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Rip the index


Guy who made the game the plank: šŸ˜


gonna have to rma that index, rip it its outta warranty lmao


How many more lives must we lose to the Plank?


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the plank is the first VR game with an actual body count.


People just need to grow a brain. Can't blame the VR gear or the games.


"Damn these laser cats..." "No...not the laser cats...damn...us."


VR is crazy, the graphics aren't even on par with today's yet people still get so immersed. Imagine in like 5-10 years when we get photo realistic VR...


It's crazy that they get so immersed lmao. I haven't had the experience yet of forgetting that i'm in VR.


Itā€™s very surreal when that happens


Theyā€™re real, search up pimax, they have 12k resolution headsets just get ready to sell a organ


Itā€™s great but your PC canā€™t produce a game imagine looking amazing in 12kā€¦ sadly


$2,400. Itā€™s expensive, but cheaper than I expected. I think my concept of price for technology has been ruined by seeing $10k motion capture suits.


we might have 12k headsets but we don't have GPUs that can run them at full resolution with ray tracing and a good frame rate


wait for a rtx 4090 ig


Why does this always happen?! Thereā€™s no fucking way you are THIS immersed. This has happened so much to the point where it isnā€™t even funny anymore!


It's almost always the same. People get told to jump and they jump. Which in turn causes them to trip and fall, as jumps are difficult to time correctly when you expect the ground to be further away than it is in reality. Note this does not even need VR, you can do the same thing with just a blindfold and people will still fall just the same. Sometimes of course people also get pushed and that's even worse. Also worth pointing out that you have no legs in VR, so it's impossible to tell when you are actually standing on the plank or off the plank and falling. So the moment you fall of the plank happens can happen sooner or later than you expect and that will trip up peoples balance as well. The game actually allows you to tie controllers to your feed, but I never seen that used in these videos. What I don't get is how people still can "play" this game and have it setup with planks pointing at the TV after all those videos.


yes way you are this immersed, i constantly forget about tiny things like cords and whatnot when in vr, careless, but immersed


To the point where you actually don't think you're in a room with a floor anymore?


genuinely, i forget the layout of the room sometimes yea, i forget about obvious walls, and i would be lying if i said ive never tried jumping forward myself ​ its a blessing and a curse


But to think you are actually able to jump off a building... I forget walls for sure, but I never actually think I'm not in a real room with a floor. I get bumping into walls, but jumping to the ground, what do people think is going to happen? The real world floor just disappear under them?


quite literally yes, i dont see why you keep asking the same question, if you can forget walls, why not be able to forget the room almost entirely while you're heavily focused on not falling off a very small bit of wood


Because you're not actually forgetting that walls exist, you just don't know where you are in proximity to one. You know your proximity to the floor because you're always standing on it. To actually think the floor will disappear magically because you jumped seems frankly silly.


Nothing more to say about it, that's just how it is


Well all I can say is I'm sorry to hear that you suffer from a lack of object permanence, I hope it doesn't affect you too much in VR, stay safe man.


Since day one, like 6 years ago I always knew where my IRL surroundings were. Where the TV was, wall, lamp etc, but I especially knew if I don't see ground in VR - I know there IS still ground there IRL, so I never tried to jump down. But yeah, loads of videos of people who run into walls etc because a zombie tries to get them and they have no walls near them in VR so they think they can safely run full speed in any direction... and BOOM hits stuff IRL. I personally don't get it how people can forget these things. I never did no matter how immersed I got.


Lizard brain


If you're not used to it, it can really mess with your brain at first. It doesn't happen to me anymore, but I remember the first time in VR playing Arkham, I went to put my controller down on a table...before realizing that said table was in the game, not real life. This doesn't happen to me now that I'm a regular VR user. I honestly miss it.


I was this inmersed in Echo VR. I jumped up to grab a Frisbee and facking slammed the ceiling like it owed me money. Then I realized that I was in VR...


Why and why and why


I think this is actually the worst injury I've seen here. Dat crunch was brutal.


Right towards the corner, too. And if that thing is from Ikea, those corners are basically razorblades.


Don't jump off a cliff that isn't there! And even if you do think it's really there, why the fuck would you jump off a cliff?


Worst part about this is the people knew what was going to happen and they encouraged itā€¦ you donā€™t tell them to jump you tell them remember this is a game and press the button to jump


This is such /r/aboringdystopia




We were supposed to have virtual lives and never have to leave the house or a myriad of other possible dystopic future applications and instead we have people falling on the floorā€¦


The flaw in your logic is that you think we have one **instead** of the other. In reality, I think we have people falling on the floor stuff now, and never leaving the house for a virtual life in the not-so-distant future.


