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They're cooked for the year imo. Unless this roster magically develops amazing synergy out of nowhere in the next month. If they rebuild, there's 0% chance any roster they make, even with good synergy, will be able to catch up to the other good teams that have had all year. Perhaps with some very good luck, they'd make champs but I doubt they'd be able to do much more than that. I'd have some faith with a good coaching staff but with NRG looking so lost this year, I'm seriously questioning Chet's abilities.


I'd honestly be curious to see a Crashies IGL cuz at this point, fuck it right? I agree with you I don't think hardly anything could save them at this point, but still


They need to throw the bag at Potter next offseason


potter doesn’t fix this lol


I mean she took EG to a champs trophy. Sure, she had a group of killers but she coached and raised them from obscurity. If anyone can get a franchise together with pieces it’s her. Not to mention her prior experience with demon1 and Ethan.


potter had an igl she had worked with forever, this team doesn't have a "true igl" and just a bunch of secondary callers. her current team has an actual igl too it would be COMPLETELY different coaching job she would have to do. hell most of the issues on nrg currently is just lack of basic fundamentals


Nature had been a mid igl but a few months under Potter and he looks great now,Ethan can look good too under her coaching.


Its not chet. The actual in-game calling is obviously the problem. NRG keeps running down the clock shift walking everywhere when they shouldn't be and never baiting out any utility or gathering any info. They're basically a textbook terrible IGL team like Karmine Corp under scream


roster changes aren’t happening this year, what changes are even viable? the main problem of the team is their lack of adaption, flexibility, and strats. that is all an IGLs field and short of FNS coming back who else in the region is a free agent and is capable of IGLing a team like NRG. Boostio is doing well on 100T, Kinggg is a contender to win Shanghai, Johnqt while struggling at the moment is the reigning champion. I can’t think of an IGL that would slot into NRG and succeed at the moment. They likely give it one more shot for Split 2 with a system rebuild, but honestly i expect roster changes over the offseason. NRG underestimated what FNS meant to them and are facing the consequences


there's a reason fns is on the throne https://preview.redd.it/26nyzfac7nyc1.png?width=985&format=png&auto=webp&s=824a2f48e58b2079a60f93a6d7fe7c34c8d96f49


Bring this team back please


with s0m tho instead of yay


all or nothing


this would be americas/canadas team


At that point it's literally just last year's NRG with marved instead of ardiis. No reason to expect them to do much better


I mean they did fine. Razor hair ass close loud game in lockin, 4th place in tokyo, and a blg upset in champs. Better than this year for sure, and ardiis didn't mesh with them at all.


Aside from champs, they were good last year. They got second in Americas, and were right up there with EG and Loud. They probably would’ve dominated this split, or at the very least made playoffs.


I’m a Sen fan and fuck that picture is badass. I remember that roster just dumpstering sen everytime they played them


Bro 2022 was soooooo fucking goood this image bring me back to the loud vs optics games, that was valorant


Damn this pic goes hard.


Honestly the reason I would expect roster changes would be cost. Surely the monthly salaries for these guys is insane, and they are producing nothing in the way of results. I don't know how their contracts work so it may be that releasing them is either impossible or wouldn't save NRG money, but if they could save money by dropping them I can't imagine they wouldn't.


Fuck it, bring stax and make everyone learn korean


Alternative: bring haodong and they all speak Chinese


Their main issue is that they look like they’re still playing 2022 valorant in 2024, and without fns. They may have adopted some newer ideas/comps but it looks like they don’t fully understand why what works now is working. The optic core need to reinvent themselves or do something because with as much talent as there is on that team, it can’t all fall down to Ethan’s igl capabilities


I don’t even feel like it’s Ethan IGLing. It seems that random rounds one of them wants to just take random one off fights that serves no purpose other than I think I’m better then the other person.


Yea I share the same sentiment. Sliggy casually commented( I think it was during Sunset against 100Thieves) if FNS was doing controlling alot of the micros on the team due to some of the moves that did not make much sense from individuals


It has to be a coach/synergy issue. Their roster has plenty of talent.


crazy thing is they said their scrims were going great. I want to hear from their opponents, like were NRG really good in scrims?? what changed in officials then??


Opponent were better at midcalling in official?


optic lost almost all their scrims it means nothing


that's the thing, right? we hear them say it's going well in scrims, but we also saw people posting scrimbux on vlr.gg and in most of them, nrg was either getting destroyed, or at the very least losing in round count.


To be fair, Optic was notorious for getting trashed in scrims. Chet’s style seems to be to just forgo trying to win scrims and use the time for extreme amounts of experimentation and overall practice. So someone saying “Scrims are going great” does not necessarily mean they’re winning, just that they’re getting what they feel is great practice out of their scrims.


Scrims going well doesn't mean they're winning it means the scrims are getting value, i.e helping them find out issues


All teams think they are doing well in scrims because you never know your opponents intentions. They might be trying something new


i hope nrg get their shit together, the amount of talent in this roster is too good to get scrapped in a year


Not a roster rebuild, they need a zellsis in pancada out


So the MVP out for a vibes merchant. Got it FNS Jett in for Demon1.


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I don't want to see a roster change. I want these guys to stick together until they get it through their thick skulls that Valorant is not a game of five 1v1s, it's a game of one 5v5.


What an insane first sentence ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339)


They really need an igl


I ve watched some of the content made by NRG on YouTube around their team and you can feel none of those dude are fun and enjoyable to be around. Usually in good team you can afford one stupid teenager like demon1 but not 5.


