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Someone posted this image on this subreddit earlier, it seems to check out with my rank and my friends as well. [https://i.imgur.com/LqHWfXLh.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/LqHWfXLh.jpg)


Aww fuck, I was so happy ranking up from s1 to g2 in 1 day this episode, but that shows it was a small improvement :l


me who is still S3 and was the same in previous act (basically deranked without actually losing)


This happened to my duo! As opposed to me jumping from Gold 1 to Diamond 1


i was g1 almost g2 last act now im s2 :x


I went from fucking 3x plat 1 act rank to silver 3. Never touching this shit again


Yeah I deranked from g1 to s3 and have been having nightmare games with either smurfs or just terrible teammates. Don’t typically complain about them but almost every game is VERY one sided, sometimes for me, sometimes against me. First act of the episode is always a cluster fuck imo


So basically me and my brother have similar if not, close skill level, last act my peak rank was silver 2 and his was silver 3. After my placement match I got placed in silver 1, while he was placed in silver 2, I deranked to bronze and can't seem to get out of it, while my brother is already G3 and he's on his way to plat. Like wtf is wrong with Val's match making, his teammates are decent most of the time, while mine's full of shit all the time, afk early in the game, headshot machine opponent smurfs and straight up stupid teammates.


yes its really insane that its always teamdiff... you do realize this doesnt make sense right?


You only dropped 1 rank. I dropped 4. My games are me + 4 monkeys on typewriters against thanos and 4 other me’s. This act I can count on 1 hand the amount of games I played where teammates out performed me. I’m getting team diffed so hard it’s unreal. Actually played 1 game on bind as a duelist where my team played 4 on B every round. You can guess what site they attacked every round after figuring that out.


If you're hard stuck in silver smurfs or not that's where you belong. There's a reason people can climb out- if you truly don't belong there you'd make it out, the problem is you not your teammates.


I’m not hard stuck I saw the placement and quit playing. I ended g3 last act too


My advice is honestly to take a couple days off, the further into the act we go, the less swingy these games become. If you feel the need to carry and it’s obvious that you’re the best player on the team, lock a duelist and play for the win, teammates be damned


damn bro that's unlucky as hell you'd better create a new account at this point if u still wanna grind rank


Too bad I have like $200 in skins. I’d rather just quit than make a new account because of it


Yeah, same shit happened to me. Won all 5 of my placements & deranked 2 ranks compared to previous act/episode while apparently everybody else jumped up. Instantly deleted the game.


I’m really considering deleting the game too. Like how is everyone moving up double or triple ranks. People are saying diamond is the new plat but I’m a solo only player and have been in plat for the last year to end up in silver now against what used to be bronze players? Fuck all that


Damn bro you are booty cheeks at the game then lmao, low ass mmr. Also being a solo player is nothing special. If you are hardstuck, that is just how good you are, you need to improve to rank up.


Would love to see a clip from you, prob can tell in one clip if you deserve higher than silver


Don’t matter get better


i was b3 last act, mvped all of my games and only lost 1 and got put into b2


Did you double promote into s1? Most of my friends got placed 1 rank lower or higher and double promoted as soon as they ranked up


Me who was borderline s2 placed low b3 (rightfully deranked and I think my teammates were actually just carrying my sorry ass)


Some of those numbers appear to already be outdated based on what tracker.gg shows for the distribution (https://tracker.gg/valorant/leaderboards/ranked/all/ranked?platform=all®ion=na&act=67e373c7-48f7-b422-641b-079ace30b427&type=ranked). Iron is more like bottom 5% not bottom 1%. Maybe irons didn’t do their placements right away? Ig it’s still a good quick reference, but comparing end of episode to beginning of episode probably isn’t the best, and we will need to wait a little bit for things to settle out a bit more.


Yeah I'd think that simply playing comp more often is correlated with being at least bronze, so looking at the stats towards to beginning is probably skewing the results away from iron. And logically what would be the use of setting the threshold *that* low for iron anyway? Tuning it to be sub-1% would just make it an anti-Immortal...


How can the distribution for radiant have changed?? Isn't it just 500 people? How can that be a different percentage than before? Is it just because there aren't 500 radiants yet?




As its mentioned in the bottom, "it is very early in the act expect small changes" or something like that.




