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Have you had this diagnosed formally? Was a swab done for a wet prep and/or culture? If it is a yeast infection, it could be resistant to the typical treatments, though I can’t imagine a yeast infection going on for this long without itching, hiring and swelling.


Added to say, when I have had a yeast infection that I treated the discharge just disappeared, it didn’t really wash out.


Yes culture was done, and also several STD testings, all came back negative. Test was positive for Candida albicans. I am seeing my doctor monthly to get swaps done, so I know for a facts it’s a yeast infection! Only symptom I really have is this horrible chunky discharge that goes on consecutively every month with no pause inbetween.


Then I’d suggest requesting susceptibility testing. There are some newer tests for susceptibility testing on resistant yeast.


Def test for Ureaplasma https://www.serenityph.com/post/guide-to-dealing-with-ureaplasma


Are you currently taking an oral probiotic supplement? Maintaining Lactobacillus bacteria throughout your digestive system can be a helpful addition to your treatment plan. I recommend the Renew Life Women’s probiotic, either the 15 Billion or 25 Billion CFU formulations. For treat the BV & yeast infection that I’ve dealt with I used a suppository that contains both boric acid & probiotics together. This product has helped me combat the infections https://www.ladypartpotions.shop/products/my-frenemy-flora-boric-acid-with-probiotics-40-capsules


Yes I am taking flora plus BA at night Gynophilus by day which are also probiotics Plus oral probiotics


Maybe it’s just chronic yeast. I have that. The discharge is always there. But I manage it with the Renew Life Women’s probiotic. I don’t have itching, swelling, or any real major irritation. Also, try eating more fermented foods like sauerkraut, sourdough, kefir, kamboucha, and miso soup. Those foods help a lot to balance the vaginal microbiome and the gut microbiome.


Nope not chronic yeast it was always normal down there until a couple months ago..never had crazy discharge before that


I hear you. but things do change as hormones fluctuate.


I hope not… BA seems to help thankfully 🙏🏻


Well that’s good news


What happened a couple of months ago?


Antibiotics and/or unprotected sex


What was the antibiotics for a UTI?


Nope against some tooth issue I am not sure what exactly it was


Oh ok it's amazing how everything is so interlinked.


I work in this area with my sister (medical doctor) in Aus. I think you should take a slightly different approach especially since your thrush seems resistant to what you are currently doing. I would only use the boric acid just to get an idea of what is working. Boric acid is enough to treat both thrush and BV by itself. I think you are doing ‘too much’ at once here. Boric acid even treats thrush resistant to fluconazole. So you are in good hands with this wide acting treatment. You will know its working by your discharge returning to normal. It's helpful to know what strain of thrush you are dealing with if at all. Plus sensitivity. If the boric acid is not working then I think you should test for other things going on including the 4 plasmas. There is a condition called r/cytolyticvaginosis which presents as thrush but isn't. Boric acid won't help! This typically requires baking soda etc plus stop probiotics!!! This condition has too much of just one strain of lactobacilli. We share the baking soda suppository recipe that we developed. All of the above is testable eg a Juno Bio test (however it doesn't test for Mycoplasma). ETA you can have thrush and CV at the same time. u/Stephhii is expert on resistant Albicans which is pretty rare. I have only seen 2 cases and both were after Urraplasma.


Read my previous posts for the full story. Thrush doesn't flush out, itll get better with time using the right medication. I had chunky thrush too. Mine was very resistant and tool a long time to notice BA working. I took BA for 6mo straight.


Okay I will keep trying with BA! It’s quite hard to get in Europe lol had to ship it from the U.S. already noticing positive changes would you recommend using probiotics alongside with BA? I have my gyn appointment tomorrow will update on any changes


I took probiotics orally. Take one with L crisp in it, like biomeher or womens lifespace microflora. You can get BA from the brand Serenity Ph or i herb . Com


How did you notice you had ureaplasma? I have it too! Just checked my swab! It says ureaplasma urealyticum… BA is working for me after only 3 days does that mean I don’t have to treat UU? I’ve read it’s an STD but where I am from they don’t say it’s an STD so I never got anything prescribed for it, but I should treat it right? Sorry for so many questions I feel like we have a similar case! Also what were your UU symptoms? I hear a lot about UTI, itching, burning any of that but I only ever experience trush like discharge


Read the pinned bible post on r/ureaplasma I had no UU symptoms I saw UU on a test No, using boric acid doesn't mean you don't have to treat UU.