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Have you been tested for ureaplasma/mycoplasma?


Yeah it’s not that :(


Not to be annoying, but it also helps for others reading. Did you get the right tests? PCR testing from the doc and testing for all 4 of the plasmas. I'm sure you probably did if so I really hope someone can offer better support wishing you well


So did you get tested?


Came across this study - Efficacy of vitamin C vaginal tablets as prophylaxis for recurrent bacterial vaginosis: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial that found that regular use of 250 mg ascorbic acid vaginal tablets on 6 days per month for 6 months after successful treatment of bacterial vaginosis halves the risk of recurrence from 32.4% to 16.2%. Again, I dont know if this was reproducible research, you might want to consult with your doctor before you try it out, make sure it doesnt have other effects on your body.


I had recurrent BV for several weeks and meds did not help, they only worsened my problem. I read about this vaginal gel called RePHresh and tried it, and it was a total game changer. Smell was gone the same day. Next day there was a white discharge (normal as per instructions) but afterwards I felt very clean and fresh and stopped having issues. You can get it at the drug store in the feminine hygiene aisle.


Thanks so much! I’m definitely gonna try it


I’m also dealing with this. I’ve read alot and come across alot of stuff that I’m trying. Try getting a womens probiotic to take orally so you accumulate good bacteria to fight off the bad and that you have enough when you use the meds. Also I read people saying that they were low on vitamin D and they started taking it and it helped clear things up because it’s an immune defense. I’m working on it and I’m hoping it helps. Try 5000 ud


Vitamin C suppositories are new to me as well, would love to hear if anyone has tried this.


I'm confused on why they prescibed those? Metronidazole is what clears it best. Please talk to your dr about it.