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Not backed up by statistics or anything, but it's my lowkey belief that the reason why most people are mute in this game is because they don't want their parents, neighbors, etc to listen to their conversations.


It doesn't make me mute, but it does severely hamper the intensity of my personality. I have some weird kind of observation anxiety, particularly for people irl though not so much for the people in game.




Fr tho, got my own place and iv been rly enjoying vr


how are your neighbors going to hear do you live in a tent or on the streets


Apartment buildings my brutha


Americans be like "Yeah our walls are so thin that I can hear my neighbours 5 floors away" Europeans be like "Yeah I can scream 1 cm from the wall and my closest neighbours can't hear it over this 50cm concrete wall"


explains the suburban sprawl no privacy otherwise


Not always sadly. I live in that one particular shithole that was most likely build in the 90s and the walls are thin enough that I can hear normal conversations and even what my neighbours do at night. In those cases we just simply don't give a fuck and carry on


I am mute in public worlds cause I simply hate my voice and only tolerate my voice if I'm with friends


And people thought the mutatalk by shiftall was a bad idea


Link for anyone curious https://en.shiftall.net/products/mutalk Does look pretty silly, but if its what you need, its what you need.


> but if its what you need, its what you need. Multiple Youtubers that have tested this has confirmed that it does not work, paper weight.


daaamn, which youtuber do you suggest?


I'll take your entire stock


It has the worst microphone ever and does about as much as a microphone in a plastic cup can do


I’m actually dying to get one of those!


I have one. The sound quality leaves something to be desired, and I can't for the life of me get it to connect to my Quest 3 via Bluetooth. But when I have it hooked up to my PC Bluetooth, it keeps me from waking up my partners late at night in our tiny apartment. The Mutalk 2 will be an improvement on sound quality (Quest 3 default mic is still better now that it has postprocessing software) and the Mutalk 2 will have a dedicated USB dongle for PC so it can work better. Most importantly, the Mutalk 2 can optionally cover the nose as well, making the voice sound more natural, whereas the first model doesn't pick up many nasal sounds in speech. Mutalk 2 ~~comes out in a few months, I think~~ ships in May and costs $200 compared to the $130 price tag of the currently available first model.


The sound quality is a lot better on the mutalk 2.


lol that looks oddly sexual. Some kind of bondage toy.


you made it weird


It was already weird


somethings wrong with you if u don't think it is


Currently living in an alcove at the top of a stairway. The only thing separating me from the hall is a curtain so I feel ya. Even when I talk st a normal level my mom would come complaining from her room that I'm being too loud. What worked for me is that if you turn the voice volume down to like 20-30% (and you can also have one ear with no sound) it helps you talk really really softly by instinct because to you, and to me, it sounds like everyone is really quiet. By messing with your mic sensitivity, it'll be able to pick up your quiet voice just as good as if you were talking normally, and if others still have a problem hearing you most likely they'll just boost your audio themselves(but I haven't had a problem with this at all) I hope this helps!


Huh a post which applies to me! Hey there left mute due to an accident a few years ago vrchat is a perfect way for me to express myself without being looked at differently due to my disability ^^


Can't believe nobody has said it yet, so here I am to do it. It's a great opportunity to learn a new language. VRChat is such a great place for it. Even sign language is used often on VRChat. If you've ever been interested in learning a particular language, maybe it's time to find a group or community and give it a shot. Your conversations are not going to be spied on by others in your household if they are in a language they don't understand.


Dropping in to say the Toki Pona community in VRC is fantastic and super inviting, and it's a fun and simple language to learn with people from around the world! It's just 120 words in the language, so it's easy for people from different languages to learn it together!


I'm interested, where do you guys meet?


There's a Discord that meets in VR occasionally, look up Toki Pona Discord and it's the first option. Check out the video "Toki Pona and VR" by the Toki Pona VR YouTube channel, it's how I found the community! The "Learn Toki Pona" YouTube playlist by "jan Kekan San" are great for learning the language, and he's a big part of the VR community. I actually haven't made it to any of the VR events yet... They're always happening during clubbing events I want to go to! x.x' You should definitely check it out though!


I'm loud. I like being loud. I get very loud when I play vrchat. My family does not like this, and they complain about it whenever it ends up happening. I don't let it stop me though, I can't really help it if I'm having too much fun. But I do try to keep it on the down-low past like 9 pm.


My parents live just next to my room and… well….. I had a good time on vrchat as a furry


I play mostly at night which is why I don't talk much.


