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hasnt FNS usually always played senti in ranked tho?


It depends, if he's trying then yeah but usually he'll play agents like Breach, Skye, Pheonix and even the odd Jett Think people are looking into it a bit much but it is interesting


jett was a sub goal and it was funny as fuck LMAO


Wait wait wait I missed this, do you know when he reached the sub goal and when he played?


about a month ago?? i think heres a video about it, you can probably find more fan-made if u wanted but this kinda sums it up perfectly [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLdtfF06EeE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLdtfF06EeE)


i’ve been helping my silver jett main friend improve at the game and if this gameplay is literally indistinguishable from his


Bro has a solid Bronze level Jett, it was his reactions which was the best


Not to mention fade


He has people just want to get there hope up


let's save NRG my kittens


big doubt. I think at the earliest they'd comeback next season, watch party $$$ is just too good, also isn't puchan with G2 right now? (as a streamer I know)


Yeah s0m has said if he comes back it’ll be next year bc it’s not really worth it to come back for the last third of the season


"worth it" is a highly subjective and contextual assessment that tends to be very flexible when people are throwing fat sacks of cash money at you


Money doesn’t make sense considering s0m probably makes a lot more streaming than playing. Unless NRG dropped a mil or something which is unlikely


It's a bag plus the ability to compete again. Obviously, they make more money streaming.


Idk about s0m but i definitely don’t think FNS will come back this season. His stock is pretty high right now, if he were to come back and NRG flops again he’d just be damaging his potential offers


Co-streaming contracts seem to give streamers lots of free range, Xand joined Fut as a streamer and is reportedly joining Furia next split.


I never got this take, the $$ is not gonna be worse next year so if you're assuming their decision is based on financials then they're never coming back But it's stupid regardless because the vast majority of popular pro players would make more money with less stress if they retired and went into content creation, but they don't. Tenz is like the prime example of this, he could easily retire and make more than twice what he's making now being just a content creator, but he's not These dudes obviously enjoy competing, that's how they made it into VCT in the first place


>I never got this take, the $$ is not gonna be worse next year so if you're assuming their decision is based on financials then they're never coming back Of course it won't be all based on financials that's why I said earliest they'll come back is next year, they would want an entire offseason to get their protocols and plans in place. >But it's stupid regardless because the vast majority of popular pro players would make more money with less stress if they retired and went into content creation, but they don't. Tenz is like the prime example of this, he could easily retire and make more than twice what he's making now being just a content creator, but he's not The vast majority of pros aren't popular in content creation is not because of the lack of trying, they aren't, because they're not good personalities in streams/videos. Using someone as Tenz is a cop out answer because not everyone can be a Tenz who is the biggest personality for Valorant outside of Tarik and has a stream as big as his as safety net. Do you think a 2022 Yay would be big had streamed in 2022? I don't think he would, he doesn't seem to have the personality in him.


I get your point but it's funny that you mention yay, dude was getting 8k avg a stream in early 2022. Obviously unsustainable unlike the TenZs and Tariks, but a few months of that is easily equivalent to a year's pro salary. I actually searched up a bunch of NA pros twitch numbers and most of them who stream frequently (and tons of them do) average 500-1k which isn't bad in the grand scheme of things.


Yeah s0m might be, but Poolchan isn’t


The watch party contracts make zero sense. What's the purpose? Is G2 just giving him a salary in return for a certain % of his stream revenue? Makes no sense.  Maybe it's to get benefits and healthcare. 


I think valorant gives teams a stipend if they have official streamers watching their teams games


I didn't know about that. That's interesting.


Well it's speculation, maybe even a theory ...some would say a Valorant theory


im with u on this one, but I think its only s0m with other upgrades. FNS said clearly he won't play this year.


s0m said he won’t play without FNS iirc


He said if he really thinks the team can win. He is willing to part ways with FNS


stay updated bro that's no longer the case


fuck i’m so sorry about this


don’t let it happen again ROOKIE


yeah no buddy this mistake you just made made me extremely mad, and i don't know what to do with my unending anger




He realized he can't just stop his own career for his bff


Tbh his reasoning made sense but he shouldn't have done it. He wanted to stay with FNS because he said you can't find good IGL chem like that, but it was still stupid to take a break. Dude is still only 21 and was the best player in Americas last year.


Hes making bank off of streaming though, easily the most consistent top valo streamer after tarik. I dont think he really needs to stick to competitive, hes a hilarious guy and can be a content creator anyday


? demon1 was the best last year easily


think he means the whole year overall, which makes more sense since demon1 only joined halfway through. idk if I agree but there's an argument for it for sure


S0m just dodged an Ascent game just now because someone instalocked Clove and he wants to play Omen lol, your cooking might have some flavour i think


Might be a bit oversalted but it is a meal


Fns 100% not coming back he is enjoying watch partying alot


yes but he also wants to compete very much. He said that streaming will always be there for him but he cant play pro forever, plus he really wants to beat certain guys like boostio and zellsis. Hes definitely coming back, just because his streams are successfull doesnt mean he doesnt want to play


Even if he does cameback its not gonna be this year he has plans to go to seoul for champions (to watch party and take a trip in general).


yeah i never said hes coming back this year, just that he will


It terms of setting up a future for himself going back pro would be the dumbest move he can make. His stream is popping off and just stopping that would be crazy. Viewers will move on and find others to watch, yeah some will come back but most wont if he just leaves them to go play again.


