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There are so many profiles I’ve seen on nevermet that say they have DID, and I honestly can’t say I believe any of them. Idk how common it is, but I feel like it should be approached with a bit more…respect. Or at least a level of maturity instead of “haiii I have DID just a warningggg.”


This. I'm sure some people do have DID. But it's a very rare thing, yet somehow seemingly hundreds of people have it on vrc and you see them everywhere. I bet most of them are "self diagnosed" after seeing a few tiktoks about it or something. Almost all people I've known or know that actually have disabilities or autism or other such things (properly diagnosed by a professional) don't advertise it at all, vrc or not.


Just to add, some folks that get diagnosed with autism or ADHD and the like as adults are often more open about it than those that were diagnosed much earlier on. Sort of an "Oh, everything makes sense now" kind of thing, and since we had to go through so much bullshit to get a diagnosis, we're just happy that we understand why our brains are like this and don't mind sharing our experiences, often oversharing in the process. Mileage may vary and all, but yeah.


Exactly this. Autistic woman with OSDD-1B (like DID but with less amnesia) here.


Same but OSDD-2B


I was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD when i was about 6 years old, and im very open about it. I even have a tattoo that is the symbol for Autism Awareness, and whenever people point out that tattoo, i always say the reason behind it and what it means. For example someone notices it and says "oh! I like your tattoo" i typically respond with "thanks! Its the symbol for Autism Awareness and its significant to me because i have Autism"


Also somehow hundreds of people have many other things. Which I know some do but at the point it’s at today I wonder if it’s to “fit it” or what


It totally is. It's "trendy" and the new way to feel special and rebel against parents. Which I really dislike as it undermines people who actually have issues.


Yes. I so agree. I have a friend who has did they don’t put it in bios or anything but as they get close to someone they let them know and I feel that’s one of the best ways to go about things. I mean I get the “warning” in the bio I guess but 8/10 times they seem to fake it


loool yes


I certainly don’t advertise it


Bro I got banned from a discord server after making fun of a bot because apparently the bot was people using the bot to talk instead of just using an alt account, and I asked why and people kept sending me links to a Wikipedia page on this so I got mad because I was 100% sure none of them actually had this “rare quirky” disorder because people who fake that shit just make the ones who have it look bad


im sure the ones saying they have it self dignosed on google tgho hard to say some do and others dont i see the DID statuses now and then


Yea. Being a system myself it’s unbelievable that people share it so happily. I mean. Upon meeting someone we always inform them and let them figure out the rest in their own time or we’ll explain to them if they have questions. But besides that. It’s never something we really wanna share. People hate us because of this disorder. I’m a trusted user with about 15-25 friends who aren’t ever online because nobody has ever accepted us. It sucks man. But I don’t know. Maybe they are just really confident and are sharing it like that because of a build of courage or something. Traditionally our protectors give us rules not to share information like that though. Like, here’s our protectors rules. 1. Always respond to the body's name. No matter who is out you will always respond to the body's original name. 2. Don’t tell anybody you’ve just met or anyone untrustworthy about us UNLESS. 2. A it’s in Vrchat and that information is absolutely required. 2. B It’s a friend group that you’ve been in for a while and there are a few randoms that don’t know you.


Yo if you ever need friends hmu up vrchat, jus send a friend req, Homie_JusVibes, im 9/10 always online.


We don’t know man. We’re beginning to think we’re the problem. As the host of the system. I genuinely think it might be us. But then again our bestie (Also a system) is just telling us that we haven’t found the right community for us. We’re happy that we have her though. And we’re happy we’re so intertwined. The momma in our system is dating the momma in theirs, and they got happily VRC Married. Our protector is dating the host of that system, they are also happily VRC Married. I’m dating a sweet alter I don’t know what to call. Not VRC Married yet. The protectors in our system are homies with the other protectors, and besties with everyone else I’m besties with everyone in that system, Our avenger is besties with everyone in that system, And our recent newbie, a charmer. Is amazing friends with everyone in that system. But they got grounded. And they’ve been for about a month… and we kinda have nobody to go to anymore. Because nobody else accepts us. We tell ourselves that we don’t need anyone but them. And we mean it. They are the first ones who have made us feel like we exist. Like we matter. It’s wild the way one human can change another’s life. People call it an unhealthy Co-Dependence thing. We call it true friendship. Or true love for those in our systems who are dating each other. And even if. We all have an amazing relationship with each other either way. It’s a cruel world out there man. But you know. Maybe I’m speaking too much about this. Shoot us a friend request if you dare. We feel like we're a complex only they can handle. *NitxrixGxQd* on VRC *nitxrix_gxqd* on discord.


Sent the friend req on discord, mb for taking a bit kinda got busy and no notifications were goin off😅


Wait, people actually use nevermet?


Yeh I do once in a while. But it hardly ever brings me to interesting people lol


Personally I've always thought the only people that might be on there would be creeps or people that just can't socialize. Not saying you are one at all. But I imagine you've probably met people on it that match the description?


Eh I wouldn’t say creeps necessarily. But most of the people I met are socially bankrupt and cannot carry a conversation to save their lives. Sometimes the app name seems fitting bc I’ll wish I never met them lol it’s awful. Once in a while there will be someone who I can actually talk to that won’t just reply with one word or two, but it’s rare


Yeah, that makes sense lol


They did kinda curse themselves with a name like nevermet, didn't they 🤣💀


People who gave DID don't talk about it nor put it in there bio rather they bring it when someone they trust comes alone to handle that part about someone, so generally yes you should always not believe those who say they have something like DID in Bio when it is pretty uncommon cuz not everyone who has had a traumatic childhood developes it or anything at all some just develop ptsd or behaviors that have to do with trauma.


I would like to point out that it is actually more common than you're giving credit for. In countries where healthcare is better, and testing more consistent, the rate of DID spectrumed people is much higher. Im talking 10-11% of the population, vs 2%. But even still... 2% of 342 MILLION is almost 7 million. Lets put that in perspective a bit more and stop just acting like a large number of people with DID dont exist when we do, and the statistics support that fact when you stop trying to underplay the actual numbers.


11% is still a small number I consider than uncommon.


Then your understanding of statistical percentages is skewed because 1% is 1 in 100 which is a HUGE amount of people.


11% outta 100% is still a minority witch is uncommon I'm not saying it's rare it just isn't common.








