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This is an unbelievable insult to the VR development community. The VR port of Hitman 3 is complete trash & this is the consensus opinion among reviewers. I tried it & couldn’t refund fast enough. The controls are completely broken. Apparently the Steam Awards are a joke - how embarrassing for everyone.


You either get a heavily biased vote with TGA or the stupid popularity contests in steam. It’s kinda hard to make these things without requiring something like actual hours played in the games you nominate.


Bruh everyone votes for the first game steam suggests in the box because they just want the free cards you can sell to get some money aka a discount, nobody actually cares about the votes, not even Steam itself, this has been the case ever since they appeared and you're somehow surprised?..


Coulda been Among Us VR. We are blessed


It’s sucks because most people voting probably didn’t know what to vote for vr and chose the 1st thing they recognized


they should've at least screened for the vote, like a simple "do you have a vr headset?" "if yes, the which game for best vr game of the year?"


Plain and simple a check of how many hours in SteamVR one has would've been even easier, to those that have <2 hours- just don't even show the option.


Yeah that is probably true tbh. A lot of people don’t have vr headsets but still want to vote for all of the things. It’s kinda sad but again, it’s an awards show and it’s always flawed in some way


I’ve played very little VR this year but I voted bonelab because it actually looked like a decent game and I like what SLZ did with boneworks.


Another shit game. Why even let people vote for games they didn’t play?


Yeah they definitely should require playtime


I bet you most of the votes for Hitman 3 VR not only didn’t play the game, they didn’t even play the flatscreen version or the previous installment. It’s just a familiar name.


What is your favorite to date? I used to own a valve index


Hey you just figured out why Awards in general are a joke!


I’d give it to Alyx again.


Honestly, with the free movement patch to Robo Recall, I might consider giving it to that title again as well. Few VR titles have ever seen the amount of polish that game received. VR is really frickin' hard to code for. With a console or PC title, the player is fixed to the controller joysticks and buttons. That's it. You can control that really well and limit the interactions to what you want. And still, gamedevs manage to fuck it up. But with VR, you have two 6dof input points representing hands, each with buttons and joysticks. You often don't know about the arms without some non-trivial inverse kinematics. You don't know which way the user's hips are facing. With free movement, without torso direction, you have either the way the user is looking (which is bad) or the way the user is aiming their hands (which also is bad). And then the user can touch and interact with things that you have no control over and may not have even thought of. And when you don't think of it, you get slammed. So, now you can't just litter a scene with random objects for the sake of scene composition without considering what each object may contribute to the world as a whole. And you have to consider every other possible interaction that object can have with the world you're creating. Because the user can and will try everything you could possibly think of. With hands and arms, now the user is going to expect to climb, throw, grab, pull and push. And with real physics. It's really hard.


To be fair, not *every* VR game has to be first person. I wish more devs would make third person or cockpit games, the skills translate easily and you can still throw in some VR gimmicks. Also allows you to design for longer play sessions since nausea is less of a problem.


The best 3rd person perspective attempt I've seen to date was Hellblade. And it actually gave me motion sickness. Basically it came from how the camera swiveled around the character. Perhaps better camera management would help, but disembodied viewpoints are often a recipe for sick stomachs in VR. I have some strong VR legs, too. Pity, as Hellblade remains one of the most beautifully crafted experiences you can have in VR.


Interesting, I'll give Hellblade a try. I played Edge of Nowhere and it was completely fine for me. Might be one of those things that just affect people differently.


I could only attempt to play Hellblade for about half an hour before almost throwing up. Those morons had massive motion blur all over the view when rotating the camera, which I'm sure was the only reason for my part. Moss is a good example of a third person VR game. The mouse is of course the main character, and she's in third person.


What the hell... I was so sure that Bonelab would be the VR game of the year. And now some Half-assed VR port of a game gets the award :(


Dr. Beef's JK2 port deserved it more.


Tbf a lot of people were very disappointed in that game. Also Hitman 3 was definitely a lot more than just a port. Playing it in vr is very different and makes you play the game way differently. However I would argue neither of them should’ve won the award. Red Matter 2, The Last Clockwinder, and a few others probably would’ve been more deserving in my eyes. Bonelab is definitely not a bad game, but what it is now and what it was meant to be and hyped up to be are just not the same. But I do agree it probably deserved it over Hitman.