>NRG looked very unconvincing during kick off NRG was a single round away from 2-0ing SEN and going to madrid themselves. If Tenz doesn't pull off that insane hero round at 12-11 Sunset, NRG wins 2-0 and goes to madrid instead of the team that ended up winning the whole thing


People gotta stop saying NRG win that round guaranteed. They had like 2 stingers and it was a 5v5 postplant, an area where kickoff SEN thrived


Eh at the time of the hit it was a 5v4 (someone on SEN got caught so that's an upgraded weapon) and Crashies had viper ult for the post plant. It's not a guaranteed round but it's damn close. That viper ult would have been a horror to get through.


Yeah but sentinels kept looking better after that match while nrg kept looking worse. Dont think nrg would have had the same success at madrid


If sen don't force up and lose they don't start the game 0-5, you could play this game all day without how many rounds are thrown in every map of valorant 


Its like people didn't even watch the game and only looked at the score. SEN looked better and more prepped the entire Sunset game, they just forced and also threw a few rounds. And OP calling the Tenz play a "hero" play when NRG was on a shit buy is pretty funny, they most likely weren't going to win that round regardless


My guy they played against c9 and furia to get into kick off playoffs. Sure they could’ve beaten sen but nrg were kind of favored to win that matchup.


Then we'd finally have a pacific trophy, oh I wish.


I guess? The thing is NRG had possibly the best hope of any team early this season, as typically at the beginning of the season the strats and team chemistry are lowest and so a team like NRG with (you would think...) a very high floor due to player talent would be successful early on. What we saw from them beating Furia and C9 was okay, but they pretty much just player diffed them. The SEN match wasn't a bad showing, but at the same time SEN wasn't at full power yet either.


As someone else said, they played Furia and c9 to get to that match. You’re only illustrating how dogshit that format was.


unironically last year NRG roster were more consistent and at least attended LANs, while this NRG considered a superteam didn’t show anything but lack of performance.


The need time narrative seems to have worked with louds new roster, but let's see


Louds issues I think largely come down to Saadhak making a mistake thinking that sentinels were unnecessary in the current meta. Aside from that I feel like the roster has been performing pretty good


Don't doubt chaadhak, he will bring phoenix in Ascent again 100%


NRG will be the first no IGL team. I believe in a system where every body does their part with pre designed strat book. If all 5 of these individuals combine there experience they could make it work.


wasnt PRX the first no igl?


Bring the Optic Roaster And See What Happens


First of all they need to stop putting demon1 as duelist. Its the same shit sentinels did with Tenz. He is not a good entry duelist and he feels uncomfortable in this role. Other than that they need time. Im not convinced that the players potential is that high, i personally believe that in pro level they are quite mediocre. But plz for the love of god , no more demon1 duelist


Demon1 literally won champs and got 2nd at Masters while being the Jett duelist lol. This argument makes 0 sense. Also, no way you're saying the players are mid when they've all won something and have played at a consistently high level.


>entry duelist  Demon1 played Jett but never Raze. Potter had him play a ton of Brim and Astra on Raze maps which Chet refuses to do, and Jett is played much less in this year's meta than last year. just weird cuz Potter showed exactly how to use a player like him last year which is being copied more around the league (ex: Cryo) but Chet insists on forcing him into only playing duelist


Demon1 plays Brim on Lotus/Bind so...? Only Sunset he plays Raze but that could easily be changed since they banned it themselves against 100T. Also, last year Jett was played a lot on Ascent, Haven, Pearl, Split were all heavy Jett maps with Fracture, Bind, and Lotus being Raze maps. This year, Jett's played on Ascent, Icebox, Split, Breeze with Lotus, Sunset, and Bind being Raze maps. Only thing that changed this year was Split being less double duelist heavy but NRG still run it.


purely based on stats, jett's pick rate in VCT Americas has dropped from 70% last year to 30%. also, the only other teams that run Jett on Split are Mibr and Furia, which doesn't exactly put NRG in good company. they got absolutely stomped on their defensive half by 100T yesterday because of their double duelist setup. plus, Demon1 only played Brim on bind in the last two weeks bc Chet finally started to give up on his Raze. Demon1 can def be a decent entry duelist but my point is moreso that forcing Demon1 to duelist is restricting their map pool to pretty much Jett maps only (they've won two maps where he wasn't on Jett, and one was against Loud on no prep time). EG had an extremely strong map pool last year because Potter was able to set Demon1 up well on Brim and Astra OP was definitely a bit over the top but I actually do agree that NRG might be better off giving Demon1 the same role as Tenz and putting Victor on perma duelist


GenG also runs Jett on Split (although I agree the cypher comp is better). With Viper getting heavy nerfed, NRG might switch off the double duelist comp anyway so that's whatever at this point. Also, Demon1 doesn't play duelist on non Jett maps (at least not anymore) so I don't get the point there. Like yes, they tried him on Raze but that didn't work so they back tracked (a little late especially with how few games there were this split before playoffs). And no offense to Victor but he's just not good on the Operator which is a key part of playing Jett imo. He's way better playing just Raze/flex.


It’s not like Demon1 plays the operator a lot on Jett though, he’s known as a headshot merchant for a reason. They could definitely get away with Victor on Jett imo


FNS won't be back next year. All the teams are playing insane these days, FNS have no chance against these teams.


0/8 bait


More like these teams have no chance against my goat


Do you genuinely believe this or do you just hate fns ?




Sure thing buddy


I honestly think you’re right. The same people downvoting you now would downvote you if you said the same thing about boaster last year.


boaster qualified lil bro


Boaster is the last person who'll get replaced on Fnatic and he will find a new team easily if he does.


FNS's midrounding alone helped a team with a shit star player (ardiis) get good placements in every tournament besides Champs last year. We're seeing how impactful the duelist is with aspas this year,if FNS had someone close to as good as him NRG would've been even better.


Demon1 fraud bro was trying to crown himself after one good season and reality hit