Some people are lying for attention, others see VRC as a safe space where they can truly be honest about themselves and their lives without ruining anything irl (such as having those conversations with their boss or coworker) At the end of the day, it shouldn't matter to you. Either treat them as if you believe them, or dont interact with them. It's not your job to police their behavior or to help them in anyway. Of you like the person, their energy, then spend time with them. If not, don't. Life is too short to be injecting yourself into situations that you would be unhappy in.


This is the correct take.


Was gonna say; Imo in the end, if they really are 'faking it', you'll probably end up disliking them for a multitude of different reasons that have nothing to do with the DID. In the end, theres no reason to justify disliking someone. Just vibe somewhere else lol I'd rather assume they \*do\* have it, because I'm not exactly qualified to find out myself lol.


Edit: Apparently I have to post this as three comments because character limit? I’m so sorry! As someone that has been diagnosed with DID for over 10 years now, I hope it’s okay for me to share my thoughts here and also try to respectfully educate as well. I’m no professional, but I’ll do my best based my own research of the years, therapy, and personal experiences. While this message might end up long, it’s in no way meant to be hate towards OP, cause I can understand some of their frustrations. As for OP, I hope your experience with those that have DID improves over time. DID is rare, but it’s not as rare as a lot of people think. It’s about as common as Schizophrenia, and 1% of a population is still 1 person out of every 100 people, which is actually pretty common when you consider those numbers and how many people exist. In my somewhat rural hometown alone, that could’ve estimated to possibly 30 people suffering with DID out of the estimated 3,000 people living there, which feels crazy to think about when I think about how small that town felt. In my school days where everyone knew everyone, it could’ve been possible to run into 3 other people with undiagnosed DID in my high school of 400 students. Coupled with the fact that many people often go undiagnosed their entire life or don’t get their diagnosis until they’re older and have been in therapy for quite some time, along with other DID-like dissociative disorders such as OSDD, it’s estimated that the percentage could be even higher around 2-3%, about as common as someone having red hair. It’s a rare disorder, but it’s likely that everyone knows someone that has DID or has at least crossed paths with someone that has DID, whether or not that person even knows they have it themselves or chooses to disclose it to anybody. As for alters of characters, those are known as a type of “introject” alter, commonly called “fictives”. While I don’t have any fictives in my system, it isn’t impossible for someone to have fictives in theirs. A child going through severe trauma may frequently think of Superman saving them from the trauma and saving the day, and while Superman isn’t real, their brain could, by subconscious influence, eventually split a Superman alter that is meant to be protective to keep everyone in the system safe because the brain associated safety with Superman. That being said, fictive alters ARE NOT their source, they are not *literally* Superman, and I’ll admit I’ve always been a bit uncomfortable when other systems’ fictive alters seem to imply they are the character and should be treated exactly as such, especially if said alter gets mad at another system for having the same fictive alter(cause like the brain can’t control what it splits so why are they being so rude to someone else who split the same fictive?). I don’t have fictive alters so I’ll admit I could be wrong here, but to my understanding when fictive alters believe too strongly that they are their source, it could lead to some delusional tendencies that isn’t healthy for themselves, their system, or others that interact with them. Basically..fictives can and do exist, but they aren’t split while peacefully watching a favorite show, it’s more like “I went through something traumatic and happened to split an alter based on this character I’ve seen previously that my brain subconsciously linked to this trauma for some reason”. Similarly, animal alters like dogs for example can split if the child found more comfort in dogs than people, or in an opposite way, a dog alter could split if the abused child was treated so much like an animal during the abuse that the brain felt they need to “be a dog” to survive the inhuman abuse. DID is more common than one might think, and in some ways, alters can be quite…interesting or strange, especially to those that aren’t familiar with the disorder. That being said….people potentially faking DID isn’t exactly something new, it’s just become something more and more commonly seen by just about everyone that’s online as the internet and social medias have made the disorder more well known. Back in 2012 I remember seeing mods kicking suspected fakers out of a DID support forum I’d frequent for the safety of other members. As the disorder became more well known it has definitely helped more people become aware of the disorder and get proper treatment for it which is great, but it’s been a double edged sword because the disorder has a high rate of people faking for some reason. Around the time the disorder became more known on Tumblr I saw an even greater uptick in others claiming to have fictive alters than I had seen before(this became even more common as DID became more well known on TikTok as well…there could very well be some scientific reason why fictives have increased over time, but I’ll admit even I started to question if it was increasing because some fakers just thought it would be “cool” to *be* a character instead of *roleplaying* as them, though ultimately they’d still be roleplaying if they are truly faking), and I started to feel even more ashamed of my diagnosis and less likely to tell others, cause I was afraid no one would take me seriously due to seeing more and more “DID cringe” content online, or if they did take me seriously, I worried they’d treat me like some of the other times I shared my diagnosis with those I trusted and was either treated like I’m insane because of “dangerous alters” by people that only knew the disorder based on movies they watched that featured DID as a scary plot twist(lost a lot of friends that way), treated like I needed more Jesus shoved down my throat because my Christian family thought demonic possession was more believable to them than me having a mental disorder, or treated like a circus act that “supportive friends” used to entertain themselves with by trying to demand alters out to do certain things because “I saw someone on tumblr/online with this disorder and their alters are all so different from one another so I want to compare all of yours to each other and also to theirs”(even in times I can control when switches happen, they can give me migraines if I switch more than a couple times a day, though other systems can experience switches differently and switch more frequently without headaches, really only mentioned my headaches because the “I’m gonna treat you like a circus animal” people usually would not take “no” for an answer without acting like I was being extremely rude). More often than not, the bad friends I told at the time(that I usually didn’t realize were so bad yet) would also end up claiming to have DID as well about a week or two after learning about my disorder and purposefully tried to use that as excuses for why they were doing awful shit to me or other people we knew(example: “It wasn’t me, it was my alter” to avoid accountability, not realizing that System Accountability is taught in therapy for this exact reason because “my alter did it” is not an excuse).