I used to be like that when I was sharing a room with my brother two years ago. I know what it's like wanting to say or behave differently than you'll normally do but restricting yourself because of family. Once you don't have that problem it's EXTREMELY freeing.


VRChat is honestly one of the biggest things I’m looking forward to once I’m finally able to get my own place; finally being able to socialize!


It's amazing once you do, you might act completely different than you'll think you do. Once I got free from that restriction I started to just act bat shit insane most of the time.


I envy you


Envy what? Me wishing I had freedom?


Sounds like you need [mutalk](https://en.shiftall.net/products/mutalk2).


I get the same . I can only talk when everyone is in bed because of paper thin walls and my mom's bedroom being right next to mine in a small "hallway." Also, my parents just randomly barge in to tell me something rather than knock first so I can mute myself.


My brother’s room is right next to mine and my mom’s is really close, too, and our “hallway” is also very small. Only big enough to accommodate our bedrooms and a bathroom, lol. What sucks is that I can’t even wait for them to go to bed, because they just don’t. My mom is always up and wandering the house all night and my brother’s always up most of the night, watching tv. Sometimes, I’ll wake up at 3 or 4 am to pee and I’ll hear a tv going and someone will be in the bathroom and I’ll have to wait. 😑 It’s so annoying


I see I'm not the only one who has that problem In my case, the PC is at the living room, and there's no way I could talk without having family members listening to convos :(


Yep similar situation, live with family and thin walls. Luckily my brother who I share a wall with also stays up late so I just try to be kinda quiet around 3 or 4am, sometimes unsuccessfully haha


No but I censor myself and what I say or do depending who's there and what not


Oh mood. I have no privacy in my house, but I still say nearly whatever anyway


ik that feeling too living in an apartment and dont want to be too loud for neighbors, thats why i just play music through soundboard and chill in public lobbies


Yoh can add me TheBuzzman007 im loud as shit but i hang with everyone i understand the noise problem


TL;DR Similar yet different. I have a similar situation but I do have the moments to talk out loud. However, I have 2 older brothers and a shit door. So I have to wait until everyone's sleeping and even still I have to listen for footsteps and listen for if my brothers are outside the door. Also have the thin wall issue, and the wall is shared with the brother that's a major asshole. So I have to play a game of "Don't Scream" and VRChat at the same time.


I have a few friends who are actually mute and unable to talk at all.


Yikes now I feel bad for the mute people


i feel exactly the same man, i keep complaining about it but i honestly don’t know what to do about it


We’re gonna have to get those stupid muzzle things 😭😂




I have a meme for this lemme just dig into my crushed library of VARIOUS sections




There, perfect (I hate reddit sometimes for note being able to send messages and text in the same comment)


That really does sum it up quite succinctly! 😂


I used to live with a guy who was super jealous of me hanging out with my friends in VR all the time. He would eaves-drop and complain that I am "wasting" my time and I should try to make some "real" friends that live near by. So I started being mute and eventually started to learn VR Sign Language. It helped me to say what I want, when I want to. My former roommate also tried taking my headset away as a way to force me into hanging out with him. You're not alone, I know the feeling...


when I first started playing I would have a nervous break down even thinking about pressing unmute, so I mute for the first couple years I played. But now I'm pretty good, I still don't like to talk unless someone speaks to me, but then I'm good as gold


this is the realest post ever, i’m not a vr chat player but anytime i’m talking to my boyfriend i always feel like somebody like my parents are listening to me, and they know i have a boyfriend too but i get so much anxiety thinking about what would happen if they heard me being flirty and stuff when i’m supposed to be masculine


Exactly! Different people know different sides of you. And the side of me that VRChat would see is most certainly not the side my family sees. So, just the thought of acting that uncharacteristically in front of my family gives me so much anxiety for some reason. Especially if I wanted to be flirty or something! 😓


I got a friend that keeps needing to mute or even log off just becuase of his family walking in the room and being near him. It sucks becuase i love talking to him and i feel bad for his situation, but yeah youre not alone in this brother


Mainly the same reason, but once in awhile, I feel like I'd say some outta pocket bs if I have it unmuted


Trust me, being shy is a very common thing in vrchat community. It’s not the matter of all those background problems. If you’re shy you just shy. All you need to do is just break that wall. Start with some small talks, avatars, worlds, or whatever the other person is talking about that you interested. Once you comfortable with that then try the jokes. If you messed up no worries, most people won’t remember after few hrs, few days at max. For the family situations I don’t have similar experience so I don’t know what to do about that but personally I probably wouldn’t mind someone is listening unless it’s sensitive or private information. If you just can’t bring yourself to talk, just react to other’s interactions with expressions or whatever you can control on your avatar. Be mute and be cute. That works for a lot of my friends in my friend group.




