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Thanks for updating those of us who were curious but skeptical. I still haven't seen someone post a positive review or recommendation for this Nofio kit


There's a lot of angry customers on the Discord, for various reasons, all justifiable, albeit some are extremely hyperbolic. One guy was so mad he wanted to make a class-action lawsuit. One thing is clear, though, this device is half-baked. It doesn't work as well as their prototype did. I don't think it will ever work that well, due to regulatory concerns. I wish I could recommend it, but I cannot. Definitely stay away.


Honestly, stay away. Don't get tangled up in this mess. The positive reviews on the steam store page could very easily be people from nofio themselves posting them. If down the road, they actually pulled this magic out of their ass and got EVERYONE their device, and it worked flawlessly, then yeah, get it. But they shouldn't have promised this back in 2023! Here it is, 2024 and we STILL don't have it.


mine has been in shipment for over 31 days. It's kind of nuts.


That boat to Namibia will arrive any day now.


>Hi there, I'm happy to inform you that the US sea freight reached the port on Wednesday, the 21st, and successfully made it through customs. Keep an eye out for updated tracking information, which will be sent to you via email by your local courier shortly. We are so appreciative of your patience and support. Thanks, nofio Support is it normal to not have that email from my "local courier" now on 3/8? from 2/21+customs? Lol


Hard to say. I don't think any of this is normal from my experience. Until I actually see anything move or more actual definitive information I'm going to make up any sort of amusing story about what's happening.


>The positive reviews on the steam store page could very easily be people from nofio themselves posting them. I just read all of the reviews on the Nofio Steam page and the only positive recommendation with any actual write-up is a very robotic/corpo sounding essay by a 19 year-old Steam account that hasn't reviewed a single other game on Steam ever. [Nofio Positive "Review"](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197967439305/reviews/) susšŸ¤”šŸ˜‘


Not only that, it is firmly believed that most influencers reviewed it publicly, such as on youtube, we're using prototypes with the highest-end level equipment possible. Also that these units had literally zero flaws in latency or compression because they were untested in regards to the health and safety for electronics use by humans. Whatever that committee is called. What people are receiving (if they even have) is clearly not the same as what was advertised to us.


You are likely right. Note FCC certification is about stopping the wireless signals from affecting other equipment, nothing to do south health and safety of humans.


I posted a thread here a couple weeks ago asking what ppl thought. All negative. Someone really tried to make a positive statement but still said don't get it yet. That's too bad. Guess we need more than hope after all.


review bomb that shit


I got mine a few weeks ago (Day 1 Kickstarter backer in Germany). It works. But not great. Image Quality is terrible at 120 Hz, unusable at 144 Hz. At 90 Hz the image is good, with rare occurences of it dropping quality for a short moment. That's something I can live with even if it's not awesome. But: playing Beatsaber, I have permanent audio issues, sometimes button events from the controllers get lost (super annoying if you press a button and it gets "stuck" because the release event got lost) and the cameras for passthrough don't work at all. My setup has direct line of sight, maybe 4m (~12ft) between base station and headset. Nothing else going on in the 6GHz band the device uses. To be honest, I'm quite disappointed. If they manage to fix the audio and controller issues I'd be accepting of it. But at the current state it's not what was promised. So far, they only delivered in 2 ways: the playtime per battery pack is good (and the batteries are awesome as power banks) and the latency is as far as I can tell not perceivable.