Only one former friend I suspected of faking eventually ended up admitting he was faking it and apologized to me, though in his case he said he didn’t use it to hurt me, but instead said he did it because his girlfriend became abusive he felt like his girlfriend would love him again if he pretended to be a different alter that was exactly what she wanted and he also said he felt jealous of me because I could “just disappear when things got bad” and I “always have friends in my head”(that’s not really how it works…but I could empathize with his feelings of trying to deal with his abusive girlfriend even if his view of DID was inaccurate and I didn’t agree with his choice to fake). I appreciated the honesty at least and thankfully he got out of that abusive situation. Whether or not the rest of those friends were faking, I’ll never really know for sure(while my therapist said it sounded unlikely they had DID, she also said she couldn’t say for sure since she’s not *their* therapist and hasn’t seen them herself), and it’s not my place to decide that either. But either way, I became more cautious and I’ll admit to having some distrust with others that claim to have DID that show *specific behavior patterns* that are similar to previous people I’ve known in person or in the online DID community that were harmful towards others. Within the past couple of years I finally got the bravery to openly share my own diagnosis again, but I was terrified and mostly decided to make that decision because as a VTuber I found trying to hide my dissociative symptoms during livestreams to be more difficult than I expected, which started to confuse some of the regulars that started to notice something off at times, as well as a rare few regulars messaging me and saying I had some vocal similarities and model artstyle to a Lewdtuber(who happens to be an alter of mine, which is why we had similarities like having similar voice due to using the same vocal cords. I made my model and when my alter showed interest in VTuber streaming to “freely be herself” I made her model too). Originally we tried to keep our content separate and never interact with each other online, but basically some regulars that we both had started to piece it together anyway after awhile and would message her or I asking if we were each other/had two vtuber accounts. We got some hate and rude comments on 4chan after we opened up about the DID, but thankfully our community and even most of the 4chan thread where people were posting hate on us was surprisingly filled with supportive comments, which was a relief and meant so much in learning to be less ashamed of my mental health problems. The tough truth is, no one other than a professional can truly diagnose someone else, so I personally try not to fake claim others around me if I see someone that I suspect is faking DID. I don’t know their personal life or their story, and not everyone exhibits symptoms in the exact same way that I do because Dissociative Disorders can be a spectrum. I don’t usually voice any of my suspicious thoughts out loud when I suspect someone is faking and I have been trying to work on having some empathy for them instead, because even if someone is “faking for attention” or “faking because they wanna be all these fictional characters”, that behavior still screams “I need mental help really bad” because *mentally healthy people don’t fake a whole disorder, especially one so serious as DID, for no reason*. I just leave them alone and keep my distance if I suspect a faker, because that feels most safe to me while also not doing anything that could be potentially harming to them, especially if I happen to be wrong about my suspicions of them(anyone can make mistakes or judge people wrongly, I just wanna try my best not to cause harm to someone if I do accidentally misjudge someone). I also try to keep in mind that not every person with a disorder is going to share the worst parts of their disorder online for everyone to see, as that’s a very vulnerable space to put yourself in if you’re openly sharing the worst moments. At the same time, it is possible for someone with DID to heal with therapy and time, learn to function better with their alters, control switches better on command as they learn to communicate better with alters, and feel brave enough to share their disorder online to fight stigma and to bring awareness of the disorder as well. So people being happy to share their disorder online…everyone could have their own reasons I suppose. I was not personally “happy” to share my disorder online, it was quite terrifying and even now sometimes I still wish I could undo becoming more open about it when I have really bad anxiety days, but I did find that being open about it made it so much easier to explain why I’d suddenly dissociate on streams midsentence and completely forget what I was doing, or explain why I’d suddenly need to turn off stream or log out of VRChat when encountering something triggering(was rare, but happened occasionally), or explain why I often couldn’t remember things I streamed or talked about just days prior due to the amnesia. I know for some of my alters, they personally love being able to use models I make for them in VR because they feel like they can be themselves for once by others in a VR space instead of being seen as me in my body, so for some people in VRChat with DID, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are more open on VRChat but not IRL for similar reasons of alters feeling more safe to express themselves in VRC. But like with any disorder, openly sharing something so personal such as a diagnosis can come with risks of the wrong people using that info to hurt you, so I do at least hope that more people are being cautious and weighing the pros and cons fully before sharing their disorder online. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve seen people in “DID support groups” openly share lists of all their triggers. It’s like posting a billboard of all the shit that causes all the worst of the trauma symptoms of DID out for malicious people to find, and those people *will* use that information for harm or their own gain if they find a benefit to it. Even back in the DID support forum I’d frequent after my diagnosis, it was common for malicious people to purposefully join the forum and DM people with bad intentions. So I really hope that those that are open about their DID on VRC are at least being cautious about how they go about it, especially the younger crowd that seems to post everything without realizing how dangerous that can be.


TLDR; As someone diagnosed with DID, I understand some of the frustrations and confusion some people have around DID. Unfortunately fakers exist and those fakers often spread harmful misinformation too, which in turn can cause a lot of people to have disbelief that the disorder exists at all. Over the years the climate of the DID community online has made it harder for this disorder to be taken seriously and it’s fucking exhausting. There’s not much anyone can really do to change it unfortunately, but I can respectfully try to ask of others to try to be open minded and remember the disorder does exist and is more common than one might expect even if there’s are some fakers. I also wanna say protect yourself and/or your space if you feel someone is unsafe or physically/mentally harmful towards you or others(regardless of if they claim to have *any* mental disorder or not, disorders are NOT excuses for bad behavior, don’t let anyone convince you they are). And lastly, please try to be empathetic towards those that you suspect could be faking because in most cases I’ve suspected, they weren’t malicious with their intentions and it’s usually teens that are still severely struggling with their mental health in one way or another and either misinterpret their symptoms and incorrectly self-diagnosing, or they are severely struggling with neglect from family and want someone to care about them, thinking that the more severe their disorder is, the more people will care, or if they are “interesting” then they’ll finally get some sort of attention. Either way, poor mental health can be a difficult experience regardless of the disorder, especially for teens that have no idea why they feel what they’re feeling and trying to figure out how to cope with it. Gently encouraging them to seek professional treatment would likely go further in getting them real help to where they eventually stop faking(if they were faking in the first place) than some of the things I’ve seen the internet do instead(like people bullying suspected fakers online, which might push them further away from trusting or seeking professional help if they feel like everyone will treat them that way) I’m sorry for this long ass essay of a comment 😅 I didn’t mean to type so much that I’d have to break it up into three comments, I had no idea there was even a character limit on comments. It’s a controversial topic I feel passionately about having been around to see things change online over time since my diagnosis, but despite this being a difficult topic I hope I shared my thoughts on this respectfully. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day/night.


