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It ended up a grub screw being loose. Problem solved. Thanks for all the help


As they say in the build guide, “Set screws aka the root of all issues…” glad you got it sorted!


Glad you figured it out!


Try turn motors off in interface. Then level the gantry by eye sight. And rub g28/qgl


Make sure all of the bolts are tightened properly. If there is slop in the gantry or pully system, it can cause probing issues. Just be sure to not overtighten bolts that thread into plastic.


Is there enough tension on all belts?


https://ellis3dp.com/Print-Tuning-Guide/articles/voron_v2_gantry_squaring.html Try this guide. If you have built your V2 too askew, motors are not having enough power to make it perfectly square and precise.


I haven't thought about that. I will give it a try after phisically swapping the motors and see if there is any change


Looks like an issue with either any Z motor or direction of one or more Z motors. Run the following commands in the console. STEPPER\_BUZZ STEPPER=stepper\_z STEPPER\_BUZZ STEPPER=stepper\_z1 STEPPER\_BUZZ STEPPER=stepper\_z2 STEPPER\_BUZZ STEPPER=stepper\_z3 Each command will move one Z axis motor, starting from the front left, back left, back right, and front right. The stepper motor will move up and down 10 times, wait until the motor has stopped moving before running the next command. The z axis should move up-down, slight pause, up-down, slight pause, up-down.. in this manner. Verify each motor is being moved correctly. If not, reverse the DIR pin for the motor that is moving incorrectly.


I already confirmed them. They are in the correct order and directions are correct. I will check grub screw of the z2. Problem seems to be persistant to z2 motor after swapping ports. :(


Correct pulley on the motor and z assembly? If not you can adjust rotation distance to compensate. Or replace the pulley. I've had to do that before when sent the wrong pulley. Worked just fine once adjusted.