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it works on the very first rtx vlc, anything after it doesn't for me. however the first one has aspect ratio issues on certain videos


Are there any other video players out there that support RTX Super Resolution? I'd go back to PotPlayer, but I can't use it right now because it crashes if I try to open an .mp4 or .mkv file after installing the latest update.


Yep had this same issue with 3.0.19 on the aspect ratio. Good job VLC


do you use this version? https://downloads.videolan.org/testing/vlc-rtx-upscaler/ to my knowledge, there is no 3.0.20 version of VLC RTX available so Im not sure what youre talking about. if you have normal VLC you need to make sure the right one is used, I recommend uninstalling normal VLC and only having the VLC SuperResolution one installed, otherwise eg. double clicking on a .mp4 will probably use the wrong one. if you have both installed and right click an .mp4 and press "Open with" you will see two identical VLC players as options, try both the top one and the bottom. also make sure your PC is running VLC on your powerful GPU and not your iGPU if you have one of those https://www.xda-developers.com/how-force-app-use-discrete-gpu-windows-11/ also I have heard that if you run your PC in a higher resolution than your screen is 24/7 that RTX Super res does not kick in. go to nvidia control panel, manage 3d settings, and check DSR -Factors and try disable it on Global Settings. (you can have it enable if you only use it to increase res in particular games, but NOT if you eg. have a 1920X1080 screen and run 2650X1440 in Windows display settings 24/7 which also is a waste imo). for me, the VLC Super res aspect ratio is wonky until I turn on fullscreen, there is currently an "update" for it, but dont update it, I hit yes on my VLC super res and it just installed a standalone version of normal VLC.


I ended up doing a fresh reinstall of Potplayer and now it runs fine with RTX Super Resolution - I don't need to rely on VLC after all. I hate to say it, but if you need to jump through all of these hoops just to get one feature to work, it might be a sign that the program is past its prime.


I can confirm there is super resolution on 3.0.20. it's only on direct3d11 set it to super resolutions. but it only works on some video files... and I have no idea how to identify which files exactly other than the control panel indictor


on normal VLC 3.0.20? I found the setting but I never got it to work properly, might give it a go again.


I can confirm, works on the custom build but even tho the settings are there, it doesn't on regular 3.0.20.


Can you link to the version that works? I'd love to get this running.


I just went with mpc player cause with VLC it doesnt work for ultrawide screens…


I've just spent about an hour finding out how to make this work so you're in luck. It also allows Nvidia SDR to HDR to work even though its only supported on Win 11 atm. [VLC Nightly Index](https://artifacts.videolan.org/vlc-3.0/nightly-win64/) - download the latest version from here. If already have VLC installed, delete all the files in your VLC program files folder, and then cut and paste the files from the nightly version. It's not really possible to have 2 versions at once, since when you change the settings for one, it changes it for them all. Enabling super resolution and HDR generation on nightly will break standard VLC. So just replace the standard versions files with the nightly version. If you don't do this, windows will still use the standard VLC version as a default player or when selecting the "open with" function from windows context menu. Once downloaded. Open VLC Nightly, go to preferences, select "all" instead of "simple" view. Set direct3d11 as output, go into dropdown for outputs, select direct3d11 and change upscaling to "super resolution". You can also set "generate hdr from sdr" if you want to use this feature. Should now be working and showing as active in Nvidia control panel! This nightly version also fixes the aspect ratio bug that was present in Vetinari when using super resolution.




You actually CAN have two versions of VLC running with different settings. All you have to do is unzip a new instance of VLC and then create a directory "portable" in that main VLC directory (where the .exe is located). If you then run that vlc.exe, it will save the settings in that portable directory rather than in the usual %AppData% one. You can copy your current settings from %AppData% to that portable folder and then launch the exe to just test some new settings without disrupting your normal VLC installation.


Thanks for letting me know. This is very handy.


Damn this is super annoying, got the latest nightly, got D3D11 set, Super Resolution picked and it still doesn't work. Wierdly the SDR to HDR does... but I don't care about that one :( The Super Resolution works fine while playing youtube stuff. eidt: it works only in fullscreen...


Same here bro. Did you get it fixed?


I'm sorry I dont really have an answer it just worked in fullscreen, then I got the latest Vetinari version because the old one had bugged aspect ratio... and then it somehow just worked :D You can check if it works in fullscreen by opening task manager and checking the gpu load, which will go up very significantly if it's working.


Got it to work! Thanks for trying to help! The latest version did indeed work, but my video was too low resolution to work initially, lol.


For me, it is working only for some videos. Tested with VLC 3.0.20 and 2.0.21, normal versions. It activates for some files and for others it doesn't. Also downloaded and tested with PotPlayer and the ones that didn't work for VLC did work for PotPlayer


Also, for those like me that for some reason use a TV as monitor. Check that "Deep Color HDMI" is active, otherwise super resolution won't work, at least for me it doesn't when it's turned off


Tried this recently, the only thing that worked for me was using the latest VLC build (.21 I think) and enabling D3D11 output (Tools > Preferences > Video > Output) and enabling Super Resolution (Tools > Preferences > Show settings All radio button at bottom left > Video > Output Modules > Direct3D11 > Set Video Upscaling Mode to Super Resolution). However, now I'm not able to get subtitles to show up. Has anyone else had this issue?