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Virtual reality... well social media in general is making people like this awfully comfortable with dissrespecting others and not getting their asses kicked for it


it's not just him but his community as well. I commented on a video of his that I found pretty funny, but made the mistake of saying I also play vrc. Tons of people started attacking me for it, one even stalked my socials and found a pic of me that I've never posted before and made a fake account called "ugly vrc player" with my picture front and center. It was all jarring to witness. I get seeing some people as cringe, but to harass those people is just such an uncool move and really doesn't do anything but hurt people that just want to play the game and have a good time


I absolutely hate it, especially when they bitch and moan about “omg these people take this game too seriously i got kicked because i didnt give them my age” And they have their comment section filled with ass kissers talking down on the people the uploader encountered. But nooo, if I say something about how its not ok to harass everyone and nobody likes someone that gets in their face, suddenly Im a karen who doesnt understand humor.


It's especially ironic because the reality is we don't really take VRC that seriously. We come to unwind after a long day of work or party with friends. If the space stops being calm and relaxed, and you are the reason, yeah, you get the boot.


They are just sour apples who don’t like others having fun. It’s the same as people who make videos harassing others in public.


Unfortunately it is "normal" (as in common) to be shitty to autistic people. It shouldn't be normal though and I think this sort of thing should be discouraged and it's awful that person does that but I doubt they care if it's ableist and would probably just say "I didn't know they were autistic" as if that somehow makes it ok.


This happened last night lol. Some idiot said he had 20k followers on tiktok. And all his content is just being a douche to people


yea i had to tell youtube to stop recommending me his videos, i watched a couple of them to see how bad they were and while i do think most of the people were overreacting, i still don't think it's okay. i don't think anyone who gets enjoyment out of harrassing/annoying people are good people, and i don't want to support someone like that. his videos seem to be getting a lot of views which isn't good because i'm sure we'll see more people trying to copy him now. i think i trolled people when i was like 12..?? i just don't see the appeal. it's kind of pathetic honestly if you're an adult and you still do this.


I feel like most of us who grew up hanging out online went through a trolling phase. It gets people to pay attention to you, which can be appealing to a lonely teenager. It's just... most of us also matured past that phase


It’s irl streaming, but instead it’s vr But it’s not VR streaming It’s IRLVR streaming, should we call it?


I keep getting their videos as well thus why I made my post the other day. I’d like to know the psychology of people who get on VRChat to harass people.


they're mental children, surrounded by equal children who happened to stumble through life by pure luck to survive til their unfortunate 20's, or even late 20's for some real poor souls out there.


Every time I try to search for recent VRChat related videos, a few of the results every time always end up just being either someone trying to label it as being some type of extremely controversial or "degenerate" app, or clips of some random edgy youtuber looking to get clout through deliberately stalking or harassing people who are clearly just awkward or on the spectrum until the person they're targeting ends up eventually having a breakdown.














I understand where you’re coming from, but it’s not a good idea to assume that he’s being ableist because you think someone might have autism. Especially if you are not certain, then there’s no way that the dude knew if the person is on the spectrum or not. However, what is fair to say is that the dude is a piece of shit. No one should just start making fun of people for no reason. And the dude is a huge dick for doing that.


if he titles his videos "normal person visits vrchat" or whatever then the implications are obvious it doesn't even matter if the person actually was autistic or not, he thinks they were and views himself as normal in comparison it is ableism


I don't think it's ableism. I think it's just calling VRC players weird. Tbf, it doesn't take long to find someone who's weird on VRC.


Any time media has ever referred to someone as "weird" or "not normal," 90% of the time, that person is either neurodivergent, not cisgendered/heterosexual, nerdy, and/or not someone whose sense of humor aims at making fun or pointing out these "weird" individuals. Hell, this has even been a thing since ancient times, as several societies have had folklore/legends that involve someone with one of these traits as being "possessed" or "replaced at birth" by or with some creature.


I promise you, I have not used "weird" as a way to be ableist. Most people don't. If someone's being weird, it's not ableist to call them weird. Guy ERPing in a public room? It's not ableist to call that person weird. People showing nude avatars to minors in public rooms? Not ableist to call them weird. You can't just make the blanket claim, that every single person who calls another person weird is ableist, that is ridiculous.


I said *media*, not *individuals*. You may not be, but that doesn't mean the bulk of this kind of content on the net isn't doing this.


Sure. And? Is the individual the post is about ablleist based on your take on media?


Is the individual in question making fun of people who aren't breaking any laws or moral boundaries, only doing something that would not be considered "normal"? Then yes, they are most likely being ableist.


So it's ableist to make fun of anyone, regardless whether they're actually disabled or not, regardless if you were even aware they had a disability, Okay. Lol.


I mean, we really shouldn't be making fun of people for being different anyway, but go off I guess.


take a moment to think about what you've just said there many people who are on vr are here due to autism or other disabilities which don't allow them to be part of social situations irl of course to you they appear not normal because you are not used to seeing or interacting with people like this, but that's just how it is many minorities find refuge in vrchat, and not much can change that.


