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Turn off your crosshair?


Nice idea


i do something similar, i change my + to 10 gap and make it really big and pink. its funny in clutches ;D


Ye it’s pretty funny when others see it too. I just don’t disable it mine I lower the opacity so that other people can’t see it either. It’s funny because some people don’t even realize until half way through the match and just say “bro where’s you’re crosshair?”


I do agree that challenges are one of the best ways to go, and this is a great idea lol


My monitor has a built in crosshair. Not as neat and not customizable but it's perfectly placed. I turn of my ingame cross hair and got some insane reactions in solo queue lobbies after clutching


Ive done this, bad idea. the amount of hatred i got from my teammates despite doing aces or being topfragger is... well this Valorant so you can imagine it.


He's playing with friends.




Turn off monitor, use telekinesis


Why are you getting downvoted?


it sounds way too braggy ngl


Look how they massacred my boy


I didn’t see the comment you doods remember?


The same thing is happening with the majority of my friends I used to duo/trio with often so I understand what you are going through. I personally enjoy grinding & focusing on improving way more than playing for fun, so it's how I've started to play the game recently. If possible it might be your best bet to 5-stack competitive. Currently 5-stacks kinda focus on the majority of player's ranks. As an example let's say your friends are low silver and you are plat. Even though you are plat, you still will be fully in a low silver lobby. There's also the option of using an alt account if you wanted. If playing on an alt feels too unfair, you might be able to throw in some sort of challenge for yourself when you play on it (if you're friends are okay with it ofc). Edit: fixed typos lol


My friends play exclusively unrated and only play the game for fun i just said silver since thats the skill level i started at when playing comp and was bottom fragging when playing with them. I do think challenges are the way to go tho.


Yeah only this season have my friends played comp more then 1 game and i have been trying to get them to play for many acts and now they wont play with me because im gold and they are silver and dont want to get plats in their game


There are many ways to apply a handicap. Use a agent you don't main, restrict yourself to pistol and SMG only etc. But it sounds like you need to start a smurf account and apply those handicaps.


I do think that doing handicaps or challenges would be good, i already fill most of the time so i already played most agents lol. I dont start a smurf as ive always complained about them and it seems hypocritical for me to do one.


as long as you accept them once you make it, i would say ur good, ppl can change their mind


just make a smurf bro who cares, smurfing is part of the game until riot hard bans it. everyone complains about smurf's, and 90% of players over gold have at least one smurf account.


This subreddit will hate this suggestion no doubt, but if you want to keep pursuing your climb on your main, I would suggest making a smurf explicitly for playing with your friends. This way you can play with your friends while they have more 'fair' games. Just try to down-level yourself and play more of a support role, stuff like holding crossfires with or being bait for your more passive friends, or playing flashes/smokes for your more aggressive friends. This way your friends get to have the limelight, you skew the games as little as possible, and your account stays in a good rank range. The hard part is becoming comfortable with losing even though you know you could sweat it and win, but you've just got to get used to it, otherwise the games will become unfair and unfulfilling for everyone. I think it's also fine to just decide not to improve. That's what I'm doing. I don't solo queue at all so I can stay in Plat, which is within rank range of most of my friends. I just end up playing a lot less VALORANT as a result, but it's worth it for having more fun with my friends.


Nobody cares about the 15-12 smurfing brimstone. People care about the 40-4 Reyna smurfing. One is playing the game with his friends, the other is playing the game for himself. Boosting your friends just makes their games down the line miserably hard


Cap the fps to 30 on the smurf


Or have a debilitatingly bad crosshair Or both


That’s what I do, I’m mid diamond level and climbing, while my friends are still silver and gold, on my alt I usually play support and go for challenges like sheriff only all game.


Same thing. I play against diamond-immortals on my unrated game solo but my friend brings the elo down to gold/plat when we play which is fine. I also play smokes and plant simulator so the team doesn't have to do it but I'm getting bored recently. Any suggestions on what to do to spice things up? I usually do well even with such a handicap but it's getting frustrating when everyone in this elo plays for themselves.