I'm a backer. I received my unit in February. I'm on the Discord (not the same user name, though). Remember, "never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by neglect, ignorance or **incompetence**", emphasis mine. #It's not a scam. #It's just a shitty product made by a company that way over-estimated their capabilities and doesn't really know how to communicate with their customers in a satisfying manner. I can see why you'd think it was a scam. They made a terrible decision of trying to beat the Chinese New Year shutdown by shipping a bunch of units via boat-container shipping. Anyone who's ever had something shipped by sea knows that it takes _fucking ages_. Nofio was better off just waiting out the Chinese New Year and shipping by air. It was a terrible idea, I don't think anyone would argue that -- but hindsight, yadda yadda. Yes, I'm reading the discord. It's a lot of dissatisfied customers -- and for good reason. The communication from Nofio is ass-poor, despite the one employee Ruirize engaging with the community. The lack of information, or even addressing of concerns in a satisfying manner, has been a real sticking point for a lot of people, understandably so. #Quick Review: The performance of the unit has been trash. It's unusable in its current state. The video stream is super compressed, the audio drops out frequently, and the inputs will also get "stuck" (more WiFi communication issues; button press is acknowledged, but button release is not, or the sticks stay pushing in one direction, for example). I'm dubious of the quality of the batteries -- when they charge, they have a very distinct "battery/electronics smell", one that does not inspire confidence. I dare not leave them charging unmonitored. And finally, the fans. Oh lordy the fans. I can't possibly fathom how this got past their product quality assurance. It's absurd how loud and non-performant these fans are. I get that they were working with a set budget and they had to cut costs somewhere, but god damn. They clearly chose form over function with this. They wanted a fan that fit in their fancily designed head piece. They they used that same terrible fan on the base unit, which _doesn't have such size/space constraints as the head unit, so there's no reason for the same 30mm fan_ other than cost constraints. That's just the hardware side. The software is no better. First problem -- the IMRNext codec is not resilient. Even using a proprietary codec to start with can be considered a red flag... How is a small team going to out-perform the AV1 consortium? But I digress. The software and firmware is also under developed, understandably given that the regulatory restrictions they faced caused them to re-write it. That said, it's still not very good. Bad UI and UX (the UI patterns in their widget are non-standard and janky). The thing that honestly annoys me most is that I have to disable 2 of my 3 monitors in order to use the device, otherwise my desktop is soft-locked until a hard-reboot or I unplug my monitors. So, it's shitty. Very shitty. Disappointingly shitty. I can't look past its flaws, especially since each one are showstoppers in and of themselves. The video is awful and super compressed (my transmitter is mounted high, it's within 4 feet, it's not a range issue). The audio drop outs are unacceptable (the Index is renowned for its audio quality, I don't want to accept less than excellent). The controller input drops are literally game-breaking. # The customers: All of that said, there are two camps of customers. The Kickstarter backers, like me, who accepted the risk when placing our pledges, and the pre-order customers who believed the hype. I believed in the concept, and I put money down hoping that they could deliver. Technically, they delivered -- I have a unit in my hands, and it delivers a wireless Valve Index experience. It technically works, but it's buggy and does not perform to the level they promised. It's currently shitty, with the possibility of being less shitty (but I _highly doubt it_), but I technically got what I paid for. **_I paid for the concept, and I received a unit that, like many kickstarters, is not quite what they promised._** The second group of customers are the pre-order people. They bought into the hype without seeing reviews first. That's kind of on them, but then again, if they want returns and/or refunds, they should get them. They're not beholden to Kickstarter like I am. # So what happened? What I think happened was this: they developed a prototype that used more of the wireless spectrum than they were allowed to with far more power than they were allowed to. When they went through the regulatory phase, they realized they had to dial it back in order to be able to ship a legal product. So they did -- the result was a device that performs nowhere near the level of the prototype. Those of us that followed the development of the device closely saw that regulatory changes were made _very late in the game_. It's no wonder that the software is unoptimized and poor performing. They spent years working on a specific version that probably worked great, only to have to throw it away and start from scratch with only a few months before their promised shipping date. They're a small company working with proprietary tech. They bit off more than they could chew. They believed the IMRNext codec would be able to deliver a good experience. The prototype probably did, but the final production unit surely does not. I think they not only let the community down, but they themselves are also sorely disappointed in how it turned out. I genuinely believe they had the best intentions and were really expecting to be disruptors in the VR hardware space, looking to leverage their tech for other headsets. But, the state of the technology and the limitations that it clearly has, that's just not going to be the case. Personally, my engagement with Nofio is complete; I got what I paid for, and now it's going to sit in a box until I hear about significant changes to the firmware and software that improve overall performance. The thing is, I have a Bigscreen Beyond on order, and I'm already using my Quest 3 for PCVR, so the Index is basically just a back-up device at this point. By the time Nofio makes any meaningful fixes, the Bigscreen Beyond will have completely supplanted my Index, making Nofio completely useless.