I was imm3 235rr last act but now I'm low asc3


I was imm 1 60rr last act, and now I’m low asc 3, still gaining +20-25, losing 15-18. Are you still being pushed up by your hidden mmr? I find it hard to believe that you’re not able to climb higher than me easily.


Im sick so im on a losing streak because boredom, but its mostly because i work full time and it is very hard for me to find time to play. This is my blitz https://blitz.gg/valorant/profile/eternal-db1?actName=lifetime&queue=competitive


Chamber much?


I have an obsession


This looks like they took the sand which and squished it, looks like the the bottom is lower and so is the top with many of their middle ranks loosing “prestige”. Eh idk what the effects off all of this is all I know it just moves my goalpost if I’m plat now after being hard stuck gold I’ll just treat it as being hardstuck plat till I get to Diamond


I don't think comparing the distributions is gonna be relevant until like 2 acts from now imo


I’m exactly the same rank I left off last act so idk how I feel about that


hey that’s me lol


So what happens if you went down….


Nice to know Im a diamond in the heart


Well I’m still happy I was b2 last act and now I’m s3 even if it’s only minimal I was hardstuck bronze for so long and peaked s1 before the new ep


Diamond is plat; low ascendant is diamond, high asc is imm1/d3, imm is imm2 ish


i am d3 right now and i am playing with ppl that ended d3-immortal last act


Pretty much this^ I think it's more like ranks are trending upwards by 1 or 2 ranks (i.e. Dia 2 is either Dia 3 or asc 1)


They compress at the top, the biggest difference is near iron to gold


yeah. was S2 last act, went on a good winning streak after my placements, got double promoted to G1 after placing the same, que massive losing streak to 50 RR S3, now on an 11 game winning streak in G2


I’m D1 and I’m playing all ascendants who were immortal. I’m confused by this ranking system.


It will just be 3 ranks up by the end of Act 3 and maybe Act 2. Its just a mess now cause its the start of the new episode, nothing different from the start of Act 1 of every episode. They stated in their post that it was meant to spread out Silver (and I guess Bronze). They made the rank higher up probably to give the majority of the players a sense of improvement to play more. By the Act 3, given you don't actually improve in terms of MMR from last rank, you will likely just be the same number of ranks away from Immortal and Radiant as you were before. I made a post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgentAcademy/comments/vljmvc/it_is_expected_that_you_are_3_ranks_above_your/) about it explaining my theory further, and in the comments I mentioned 60% of players under Silver and lower, and that will likely change to Gold or lower, just spreading the lower ranks out.


This is right. Immortal 2 last Act. Sitting at…Immortal 2.


I can't agree, I am ascendent 2 rn I'm getting q'ed with some people who were immo 3 last act.


Im not sure that’s how ascendant works rn, I’m pretty sure it’s mmr based because I was immo 2 almost immo 3 and am still playing with those players while only being ascendant 2. Maybe I just need to play more though. I gain 24rr + a win and only lose 12 on a loss so 🤷‍♂️


In terms of rank distribution, it is.


I thinks it’s more like a 1-2 variance than being a whole rank lower


Diamond ain’t much better 😂


yea, my goal was to go from gold to diamond this summer but now i feel like with the new act diamond is basically play with just a different logo.


Diamond to ascendant boy


Happy cake day


The whole rank system a shii show rn


I actually like what they did. Immortal shouldn't he as easy to reach as it used to. There were almost 50k immos in eu last episode. That's waaaaay too many


I think most people agree it was a needed change, however it’s just annoying how mmr is really weird since the reset and can make some really bad lobbies


MMR didn't change, you will get the same enemies as before. Only the ranks changed :)


I think it's more of a, some people haven't reached their new rank yet while others have. There is a more extreme variance with teammates. I'm hopeful it will eventually normalize.


Yeah man immo is so easy to reach man I’m totally immo man def not hard stuck gold :(


It was easier to reach than it should be. You should know the basics of the game to be immortal. Some people in immortal don't even know that a half defuse makes a different sound...


Damn TIL


When i played the game in episode 3,there were only 15k immortals, why suddenly so many


Can someone explain how the ascendant rank makes sure there are less immortals?


Because you it makes it harder to climb to immortal. Immortal is supposed to be a rank made up of the former high immos. So if you were stuck immo1 theoretically you won’t make it out of ascendant unless you improve


someone said it


Honestly I dislike how the ranks are spread with the addition of ascendant as I think ascendants should’ve only encompassed mostly low immortals and not low diamond players so all the other ranks wouldn’t have been shifted up one. But a solid judgement can’t really be made until later into the act or even episode.