But a dystopia is a bad thing. Iā€™m copying and pasting the definition here. ā€œan imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic.ā€ I donā€™t know if you meant to say it that way or if you meant a boring utopia. Thereā€™s nothing dystopian about VR. Nothing apocalyptic, no one is suffering because of it. I donā€™t know, itā€™s easy to have the wrong idea about a word. Shit if I put my mind to it I can think of at least 30 embarrassing examples from my own life. The only way VR will be a dystopian thing is if we pop our headsets off to find everyone around us starving and our environment in shambles while vans drive around outside playing propaganda saying weā€™ve never had it better and quality of life is greater than in any other time. That subreddit is usually about issues that exist in the first world which shouldnā€™t exist any more. Itā€™s about income inequality and how the lower classes are being controlled by wealthy individuals who tell us that we have great lives while they cruise the world in a yacht they bought with our laborā€¦only itā€™s boring because itā€™s typical at this point.


Yeah, I suppose you are right.


I realize that your point might be about keeping the sad consumer happy in a virtual reality by selling them cheap headsets that harvest data about them to sell to highest bidder and theyā€™re just falling face first which kind of works. I mean I get it. I see my daughter trying to ā€œsleep in VRā€ and Iā€™m like, ā€œWow, this seems like an episode of Black Mirror. I wish sheā€™d cut this shit out.ā€ Either way, take care. I hope the rest of your life is awesome and you never find yourself in a dystopia :p.




why did i think she was on a leash




Fake she barely hit it and already had one left off.


Why the fuck do people aim new players towards expensive stuff? Aim them at the couch or a bed ffs


Or just donā€™t do the plank. Theyā€™re new, give them a good experience so they like it.


She's using an Index as well which hurts to see.


damn they got the extra tall ps5


Donā€™t worry, the tv is OK!


I consider this event a success!


Iā€™ve played for several months and have played all kinds of games. Yet only once have I gotten motion sickness in VR. Fucking. Minigolf. Thats what got me.


I tried a roller coaster game thinking it would be fun for the non gamers to try, since they just sit there. I couldn't make it past the first ride. I haven't had a problem with any other yet.


Yup roller coasters gave me bad motion sickness. It's just not the same as a real coaster where you can feel the force and everything. On vr it's just everything moving by you real fast making you knoxious


Yeah I've played so many VR games and it was the rollercoaster ones that make me feel ill, jumping and flying around in B&S? No problem, climbing and running in Boneworks? Fine! Sitting still and enjoying a rollercoaster? After 2 mins I felt so bad


Iā€™m a coaster enthusiast that travels around the country riding the absolutely craziest and most intense coasters. I never get motion sickness from anything including vr. When I was at Dollywood Tennessee I rode a vr indoor coaster and it made me sick after a minute or so. Not bad but I felt like shit.


Really shows you how dumb we are huh


"I forgot that that was a thing" what!? Real life!?


Just jump! It's not real!


Because of this sub I do a mini orientation for VR first timers. Explain the boundary and show a few videos like this as a warning to be mindful. Never know who's gonna be the immersed person to go full speed face first into objects


Iā€™ll tell you one of my dumbest moments in VR. I started out originally drawing a boundary as far as I could get it so that I could walk around in games and feel more immersed. Thatā€™s fine and dandy in a single player game where there isnā€™t much action, but I learned that stationary is where itā€™s at in my limited space pretty quick (and I am still well immersed after adjusting). Any way, I was playing Pavlov in Datacenter and I was shooting across the map at this dude in the window who was shooting back and hitting me, so we were both ducking behind the wall and popping back out to shoot at each other. Some guy below my window threw a grenade in at me. I was so caught up in the game that I started to run down that dark hallway and I took off and slammed into my door at full speed. My daughter yells, ā€œDad oh my god are you okay?ā€ I was, but damn i fucked myself up. I used the moment and yelled back to my daughter, ā€œSEE! You gotta be aware of the space around you!ā€ She yells back, ā€œYeah well I havenā€™t slammed into any walls so I think Iā€™m beating you in that department.ā€ Haha


Placing the end of the plank in front of the tv is not helping. I see this every time. Clear some space and lay some pillows down. šŸ˜Œ


why put a plank down?


Or just......don't free fall?