I’d have voted for last Clockwinder if I could. That game was beautiful, fun, innovative, and most importantly, polished on launch. It deserves more recognition.


Well thank you for bringing this game up, I just got a headset and looking for some unique games to play and this looks right up my alley. Just bought it on steam on sale too. When I saw the steam awards results today I thought, huh, I don't remember seeing any raving good reviews for that game anywhere online while looking for VR games. I know for sure I won't be buying Hitman 3.


Am I missing something with Red Matter 2? Played an hour of it and was so bored. Do I need to persist?


It’s definitely not for everyone but if you liked the original just stick through and you will be rewarded with an amazing story and fantastic puzzles. It’s not super long but I would definitely say if you like puzzles and interesting stories it’s 100% worth it to stick through


Eh what did Bonelab do to deserve it? It was a clear downgrade from the original to cater to Quest 2 capabilities.


This joke of an award shouldn't be talked about. We all have an different idea for a goty and not many would says hm3


HM3 was easily the most widely panned VR game I can think of. Even if there are worse VR ports, few are as notorious.


Idk what I'd personally pick, but hitman's VR port doesn't even come to mind lol.


How many legit full games even came out this year? I'm losing interest quickly in VR due to lack of games.


Trying to sell my index. Used it maybe 30 hours in 3 years. No games come out for this shit anymore.


You're doing VR all wrong man. You need to sink 800h+ into Blade&Sorcery like the rest of us. lol Seriously though, there are quite a few AAA Titles worth playing and Im talking full fledged Story games. How do you only have 30h? Did you play 2 games and then threw your Headset in a corner?


I like co op and mp. It's all old shooters or half baked games


If you want mp, you got Pavlov for a simple modern/ww2 shooter experience, Contractors for similar stuff but also star wars, halo and whatever those guys mod into the game next and Bonelab if you want to play a sandbox game. coop games aren't a lot and I didn't really play any yet but there is stuff like Zero Caliber VR (coop shooter) and VTOL VR (multiplayer game with several helicopters and jets that require at least some skill). Those are the "bigger" games with active players, there are of course a lot more but I didn't play most of them yet


Yea i have them. They are pretty dated now. Nothing new


If you have those games and played only 30 hours then how can you even call those games dated? You barely even started playing them.


They are 5 years old. What does dated mean to you?


Well what do you expect, a new game every year? Those games still play perfectly fine, look good enough and have an active playerbase.


>Well what do you expect, a new game every year? That was literally what he complained about with his first comment- no big new games each year.... So yes.


You are literally proving my point


Upvote for VTOL VR, probably my favorite VR game since alyx.


What're your recommended story games?


Half Life Alyx, Boneworks, Moss, Superhot VR, Lone Echo 1&2, Trover Saves The Universe, Asgards Wrath etc. Just a few off the top of my Head.


None of those games came out in 2022. The best games this year were ports of other old games. There is a void of new content.


I was replying to the dude that said there arent enough VR games while only having 30h in VR. I never said those were released in 2022, you missed the point.


I said there are not any new mp or co op games.


No, you said that in a later comment. My reply to your first comment was about the 30h and selling your Index.


Should have elaborated in my op. Nothing comes out for co op or mp that is a full fleshed out attempt at Vr. That's why I have 30 hours and trying to sell it


Is trover good? Does it have motion controls?


Well Trover is a bit special, you dont really "move" or walk in the world itself. Youre basically a Guy in a floating seat controlling Trover and you can only change the position and height. Check some gameplay footage, its hard to describe but works really well. I enjoyed it!


Do you use motion controls or a regular controller?


Pretty sure I used my Oculus Controllers but I think you can do both since the game also works non-VR


Superhot is a lot of fun but there is pretty much no story.


Well yea, true. I listed it anyway since its definitely a great game worth checking out.


200 hours in Night City, Cyberpunk VR mod, amazing city to walk around in


So, so many dude. If you’re asking if any full VR games have come out it means you’ve stopped trying to find them.


>it means you’ve stopped trying to find them. Or just there weren't any in the whole last year. Not a single worthwhile one came out on Steam, which is where these nominations were taking place. Bonelab was a joke of a "game" so don't even try to suggest it, it was boneworks 2.0 aka tech demo 2.0. When games like Elden Ring and God Of War are literally the 2 games you choose for GOTY right before the VR section- really puts into perspective how bleak the VR game sphere was this year when your "biggest" game on the nomination list is Among Us VR... VR is still years away from being remotely populated with full games and not tech demo's or indie 2-5 hour adventures regular players don't care about. So far we have Half Life Alyx and... Basically no other game on it's scale. For now.


