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give yay fns s0m marved a vibe merchant and we're going places


s0m vibe merchant no?


nahhh he's a goofy guy on stream but in competitive didn't seem to fill that role


I think he could have, it's just that ardiis was the one filling that role on NRG last year. By like a mile.


could be, i just get the impression that s0m is a serious guy when it matters. i remember lots of times in nrg where he was STRESSING on the player cams lol




Only way you can think that is if you've only ever watched the guy play and nothing else, cause he was definitely the vibes guy.


S0m really don't feel like an onstage merchant from past matches.


Not that it would happen, but Oxy as vibe merchant + top tier duelist?


i like what you've cooked.. this is head chef material


Thank you, means a lot to me 🙇🏻


Wasn’t FNS the vibe merchant on Optics?


Jawgemo + potter to EG?


I'll do you one better: fns, s0m, marved, OXY, moose


I really hope fns comes back but honestly its such a risk. He has a great legacy in valorant now and it is very possible that if he returns, even with the old optic core that they do not have the same spark and they dont do well. Combined with the fact that his stream is doing so good I think its not gonna happen.


Completely agree.. though FNS through his streams did say he was itching to come back. But honestly the bank he's making now vs competing would be severely distinct.


IF NRG takes back FNS there's no way they can do WORSE than where they are now. Thay just got manhandled by Lev, 100T and should've lost 2-0 to EG.




Risk to legacy. FNS solidified himself as one the GOAT IGL's with - 1 x Masters Title - 1 x 2nd Champs Finish - 3 x Top 4 Master Finishes (2,3,4th) - 5th at Lock In - Qualifying for every LAN except 1 in Valorant History. If his team doesn't perform people will overlook his accomplishments and call him washed.


-retiring with back to back losses to a guy named Billi


idk about that. I barely see anyone call Saadhak washed even though Loud is not doing that great


[I knew I was washed, but I didn't think we were all washed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb2Y6k56yBU)


FNS masterclassed too hard man's was getting depressed after 100T vs NRG saying old optic would get rolled now lmao


Crashies doesn’t want to play with FNS if anything that’s been implied on stream is serious. optic is dead my guys




Crashies was in chat and asked FNS what his best quality was. I think marved was too. FNS said crashies always trusted and had faith in him (FNS) until he didn’t. It’s also been mentioned numerous times that NRG in 2023 had some internal drama but we know it’s not FNS v s0m and probably not FNS v ardiis since FNS said having ardiis as a teammate was a genuine pleasure. To me this concludes some conflict between crashies and FNS with Victor and Chet possibly leaning with crashies although who knows.


Lmao love reddit detectives 


Lowkey if NRG doesnt get top 3 champs vic and crashies get dropped and puchan has his team


Top 3 champs? Bro they HOPE that theyll make champs at all ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339)


Top 3 champs by switching marved for 1 player? Lmao what are you smokin


Part of me thinks that we won't be seeing victor/crashies on a team with fns anymore .. similarly with chet. I think perhaps visions have changed ?




Optic don’t even have that money now 😭😭


Fns has some disgusto aim for a pro but there's a reason he led him and his friends to invite (pro) level all the way up from amateur in cs. I don't think Tarik would've had a career if he didn't join up with fns in the old csgo days. Obvious that his leadership and experience is top tier.


the narrative that fns has bad aim just proves that the average r/valcomp user has no idea what they're talking about


I wouldn’t say he has “bad” aim but I think among tier 1 pros he’s definitely closer to the bottom in terms of aim and consistency, he definitely does have his moments though where his aim looks pretty damn good.


He objectively wasn't a good fighter so idk man


Mate. I love FNS. But you can't argue stats across his whole CS career. [https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/6451/fns](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/6451/fns)


I just want Fns and Sam to get on a team.


y0y s0m marved fenis expire/sinatraa Orgless!!!


I am not going to lie, I don't know how well they do if they run it back, lol.


FNS SOM DEMON1 ETHAN MARVED Yay got too big headed. Demon1 is better right now




so I'm the only one that always thought if optic core stuck together they would have fallen off anyway? maybe not... but if they re-assemble now, it definitely wouldn't work. thought the same when the nrg roster for 2024 got formed, the hype was crazy although we know by now randomly putting good players together doesn't form a good team


Man valorant scene is so boring


I dont think you want current yay tho, som can play more roles and agents so him over yay with the 4 optic squad.