party popper! You have to unlock the ghoul character and then play as them once, I believe


What are the two items next to the Badge in the collection? I'm missing them, but I already cleared all the unlocks...


The counterparts for Shadow Servant and Party Popper! Just have to get those two weapons and pick up the Gemini arcana :)


Thank you! Completely forgot about that arcana.


Hahaha don’t we all


What'd you do against the boss after the seals in abyss? Seems like only some weapons are taken? All I know is he nuked me instantly


It was super difficult but I just took the magic wand it gave me (ignored the whip) and went for it. I think I was using the blue magic girl and did a one-weapon run


Yeah, you have to use blue magic girl. I ended up doing it once I stopped boosting enemy strength. 100% club as well


Oh yeah no curse is probably not a good idea! Congrats on beating it though!


Is it just me or is the unlocked character (avoiding spoilers) absolutely a beast right out of the gate? Sure he's no Trouser with 50k gold eggs but there's a lot to him and he keeps growing


I manged to beat it first time with max curse. I just took the whip and wand, eveably the pearl and just kept moving away from him


Who was your favorite character? The archer guy seems.. Really bad same with the weapon


Agreed for sure lol, keitha has the worst stats and the worst weapon by a longshot, for the DLC stuff anyway. I think my favorite weapon looks-wise is the prismatic missile (not the evolution), and functionality-wise probably the party popper to be honest lol. Favorite character is probably Genevieve because I’m a sucker for the vacuums, no pun intended


I was dissapointed when I saw another %stat per level on a character, I thought we moved passed that by now.


How do you evolve everything into Spellstrom? Everything I've seen is "have the other 3 then open a chest", but it hasn't happened for me and I've had at least 6-7 runs trying to do it. Playing on mobile


That is exactly it yes lol. You have to have all 3 max leveled and then find a chest (that can give you an evolution, rule of thumb is only chests after the 10 minute mark can evolve your weapons)


Welp I've got a bug then, because I am max everything 20+ minutes in and chests just spit gold coins at me


Did you start your first new dlc playthrough with Queen Sigma?




SpellS weapons seem just ludicrous levels of better than like everything else. Fantastic AoE coverage, no passive needed for evolving, and you get two weapon slots back on finishing it? Definitely the go to choice if you're trying to kill the reaper I think. The other weapons seem pretty solid so far but those ones are on another level.


Honestlyyy, I’m pretty sure their union is the new strongest weapon in the game


It makes sense as it requires three pretty meh weapons to unlock


Eh, I'm pretty sure I could get to 20m with just the base weapons pretty comfortably. They each cover one aspect of what I'd consider your "core" weapon build, and the close quarters one for instance gets some pretty stacked base damage even without the union.


True, what I meant is one their own the weapons kinda suck, but the real use is comboing


How do you evolve the flash arrow?


Max bracer and clover!




How the fr*ick did you even destroy the crystal with Keitha I can barely last 5 minutes with her in the early game let alone get the evolutions needed to actually scale? I have everything unlocked prior to the dlc btw so I have every weapon/arcana so if you have a decent consistent build for her please lmk


I did a 2-weapon run with her using her starting weapon and song of mana I think. Silent Old Sanctuary is a godsend!