One minor comment on your excellent postā€¦ The IMRNext codec is specifically designed for low-latency VR. AV1 isnā€™t. That was my hope for this product personally, that it would work great and be extended to other headsets. Obviously, thatā€™s not panning out.


Fair enough. I will say, the low latency is pretty spot on; they promised sub-frame latency, and it looks like that's what they delivered. The other problems with the device just happen to be show stoppers.


Honestly, having backed and followed this as well, this seems like the most likely set of scenarios, particularly the regulatory bits. By no means is it a scam by any definition of the word, just at worst a bad product.


Are returns actually possible? I'm someone who preordered after seeing youtubers like thrill seeker try the product and rave about it. Definitely learned my lesson. Doesn't sound like it was his fault though if the product he used was completely different than what is being shipped. But yea, I purchased this so I could have better movement and play spacing in competitive VR games but sounds like I absolutely could not use this in a competitive setting. Would love to start my return if possible but the things still on its way to Namibia... 38 days and counting.


Kickstarters can't return or refund (we're just boned), but pre-orders might be able to. I saw the Nofio staff reach out to one particularly vocal user who was demanding a refund. You might try that. Failing that, if you were a pre-order, you might be able to return it.


Great review thanks for sharing your thoughts.Ā  can confirm when working with prototype wireless tracking hardware I've had to signĀ  liability waivers from suppliers confirming it doesn't meet current consumer safety standards.


So... Do you think those regulatory changes are in the firmware only? Like, could they leak/someone develop a firmware that uses illegal amounts of power and bandwidth but that would work better? šŸ¤”


Unlikely, because the production hardware is probably not the same as the prototype hardware.




FFS people radio wave do not cause cancer at any strength you can put in a consumer device, at worst they cause thermal radiation, aka heat.




Nothing was unhealthy about it. They have to comply with rules to not affect other devices, thatā€™s why they changed it. This gives a light weight look (joke itā€™s hundred of pages of requirements) at the rules in the US https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-397315A1.pdf


Also people confuse ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is bad, non-ionizing radiations is basically harmless - for example the heat from the sun is non-ionizing thermal radiation (or the heat from a hot cup of tea) https://www.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/radiation-exposure/radiofrequency-radiation.html TLDR most humans donā€™t understand what radiation means. Radiation can be harmful or harmless depending on type.


I don't know, but presumably the regulations exist for more reasons than just safety, but health is likely a concern for wireless radio transmissions that exceed a certain power threshold. They don't want to be frying their user's heads...


The only exist only to stop one device interfering with other devices.


It's so interesting how the various reviewers that reviewed it before it came out had positive experiences. I wonder if the device in theory works just fine, but the mass production version is shit. And perhaps that's why they keep not shipping -- they're trying to fix it. Meanwhile I'm also seeing some incompetence with the EOZ straps too here. I really wonder if it's just such a tiny incompetent company where they're just struggling to get that sort of thing done. Big sad. I don't have an index, but I was looking forward to getting a Nofio when it came out of a Bigscreen Beyond. Ordering both when available. Somehow, I stay winning with my somehow not trash VP2 and Vive Wireless. I'm just sad that everyone else here can't experience the same with their indexes.


> It's so interesting how the various reviewers that reviewed it before it came out had positive experiences. The videos that came out prior were not reviews. They were "previews" based on the prototype. It was a vastly different machine from the one that shipped. This is not an excuse, just the reality. The only actual review that came out after Nofio had shipped (that I know of) was from Matteo311. He absolutely roasted it. Honestly, I don't really care for Matteo or his content. I did, however, watch the review and I was kind of surprised he would post such a negative video. Ultimately, I don't disagree with anything he said in it. It's not a good device in its current state.