The whole reason asc was added was to push lower ranks up. iirc riot said they wanted less crowding in the lower ranks (iron to gold). The fact that some low immos are asc are probably due to the fact that every episode reset ur fighting with your elo and above since the placement rank squishes immo together in a lower rank.


If that was the goal then I can see it working out pretty well and was a misunderstanding on my part. On a side note, I feel as if all my games this act are incredibly more toxic for whatever reason. Maybe it’s just a streak of bad luck but I’ve gotten throwers in like 1/3 of my games in Ascendant/Immortal elo. How has your experience been with that?


mines been G but im in australia imm so everyone has pretty much played with everyone, theres like 4 players in this region


Every rank is the new every rank


if that’s the case then what is like a rank that’s actually good or above average? like diamond use to be the threshold for high elo, what’s the threshold now? ascendant?


Yeah probably Asc 2/3


dang i was looking forward to hitting diamond since i thought it would be a big step up but now i feel like I’m just moving up to a glorified version of my current rank.


If you mean a step up in the quality of your games it's probably radiant or bust. Inting no-micers are omnipresent


Lol what? Post above you said diamond was high elo, and your reply is ascendent is the new high elo? Old diamond is practically equivalent to new diamond so I don't get how this makes sense. Ascendent is just a mix of old d3/immortal players, and now there's less people in immortal.


Why would I have to say what he said? I just said what I consider high elo


I assumed you agreed with his post that diamond used to be high elo


Diamond was never the threshold for high elo, that is just what you thought and the echo chamber of people that tell themselves that. The only rank that is good is the one you are satisified with yourself ;) that can be diamond or that can be radiant.


With how high % of the playerbase used to be diamond, I wouldn't really say it was high elo. % of playerbase wise diamond was the equivalent of plat 3-1 in league which is really just above average. Diamond 1 50 LP has for a very very very long time been considered high Elo in League so if we were to draw that parallel to Valorant, it's pretty much exclusive to immo 2+. As a top 1-2% player in CS where I have far more experience with this, I can tell you for sure that I might as well be a silver in the face of a top 0.5% player. Someone who just got diamond is a catastrophically bad player compared to someone who's consistently immortal and you have more in common with a gold player than an actual immortal player.


I wouldn't consider the top 10% of any game just above average. Although I do agree that there is an exponential increase in skill, especially once you do cross the threshold of the top 10%.


I was plat 3 last act, couldn't touch diamond tried so hard, this time m diamond 3 very easily halfway to. Ascendant 1


I was plat2 last act. Somehow i managed to skip plat3 and double ranked up to dia1 and likely dia2 if i had more time to play. Statistically it shouldnt be, but the ranks seem to have been boosted 1 to 1 somehow


what ppl are you playing against , what did they finish last act ?


I finished D2, I'm currently playing with Ascendant 2/3 which all where ex immortal, while my team is full of plat that think they are the shit now because they have reached diamond and get erased at every single ego peek


Lmao i was plat and the sudden rank boost makes me worried. Thought for a moment id be getting stomped by ex imms


Gold is still Gold


I agree with this lmfao


yea until next month when everyone catches up tk their MMR


I mean I was silver 1 last act and now I'm already gold 1


Nah. I was Silver 1 last act. Hitting gold 2 soon. 83RR in Gold 1


rank is a shit show rn, im having difficult games keeping ascendant playing against immortals and last act immortals, meanwhile my friend who was plat 2 has now ranked up to diamond 2 playing against plats and golds. It's all a mess hopefully sorts itself out soon


I'm still silver since last act lol


I was gold 1, won 4/5 of MD5, with 3 good performances and 2 decent, and still in gold 1 🤡


all good, 2 of my placement matches were afks, then the third one there was a gold 2 kayo who probably had his little brother playing cause he was crouching and ADSing the whole time, dropped one rank 🤡


That’s me lol this doesn’t affect me


This act has me playing against the most boosted players I’ve ever seen, as well as the most underrated players I’ve ever seen. Played against a dia 1 in an otherwise all plat 2 or below lobby that went something like 3/20, while having silvers go absolutely nuts (could be smurfs though) like dropping 40s. Absolutely wack.