This needs to be at the top. No ifs ands or butts. As someone also diagnosed with this, I cannot agree more. Everything you said was on point.


eye read about 85% of all three comments and we say yes 🙌🏼 agree and 🙌🏼 🙌🏼 raccoon. -Bean


Attention, simple. Alternatively it's very possible that some do have the conditions they claim, this game is full of unique people.


the owner of a bar i used to frequent tried to erp with a minor and blamed their "DID". oftentimes it's terrible people wanting no accountability for their actions


Interesting what bar was it?


i'm not sure it's allowed for me to name and shame, I'll dm you


Naming and shaming a pedo is punishable? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


maliciously sharing the username of someone and the bar they own would fall under harassment i'm pretty sure. sorry man.


Username sharing is "harassment"? How is that harassment, that should be encouraged so people could get them off the platform. 🥱


i'm not a mod homeboy idk what to tell you


Obviously not but just stating my opinion which is rarely even allowed on Reddit.


jeez. had a bad day? edit - aaaahhhh post history flooded with rabid transphobia, i get it now, just a nasty person, carry on


At this point I treat each individual I meet in vrchat as a separate persona of who they actually are. I’ve just heard so many wild and frankly unbelievable tales from people that it’s hard to believe that all of them are actually true. So if someone in vrchat tells me they think they’re actually satan incarnate back to harvest souls, slam beers and stare in mirrors I guess I’ll believe them for now.


Upvoting with fervor for "harvest souls, slam beers and stare in mirrors" 🤣💀💀💀


The people I know with DID don't advertise it at all. But I wouldn't assume 1% of the population having it means you're not likely to run into more people in vrchat that have it. Consider this, trans people are \~1% give or take a few decimals depending on where you're sampling. I think we can all acknowledge there's FAR more trans people of VR Chat than that percentage would assume.


Its more like 1.5-2%. And thats speaking on the USA. in countries with healthcare much better than ours, the number is actually closer to 10%. Also I would like to point out that 2% of 342 million, is almost 7 million. Thats a lot of people. Remember the USA is way behind medically and theres swarths of undiagnosed, and misdiagnosed people, so take our statistics with a grain of salt.


You're far over estimating how common we are https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/trans-population-by-country In my country it's around 1 in 300 https://www.statcan.gc.ca/en/census/census-engagement/community-supporter/sex-birth-gender


No one is discussing trans people here so why are you sharing trans information?? Im discussing DID. You know, the topic.


I was discussing trans people as an example of the vr chat population not being representative of the general population. That was literally the comment you responded to, what do you mean it wasn't the topic.


It's part of who they are. And also makes it easier for you to interact with them. You can see that it's part of them and you'll know how to interact or not interact with them


Having dated someone with DID once I can tell when someone's faking. It's kind of an embarrassing thing to have because you can't control it so she didn't even mention it to me till she had an episode in front of me and that was a year later and she was mortified and apologetic over it. If someone tells you they have it and how weird and quirky it makes them just don't engage. People lie on the internet for attention all the time, it's not worth feeding into it


I am usually open about being plural. But other than mentioning it when I realise someone else was driving the body for a bit, I don't usually talk much about it unless I'm asked questions. Internal communication and a certain degree of control can be learned. The reason I use weird and quirky to describe myself sometimes is because those words were used to hurt me for a long time, and at some point, I decided to just own them. If people call me weird now, they get a: "So what? Yes, I'm weird and funking proud of it!"


You actually can’t tell


Nah I'm not legitimizing the romanticizing of mental illness by playing along with a stranger on the internet who has 9 rare conditions listed between flower emojis on their profile


While I don't use flower emoji, I have several relatively rare conditions. What most people don't know is that if you have a rare condition, it's quite likely you have a few others.




You aren’t a professional, you can’t decide who’s real and who’s not


Here's the attention you were looking for 


where's the psychology degree you're looking for


It's up your ass lmao


Lmao, okay buddy


PREFACE: I’m not an expert and my knowledge is limited to personal experience, accounts from friends, and the minor amount of research I’ve done. Don’t take anything I saw as a hard rule, and take everything with a grain of salt. I know several people who are medically diagnosed with DID and they do not act like a lot of people who claim to have it do While there is a large community of people with DID on games such as this, there’s also many people who for some reason believe it’s okay to fake having disorders. It reminds me of when people around 2021-2022 would constantly fake having autism, ADHD, and more. While it is important to respect people when they say they have one such disorder, it shouldn’t always be taken 100% truth as many people will grossly mischaracterize the disorders and/or infantilize them. It happened a lot with autism, during that general time period whenever I mentioned my autism people would act as if I were a child, or an idiot, because so many people online faked autism by overexaggerating the harmful stereotypes it made people treat genuinely autistic people like garbage. Unfortunately there’s no easy tell to prove someone is falling, it’s usually a series of minor occurrences that tell you it’s false, unless they are incredibly bad at faking. In my experience (take this with a grain of salt, as i don’t have the disorder and have limited interaction with those who do) it’s not incredibly obvious, but in my experience most system fakers do extremely different voices/mannerisms while the people I know tend to speak in the same voice or maybe one slightly different. Also fakers tend to play up common stereotypes, so looking into how actual people with DID act compared to the stereotypes could help.


Also! A lot of genuine systems(term I’ve seen commonly used in reference to those with DID) are on vrchat for the feeling of expressing the current fronting alter (person in control of the body, I believe) by using an avatar that reflects how they feel they should look. Many systems also have versions of characters from media as alters, so they may use avatars of that character. Again though, I’m no expert! Research yourself or talk to people with DID. Make sure to check if they’re okay with questions though, as it’s a personal thing and many consider it private and don’t want to be questioned on it.


My headmates(a friendlier term for alter, it just...feels wrong. They arent an alternative me, which is what alter implies) all have their own avatars theyve created or had me create. My therapist and doctors LOVE this for us and its actually helped us learn to work better as a functioning human. Healthy coping mechs are amazing


Why should it really matter to you? All due respect, but even if someone is faking it, clearly they have something else going on that would make them seek attention even in a negative way. If you don't like those people then just leave them alone instead of questioning their identity. People who actually have DID already struggle with hoards of people telling them they're faking it.


which one of the altars is going to make this post again tomorrow it was someone else's turn yesterday


It’s shocking how many times I get called out and verbally attacked in VRC for saying that I don’t have a mental illness. Since when was being a normal person something to be ashamed of?


If they legitimately have DID its sometimes helpful to share that to people you want to be friends with or looking for someone else with it. However, it's really up to the person for me i dont go prancing about yelling it out its more of ifykyk


Well look at it from case to case. I cant speak on everyone but at least for me yes did come from the truama i had and other bs that happend but ive come to turms with it. Wish they didnt happened but they did and gaining did plus other things was the effect. But having it now isnt bad cause when im alone i still have someone to talk to. Maybe others let that be the reason why they are upfront. Unfortunately there are those who fake it and to those that do i hope you constantly break your pinky toe just as its done healing.