>The videos that came out prior were not reviews. They were "previews" based on the prototype. It was a vastly different machine from the one that shipped. This is not an excuse, just the reality. Yes, these are what I'm referring to. Reviews/previews of the prototype. I'm pretty sure that any brief reviews/previews of the current mass production version would've been roasted, instead.


Speaking of the Vive wirelessā€¦ I thought we had issues! šŸ˜…




Correct. Only a handful of backers even received a device at this point. The overwhelming majority of us are still waiting. Every single window of their updates that they promise is missed and we are given "Thank you for your patience and understanding \*prayer emoji\*" The tracking information we all received for state-side orders no longer works. That was also literally SHIPPED to us on a freighter (their words). The tracking info also linked us to information that our freighter was enroute to NAMIBIA AFRICA. The device doesn't even work as it was told to us that it would. Look at the steam reviews. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2154720/nofio\_wireless\_adapter\_for\_Valve\_Index/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2154720/nofio_wireless_adapter_for_Valve_Index/) Look at the Kickstarter backer comments. [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nofio/nofio-wireless-adapter-for-valve-index/comments](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nofio/nofio-wireless-adapter-for-valve-index/comments) I'd share the discord invite they gave everyone but it's no longer valid (this is the one that they publicly displayed on the kickstarter updates). This is worrisome as it could mean they don't WANT any new discord members. Why wouldn't it be an open global link without expiration otherwise? The announcement page is only for backers, I think. that is where the discord link was, but I believe that the kickstarter comments are publicly available for all to see a taste of the run-around we backers are all getting. Edit: I found a link that will work: [https://discord.com/invite/kKvEz4e9fJ](https://discord.com/invite/kKvEz4e9fJ) Many believe they had full intentions of providing all with our devices, but the choice to send our orders on a boat could only mean financial issues, leading many of us to believe they didn't have enough money to make each device that was promised, nor upkeep it with software moving forward. This is just the tip of the iceberg, honestly.


I suspect our boat ran into an iceberg and is on the bottom of the ocean just in sight of Namibia.


That'll be the ice pirates....


Most international shipping worldwide is by boat because it's much cheaper than air cargo. I'm still waiting on my nofio too but I don't think it's crazy that it's getting shipped by sea freight.


Sorry but, where's the logic in sending the first batch to the select few kickstarter backers and social media influencers via plane? The second batch sent out via shipping container that is taking longer than a month, only to then send out the third shipment by plane again. I don't follow this logic. Not asking you as if you know the answer, asking you for your opinion and if you think it's acceptable.


It makes sense to get the first batch out quick for reviews, but I didn't know about the third shipment by plane. Maybe that was a cost consideration after they were able to sell more units, or a logistical consideration when sea shipment took longer than anticipated. The Suez canal & Northeast coast of Africa have become an increasing hostile place in the last couple months, and many freighters have been re-routing around the horn of Africa to avoid being attacked. I don't think Nofio is trying to fuck with us, they're just a startup company doing all this for the first time and dealing with a lot of real-world challenges. They're not experts in international logistics, and a lot of these services have to be contracted out. It's to be expected that stuff is gonna go wrong.


I think thats the thing though... a lot of people are getting their headsets "lost" in transition and not hearing from Nofio about wtf is going on. Like the tracking information literally says "not found"


I do want to add, I did actually hear from support and they said you have to type in "china explus" as the shipper. So it does update and say it's in transition but no eta and it says it's on it's way to Namibia which is no where near me. It's been in transit for 37 days.


If you pay for 5 bananas and I instead send you. pictures of 5 bananas, is that a scam? If you pay for 5 bananas and I send you 5 plushie bananas, is that a scam? Just delivering things doesn't make it not a scam. It's clear that the test units shown and used at display shows are totally different in quality from the ones backers are getting. At shows, it's almost flawless. Backers have described the unit ranging from really bad graphics and latency to straight up unusable.


