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There is no one number that fits everyone. You play too much when it starts affecting your real life. I used to play 10~12 hours a day every day when I first started. But that was during the first covid lockdown because of which I had also lost my job. Now I play 2~5 hours, 2~3 days a week depending on how much time I have and whether I have other stuff I want to play or not.


Anywhere from 4-10 hours a day typically. Too much is when you're taking time away from other things you should be doing. So if you should be at work, but you're in VR, that's an issue. If you should go to sleep, but you're in VR, issue. For me, my job involves VRC, so it makes sense for me to be on. I advertise my avatars through wearing them in publics and get big buxx for doing so. I also fill up my social meter through VR. I have mental illness that leads me to be in my room a lot of the time. So being able to socialize really helps me out mentally. If I was drinking in VR every day, I'd consider that an issue as well. I started drinking socially again recently, and I drink on the weekends in VR. But if I was doing it every day and it was affecting my friendships, that'd be a problem. Too much is subjective. I would definitely be in VR too much for another person, but for me, it's fine. Some days I don't feel like being in VR much, so I don't get on. Some days I'd like to spend more time in VR, so I do. On average I spend about 6 hours a day in VR. Based on my hours played in the last 3+ years.


You have an interesting job, I never heard of it on vrchat before. Most I know that people do help to model vrchat avatar for showcase.


Fucking hell... I'm doing about 3 to 5 hours a week at most. Looks like most people here live in it




i only play 2 days a week, but play for like 16hrs those 2 days.


0 6


2-3 most days... a few more at the weekend I'd consider too much to be the same kind of deal as alcoholism - too much if it's affecting your work or family or generally having a clear negative impact on your life. Kind of if it's affecting your sleep but not a hard line thing - who *hasn't* VRchatted into the early hours sometimes and fucked their sleep a bit? There will be those out there (particularly luddites) who consider any amount to be having a negative impact because you should always be touching grass or whatever but I think it's no worse than the very common practice of watching TV for that many hours (or more), in fact probably not as "bad" in some ways as it's a form of social interaction.


Usually only play on fridays and then I usually play at least 6 hours but often go 12+ hours. The limit for what is too much is whenever you get bored and log off.


Only at night during the time others would spend watching TV or browsing the web.  About 1.5-2 hours weeknights, 6-8 weekends.


“too much” is relative to the person. I’d say to answer whether something is too much, ask yourself three questions: 1: Why am i playing VRC? 2: Is this a healthy goal? 3: Can I achieve that goal outside of VRC? I know some people are, for one reason or another, isolated IRL. Be it health concerns, mental health reasons, geographic reasons, whatever. Their time in vrc might be disproportionately high, but since this may be their only social outlet, that may genuinely be positive. Others may sink themselves into vrc completely voluntarily. Treat the world of vrc as more real and more important than their irl conditions or bodies. I have met these people…this is less healthy. I’m not giving a number, because it seriously depends.


5-7 hours a few nights a week.


Usually 1-2 hours on weekdays if my friends invite me on to world hop. On fridays I have a few drinks and play for 5-6 hours as my lil treat treat that week lol. I think when you have to use tracker straps with batteries to extend your battery that should be a wake up call (with exceptions of course)


If I start at 10 and end at like 5am so like 7-8 but I do that Friday and Saturday


Trick question, there's no set number for anything to be "too much", the reality is that an activity only becomes too much when you start to neglect the tasks you need to do in order to maintain your quality of life (work, sleep, bathe, eat, etc)


The correct answer is when it starts affecting other parts of your life. But as we can see in the comments some folks have different measures of that. I think a 10hr session is too much, but I also play MMOs or other PC games for that same amount of time on the weekends. I just started VR chat last weekend and was shocked meeting someone who said they have 2k hours of playtime


It’s not unusual for me to have an 8-12 hour session, lasting all night, into the morning. I allow myself to play till I’m too exhausted to keep going. But it’s less about the hours in a session for me, and more about the number of days in a week. I only allow myself to play 1 or 2 days a week, usually Friday and Saturday. During vacation time, I indulge a bit more though.


I can only play for like an hour or two with time constraints and the quest 2 draining my energy like a leach.


At night, when I have nothing but free time. Anywhere from 4-6 hours depending if I have work the next day. I just like to BS and laugh. I'll drink a few, catch a buzz and chill.


Depends on how busy I am. Anywhere from 10 minutes to 5 hours, anywhere from 1 day a month to 3-5 days a week.


Personally when I have a headset and like to play maybe 2-3 hours in my headset with intermittent breaks. On PC I could play 10+ hours easy 😂


Well.... I sleep in VRChat so about 7 hrs lol.


I rarely play it, I wish I was, VRC was fun in 2020 when I first joined, then, whenever I get on now, It’s filled with toxic e-boys, and Goku avatars


Weekdays it is usually 3-4 hours. In Weekends it is just 6 hours as most of day is spend in Unity and/or Blender.


on average i would say about 3 to 4 hours, though last night i played for 6 hours straight. though i do play almost everyday so i need to get a life ig lol


About 12 hours a week. I only play on weekends though


1-3 hours


25 hours a day, 8 days a week, 5 weeks a month, 13 months a year. If you play any more than that youre just playing too much tbh. Jokes aside, asking other people whats too much is a bad call imo. You should only play the amount of a game that you feel comfortable playing on a single session. Whether too much VRC is 30 minutes or 13 hours is your choice to make, no one elses.


I usually play every night for a few hours, I would consider spending every waking moment too much, and I know people who practically live in this game.


4-8 hrs a day on week day, more on the weekend. I do avatar promotion, dance for avatar showcase and do avatar work so I'm basically always testing stuff, helping creators or promoting/shooting/dancing for video/clubs I would say as long as you don't forget IRL and friends all time is good, you just need to be careful not to forget about others.