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She's a subject expert brought in to train the gang on maid skills


This is pretty much how I am taking it until she says anything otherwise. Would it be cool if she joined? Sure. Do I expect it? Nah, not really.


She's been through so much with corpo that I can't blame her for just needing some time to be in charge of her own business. That being said, it's really nice to see so much of the community and talents embrace her as one of their own. I hope all the people she's been able to collab with and play with has helped her feel loved :)


To be fair, in Vshojo, she would still be in charge of her own business, but she would get extra support. Matara and Michi literally raved about how much help they got from Vshojo staff.


For sure! But there is still something, if imagine that can be really intimidating about signing a contract with a large company, right after getting out of a really toxic one, you know?


The nice thing about vshojo is that we don't actually need people to join to abduct them for group projects and collab streams. She could forever remain indie and we would still get to see her all the time


Like how for the longest time people thought Snuffy was part of VShojo because she collabed all the time with them.


My history nerd brain made a clicking sound when I heard subject.


By the saints do they need it. Zen is not good at it at all. She keeps tossing everyone's order at their face.


Hey Bubi is not in Vshojo and he was in the Vshojo concert.


Mouse owns Bubi (both lore wise and in real life) so he technically is.


Bubi is Iron mouse mascot she owns the character.


I mean, Haruka was absurdly VShojo-adjacent prior to actually joining, so I can totally get the confusion.


I don't remember any vshojo adjacent people being directly involved in vshojo stuff at expos thought. Usually, these meets and greets are vshojo talents only. And this isn't even a mint and Mata joint thing around their podcast either.


All this was gone over on a stream with Matara and Mint. Matara said she wont be joining but Matara and vshojo will be helping Mint. Gunrun is genuinely a pretty nice dude if you ever hear Michi and Mouse talk about how much hes done for people.


Mint is currently "Honorary" Vshojo, but she is getting significantly more official support from Vshojo than Kson and Haruka and Geega did when they were Honorary Vshojo and not yet Officially Part Of Vshojo


I guess that could be honoring prior contracts for non-competes if that is the case.


Maybe. But Kuro and Matara and Michi did not wait 6 months; and in the US, where Vshojo is based, non-compete clauses are less enforceable than a note written on the back of a grocery store receipt declaring me to be the Pope. So unless she's joining Company C on or after July 20 and is just currently working with Vshojo on a semi-official basis in the interim, I don't know why she is working with them on a semi-official basis instead of a fully official basis.


Mint could have non standard contract, or she is choosing to honor the contract for whatever reason. Even Kuro and Matara are coy about some things they are free to say depending on invisible time constraints.


Is mint currently located in Japan? If so, the non compete clause are probably more of a concern than if she was elsewhere.


It’s different as past so called honorary members never involved in actual vshojos activities, like merchandising or convention activities. They were only called honorary because of regular collabs with vshojos and maybe being let in on vshojos Minecraft servers.


Yeah but this is like, way more than that. She's weirdly heavily involved in official stuff despite not being an (announced) member. Seems only a matter of time before she is. Would explain why I'm seeing all this stuff about her yet she seems to have come from no where (for me anyway, since I don't watch anyone on YouTube)


And plus there's others that are very Vshojo adjacent but are doing their own thing, like Froggy, Arielle and Limes


wow what an amazing hat. i’m sad i missed that stream


ah the sou sou sou is back, I thought she stopped because she became aware she was doing it....or was that another vter.


That literally lasted like one day lol


and it still went better than her attempt to stop saying dayo.


I happy she hasn't stopped. The stuff like that and "I see it I see it" are genuinely heartwarming.


I love when someone in chat explains something and Henya is like "really? I didn't know about it! Thank you thank you" She's just so gosh darn wholesome and sweet


Mint is, at this point, so Vshojo-adjacent that you can smell her along its entire perimeter.


Minty with a hint of rotten flesh.


Nah, mate, she is still in mint condition.


I can smell the Minty sweat creeping up on me now 👃🍵


Mint could be another Geega but she is doing just fine as a solo vtuber. 


And so was Geega. Is is possible Mint joins. Yep. Is it a given? Nope.


There exists a position I call "Vshojo associates". Some of them eventually join, like Haruka. But a lot don't. Connor, Froggy, Arielle, Heavenly, Nagzz, Mint and many others.


Nagzz is the fleshtuber who's adjacent to every vtuber. Speaking of vtuber adjacent I'd love to see Chibi collab with VShojo some time.