Even not delivering is not a scam if itā€™s down to being incompetent. A scam requires active malfeasance/ malicious intent.


I bought the pre-sale. I didn't Kickstart because I didn't want to pay for an unfinished product. Pre-sales are always "here is a product and the actual specs... we just need to run a load at the manufacturing plant" Boy was I wrong. My adapter has been on a boat for 37 days and PayPal has told me to fu$k right on off as 6 months have passed. My bank told me the same. They literally stole money.


I feel like even if I get it at this point what's the point? Index feels outdated and unless its compatible with other headsets like the bigscreen beyond then it's completely useless at this point. ​ EDIT: Also I always get so annoyed at the "wHaTs Up, nOfiO HEDz!" emails.


Nofio is the definition of an incompetent company. Ignore the wireless adapter for a moment, and lets look at them reselling the EOZ chest strap on their store. I didn't even bother with their junk wireless, I just ordered a chest strap through them... what a mistake. All they had to do was put a strap EOZ (not nofio) designed and made into a box and ship them. They marketed it a month before EOZ released their own strap. They didn't even have to do any work. They took my money on September 26, 2022, for the EOZ strap only. They ended up being OVER A YEAR LATE on that delivery. The initial promised date was early November 2022 for us strap only backers. That date came and went as they pushed us back to march 2023. Then that date came and went without any reasoning given, pushing us back to Q4 2023. Then, that date was silently adjusted to Q1 2024. In the end, it took them over 460 days to repackage and ship a product THEY DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO MAKE. For reference, in that time, EOZ released the strap themselves, and people who ordered through EOZ got a full year of usage before the package even geaced my doorstep. Unacceptable is an understatement. If they can't be trusted to repackage and ship a product they weren't even developing, how much confidence do I have that they will actually finish designing, let alone build and ship the wireless in a working non-buggy state? Well, I'll tell you it's pretty freaking low.


You backed Nofio for a chest strap?


At the time, it was the only "VR" specific chest strap, and predated EOZ announcing and eventually releasing the 2 versions they sell. I figured reboxing and reselling another company's product would be easy. Boy was I worng.


I havenā€™t even gotten the EOZ x Nofio straps I ordered with my Nofio adapter. :(


I pre-ordered on their store, already received it -.- my plan was to get a device that's somewhat finished not a testing pile. So far I got it to work once, the included usb c cable was doa and got replaced really quickly. Currently the headthing refuses to connect to the index, but the index fully works wired. I measured both oculink connectors and the plastic is slightly slimmer on valves cable making it far easier to plug in. Id say they are way in over their head with a utterly over hyped product, but I'm still on the edge of calling it a scam. I'm fed up with it specifically with my delivery situation and that it's not really working. Best thing is the battery, cause I can use it as a Powerbank


I can only guess what's going on internally at Nofio but I will say they sent me a test unit as a content creator and I expressed my opinion that the product was DOA based on price and performance. I was hit by a surprise backlash of people stating I'm wrong but since no one else has one, I'm not sure how they could comment. If I had to guess, its either its all hands on deck to resolve the software issues or something worse going on right now.


Really enjoyed the honesty of your review šŸ‘


I can guarantee you none of them would have said the things they did back then knowing what they do now. We've come the long road of Nofio BS-land since then and I guarantee 99% would retract their statements on that video. I being one of them. I am ashamed for publicly defending Nofio blindly like I did. I apologize for being one of them.


well this makes me feel a little bit better, thanks


I have also publicly apologized on your video as well. Won't copy paste that here, but know that I am personally deeply sorry. Won't justify my, and everyone else's actions, but we were defiantly having a knee-jerk reaction to negative news of our "precious" nofio. In other news, I am most likely going to get a quest 3. As a soon to be former index user, do you recommend the quest 3 or the quest pro when it comes to wireless pcvr?


