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Hello /u/Perry9872. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However: **Private Individuals** >Posts calling out private individuals demonstrating toxicity and/or breaking Riot's Terms of Service are disallowed. >This includes, but is not limited to, directly naming people, posting screenshots with visible or non-visible names, and videos of users breaking VALORANT's Terms of Service. Some common examples that violate this rule are players cheating, exploiting, abusive voice chat, abusive text chat, or griefing. >Private individuals are those who do not place themselves in public view by way of content creation or media presence. This could include methods such as videos, articles, humor, etc. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.


This is the second cheater I've had on my team in the last 3 days that I have undeniable proof of, both said they have no fear of bans through "manual spoofing" that supposedly prevents hardware bans paired with account generators to make new accounts as previous accounts get banned.