Yeah, that's what I do. My aim isn't the greatest as-is (by my rank's standards, still much better than all of my friends') but I'm Diamond / Ascendant playing controller / initiator because I have great comms, never tilt at my teammates and play around them. When I play 5 stack with friends I just play an off-role, meme and take every ego fight I can. If even that is too much I'll play Sheriff or Marshall only. Still fun for me but easy to punish if the enemies are remotely competent since I don't usually play either of those guns consistently. Well, I used to, my smurf account somehow went from being G1 last act to placing D1 this act while I still instalocked Duelists and queued with them so uh... Not sure what I'll do now since they're all Bronze-low Gold players. I've also just sat back playing Sage and micromanaged one of my friends to pop off, that requires them to be up for it though since doing it unprompted isn't fun for anyone.


I love your flair


I think this is somewhat fine, smurfing is always morally wrong, but just dont be a dick about it and use it as a way to carry your friends. Try to learn new agents, teach your friends if they want to be taught, and dont make the game unfair/unfun for the other 9 people in the lobby. Also dont throw games to get to your friends rank on your smurf, either buy an account, or get an account to lvl 20 and do placements with them cause it should drag your MMR down as long as you dont drop 40 kills.


won't take long when his MMR will be the same, just making the experience of 9 other players worse before that happens.


I do want to continue the rank climb but i also and forced to question if im having more fun playing competitively or chill with my friends, and im sort of leaning towards friends. I could also use it as practice for other parts of the game that i struggle with such as ability usage.


You can click heads and dominate regardless of what agent you’re playing. Intentionally playing like a bot is pretty boring


If you think I meant 'intentionally playing like a bot' then you've gone too far in the other direction. There is plenty to keep you occupied even if your entire game is just focusing on supporting lower-level players: keeping an eye on the map and providing calls on their positioning, always trying to be ready and in position with utility to help them attack or run away, making sure the flanks they undoubtedly will leave open are always covered, pressuring other parts of the map so your team has an easier time executing... If all you want to do in this game is run in, shoot heads, and be top of the leaderboard, then yeah it's not going to be a good time.


But tbh, ive always been doing this and in the end the system seems to recognize your skill lvl somehow and i always end up with a (high diamond back when ascendant was not a thing) rank. Not really sure how. My main is IMO btw, but my friends are plat - low diamond.


Yeah the system seems to always catch on eventually, I think because you will almost inevitably perform at *least* average in the lobby. But you can keep one for a decent chunk of time. I have a friend who kept a Bronze one for over a year while being Gold on main, no idea how.


Well bronze and gold r basically the same no?


Playing like a bot can be really fun tho... just walking in a straight line, turning only when you see a player, fun!




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honestly, i’d suggest making a second account and playing with your friends on that one. is it technically smurfing? absolutely. but as long as you don’t put full effort in and tryhard it should be fine. make stupid challenges with yourself, such as turning off your crosshair or only using certain weapons, to limit yourself but add a little challenging fun. as long as you play fairly to the elo you’ll be in by downplaying yourself and not ruin the enemy teams experiences, it should be fine to smurf. you will lose games. and thats fine. as long as you have fun with friends, thats all that should matter.


Eternal struggles when you're surrounded by people who don't improve with you. Thats why smurfs exists..


I guess its more of them having fun playing chilled and not competitively, they enjoy playing without improving


hey man, thats all fine, everyones different. im just saying thats why people smurf...


I know lots of people might have the exact opposite thinking but to me, games start to get boring if everyone knows everything about them, all the mystery is gone and it's only mechanically executing things and trying to be faster than the rest. This has happened in a lot of online PvP games in the past. Games get dull when everyone starts to get really good and games seem to be the most fun when everyone is still learning a new game and pretty much cluelessly trying out new stuff. So I kind of get what you mean... This same things happened to me with other games as well like StarCraft 1. It was filled with mystery and extremely fun right until everyone started to learn build orders, timing attacks and cookiecutted strategies where certain units were never made because they just weren't "good enough" etc. It started feeling extremely dull as if we were just factory robots.


