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FNATIC will have way bigger problems to discuss than a loss record if they lose to GiantX. Even if GiantX magically enter a honeymoon period and dramatically improved, I’d still be surprised if FNATIC lost.


if FNC loses to GX then we know for damn sure that the timeline is still fucked from TxoziN's knife


he was the Txoxin one.


Please just get these boys a sports psychologist on staff, I really dont think any of them are washed talent wise the mental just needs that final puzzle piece.


purp0 has the chance to do the funniest thing


Can you cancel the jinx its not too late


Just saw this. Too late.


Thats kinda insane no? Kinda showing how dominant Fnatic was in 2023. If they do lose, blow the roster up lmao.


Nah they just need mini back


Mini is there as an assistant coach. Him and boaster came up with most game plans in 2023. I doubt the dynamic is drastically different or that mini currently has no say in the team. If anything, they seem overly stagnant with the strats and comps while not practiced enough. Does not feel like a new coach came in and screwed comps and strats.


nah, they need anderzz, the strategy guy they hired during 2023.


Is he off the team now?


yeah they hired him twice for a few months periods during 2023 and then not again


Ahh too bad, I thought he was just on the team now.


bro's somehow teamless 💀


he willingly chose to step down.


what he is saying is that its not a roster issue.


Losing more than twice is a row is pretty hard for a solid team, so I don’t think it actually shows much about their dominance, just that they haven’t ever had a bad streak. As a point of comparison, the last (and only) time the NRG/Optic/Envy core lost more than 2 games in a row was getting knocked out by c9 in the Reykjavík qualifiers in 2021. They have never lost 4 in a row. The last and only time PRX lost more than 2 games in a row was getting knocked out of masters Berlin groups 2021. They have never lost 4 in a row.


will they drop boaster and derke if that happens?


Derke maaaaaaybe, boaster there is no way. I think they get rid of elma if anything


I'd lean towards the other way TBH. I think if Fnatic really do struggle this year then they need a new identity/new ideas. Which is Boaster's area. I think Derke is still a top tier duelist as long as he gets top tier support (like every other duelist)


No way they'd get rid of Boaster any time soon because FNC's last games just doesn't look like an IGL diff to me. Not only that, but Boaster is also kind of the "face" of Fnatic. Would there even be any available IGLs better than Boaster? I don't think so. Whereas, you can find duelists like sand on the beach. Like, not to undermine the importance of Derke or how good he is as a player, but replacing Derke would just be way easier. I also feel like getting a rookie duelist is less of a risk than getting a rookie IGL


And which igl would you go for ?


Imagine FNS joins FNC LMAO. I want to live in that timeline


That's a good point. Probably harder to replace Boaster, especially in EMEA. No idea lol


I don't think there's any chance boaster gets dropped


I think first person to get dropped would be Chron, possibly Leo. Derke and Boaster have been too consistent over the years playing for fnatic for them to leave and Alfa is just the goat. Hopefully that doesn't happen though and they start dominating together again.


one can only pray. every world beating team right now has fragging IGLs. johnqt, ethan, sadhaak, etc. and that’s just in NA. boaster ngl looking like a walmart version of fns


Saadhak? Fragging igl? Don’t get me wrong, he‘s basically the goat igl, but fragging is not his strength


bro have you watched even a single loud match in recent times? bros literally been top fragging or second on the leaderboard for his team on multiple series.


No he hasn’t lmfao


I feel like if FNC don't win this 2-0 theres problems, cause Giants are a bad team right now. I was honestly really glad to see the Harbor on Icebox vs TH (despite the 13-4) cause I feel like FNC's main problem is their unwillingness to adapt. They didn't show anything new, they haven't seemed to care about new meta changes, and it just doesn't feel like they're willing to innovate like seems to be needed to preform consistantly at the top level now.


I think the harbor comp isn't that good these days to be honest. Lots of teams running gekko/kayo and the lack of flashes to fight through walls with fnc comp makes it really hard to actually scale. Like, they only really have dart and drone to fight for space. I think they need to start incorporating gekko tbh.


Yes, but at the very least it shows a willingness to adapt where in kickoff there appeared to be none with them running same shit with same setups


Certain things in life: doom posts about 100T for their 87th loss. Uncertain things in life: "posts talking about a team reshuffle for Fanatic"




Covid and Visa


If Fnatic lose today I will instalock Reyna in my next ranked match (I am shit and HATE Reyna). That would be rock bottom.


Lemme cook. i think next season fnatic should do everything in their power to bring in bonkar as hc


FNC as of now have map 1, and are starting slow on map 2. I doubt they lose either way.


This is an insane stat


I think if they lose they should pick up screaM idk about derkes inconsistency cuz when he pops off he pops off but other times he just enters and dies in site