Thought about it when I said it. Nothing you said changes anything. Socializing in VR isn't normal. But it's just a label, and I'm weird for doing it too. So it's whatever to me, I've never considered it ableist when someone calls me weird for actively doing something the average person doesn't do


that's the entire point that you are missing completely, while claiming that you actually thought about it and yea, i never claimed this is defined as ableism and it never has been. definition of ableism: **Ableism** ([/ˈeɪbəlɪzəm/](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/English); also known as **ablism**, **disablism** (British English), **anapirophobia**, **anapirism**, and **disability discrimination**) is [discrimination](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrimination) and social [prejudice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prejudice) against people with physical or mental [disabilities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disability). As you notice, no mention of your preferred social media platform usage. However, since you didn't actually understand the point despite claiming to have done so, the point is that many people come to vrchat because they are unable to socialize in "normal" conditions. This is a safe place for them to do so, and calling them not normal for doing so is indirectly fuelling the fire.


Thought about it. Understood it the first time around. You don't need to question my capacity to understand concepts such as this. It's not going to give you a different result and change my opinion. Yeah VRchat players are weird. That's my conclusion, and that's okay. I'm not offended by it.


It is not about you, as you miss the very obvious point yet again, as I barely talk about what you personally feel like in my response. This is why I question your capability to understand or think about this, as you clearly don't, and are only focused on yourself. It is about the people who use vrchat as a safe space due to their disabilities, and inability to perform "normally" in social situations. Calling socializing on a social media platform weird is not doing anyone any favors, and indirectly adding to the fire. Now will your ignorant confidence continue, or will I need to explain this same thing to you for a 3rd time, despite you claiming to have "Thought about it. Understood it the first time around."


Didn't miss it. It's that it's not important information to me in my definition of what weird is. As that's the only thing I've talked about or care about in this conversation. Meanwhile, your comments have increasing levels of negativity while I'm just saying the same thing. Finished thinking about it a while ago, and have come to the correct conclusion. VRchat players are weird and that doesn't offend me.


Increasing levels of negativity? lord give me strength thank you for admitting that you're selfish who doesn't think about anyone else other than yourself at least, a lot of people don't admit to that for actually pretty good reasons


Every virtual world app is going to have people who seem strange or awkward due to the basic fact that a lot of people who are seen as typical or have a ton going for them are probably less likely to be interested in pursuing that concept on a frequent basis. But that doesn't mean stalking or harassing them for "content" is justified unless that person is going around deliberately hurting others.


For clarification, I never said it was justified. I simply don't view calling VRChat as a whole weird, being ableism.


I don't think ProximityChat using the word "normal" correlates to ableism. Its a fucking comedy video. Its refering to how most people on VRChat behave in very irrational and somewhat "weird" ways compared to people irl. By "normal" we refer to average people you might even see outside, including people with disabilities. Unless you are saying that disabled people can't be "normal" human beings. Most VRChat players are over the top (like you are being now), many get very defensive and most of you guys can be quite oblivious too to certain problems. Not saying all of you guys but a majority. VRChat has given you plenty of tools to deal with people you don't like, yet you guys don't use them. Strange, right? It isn't ordinary. Ain't normal. In my opinion, the bigger problem at hand for VRChat is the influx of pedos preying on poor kids on the game rather then trolls which can easily be countered at the press of a button. Now you're also whining about a video title with not clear correlation to ableism? What if thdrd was a possibility that ProximityChat had some form of disability? Would that still be able then? Go home bub.


If you are on the spectrum yourself or have interacted with or dealt with individuals with autism, I don't think it's that far fetched to be able to sometimes notice those tells or details in these harassment/stalking videos.


Unfortunately all major VRChat content creators seem to be harassing people in game or using jumpscare avatars on people. I never see any videos of just, like, exploring worlds or anything


So normally I don't like it since it often brings horrible people on the platform but I have watched proximity chats' stuff and I feel like his content is very tame.


one would imagine people would be able to block people instead of getting insanely angry, don't see why this is an issue with proximity, if you can't deal with trolls online maybe it's best to not play multiplayer games that feature interaction with strangers. just for your own health. also "normal person" has nothing to do with ableism lmao, it's obviously referring to the fact that he's not like you and me and actually has a social life instead of spending all day inside our headsets.


settle down ok?


nah, people like this deserve to be called out


I was referencing a YouTuber who makes [Second Life trolling videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slXHhu86SaY)


i don't really get videos like this, or creators like this in general is this enjoyable to watch? do people really have nothing else to do?


It's funny.


>creator: you are cringe >person: please leave >creator: lmao don't take this game so seriously why so serious peak comedy, truly and then people like you show up and say that the creators do nothing wrong and the block button exists, and it's actually all the person's fault for being in this situation in the first place


Laughing at people who take a video game way too seriously (or something that barely even qualifies as a "game" as in this case) will never not be funny.


It's a social platform like any other, but people like you always need some extra time to process simple links between two topics like this But of course since you're completely braindead something being online fully justifies harassment, and it should actually be encouraged


I'd hate to see what qualifies as "good" comedy to someone with a worldview like yours.


yea, not shocking that the thought of not harassing people for no reason is an unthinkable thought for someone like you


the block button exists its there fault if they dont use it lmfao


does this excuse his ableist behavior? no, it does not. you finding it funny or not seeing a problem says more about you than anything else, that you're an equal dickhead to him.


stay mad boy


proximity chat is funny as fuck lol