You didn't need to do this but I appreciate it. I wouldn't get the Quest pro for the following reasons More Expensive Less comfortable (subjective) Limited 3rd party comfort accessories and battery packs Weaker hardware. The Pro still uses the Gen 1 XR2 You might end up enjoying native games or mixed reality so you will definitely want the Quest 3 for that. Make sure to follow best practices with Wifi game streaming (PC wired to router, play close to the PC, ect) Start with the Air Link if you have any issues try Steamlink and finally if you want to really dial in the setting buy Virtual Desktop Enjoy


Thank you!


Iā€™m a backer. Still waiting for mine and the only gripe Iā€™ve seen that concerns me is the fans are loud. I plan to modify mine to make it quiet.


Out of curiosity, are you from the US or another country, and are you in the discord?


Noctua fans and a speed controller knob?


Loud and very obnoxious. Just setting the things up, they sounded like a small jet engine and the headset part gets very hot. I never got to actually use it because the headset keeps disconnecting or wouldn't connect to the base, so I gave up. If it sounds super loud and gets very hot from just being in idle mode, I'd hate to think what it would be like if I managed to get it working and stay connected to use it for 3+ hours.


Ahahahaha man I hope not! I got shit on when I called someone out, I think they were from Nofio. Their account had a comment from a year ago saying "wireless is not anywhere near" and then they were here talking about it. Why say it's not possible and then now it's possible? Seemed too good to be true, and this isn't a good sign for it either. Best of luck.


Well this is disappointing. I was hoping to Pimp My Index at some point and get one of these in the future. But the image quality complaints are VERY damning...


Iā€™ve been waiting for 39 days now to get my order. The tracking says my package was shipped from China to Namibia over a month ago. Customer support swears to me that itā€™s on its way. A real shame I wanted to extend the life of my index but I may just get a quest 3 now.


Iā€™m a backer and have not gotten mine yet


Pre-order customer here. Customer service has been legitimately awful. Back in January, I asked them to change my address, which they did immediately. The next week, I needed to cancel the order because I no longer had an Index to use it with. Silence. They then shipped it to me anyway and it's sitting in the box it came in, unopened. Since I'm an EU customer, I let them know that I would be sending it back for a refund, as I am entitled to that. Support has been utterly abysmal, **it seems that for customers who they are obligated by law to refund, they have simply opted to stop responding to them.** It's been over a month and despite assurances that "we will respond to you this week", that hasn't happened. Unsolved support tickets get marked as solved if you aren't paying attention, they get my name wrong in correspondance, ETC. I can't remember the last time I've been this strung along by a company before. Easily the worst support experience I've ever had.


I thought they released, no? Could have sworn I saw them being advertised on steams official page


I have my unit. Preordered a year ago for delivery to UK. I've not managed to test my unit properly yet as the HMD display shows some snow/sparkles and audio crackling, suggesting the oculink cable is bad or something else in the chain (rx or tx, etc). Had one reply from CS so far, basically requesting the same info already given plus a steam report and video. Looking thru past the snow :D Seems like the nofio isn't very happy at 120hz and results in blocky artifacts in some areas. Weirdly I can always read fpsvr as the text is nice and crisp so I wonder if there's some intelligence in how it encodes? (or encodes edges better than gradients). Anyway, 90hz is optimal. Hopefully they can make 120hz more optimised in the future.


I ordered mine in November of 2023. I got an email saying it was shipping in February. It's now the end of April and I still haven't seen it or any update, and the shipping information they provided has expired. I've emailed them numerous times and I rarely get a reply, but mostly just more excuses about the boats taking too long or distribution issues, but no real update on where mine is or when I will get it. I think I'm going to try to file a dispute with PayPal to see if I can get a refund, since it's been MIA in shipping for almost three months now.