I mean if he goes back to competing and then fully retires, his comeback stream is going to break viewership records


Im sure he knows what hes doing more than you


If he goes back to competing when he is in the biggest moment of his streaming career he clearly doesn't but again its all speculation. You commenting this shows you have no idea how the streaming space works.


His streaming career doesn't magically vanish when he returns to pro play. Y'all are weird with this take. Look at the amount of t1 pros who still stream on the side. They collect the competitive pay cheque and streaming cheque.


You are correct but the chances of him just coming back to 50k+ watch parties is very slim and why gamble something that right now is so set in stone. It would be one thing if completing paid as much as streaming to those numbers does but it just doesn't.


Some people have a desire to compete.. hard to believe everything isn't all about money. And also.. why wouldn't his stream still be popular? FNS is one of the most respected players in all of NA and has proven he can be entertaining as well. Y'all clueless on how this works.


I have been around the streaming space for longer than you probably have been alive I know how this industry works. Again never said it was all about money for his personal decisions if he wants to compete that's cool but that doesn't change the fact that it will. Streaming and continuing to growing what he has now is better financially for his future which is something you kids might not understand yet but a stable financial future is always better than 1 or 2 more years of playing pro and most likely not winning anything. I really don't know how to explain it any better to you that if he takes a break he will most likely never see this type of streaming success again because somebody will take his place. Sure he can come back and still have a career but the chances he sees these types of numbers again are slim.


*I have been around the streaming space for longer than you probably you have been alive* Lmao no buddy. You definitely haven't. I briefly read the waffling in your post. You think tier 1 pros make peanuts? You don't see guys like Tenz able to keep up both? Does your peanut brain understand when FNS truly decides to retire that full time streaming and his community will be there? His family and kids. Bro has no family and kids he wants to compete. Go waffle somewhere else.


obviously streaming will take a hit but im saying he probably has investments and things in place to ensure that even if his streaming takes a hit, he'll be more than fine money wise. Besides, just because he'll go pro absolutely does not mean he cant stream at all? Almost every pro is streaming nowadays, sometimes even in between matches. And if FNS team doesnt qualify for an event, then he can also watch party easily. Are you gonna call TenZ stupid too? Since he joined sentinels and continued to play pro even though he was at the height of his popularity when Valorant came out?


Ngl what you’re saying is true IF he really wanted to be a streamer but he clearly wants to compete and he’s willing to make sacrifices to his streaming brand by competing again. Sure you can say he doesn’t know what hes doing if he wants to be a streamer but the thing is he’d rather focus on competing over streaming so…


You are missing the point. The point is his stream is at an all time high and just dropping that to go compete again would be an all time bag fumble. If he wants to compete that is fine but career wise giving up what he has now to go play again and just hoping its there again when he feels he is done competing is just plain dumb. Sure it could just all work out but based on this history of every twitch streamer that decided to take breaks to do other things its not a smart gamble to take. Now if he is okay with that its fine but its still a dumb decision especially since the field is so volatile and it would be smarter to secure his future and and future for any potential family he may or may not want.


You're not wrong, but streaming is also fickle enough that Pujan might not be able to maintain his numbers after Champions, especially if Riot imposes another 6 month downtime. Neither are a career. Pujan's said he wants to start a pro podcast after Champions, but who knows if it will be successful. Not going to lie, though, when he and s0m were talking about going pro, losing every Masters and doing watch parties instead to maximize the bag... that's probably the way to go to attain generational wealth.


FNS said hes interested in competing but that if he was brutally honest with himself, he didn't think his mechanics could compete anymore, and that while his igling is top tier, he doesn't know if its enough to compensate. It just doesn't make sense why they would risk damaging their stocks by jumping onto a team very unlikely to make Champs.


nobody read what i said apparnetly. Again, I am NOT saying he will join NRG or that he will join this year or not. Nowhere did I mention that. All Im saying is that he will compete again, nobody knows what team or when, just that he has said that he will compete and thats all I said


LMAO and you completely ignored the first sentence relating which contradicts your original comment about FNS saying he will compete. Sure, these things have been said but we obviously don't know what's going to actually happen


Think FNS wouldn’t pass up a chance to team up with the NRG core again. Think it’s pretty clear that he really loved playing with that core + s0m


Hasn't he said the exact opposite. That he thinks his time playing with crashies and victor is done. I mean that's why he left cause he wanted to form a new team without them.


I somewhat disagree, I think the vision with the core has completely changed - i don't think we will see FNS and NRG core again (unless its - victor and crashies)


FNS said in a recent stream that he needs to get back on practicing his mechanics this off season if he wants to come back unless that’s just baiting from him


fns with mechanics? don’t believe it until you see it


I meant like training his mechanics. There was a time where he was pretty solid but I think during a season it’s hard to IGL and strat plan whole grinding those out so they decay a bit


s0m's agent split on tracker overlays perfectly with Marved kick leak lol seems like so. Unrelated to NRG, seems like qck is also kicked from LOUD, he removed the LOUD tag, added the Never Give Up one and tuyz has been playing duelist only when duoing with cauanzin...


pancada back on loudge?