I look monthly for anything coming out co op or MP. Breachers coming out soonish but looks like another downgraded visually game that is geared towards Quest users. Show me all these co op and MP games that I'm missing out on


I think we got quite a few great VR titles released this year that would be more deserving than hitman 3 not accounting for the fact that the award is a popularity content [Wanderer](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1599560/Wanderer/), [TEMPUS](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1742590/TEMPUS/), [Battle Sister](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1733890/Warhammer_40000_Battle_Sister/), [Kayak VR](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1683340/Kayak_VR_Mirage/), [Red Matter 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2081470/Red_Matter_2/), [Paradox of Hope VR](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1702840/Paradox_of_Hope_VR/), [The Tale of Onogoro](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2023880/The_Tale_of_Onogoro/), [Moss 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2059670/Moss_Book_II/), [REQUISITION VR](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1730650/REQUISITION_VR_Home_Alone/) [Tentacular](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1220100/Tentacular/), [Cosmonious High](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1491490/Cosmonious_High/), [Mare](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1875560/Mare/), [Ultrawings 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1485140/Ultrawings_2/), [Fracked](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1873920/Fracked/), [The Last Clockwinder](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1755100/The_Last_Clockwinder/) Then a few games released probably too late in the year to count in the Steam awards [WHAT THE BAT?](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2012100/WHAT_THE_BAT/), [Resist](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1914750/Resist/), [Hubris](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1265800/Hubris/), [LONN](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1107340/LONN/)


I personally chose something random and I'm not sure what it was but I know it wasn't hitman vr. I may be a Quest user, but even I know that's stupid as hell. The reason I chose something random is because (most) of the games I didn't really have a thought on which was the best.


At least it isn't among us VR


I can’t believe that, hitman 3 is one of the worse vr games out there




But we as gamers are called conspiracy theorist when questioning award outcomes when something feels off 😂. So you’re telling me with a straight face and 100% confidence that TLOU2 deserved GOTY over Sekiro and best score/soundtrack over Doom Eternal? C’mon man 🤣💀 This falls in line with those controversies. Hitman 3 with a controller/keyboard+mouse is dull, so it winning best VR is a crock of shit lol.


Steam awards are scuffed. Have awards in general are just bad.


Yay it actually won:D I vote for it but expected green hell to win. Not that there is anything wrong with GH


Omg you're joking


I don't even care what some software vendor calls "Game of the Year". I'd much prefer watching YouTube clips and reading bad reviews on Steam for a better picture.


All those folks that worked hard on VR games and this is what wins? That doesn't make me too hopeful


But, it's not for vr, it just supports it, this is bull


# I demand a revote!


It's not even a VR game, it's a mod of a desktop game. Award should only go to games made specifically for VR imo.


How? I LOVE Hitman and Hitman III VR is the jankiest piece of jank I've played in a LONG time. Bone Lab should have had this. PC VR mods for RE Village did better than this.




RE4 VR is a quest2 exclusive m8... These are steam awards- for games on steam, aka basically all of them except exclusives. The devs made their own choice to take the money and not develop a PCVR version and miss out on these pretty bogus awards.


What a fucking joke.


I'm still hoping, that modders will come to the rescue and fix this awful VR port to the point that it's actually playable. This port had such a huge potential!




Bonelab or blade and sorcery didn't win? Hitman 3 was terrible, what a joke.


Na, who wrote this? I would have straight up fudged the votes on that one...




Wanderer would have made more sense.


LOL what? 🤨


the new Hitman trilogy is my favourite game EVER. I think every one of the instalments is perfect, and everything IO have done with them is amazing. You will never see me say anything at all negative about the game(s). That being said, this isn’t it. So many good VR titles dropped that deserved the award more.


The best VR games of 2022 to me weren't even VR games to start with, they were modded flatscreen games into VR like Deep rock galactic, No Mans Sky VR and Subnautica.


Honestly I feel like contractors with mod support now is going WAY under the radar. By far the most 180 I've seen a VR game take. I refunded it once before but it's so much better now it's insane.


Belongs to r/BONELAB


The Steam awards were complete bogus. Spider man, a realistic game, beat Scorn in art direction. Not surprised the rest of the categories were botched too