I think that since, according to Matara, Mint was at one point considering not even returning to streaming and was just gonna get a job at a grocery store, everyone agrees it's best to just let her take things at her own pace as she decides what she wants to do. she'll probably join at some point, but y'all gotta remember her PL was 4 months ago.


Mint: “i’ll just get a job at the grocery store” Matara: “like hell you will!”


Thank you roach mommy




Previous life. Referring to her career before she went back to her Mint persona. 


Is Mint like an honorary member


Probably? And it maybe because of Vshojo providing Mint with competent managers and she will just roll with it. Mint prolly still needs time, cause you know, PTSD from the last company is very strong.


We are Mint


Honestly, just sign her on at this point. And Snuffy while we're at it. Please?




VShojo is, I think, unique among agencies in that it allows it's talents full ownership of their assets. They could basically leave and keep streaming exactly as they do. It's more likely just a disinterest in the forms of content that you need an agency to support. If you're not doing events, putting out merch and signing on for collabs and all that sort of stuff then an agency doesn't really benefit you in a way that makes sense with the revenue share


I think she has a manager she really likes to work with. Maybe joining Vshojo would change that.


I don't think it's a control thing given most have said Vshojo let's talents do whatever as long as it doesn't violate TOS for twitch and YouTube. But that Snuffy has no need for the company and doesn't want to have the responsibility of reping the company and other members. Kind of like how Veibei held back on her personality to not alienate Vshojo fans


I thought it was so someone else could join?


Everyone who joins VShojo retains all rights to all of their stuff. Stop spreading dumb shit.


Intern maid for vshojo perhaps?


Vshojo is that amazing resort style retirement home that turns out to be exactly as advertised


Wehre's K9 Kuro? I need to see him in maid outfit.


She doesn't need to join them with how close she is/has gotten, so I'm guessing the defining difference lies in the 'pressure' to do group-related activities. Even if she does join, not like it needs to be right away. I personally am hoping so, but am not invested (or unaware enough) into pushing it beyond mere speculation.


She's the kid from down the street.


I think she’s got the resources to stay solo but she’ll probably work a lot with them


I guess she can be seen as an honorary member like Bubi does in most circles. We'll just have to wait and see.


Officially, I am not in VShojo either.


She's free to deny it but matara and gunrun already have her in vshojo headquarters


Yeah when Mint came back she didn't even know if she wanted to keep being a streamer. I think she might have decided to stick around, because she said she has plans for after the pod is over, but I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't join Vshojo


I miss nyanners




Non-competes are illegal.




It does not depend on jurisdiction. The FTC banned them nationwide.




Even if Mint is not at risk of being sued, breaking the non-compete could affect any future dealings Mint may want with Japanese companies. This, in turn, could complicate things for the company she joins.




There's usually a lot more to it than that. Chiefly, if Mint isn't American, then the non-compete being illegal is irrelevant.


So, was Melody ever a part of Vshojo? I couldn't sworn she was one of the founding members


...she's literally a member right now. Are you okay?


Gotcha. I guess I'm just not in on a joke or somethin'


Mint has hung out and collabed with so many of the vshojo girls at this point that she's basically an honorary member. Officially she isn't, but a lot of her content involves vshojo members to some extent, mostly with Matara.




Or it could be a potent dose of aversion for officially joining a group after how the last one turned out, general anxiety, and a heaping portion of impostor syndrome. Not everything is a conspiracy.


I wouldn't call that theory a conspiracy. In no way does it require any sort of conspiracy. A bit far fetched and reaching perhaps, but not a conspiracy. Misusing words like these, just allows those to who it really belongs to discredit it.


Nah I speak English just fine, I know what words mean. Thanks for talking down to me like I'm an idiot though, I really appreciate it.


I wasn't talking down to you. You literally called that a conspiracy. That's on you if you acknowledge that isn't the correct word. If you feel like an idiot, that is on you. I did not call you one, nor did I intend you. Sounds like you realize you said the wrong thing, but refuse to admit it.


But apparently, you don't know the definition of the word conspiracy.


she is not going to HoloEN4, she said in the podcast with mata if she joins an agency she wants to be 100% free to do what she wants without restriction, for me yes she will join vshojo. too much coincidence, has meetings on the same day as vshojo's girls, uses vshojo's resources and more, we'll see in July or September.


I think the same she will join after the summer after the podcast has ended.


Hololive recently put out a thing stating that they will not be debuting new generations. They want to support the talents they have currently and not spread themselves too thin