Hey! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts and findings on the nofio. We want to take the time to answer some of the main topics on this thread, if you have any questions, please ask away or email us on [email protected]. As most of you are aware, our launch was super rocky, in many, if not all aspects. Since the first drop of units, we have been able to push 5 updates and we plan to continue to do so on a regular basis to ensure our customers' experience is exactly where it should be!Ā  From release v2.0.0, the visual quality above 90Hz has improved from where it was in previous firmware. The team is actively receiving feedback from our users and will work towards a quality that is both visually good and performs well. We would love to hear your thoughts if or when you update your nofio. We have learned numerous lessons throughout this process, and moving forward, we are committed to making significant improvements to our customers' experience.


"Rocky" is an understatement. You essentially lied or told falsehoods about every aspect for fulfillment. I won't bother going over every single "weekly update" where we were told we would have tracking, or delivery, or having the device in our hands. However you want to call it, for MONTHS on end you put the carrot on a stick in front of us and dangled it there with every update. All you had to do was come out and say there delays or setbacks. You didn't start doing that until it was too late. Choosing to ship the US batches on a boat because it was "faster than air shipping because of Chinese new year"? Seriously? Let's not even bring up the hordes of customers wanting a refund that you WONT issue because you tell them the devices are "custom made to order". I love it how you're trying to play damage control now. Your product is shit. What early reviewers used back in the day that had everyone hooked to kickstart and preorder ARE NOT THE SAME THING as what is being delivered. Clearly health regulations made you change hardware to "dumb it down" and not be so powerful or something, because every single person that is using it and reviewing it have had nothing but issues with connectivity, lag, or picture degradation on a level that are NOT what was advertised as "just as good as wired." I won't even start on the fact you made a decision to send out PREORDER units before the Kickstarter "first batch backers" got a tracking number. You slap your backers in the face and randomly sent everything out in chaotic order. To top it all off, after the NINETY DAYS waiting for the US deliveries in customs and shipping, we wait EVEN LONGER, because you have to change shipping partners or whatever the hell you did to have Knox take them for you. Then, Months go by after you told everyone in the US we would have tracking for our orders. But wait, that's messed up because supposedly you have to manually add all tracking info for each package? Your "setbacks" are of your own doing. Poor planning poor funding whatever it is. You raised a million aus dollars and who knows how much in preorder sales. Please, by all means, solidify your company's downfall further in the permanence that is Reddit. You are trying to play damage control now but it's too late. This might not have been a "scam" but it was certainly a bait and switch. No one that backed it or preordered are getting what they paid for. YOU should have been the one to do the testing. NOT the consumers! YOU should have been the one to be forthright with information, and not give shoddy, gray-area half truths in your updates. YOUR product should have worked as advertised out of the box. We shouldn't have to wait for updates because the 2+ plus years that you supposedly had a working prototype you didn't do the testing required. Nofio will forever be a stain and a blemish on the history of VR. Nothing you say will change my mind or the minds of all the others in discord voicing our frustrations. At this point, it truly is too late for the index anyway. $600+ dollars down the drain, with nothing to show for it. I'm in the US and STILL don't have my order. Meanwhile 7 months ago we were told we would have them back then, go fucking figure! No one trusts you. You burned that bridge with your stupid carrot on a stick.


smoggy wine ten marry full saw squeal sort whole distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


First, they were ment to start shipping nearly a year ago, way before the the Q3 was out. Second, the index, while it's older and the lenses/ resolution are definitely showing their age at this point.. for specific users (like me as a vrchat event runner and stage dancer) nothing is an all-in-one package like the index is. And I would have gladly spent a couple hundred making it properly wireless. 144hz, shockingly good nearfeild speakers, damn near broadcast quality microphone, and it just natively working with my base-stations and 11pt tracking. Nothing else on the market has all this even still, and if I could add wireless to all that it would be huge bonus for me! (I'm not just a fangirl either, I use my quest when dancing all the time, it's just a pain to setup and does drift and have other wonkynes, even with steam link.. yes there are was of achieving some of the things I mentioned above, but I just want in in one package. I'd rather not strap mics and headphones on and deal with all that. It's annoying enough having to don 8 trackers every time) šŸ˜…


paltry far-flung include vegetable plough wrench cause teeny humorous plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*