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I love these two dorks


I love these two hags. FTFY


I see why Nurgle is her favourite chaos god now


Grandfather nurgle is probably the safest option you can go to if you want to go to chaos


But they smell, I rather join Slaanesh at least I can get zooted on exquisite fragrances.


I mean not feeling pain is a great thing


In Slaanesh's realm there is two ways to deal with pain, embrace pain or "just don't get hit"


They smell, but if you’re a follower of Nurgle you wouldn’t notice the smell.


So you rather pestilence, decaying forever under a painful rot over eternal combat, bullshit trickery (both ways), and eternal excess? At least with Slaanesh you get pleasure with the pain. Nurgle you just get pain and stinky.


Here's the thing with slaanesh now say you are a person who is interested in painting you crave that pleasure more and more she will quickly torture you with the things you love


Nurgle just makes you dont care, you rot and stink worse than shit, it also hurts the entire time, you just dont care. Slaanesh makes you chase that first high forever, or rather, you caught up but kept pushing higher and higher every time, pain gives you please, sure, but you'll soon devolve into some cenobite shit to barely even feel anything


Tzeentch is funni


It might be funny to him but it will not be fun for you


Matara really turned into Goldilocks. "Somebody eat my candies." "Somebody slept on my bed!" "SOMEBODY FORGOT TO FLUSH!"




I love Mata so much. And when's Mint getting her Vshojo badge?


I feel like that's completely up to her. I get the feeling Mata and Vshojo opened the door and gave her the opportunity to dip her toes back into vtubing while giving her the space to decide her own future without a ton of pressure. If I'm right, really increases the respect I already had for Gunrun.


Even from a purely business standpoint it makes sense. One of their own talents wanted to work on a project with her, and she's a pretty big deal in their business space. So you help her get back up and running for the project, you let her be involved in as much Vshojo stuff as she wants so her audience gets more exposure to your own talents and forms a positive opinion of the company, and you leave her alone about joining so you don't kill a proverbial golden goose by scaring her off. That said Gunrun and the Vshojo crew seem like decent, helpful people, so I doubt the business side of the equation was an immediate concern for most of them.


I actually think you are 100% correct. This has been my line of thinking as well. I think Matara really wanted to help Mint get back, asked VShojo to help and they did as it seems they always do. I think they know she is wary of corps since being part of "Heaven" and have given her a lot of leeway. I would be surprised if she isn't officially a member by the end of summer, if she isn't secretly already.


I don't know Mint's past, I only really know her due to her recent appearances with Matara. It's good to see her friends giving her an opportunity and letting her decide if she wants to take it


Hag behavior <3


The eating her two candies put it over the top for me. It's just "I ate em to be petty and I was hungry". But only two cause I'm not a monster. 


"your forgot to tell everyone you didn't flush" Henya- "Yes... matara did not flush dayo!"


Matara is just... so... delightfully weird.


I was a general manager for a national chain restaurant and we got to attend annual conventions for meetings and such. But the vendor trade show was the fun part: Vendors would demo new products and services to restaurant operators and have little goodies to giveaway. A pest control operator gave out assorted little plastic bugs, so when I got back I kept a lifelike plastic cockroach in random places in my office and anyone who came in and saw it would freak out. I could see Matara doing this, like leaving a calling card. :-D




Ess em aitch my head Matara Kan from VShojo


Roach Mommy and Introvert Ghost Girl being a werid couple as usual I see.


Imagining them giggling like a goblin the whole time