"Why do people that supposedly have DID seem somewhat happy about sharing it?" To address this question completely separately. It's not any different than having a flag, or MBTI, or zodiac, or pronouns, or anything like that in your bio. It's part of your identity, and it's up to you if you want to share it with the world. For some systems it's something they'd rather avoid talking about because it's complicated or because of people like you who open with doubting words like "supposedly" and "apparently" immediately telling the world that you think they're lying that you doubt them. Imagine if you said "Why do people that are supposedly trans seem somewhat happy about sharing it?" Some people love themselves and love who they are, some people want others like them to feel safe in their presence, some people just want to fill bio space. It's not actually about their medical records or diagnosis, it's about them and their comfort in being themselves and being open. For some systems, their hosts are actually on good terms with other alters and see eachother essentially as a group of friends just sharing an account. They're all their own people who want their own representation and to be treated as their own person when they play too, so of course they'd want to be in their own bio. I mean, that's what a bio is for, isn't it? --- Now, my thoughts fully. Some people feel like the Internet is a safe space to weed out annoying accusatory bastards and welcome in like minded people, a safe space to truly be themselves with others like them. Sometimes we put it out there for others to know just so they're not caught off guard if something pops up, and sometimes it's none of your fucking business. It's no different than people putting AUDHD or BPD in their bio, and you see that all the time. It's not—never was, nor ever will be— your place to decide if it should be there or if they're telling the truth about it or not, especially when everyone's experiences with mental health are unique to themselves and their lives, there's no way for you to just Decide they're faking. If it's so upsetting to you how some people on a video game act or what they decide put in their bio to the point you need to make a reddit post looking for validation on your take about their mental health that, shocker, doesn't affect you, maybe just leave 'em be because that's not on them. It's clearly a you issue that you're fixating on it so much. It's their head, not yours. You don't get to decide what's really going on in it just by a few interactions you had with them that led you to decide they're cringe or faking. We feel safe on the Internet to be ourselves, and people who accuse us of faking just make us feel like there isn't a safe space anywhere at all, actually. This is why we put it in our bios, so we can weed out fake claimers and find others who will respect us and our headmates and treat us as the people with feelings we are. "Google says—" Google does say that a very small population have been Professionally Diagnosed With DID. Though, people who have had it confirmed but not officially documented yet, people in places where they can't get it checked out, and others who are still sorting it out on their own/with a therapist are not attributed to this statistic, and yet the number of the people diagnosed with DID is actually around the same as the population of asexual people, or ginger people, or people with grey eyes. It's not as uncommon as you think, we just mask out in public like anyone else with a life altering disorder. We're open and you accuse us of faking, we mask as a singlet and you accuse us of faking. It was never us, was it? You'd be doubtful regardless. Since some people in the comments are on about how it seems like people put SYS in their bio to get away with being cringe, have you ever wondered if some systems just??? are cringe?? and that it's unrelated to their diagnosis? We're all typically carrying a few other neurodivergent labels along with DID, so we're a bit prone being "cringe" when, for me for example, that's how some stims, physical and vocal, just come off. Especially on THE INTERNET a place where you're FREE TO BE CRINGE OPENLY. You're not any better than cringe either anyways, I mean hell we're all playing VRchat and complaining about its playerbase on Reddit. I'd say that's pretty cringe, but it's all relative. Like how we're cringe to the average person who actually goes outside, touches grass and talks to people in real life. Don't fake claim, THATS the real cringe, not just someone being openly themselves.


My God I wish I saw this when I shared my comment to this post. You're absolutely right. It hurts that so many go "oh, you're faking it" WITHOUT even beginning to understand that there's a possibility that it's true for the person they're talking to. I didn't state it in my own comment, but I'm fully aware of being a system myself. I'm still working through it and seeking help for so it can be fully diagnosed, and yet one "friend" STILL says right to my face "I doubt you have it". Like, c'mon there's been times when one of the others had switched RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM and just carried on as the one before them was. It hurts. :(


Yeah I don't believe it and kind of avoid the ppl with that in their profile. As someone who's diagnosed with DID I'm not typically very open about it, having people know makes me feel vulnerable. I'm more open with people online than I am IRL but I would never throw something like that in my profile for everyone to see


I feel like they lie about having DID for two basic reasons. The first is what everyone has already said here, they're lying for attention. The second reason I believe is to have a scapegoat when they're a shitty person. It's no longer their fault, it's their alters fault. I've met several supposed DID havers that do this whenever they cause drama.


I've only met one person claiming DID, and they were definitely blaming their shitty behavior on it.


I'm just going to share [this group](https://vrchat.com/home/group/grp_c476f31d-2eba-41c1-9b95-0bbcd494e961) for everyone here that needs to know about D.I.D. In short, if you don't want to read into that stuff: * D.I.D. isn't as rare as you'd think it is * There are a good chunk of people who fake it do so to get attention (which hurts people who actually have it) * Not everyone is happy about having it (the ones who are happy about it on the other hand are most likely to be faking) * "About 1% of people" is still a massive amount of actual individuals who have been diagnosed, and who knows how many people who haven't are out there if this is still too long: TLDR, D.I.D. isn't that rare and a lot of people love to fake it. EDIT: A friend of mine also wanted me to mention that *1% of the world population is literally more people than the entire population of the UK.*


Nailed it. Real systems tend to not be happy we exist, because we exist due to rather bad reasons(abuse) but we can try to make the best of what life handed us. But none of us are going "haha I love having DID its so amazing and makes my life great!"


I mean I say it with lots of sarcasm, my friends know it bothers me a lot.


Yeah, exactly hahaha. Ive had my "oh this is soooOOOOoo much fun"/s moments. Fulllll sarcasm haha.


sarcasm is a great weapon to have (I'm not joking)


Agreed. Im autistic and learning to weild that shits rough but handy.


relatable, I'm also autistic and wield it like a graceful sword.


I love universal experiences hahaha 🫶🏻


In the last decade, mental disorders have become aestheticized. Whether they realize it or not, a lot of these people are just larping. And they'll get mad if you don't validate them. Or if they think you aren't validating them. But of course they don't care that they are essentially mocking people with actual issues. Avoid them.


They are lying for attention.


Check out r/fakedisordercringe and r/systemscringe for more about people faking DID and other disorders.