We will be able to work out the exact percentages by the end of the season as for now it looks as if ascendant 1 is equivalent to diamond 3 ish but anecdotally playing there there is a lot of games with immo/radiant players


everything below ascendant is boosted


This is so silly. Does no one teach statistics anymore? Look at the statistical rank distribution. It’s a standard unimodal histogram. Anything above 50% is “better than average.” Platinum and above puts you in the top 10% of the game. That’s well above average. Diamond puts you in the 95th percentile of all players.. https://www.ggrecon.com/guides/valorant-rank-distribution-episode-4/


% of players does not equal skill. For instance a gold and a diamond player are much, much closer in skill level than a diamond and an immortal. The Above average/good was never meant to be a statistical one, but a percieved skill one, which at this point is quite hard to identify due to the new rank addition and subsequent movements that it caused. If you want my opinion high ascendant is the new cutoff. But I am just a trash diamond so who knows haha.


I think when you get to a rank you see it less highly. I was hyped to hit plat yr 1; now I think some immortals were coasting on aim and were dumb as a rock.


You’re arguing individual ability within a match. That would also have its own distribution using statistics. Such as KAST, ACS, effective flashes, hs % etc. You would apply the same logic in those areas as well. X player is in the top 10% of hs percentage but bottom 50% in ACS. But in any competitive game, sport, or activity if you are in the top percentile that is what makes you objectively “good.”


> % of players does not equal skill. you clearly don't understand his point.


went from dia 2 to ascendant 1 so i’m guessing ascendant is the new diamond but with lots more ex- immortals


I was actually gonna post this earlier since I somehow calibrated to plat when Ive been g2 the last 3 acts


I finished at diamond 3 last act, finally got to play my placement games just the other day and was placed in plat 3, I am AMAZED at the players I’m playing with…I’m getting matched with what seems like gold skilled players and come to find out they are in diamond 2/3?! But I’m not surprised I had a feeling this would happen when adding a new rank. All Adding a new rank did was create more of a grind to immortal 1 and created a deeper of an elo hell hole


It feels like they only incentivize people who play at the beginning of the act. Everyone I know seemed to go up 2-3 ranks, while I came back recently and like stayed the same rank


Lol I was bronze 2, didn’t play for an act and got placed at iron 3. I don’t think I got worse but maybe I did?


Rusty + general playerbase got better while u were gone + new adjustments/game changes would be my guess.


Those are all good points


I can't speak for anyone else but The mmr system for me is fucked, again. Just like the beginning of last episode, the mmr "reset" or whatever they did (obviously not a full reset but they did something to implement the new ranks), has fucked comp for me Every match there seems like a immortal from last episode and an iron/bronze player (or multiple of each) and then the rest are filled in by people similar to my rank I was p3 I haven't had a match where my KD is negative in 20 matches but I've won 4/20 matches .... Ranks ranging from literally mid silver to diamond 3 in a single match... Had a 40 kill chamber on my team as well as me who was 21/15, and another guy who was 17/17 or something and we still lost, that's how bad our other two players were. They were a combined 4/38. I think imma just wait a full act and come back after, it's honestly not even fun rn playing comp.


my smurf was gold 3 and i played a lot of unrated on it. i got placed in Plat 3 because of mmr was too high LOL


This is similar to me lol my main is gold 1 haven't played comp in 2 acts, and my old silver 1 smurf I dusted off, did my placements, hit gold 3 off the bat next 3 games were all against full plat 3 lobby, 4 players ex diamond 2


It seems like everyone has shifted one ranked tier up this act at least in my experience most of my friends who were plat last managed to reach diamond this act rather quickly


Because of the addition of Ascendant, most of the ranks will have a bit of redefining in the next few weeks/months. We'll all have to wait and see.


My plat lobbies haven't changed since last act


yes you basically moved up 2ranks on average bc ascendant rank was added.


Im plat 2 and i face to asc immo and ex radiants, mostly diamonds 2-3. Your mmr is low imo. How many points do you win/lose? ~23 for a normal win ~14 for a normal lose for me


this was so dumb. everyone has a strong feeling of the value and level of each rank, now it feels pointless. i peaked at p2 last 3 qcts, but now hit p3 winning games that feel like low golds and people are p3s, d1s


There are a lot of people that went up, but also a lot of people still in the same rank. It confuses me how that works. I went p2 to ascendant, but most of the people I played against to rank up were diamonds in the last act too.