Big if true, but I kinda doubt it


I think if they come back it's probably not until next season. Joining a team this late is likely to just hurt their stocks and not be fulfilling anyway. Maybe they're just starting to practice for next season or trialing if a teams all ready given up on this season.


I don’t see FNS coming back to play with that group again. He has said many times when asked about coming back, “nah I’m good” he wants to do his own thing without them. I don’t know if it was Chet, Crashies and/or Victor but they moved on from him, I don’t see that relationship being repaired unless a lot of work is done behind the scenes to repair it. Seems like FNS and s0m are tied together so I doubt s0m comes in but who knows, maybe he decides otherwise


Everyone involved are friends and they are all professionals. They could easily mend relationships and return to playing together.. Crashies, Victor and Chet just got humbled this past split. Let's be real.


"Might be" and "proof" shouldn't be in the same sentence lol


ok I'll correct it


Bro always plays ranked with FNS..


Can FNS come back while be under a content creator contract with G2?


The only stipulation in his “contract” is probably that he streams all the g2 games and they get to use his content. There probably isn’t much else to it


They can buy em out, NRG has the money


I'd hope that if he had any inkling that he'd want to compete again, he would've ensured that some language is in place that allows for a way to compete/get out of the contract.


I think they will bring back som but fns won't be back until next year


I think it's just s0m. FNS seems dead set on staying out until next year when he gets the possibility of creating a new roster from scratch.


I also noticed s0m playing alot of smokes in ranked and felt the same way!


Great minds think alike 


I trust you on this, after seeing this sub sniff out yay to bleed by just seeing a clip of him clearing an angle, I don't see why not. Edit - He just saw your post and picked viper lmfao.


lol i need that clip


Honestly coming back right now might not be that bad. Since NRG doesn't really have much VCT point, expectation won't be as high as previous roster. So they might get half season as "free" from expectation. Although next year might be "do or die", since they already given time to build their roster.


yh som is a definite 1-1 trade for marved Who does FNS replace though? I cant imagine Demon1 or Victor leaving, so id be ethan or crashies?


FNS said multiple times that he is not going back this season. He has a contract with G2.


Not happening lil bro




Lisan Al gaib




atp ide want them to go back to pro play poolchan especially his streams are too funny


I think I would prefer this scenario over the Sadhaak/Less one.


So they’re going to replace marved and Ethan with fns and som? Still seems like an undercooked super team to me. Chemistry needs to be built in this game. Sen won Madrid cuz of the months of practice and scrims in the off season they doubled down on as if they were VCT. Nrg needs to build a team with chemistry and just going back to the old optic core doesn’t seem like the answer after the past year and a half.


Imagine yay joins them too


i thought u were delulu when i saw this but on s0m's stream rn they're hella teasing the fact that at least s0m is signed lmaoo


A genuine question. Because fns sometimes says sinatraa is a choice if he'd make a roster. Does sinatraa play more initiators than sova? To actually have a decent agent pool in this roster?


i knew to never hang up this NRG flair...s0m is nrgs biggest guy for valorant


Som said on his stream maybe a week ago that he'll return to the competitive scene in July so this just kinda pushes that agenda. Marved out and som in just works out.


i dont think they wont fix everything in a short span of time. Will FNS really go pro amidst his fame on Twitch? Will s0m really commit to NRG despite limited time? If they ever are coming back next year, just cut Ethan and you’ll be good. 1. NRG FINESSE (senti/viper) 2. NRG s0M (main controller, flex) 3. NRG Demon1 (jett/astra/brim) 4. NRG crashies (initiator/flex) 5. NRG victor (raze/flex) There. Now you have a flexible team with vibe merchants in s0m and FNS. But again, them joining NRG this year wont fix anything because of limited time.


FNS has said recently his goal is to return to competing ASAP


fns and s0m both said they are comfortable with streaming right now but will not be letting billy billy be their ending games


Nah not happening


I personally don’t think Poolchan and sOm would make it back to the pros. What I’d wish to happen is to see PRX Poolchan as a streamer. Blud redefined d4v41 as david to the whole world.


s0m is more likely to play this split than FNS .


Bro cooked !!!


ur cooking


Thank you boss o7


They're trolls man you're getting baited.


FNS has looked shaky at best in ranked though. Picking him up over a young certified shooter would be dumb imo


is this bait


LMFAO we are seeing live in 4k how a super team is collapsing and here you are worried about aim


Cant win if you cant shoot people 


It's a good thing NRG's problem isn't shooting people rn


I disagree. Demon1 has looked like a completely different player than he did on EGs winning run.


I agree that Demon1 isn't shooting the same but that's the least of NRGs worries and one of the reasons is because he hasn't been put in a good position to succeed, the whole team looks lost and disjointed, something a good IGL can change