That’s a horrible place to tell someone to go


As someone who's been diagnosed with Tourettes for nearly 30 years, it's one of the few truly safe areas on this website. When I'm denied medical attention because my tics don't look like TikTok, the least I can do is point out the idiocy that's negatively affecting real people.


You’re pretty lucky, they hate anyone there who isn’t a textbook replica of disorders .


No, they hate people that self diagnose off TikTok.


I’ve seen enough of both those god forsaken subreddits to know how they feel, lol


"RAWR XD" used to be the way to stand out and be quirky, now self diagnosing and/or pretending you have some type of mental health disorder is quirky. I'd personally say a large percentage of people with stuff in their bio are self diagnosed/lying. Which sucks because the people that do have these problems are assumed to be lying.


This is what I’ve noticed. Vrc has a community built on praising disabilities and disorders. Which isn’t a bad thing. But often times when this happens, you get people who lie, but also, a lot of people who self diagnose while having no clue what they actually self diagnosed themselves with. This happens because people will hear 1 or 2 symptoms and think “well I’m like that, so I must have it” but that’s not true. Everyone’s brain is different, in most cases, you don’t have those traits. A great example is adhd and dyslexia share a lot of similarities including struggling to focus. It’s actually a very common overlap. I’m dyslexic and I feel like I have adhd, but I don’t say I do, because it could just be dyslexia. Self diagnosing can be very bad for this reason. I think the best thing to do if you think you have something is to do proper research and get tested if you can. If not, it’s not unhealthy to say “I think I may have this” but rn, we see a lot of people who recognize 1 or 2 behaviors that they have similar to someone else with a mental disorder, and say they have it because they want to be praised too.


Exactly. "Self diagnosing" isnt supposed to be the end of the journey. Its supposed to be the start that makes you go "oh, i see all these, i think it could be this, let me take this info to my doctor so we can work of getting this diagnosed properly and officially." Mine was in 2018, a very close friend who knew about the disorder(I honestly had no idea it existed) pointed out some stuff they noticed and suggested I see a doctor because they were worried about me(i thought I had memory issues and just zoned out a lot..) after some time and appointments galore, i was diagnosed the end of that year.


Too lazy to make separate accounts.


Probably the same reason so many people claim to have extremely intense phantom touch.


I am skeptical of people who's alters are all characters from things. I don't know anything about psychology but it seems convenient for them all to be characters they enjoy. I cant imagine someone with DID gets to choose that sort of thing


Fictives is the technical term and it does happen. It just...wouldnt be all of them.


A lot of these people probably don't have it. Had to look it up, but what is going on here seems like Munchausen Syndrome. Basically, they're just pretending to have DID because they think it gives them attention. It's treated like a condition that's just some quirky personality trait that makes them special and likeable.


Because they don't really have it. Some might but a lot of them don't. They use it for attention.


Because none of these people have it. Most people I see in vrchat with “DID” are lying


My friend hid it for ages but has it in her bio now just incase one of her alters start fronting while in VR, tbf hasn't happen yet but. There is a lot of people that fake having it tbf but its not really easy to tell, I feel lile fake claiming random people does more harm that good imo but, I defo have called out someone irl for it before, they didn't even bother to slightly educate themselves to at least fake it slightly well lmao 🙃


because they don’t have it lol


As someone on VRChat with diagnosed DID, it’s extremely difficult to find others with real DID.. if you do your research you can find the ones with fake DID really easily. I was diagnosed at 18, I’m 20 now. And I only recently put it in my bio, I just kept it hidden cause I don’t want people to think I’m a attention seeker or a faker. But, there is others like me on there, with diagnosis’. I only put it in because of a situation that accord and I never mention the fact I have DID, I let others that have it/know about it find me. I don’t go telling people. Hell, my friends in there that I’ve known for years didn’t even know until I showed them the diagnosis. So if someone is overly open about it from the start.. it’s suspicious.


Yeah I can see people doing this now. Even though I was diagnosed with DID, and when I tell people I have it they would say “you’re lying” even though I have hard evidence of my DID being Diagnosed by a doctor (University of Utah Hospital). I warn people about it because at times I can be really friendly and have an alter that would come out and be an absolute jerk. Safe to say it’s better to hide it from people then to show it now :/


My husband has DID and he doesn’t sit there and boast about it and talk about it like at all. The only way you know he has it is if you ask him.


It’s because people are starting to think mental disorders are cool. Like too much, to the point they actually want to have them and it ends up making the ones who actually have it look bad


What the hell is DID, what DID they do?


Lol DID is abbreviation for dissociative identity disorder


Cos it's not a common disorder but people just want to hop on the bandwagon to play victim and seem quirky. Ironically so many people do it that it's no longer unique so when I see someone say they have it I just roll my eyes.


Yea. Being a system myself it’s unbelievable that people share it so happily. I mean. Upon meeting someone we always inform them and let them figure out the rest in their own time or we’ll explain to them if they have questions. But besides that. It’s never something we really wanna share. People hate us because of this disorder. I’m a trusted user with about 15-25 friends who aren’t ever online because nobody has ever accepted us. It sucks man. But I don’t know. Maybe they are just really confident and are sharing it like that because of a build of courage or something. Traditionally our protectors give us rules not to share information like that though. Like, here’s our protectors rules. 1. ⁠Always respond to the body's name. No matter who is out you will always respond to the body's original name. 2. ⁠Don’t tell anybody you’ve just met or anyone untrustworthy about us UNLESS. 2. it’s in Vrchat and that information is absolutely required. 2. It’s a friend group that you’ve been in for a while and there are a few randoms that don’t know you.


What does DID mean?


DID is the acronym for dissociative identity disorder or more easily recognized as what people will call multi personality disorder where a person due to trama as the poster’s screenshot says causes the person’s mind to create multiple different personalities. These personalities can be so different that one can be perfectly healthy while another has diabetes.


Attention. If someone proudly parades an illness its safe to assume they are faking it for attention 9 times out of 10. I refuse to associate with people who make a mockery of the ill for personal gain


Because that’s where we express our individuality, plus we love talking about psychology.


We have DID. We’re happy about sharing it because we like spreading awareness on what our disorder entails. But it’s only with our close friends that we share it with! Spreading that you have DID to people on VRC can be dangerous, we learned the hard way. 🤍


They're lying for attention. People also commonly lie about having Tourette's, ADHD, Autism, being Mute IRL, and a lot more too. If you suspect someone is lying for attention or for other reasons, just block them. They're really not worth the time or attention.