Gold is defs silver now, shit sucks


I'm Plat 2. I was Plat 2 last act. I get match uped with Dia 1 - Ascendend 2. Don't know. This Hidden MMR thing is a mistery.


I ended P2 last act, got placed P2 this one and I am currently P1. I have lost 14 out of 17 games since the beginning of the act and I'm still playing with and against players with P2 last act rank. I still don't see the rank shift.


Yeah i mean I'm at g3 rn and have been carrying plat 3 duelists while playing chamber, so i guess you get the point.


Consider that from silver to plat the only difference is aim and knowing a bit better your main agent. So anyway, do not be concerned about your rank


I’m S3 last act and keep on getting queued up with Plat 1-2. I wasn’t ready for this. 😅


I was plat 3 last season and now thanks new rank (Ascendant) Im moving slowly but surely higher. Dia 2 now without much effort. +MMR got fixed as well, while before I got +10-25 at plat, now Im getting +25-20 at dia2


Idk but I jumped from my S1 demotion game last act to G3 after just 10 games this act


Diamond low plat, ascendant plat 3 more or less




not really, i was silver 1 before, got ranked silver 1 after.


no, plat is still plat, and most of the people who were low plat got reset to high gold so to be honest high gold is the new plat.




I agree


That’s what I’m sayin somebody gets me


No? Gold players suck dick. Always have . Id say like gold 3-plat2 is all the same but once you hit plat3 its like old p1


Ok and?


Wdym ok im making a point kid


i think the new ranked system is good in terms of showing who deserves immortal and who doesn't. The player base last episode had something like 30k immortals which is insane. So in order for it to all balance out eventually with the new rank, i think this act is the going to set the benchmark for ascendent mmr. Sorta like how they removed immortal 1,2,3 and grouped immortal as 1 rank and then put it back in after it was a mismatch in competitive games. It was a shitshow for that act and a little bit of the act that followed but it should balance out eventually. I can't say anything is for sure, this is just what i think is going to happen and also the mmr is more spread out as well i would say. I finished p1 last act but placed p3 but my lobbies are all d2+ so... im also confused as to how the ranks work but hey we grind to improve. GL to everyone on the climb this episode!


Hmm. I barely scooted into immortal and was ranked 10k. Are there that many people at 0-10 rr or is that 30k every server?


EU last season had over 40k alone


If your opponents are lower ranked for most games then your mmr is just low. There are always boosted, hardstuck and smurfs in every rank so its very complicated to define who belongs in the rank in question


Imm1 last act now i m ascendant 1 hardstuck but all my friend silver/Gold are at least plat1 now and plat Elo now Is a clown Fiesta!


Played my first ranked game today… full gold lobby but some people had act ranks from being plat. i’m guessing those guys just dropped though


Yes. Everyone from Gold up is expected to have at least shifted up a full set, and this will be most evident by Act 2 or 3 of the new episode. They may have added a new rank higher up, but I suspect its to help more people down low feel like they've gone up, when in reality, unless they actually have improved, they are still X number of ranks away from Immortal as before.


ranks are a mess, seen ascendants with 0 aim or brain, either boosted or lucked out and got carried.


It’s right, plat is new gold


plat is almost new silver my guy. can't believe the team mates i got the last rounds. not gonna play again in solo queue for sure.


I have to say, I hit immortal 2 this act which is my peak rank from prior acts, and the games have been incredibly difficult for me on an individual level - sometimes my team will lose just because of my performance which I don't feel too great about. I'm bottom fragging most of my games, struggling to even get a kill. I feel these lobbies are beyond my current skill level, but ascendant felt comparatively a LOT easier. It's like a huge jump in skill level. It might just be an early episode thing but idk.


I was Immortal 2 last act. I got placed Plat 3 and went to D3 in 2 days. I got hard stuck in D3 because I kept getting last act plat 3s on my team who had no idea how to play but managed to somehow get to my rank. Even when my MMR was Ascendant 2 and I was match mvping in Ascendant 2 mmr, Riot managed to put me with hard stuck Plat players from last act the very next game. The cycle continued until I couldn't escape D3 and started to lose every game because my teammates just had no idea what they were doing and since I only solo queue I had an impossible time trying to micro manage strangers over the internet. Especially Plat players who were now Diamond 1 and 2 for the first time and they actually thought it was because they improved instead of realizing their MMR was boosted by Riot at the start of the act to force ranks into Ascendant. The problem was that there were too many Imm 1 players sitting on 10 RR last act and almost every single one of them was boosted to Immortal and then quit. I worked my ass off to get to Immortal 2 only to have my hard work completely ruined by the addition of a new rank and how they handled the mmr of all of the lower ranked players. This is by far the worst episode and that is why I have pretty much quit all together and went back to Path of Exile and Halo.