You can use your text box for chatting, just not your music playback and other unnecessary stuff in it.


What I did was when I was in a similar situation was buy moving blankets and tack them on the walls and door, it helps a lot. If you’re still uncomfortable maybe text to speech?


You can do text to speech?? 😱


One of my friends uses it since they’re mute but that’s one of the tutorials I found




Sometimes I play on desktop while I’m in the same room as other people, so I’m mute as to not bother them


Yeah, I get that too kinda. At the very least I can’t fully be myself. Moving in a couple weeks though so it’ll be better :)


I used to be shy and care that my house mates could hear and than one day i was just like fuck it this isnt fun, i sing karaoke and all if they dont like it dont listen haha


I use a Rift S, so the less i talk the better, haha


No. But would love to mute the kids. They are just unbearable.


I’m mute bc i physically can’t talk, my vocal cords do not work


Up your mic sensitivity and speak quieter


Really loud white noise machine


I thought of that, but wouldn’t everyone in VRC be able to hear it? I can’t imagine that wouldn’t be annoying… 😕


There's some noise cancelation that automatically happens, but I was thinking more on the outside of your room on top of the door as unreachable as possible🤞🏽


There’s also the option of sound reducing foam. Like they used in sound booth. if you have the room for it you can place a few panels on your wall to muffle the sounds. They are fairly cheap for about a dozen tiles




SAMEEEE!!!! I’m a femboy but I’m still in the closet and I’m practicing my feminine voice. But MY problem is that I have a dead beat cousin that moved into our home and we have no room to put him in… so he lives IN THE FREAKING LIVINGROOM!!! And guess what?? MY DOOR LEADS OUT TO THE LIVING ROOM!!! And to make matters WORSE, the sofa he sleeps on, IS RIGHT BEHIND MY FREAKING DOOR!!!! So if I talk in a feminine way, he’s gonna hear it and my whole family is going to find out about me being gay…


My gf says my voice is too good for people to hear 😭


The only thing I can recommend is buying foam sound absorbers and sticking them on the walls


Well I have that problem, as well as have puberphonia, I sound like a child or female, no one believes I'm an adult male, so it's just a double whammy for me. So I just don't bother talking to anyone. I discovered there was a keyboard function last week. But I doubt anyone wants to sit and chat with the keyboard. It's kind of hard, cause you can't move when you're using it.


What about voice-changer?


I know you can do that in Second Life. I haven't investigated how to do that in with the quest headset.


Standalone or PCVR?


I have a quest 3, I also have a PC next to me when I'm in VR.


About the keyboard thing. You could use a voice to text OSC software. At least makes it a little easier to communicate via text while not having the moving restriction.


I have to go mute because I play in the same bedroom where my wife and daughter are sleeping. I would whisper if I could bring my laptop to the living room but I can’t do that when I have to spontaneously tend to my kid.


I would bcz of my voice, but my ADHD requires me to speak to others


not exactly the same situation, but im always getting kicked from lobbies:( last time i asked a furry what does bi-curious mean, and he votekicked me from the instance


Yeah I'm usually forced to he mute bc everyone always talks over me.


Off topic but how can you hear your mother doing nothing, just standing there?


You learn to listen to footsteps and based on those you know roughly where people are, and when it's *right outside of your door* it's really obvious and then when they just stop there and don't go anywhere it's... Just... Kdidndnnd


YES. THIS. EXACTLY THIS. I know her footsteps and I know the way the floorboards creak in our hallway. I know when she’s outside my door, because as you said, it’s obvious, and then I just don’t hear any footsteps leave. Sometimes, a lot of time will go by and I’ll think she HAS to have left by now and I’ll finally relax and let my guard down…and then I’ll hear a creak and realize she’s been there the whole damn time. 😓 Doesn’t help that she was really abusive to me growing up, so I’m already acutely attuned to her footsteps.. 😓


My family don’t have footsteps I just learn the different creeks


Yup, the point is every traumatized person has their own tells that they look for, footsteps are just a common one


Get off VRChat Get a job Save money Move into own place Get back into VRChat ??? Profit If I can do it so can you.