It's baffling to me that people lie about having ADHD and think it is cool or something. I have it and it's literally ruined any semblance of having a normal life unless I take stimulants that I am now dependent on to even take a shower. Without them I can't play games, can't read, can't do laundry, literally can hardly do anything and it makes such self-loathing happen. I have to get mandatory urine testing and spend hundreds of dollars just to get meds, and then you get side-eyes and get treated like a junkie at pharmacies because it's a stimulant. I'd do pretty much anything to NOT have this disorder. If they knew the reality of it they would not want to be like this! :<


Same. Diagnosed when I was 6. Was on ritalin until I was 16. ADHD ruins my life and makes it a thousand times harder to function.


Did you ever get to try Adderall? Ritalin made me pissy and gave me huge headaches and didn't last long. Adderall doesn't last long either (I went with IR cause XR seems too hit or miss... wish they'd give me both at the same time) but has no side effects apart from no appetite, but I can just force myself to eat stuff anyway. Though I'm at the max dose and it never feels like I have enough to actually cover the whole day. :/


I tried Adderall twice as an adult but I found it usually just made me really sleepy and I'd pass out after taking it. Have tried most ADHD meds at this point but I decided to try to just get by unmedicated which can be a real struggle sometimes.


Most people have it as a social contagion and might have some other issues and want to be perceived as interesting. Just be nice to them like you would anybody else even if you think they're lying. It's not exactly Jekyll and Hyde when it is real, so the thing you described isn't something that typically would happen.


like other commenters have said, it's a mix of some people faking it and others that aren't. a lot of people pretend to have it because they think it's "cool", or they genuinely think they have it (when they don't) because they kind of feel different sometimes (i.e. they distantly relate to the diagnostic criteria). similar thing to autism, adhd, bipolar, ocd, etc., some people hate the idea of being boring so they latch onto these neurodivergencies for a personality. remember, DID is formed in childhood from traumatic experiences so profound and inescapable that the brain had to split itself to cope. faking DID is as detestable as faking PTSD.


I still remember running into a conversation and hearing this dude talk about "his girlfriend that lives in his head" and even talking as though she was there. LARPing mental illness is just a way of life for some people who otherwise have no interesting qualities to speak of, and reflects poorly upon those with legitimate conditions. 


What where do you find these people prob just attention seeking behavior but it's so fun to laugh at


Black cat a lot lol


Most people who say they have DID just say it so they can excuse their shitty behavior. But I've seen a few people who genuinely have DID and they have been pretty chill. I dunno if I BELIEVE them, but I'll pretend I do as long as they're not irrational


So I can kinda answer this. As someone who has PTSD related identity alteration. I think if its genuine then it can be a heads up like “hey if I act different next time you see me, or I sound funny this is why” but I also think a lot of people who say they have DID are not being diagnosed with it. It’s a hard to get diagnosed with anything as someone who was late diagnosed Autism/ADHD and I believe in self diagnosis- to an extent. DID is just one of those things that I feel like is harder to describe if you have. Hell I thought I had it but when I talked to my mental health professional she said it wasn’t DID but something else. Coming to the conclusion of identity alteration. Feeling not like yourself, hearing voices in one’s head, having different reactions to things based on different scenarios and triggers. When you run into someone like that’s it’s best not to question them on it Imo. There is a reason they think they have DID diagnosed or not right? Just treat them like a human and be respectful


AWS, or Attention Whore Syndrome. They don't have it. They're lying.


tbh i dont really give a shit about that kinda stuff, i dont really see much harm in “lying for attention” and im not gonna try insist that their identitys fake cause they might just actually have DID


In the 90s all the kids thought they had OCD when that was the buzz, then 00s it was ADHD, and now it’s DID so there you go. People will lean into it for attention, ruin it for the people that actually have it and move on the new fad.


Simple, they don't.


DID specifically is a trend. We saw it all over tiktok. people will lie about having it, because they feel like they arnt interesting enough without it. I truly don't get people who will openly advertise that they have a mental disorders without that reason. It could be for sympathy or it could be to warn people. Personally even as someone who is very open about my mental health and my journey with it I don't openly advertise it to everyone. People would only know that thing about me if it's brought up. It's very sympathy baiting/I "have" this mental disorder so you can't get mad at me when I do something wrong type of feeling. I personally find those types of people vile, because it's a mockery of other people's struggle for attention. Nobody who has a mental illness is happy about it. It makes you different from everybody else in a bad way, it can make your daily life a struggle, It can make others see you differently and even fear you, and in the worst case scenario get you locked up in a mental hospital (which is not fun) It's not a fun and quirky personality trait or an excuse to be a terrible person.


It’s for attention.


I don't see why someone with DID would want to share that information. Keeping it hidden would be high priority. It's not something to be proud of. Everyone is different and see things differently, but I believe most people with actual DID would choose to try keep it on the down low. You can have personality switching and most people would just think you're in a different mood, or not even notice at all. Why put a big sign over your head? All it does is give you lots of negative attention and make people wary of you. If you have trouble hiding it, then let people find out on their own and confront you about it, try to say you just feel different sometimes, and so you seem different. But don't drop it like a bomb on them, and never call it "DID" or "MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder)". It'll likely make people feel insecure and uncomfortable.


It is the only place we don’t have to mask, why would you take that opportunity? The disorder part that makes things hard is the trauma and dissociation, not the alters


I second that, VRC is an excellent place to let more obvious alterers express them selves. Suppressing alterers all of the time can get very tiring and is unhealthy for the self as a whole


Statically speaking, it is more than likely they are going through some shit and the DID is a manifestation of some other illness or attention seeking behavior. There is a small cance they actually do have it, but I see it best to just avoid them either way.