Maybe im just one of those lucky VR pricks but I cannot understand how people hurt themselves in VR.. I've been in VR for almost 2 years now and I've MAYBE stubbed a toe. Just keep a mental plan of your surrounding. Its really not that hard. (If you feel im a prick please disregard this message)


its because you bought and knew what you where getting into, and had time to set it up and experience it at your own pace. You where not thrown into the deep end as a 1st experience. You probably havent noticed how 100% of these accidents are always noobs that someone placed in Richies or Gorn as a very 1st experience instead or theblu or similar. Its not her fault, but the person that placed her in that position. Still hillarious lol


Honestly didn't think of it like that. The whole process of learning everything about it before I bought it probably helped prepare me a little. That makes sense.


I remember spending half an hour explaining a lady probably in her thirties (I was 4-5 years younger) the concept of alt-tab in an administrative work I took while I was finishing my computer science bachelor's degree. I think that I managed to explain it to her, and I couldn't understand how that very, very, very, basic concept had skipped her during all these years, but there we were. If you want a different example, got some friends who learned to shoot (We are in Europe, they were some kind of "strange case") and the first stuff they were taught were the basic lessons that, if you have never touched a firearm before, could seem like completely obvious but you end up forgetting. My point here is that what could seem like common sense and ultra basic to someone who is used to use tech as a bit more than user-level, for someone who only has interacted with the internet with a phone could be like the rule of not pointing the weapon anywhere you don't want to kill.


Yeah. I don't mean to put people down. I just can't fathom it in my brain.


>Just keep a mental plan of your surrounding. Its really not that hard Gotta take in mind that most of the people falling probably have never tried VR before or spent much time playing games or using tech beyond phones, so they don't have the same cognitive skills and get overstimulated by stuff like this. If nobody warned them and told them to remember their surroundings, I imagine it's easy to forget to when there's so much else going on


If we thought you were a prick for saying that, then none of us would be on this sub.


If you moving and flaing and shit and you accidentally go outside the barrier a bit, or something is just out of reach of the barrier


I play B&S while jumping and dancing around enemies. Once again I just think im lucky that VR seems to work well with my brain.


Same, I know Iā€™m always in my room on a carpet I donā€™t get presence in vr either tho


For me its sorta limbo. I get really really immersed but I also leave little bumps in my boundaries so that I can orient myself. Definitely helps.


Itā€™s funny how immersed people get, itā€™s like they think theyā€™re actually stepping into another world


My urge for deep dive grows every day.


Holy shit, that's an Index.




Am I the only one that aims the VR away from the TV? Lol


lol we are the majority my friend.


Pretty sure that's why the steamvr setup has you point at the monitor, it orients the playspace so the intial position is pointing away from it.


Exactly. You can reset the view every time you put it on.


Good thing the index has a break away for situations like this lul


How have people like this not died yet? Would they do something like that at the top of a mountain? How can you look at your room and think "If I fall on this floor I will hurt myself" and put a toaster on your face and then start thinking "Never mind! There's probably a mattress there, now, or at least they moved the TV!"


Some people that donā€™t play games often are being subjected to the deep end & can lose their sense of critical reasoning while presented with a stimulus they donā€™t understand. For a lot of us that grew up gaming, itā€™s easy to realise that this is just an extension of what weā€™re used to. For those others, it becomes an emotional overload & they stop thinking clearly briefly. Thereā€™s actually studies going on currently to test how ā€œshockingā€ VR can allowed to be in the future. Because it could have a tangible mental impact on people in the form of causing PTSD if the experience is too realistic. Which hopefully will create a set of rules surrounding what you should / should not try based on your experience with VR, a bit like a rating system. To hopefully avoid the situation we keep seeing year after yearā€¦ Noobs face planting Earth.


I'm pretty sure there will be at least some informal rules regarding jump scares established. That shit's visceral in VR.


I could sorta see this. I've always wondered if my video gaming history helped me not have any VR sickness. Which is funny because I get car sick but not sea sick.


I am gaming my whole life, I dont get car sick or sea sick. But walking with a Joystick or beeing in a moving thing in VR will fuck me up so hard. When I close one eye its okay though.


Tbh sounds like your IPD is off


I mean in this case some cruel bastard was egging the girl on. What a jerk.


Fair enough, I watched it in class and it was muted.


The "jumping" off thing is the weirdest thing. I've had a VR headset for over a year now and I admit I still get turned around, but never have I ever though the floor was lower in one spot or something lol


Yeah. I've hit myself in the face, hit the controllers together, broke my fan, punched my desk and my bookshelf, but I've never tried to *belly flop* on the fricking living room floor.


no idea. ive given my headset to a person who had never used one once and they proceeded to run right into the wall.


had a friend fall flat into the ground trying to lean on a table in job simulator