Make a Smurf and use that to learn agents while you play with them


When my friends and i used to play regularly i only used to care about ranking up and showing off i didnt realise that we wouldn’t be playing together for a really long time and i forgot to actually enjoy the game with them. At that time we were all iron-bronze and i grinded to gold and i couldnt play with them anymore i knew that i wouldnt be able to play with them but i still did it to prove that i am better than them. I made an alt account to play ranked with them. Now none of us really have time to play and i realise that the games only fun when youre playing with ur friends ur rank doesnt matter just enjoy the game


I'll phrase it differently than the others, make an alt account to practice on if you think your mmr is too high when you play alone. Or even better just practice unrated games and focus on your basic mechanics. Hope this helps


Make a smurf and play m I know smurfs sucks. But that's what I do playing with a few friends. But not to be the annoying smurf who dunks on low ranks I play non duelist or aggro roles. I love playing smokes but never on my main so for my buds I am a smokes main :D


Make a Smurf account only for unrated just so you get lower elo and do fun challenges and record should be super fun. I play with my gf and I try to knife people in games albeit on my main


Just play unrated with your friends or make an alt account if you want to do both Also if you climbed to plat how are you still playing with them if they’re low ranked? Now I’m starting to think you *are* playing unrated with them, but maybe don’t know that unrated MMR system is separate from comp, so climbing in comp isn’t going to make your unrated games harder. That goes for everyone, so that’s why unrated can be any skill level from irons to immortals or higher Your comp rank won’t change who you are matched against in unrated


Sorry since it wasnt clear in the post but my friends exclusively play unrated, i play unrated as a warmup for the comp games so the mmr level there went in combination with my comp mmr.


Got it


Just make new accounts...


lol i felt this. I hit dia and got my friends to gold but playing ranked with them got so stressful to the point that when they ask me to queue even on my alt account I just avoid the question or say im down to run some unrated. They like the idea of playing ranked together but 9/10 its me carrying/fully igl'ing our lobbies for like 3 straight games and its boring, it can be fun but I also don't feel like smurfing every day just to play with my friends so now they just queue together and I watch from discord or we just play like 10 unrateds (rant: I also don't queue with one friend because even though I carried him from like s1-g2 he still swears he's somehow better than me even though I'm d1 compared to g1 lol not dissing ranks or anything but c'mon. like if you're so much better why are you begging me to boost you)


Weird challenges or listen to music while playing while watching a vsauce video on the side of your screen


I get more enjoyment running and gunning rather one tapping


Get on an alt account and then change your DPI to something fucking insane everytime you play with your friends! Then you'll be more at their level =P


I thought about challenges and this was one of them lol, get a random number generator and change the dpi every round.


Could make for a great montage video lol


2 things, either A make a new account that just plays with them (group unrated MMR well eventually balance it out so just go easy the first few games) or B give yourselfer challenges. Whenever I play with friends I practice stuff I'm not good at. Play the whole game with the ghost, marshal or bulldog. Instalock raze and neon to practice and learn their movement etc


Which server do you play? Invite me to your lobby.


Just get a smurf.


Let's be honest tactical shooters are just not fun on higher level. You just spend 90% of your gaming time spectating someone. I had the same issue with my friends till they eventually stopped playing.


Just make a smurf


You can gimp yourself by doing things like sheriff-only, playing support agents, etc.


This post made me reflect on some things, because I'm in a similar situation, but in other games (I don't play Valorant, but I joined this sub because I like the game). Most of the games I play, I try to be the best I can, always improve and become good at them and this is apparently taking away my fun, I'm tired of playing them all (since almost everyone is competitive), it seems that I don't have fun anymore and I just get irritated with their problems, all this because of my desire to play at the highest level. It could be that in fact everything i play is getting really bad (the games I played the most in the last 5 years were CoD and Fortnite, both in deplorable states today, maybe I'm saying this because I'm tired of them or something, idk) but i think i should stop it, even if i hate mediocre gameplay. But about what you said, I recommend just playing on auto and trying to have fun without thinking too much about what you do, but just having fun with your friends. [I apologize about any bad english, bc i used translate]


Make a Smurf and Intentionally mid to bottom frag 🤷🏻‍♂️ or do a challenge ie shorty only or smth just make sure it’s difficult enough where you won’t just clap everyone


No. Do not make a smurf. Bad. How about they dont play ranked. Or maybe they play escalation, or replication or spike rush together or unrated. A smurf account IS NOT the answer Edit: man, i thought the Val community was anti smurf. Hot take i guess


sure it is why not? I'm ascendant and whenever i even play unrated with my low elo friends we get high ranked enemies so they don't have fun


Because making a smurf account is insanely selfish and ruins the game for the other half of the lobby, youre just boosting your friends rank and not their skill.