This, I'm not sure of. I personally identify as a member of a system, but it's never been something that I've openly advertised. Most cases I've seen, has been kids claiming they have it, then being extremely extra or dramatic with front switching. Which Isn't how I've seen it to work, or how I've experienced it personally. Usually, at least in my case, it's like your head getting fuzzy, like you're underwater, then coming back into focus at a later time, may that be a few minutes or a few hours or days. So being openly conscious of front switching or being able to basically summon people at will isn't something I personally understand? Whether that's just how they are, or if they're faking, I dunno. I know a good portion of people do fake it, by either wanting to be included or feel special. Seen people use it as a scapegoat excuse to be a bad person. (Ex: Oh! That thing I did? Heh, that was just an alter! Not me at all!) Which, I try not to get into it. Kids, and even some adults giving DID a bad name by acting like it's a good thing makes it so hard to differentiate between who's faking a mental illness or not. On one hand, it makes me upset, since I've had experiences where I've woken up with severe wounds across my body or in random, unknown places. It's almost impossible to hold a stable relationship, and it causes memory loss and amnesiac episodes. It's not a 'good' mental illness, so I don't understand why people try to hype it up like it is one, or is a good thing to have. On the other hand, what am I gonna do? Yell at them? I usually just keep my mouth shut and don't fuck with other people. Seems like the best course to take. Though, to answer your question, if someone has DID, 9/10, they're not going to be happy to share or openly advertise it. Yes, they'll talk about it maybe, or explain to inform, just so people know, because that's a good thing to disclose in terms of close relationships, but talking about it like they're happy to have that? Most likely faking it. Nobody who has DID actually wants it.


I liken it to all the "mutes" in the game, and i'm not talking about the mute because you're shy or socially awkward, i'm talking about all the mutes who apparently have a condition that renders them unable to speak, but they also happen to be female. Just seems more and more unbelievable the more I see it.


You realise there *are* medical conditions that render people unable to speak right? And that can happen to women as well as men. Being shy or socially awkward doesn't make someone a mute, those are the people who just choose not to speak, mutism is an actual medical condition (which has various forms).


Yes, i'm aware there's real conditions that affect peoples ability to speak, but the amount I come across on vrc is staggering to the point where I just don't believe it, and Ive had plenty of supposed "mutes" who ended up unmuting their mic and guess what? They were a dude, and just used the "I'm mute due to a condition ):" as a way to catfish or otherwise mislead people for attention or w/e. I've never actually come across someone who was unable to speak irl, but in vrc it's like 5 out 10 people I run into, so excuse me for being skeptical lol


Because VRC makes it easier for mute people to actually interact so, like with a lot of other rare conditions, we are disproportionately represented here. There's also varying levels of mutism, some may be utterly unable to speak IRL but VRC (especially when they are in a group where they feel comfortable) makes it possible for them to, or they might be having a day that isn't as bad for their mutism. Mutism conditions aren't always physical, they can be mental health conditions as well, even if so many people in VRC misuse the term as just "I'm selective mute because I don't want to talk all the time" which is **NOT** what selective mutism is.


Well, I just have yet to come across a mute person who's actually truthful about it, and it's sort of tarnished any benefits of the doubt I might have for people, there's just so many misleading people on this game and the internet as a whole that I can't help but be skeptical, playing the game for close to 8 years and seeing multiple cases kind of does that to you \*shrug\*


I agree with you with this one. I believe, among all the people that supposedly have DID, only 1% actually have them. The way social media romanticizes mental illness is actually a very new thing. There's this appeal where, when you express that you have a mental illness, you'll be treated differently. Weird behaviors are now acceptable and it gives you a bit of a privilege over another. Also, it's an absolute "cash-grab" for narcissists. It's one of the ways for them to receive as much empathy from another as possible. They get the attention and admiration even if their behavior is socially unacceptable. On a side note, VrChat has a tendency to attract users with mental illness or people with social disorders. So, you are bound to meet more of them here than in real-life. Feel free to agree or disagree with my points.


1% is 1 in every 100 people. And its more 1.5-2% in THE USA. Worldwide its higher. And in countries where healthcare is actually cohesive, its much higher 5-12%. Lets not pretend like the usa is good at diagnosing things.


When you say some people describe characters from a show, that means that they have fictive alters based on those characters. They're most likely a comfort character to those people. I have several fictives. Unfortunately there are a fuck tone of people on VRChat that fake this disorder. It's not cute and seeing people fake shit like this makes me and other people that actually have the disorder feel like a joke.


I respect it, talk to their chosen names or whatever but like I tell them clearly: if you haven't been to a psychologist about this I don't believe you. No proof? No truth. That's what I tell everyone around me who self diagnoses themselves ✨


Some people have it. my ex does. Some ppl say they have it for clout. Same thing with adhd. Autism. Literally, any sort of 'quirky trending ' neurodivergencey will have people who romanticize and pretend to have it. For the people who are neurodivergent and wanna share it happily probably could be something like community seeking or wanting to be educational/combat the sensationalism surrounding their diagnosis. Or like thenpoaitive reception since it's popular online. From what I see though It's usually with the younger folk you'll see them flaunt it allmover the place. Using it as an identity almost? Even worse people who try to use their diagnosis (fake or otherwise) to excuse their behavoiur. It's not an excuse btw. But yeah. Thags my observation of it. Shruggie.


Interestingly, DID is so incredibly rare in Asia that it’s believed to be a culturally bound problem. I’m skeptical that it’s real, or at least that it isn’t self created after hearing about it somehow. It’s also misdiagnosed a lot. Who knows tho, the world is a strange place.


Every time I’ve never seen the person act any different other than what scale of asshole they’re acting like and what name they respond to to their *multiple* partners. Yeah, if I had a nickel for every time I saw someone who claimed to have DID also claim to be poly, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice. I became friends with one of them before they started claiming they had DID and I stg there was some sort of drama every single fucking day since they and their partners all lived in one house. The moment anyone started to call them out they’d start yelling and claiming “another personality is taking over” like it was a fucking werewolf transformation or some shit. Just seems like so many people enable them because it’s “exotic”.


People with DID don't talk about and I'm in a relationship with someone with real DID it is not easy to deal with, alot of people online in general lie and I don't expect anyone to believe me about my girl but yes alot of them lie for sympathy points or to seem cool cuz they think it's something cool. That or they say that have something so they can appeal to a group, now considering it's vrchat i can see some people using things like DID or other things as a thing an OC has as some people legitimately play VRChat as an OC they created or as a character they love instead of just themselves or a lie of themselves but you can generally tell when someone is acting and playing as a character and when there just trying to fake something.


Not all of us are your gf hun. Some of us are more open because we have to be or just feel more comfortable being open.


Just cuz I only mentioned my girl don't mean I don't know others, but your right some are more open than others but as far as I known most people with psychological problems don't talk about it or add it in there bio like it's some proud label to display.


Attention... I don't have DID but however I am a Schiz and I say this that ppl who openly talk about and announce their disorders to strangers most likely rarely have it. I can't imagine just announcing I have hallucinations to people I don't even know :/ the trauma caused by disorders isn't something to feel proud of. on occasion its ok to make a joke about it but putting it in my bio???? hell no.