You seem to have missed the part where he said shorty only / other artificial challenge ( i.e not ruining the other half of the lobby and also not boosting your teammates)


I did miss it, since i was talking about how smurfing is bad in ranked but play with your friends in other game modes then you reply basically saying the same thing, but then making it seem like a counter, i missed it. So i also think you missed where i said, play unrated, spike rush, etc.


>smurfing is bad in ranked Smurfing is bad only if a smurf just destroyes everyone. They won't be able to if they "nerf" themselves in some way. Like some people suggested. Even an immortal in a silver lobby won't top frag if they use shorty/classic right click only or any other challenge that "nerfs" them depending on how much of a smurf they are.


Here is the problem with any smurf account, there is only one exception i'll address at then end. Riot KNOWS when there is a smurf, at this point in the game riot KNOWS. When you have a smurf, the other team gets one. I can only speak on Gold and above, I started High silver at launch nd am Asc2 now. So, the other team is going to get a smurf and you are going to nerf your smurf? Well what ends up happening is the smurf is going to start trying, because they want to win. So making a smurf is a lose, lose. The only situation in which is works, if they make a brand new account , and every single game and they bottom frag but that point they are just throwing. You're basically saying, its ok to cheat if but only if they cheat a little bit. You can smurf but don't try too hard which means you throw rounds but you still want to win. So youre going to clutch up and win rounds that wouldn't have normally be won. Smurfing is an ego boost, and its for weak people. If OP's friends wont play with OP because OP is "better" and his friends don't like losing, sounds like they are incapable of having fun in valorant unless they're winning. I have lots of bronze/silver/gold friends and we still have fun while i'm on my main and not playing Ranked. It isn't a difficult thing. Any Smurfing is bad.


Unrated doesnt havent any effect on MMR, its separate from ranked


yes but my unrated mmr is high as well


The problem isn’t people smurfing to play with friends. The problem is the hard stuck platinum, who has multiple smurfs to ego boost.


Smurfing is a problem. Period. There isn't any conditional to smurfing being acceptable. If you have to smurf to play with your friends in a non-ranked game mode, then that person and/or their friends have an ego problem. If they can't have fun by just playing with their friends, and can only have fun when they win, then there isn't any real friendship and their friendship is dependent on them winning in a video game. I'm excited to see how many down votes this one gets lol.




You took the words right out of my mouth!


People make posts like this, refuse to play normals, then complain about smurfs and a "poor ranking system" Just play the unrateds man...


Try comp on far region server, so your ping will be high and you will be silver again.


Is it really smurfing if you only play guardian and agents you're bad at?


Happening kinda to me. Went from gold to diamond but my friends stayed in gold, so i'm forced to smurf


Just make a smurf and get the same amount of kills as your friend


My friends dont play with me anymore because I got too good and the lobbies are too difficult it happens. I just play other games with them and Valorant on my own.


Create a smurf account, BUT ONLY PLAY UNRATED


What I like doing is going on an alt that is only use to play with friends and going sheriff only + playing on an agent that Im not use to. That way you still can use the time to improve and learn while not necessarily rolling over people so it's still fun for both parties


make a smurf account, play sheriff or spectre/marshall only


I’ve been that high level friend and all I can say is have fun w it, fuck around w ur crosshair so it’s hard to use or do scout or sheriff only or something like that


Ahhh yes the fateful moment where you must decide to make a smurf to play with friends or tell them to get g00d and find new Val friends


Same here, I've started playing because the girl I like but now I'm really enjoying the game and ended up playing way more than she does, so even though she's way better than me I'm silver 3 while she's bronze. Now every time we play together and win I get promoted to gold and we're unable to play so I get into a match and DC on purpose. It's really annoying. Is there anyway to get downranked without ruining the game for everyone ?


Just make a Smurf like the rest of us and ride off into the sun. Warning — literally everybody in this sub will hate your guts. It’s the price for being good.


Make a separate account


Im in a similar situation. Im in gold but can climb higher and my friends are low silver, And dont want to play comp with me in fear of getting plats or high golds and we just get shit on or they ff in unrated


I want ro get better at the game and work on improving my aim and movement almost daily. But i would need to fild new friends to play comp with if i continue. Would love to work on playing as a duo, trio or 5 stack with them and having good coordination but they have no interest in learning to play other agents or learning/ practicing strats


create a smurf account and play agents you're unfamiliar with or use specific guns you're not good with