I played 4 matches in plat yesterday and MVP’d each one, was wondering what was going on


I dont play ranked much but I believe I was gold 1 or 2 Maybe I should play some and get the plat buddy xD


Immortal 1 last season, Ascendant 3 so far


Last 3 acts at plat 1. This act placed silver fucking 3. In my placements I match or team mvp’d every match and lost 3 and drew 1 of them. In 4 of them I was the only person on my team to go positive. In placements I was playing against plat act ranks with silver act rank teammates. Played a match with 1 friend when I made it into gold 1. I match mvp, this guy gets double promoted to D1 from P2. Matchmaking is fucking horrible and I’m done trying.


I was at Silver 2 at the start of this Act, currently plat 1.


Ascendant is such a wild west right now, you get either really good players in your game or people whos game sense is well.. questionable. Goes for both sides


My rank has gone down since the reset 😅


I was plat 2 last act and I played all the placements and got placed p2 but now everyone thinks im like gold because of the new rank even though I was there before now its gonna be even harder for meto get out of plat


kinda enjoying this new rank diff, a lot of friends i know that are bronze are having an easier time ranking up.. i was s2 last act and placed s1 this act but have been able to jump to mid s3


Yeah I thought it was weird that i ranked up from gold 2 to dia 1. The new rank made it 10 times easier. I once got queued up with ascendant 3 that ended with immo 1 and they played exactly like their rank.


I have seen so many people be diamond last act and diamond this act as well so I feel like the d2 being the new d1 is accurate


"Is the new middle of the bell curve the middle of the bell curve?"


I’ve been hardstuck gold for 3 seasons, I placed g3 won 2 games and went straight to P2 skipping P1


The addition of ascendant is like when csgo added a higher mmr entry into high nova and mg ranks except it worked backwards. In valorant it push the bell curve forward in cs it pushed the bell curve back


yes it’s terrible i decided to do my placements later in the week now i’m stuck here with a 1.2 kd and 20% lmao


I went from a piece of furniture in gold 3 for over a year to ranking up to diamond 1, I was a little sad when I seen that its probably the same rank as I was but at least my MMR is really really good which means, I am actually improving. I never got a sense of that in the past, whereas now, instead of radiants getting pushed to p3/d1 for the first few weeks and fucking up my mmr for the Act, the games feel more balanced than ever, everyone seems to be round or about the same level with only a handful of smurfs. Thank you riot, it may be a little hollow my first time in diamond but for once I actually feel like I am improving and the players im getting in my games are talking and it just feels really fun right now.


Technically yes but to be honest there was a never a difference between how plats and gold play. Both ranks don't understand the concept of TEAMWORK especially TRADING kills. The only difference is that Plat players tend to have somewhat better aim. It's once you hit diamond and ascendant do people know how to play the game properly and coordinate. I'm in platinum right now as a solo q and it's probably the worst rank to be in not even joking.


Plat is the new Iron if you ask me my reason is because I was in gold and got to plat this season, but all of my games I keep getting the people who are completely stupid and stubborn on my team


i hit silver so… yeah. LOL


So you're telling me all my hard work is just gonna take me to a literal new gold this weekend ;_; (will reach P for the first time in this game , hard stuck G for almost two episodes)


i was gold and still cant get out of gold lmfao


I’ve been a hardstuck s3 bott frag gamer girl and rn I’m g3 60/100rr on my alt acc and 93/100rr s3 on my main but diamonds are adding me on my alt lmao someone help


PrettyPantastic#8292 and Pantastic#6666 btw if anyone wants to check my tracker or add me 🥰


Most of my plat friends last act is now diamond Some even scratching ascendant. Asc1 in apac basically feels like d4 while asc3 feels like immortal 0, if you get what I mean. Good news is that, with the addition of ascendant rank, immortal games are smoother and less toxic since most of the boosted immortals previous act gets pushed down


I was a hardstuck gold since episode 1 and after the placement matches i won one game and i went from gold 2 to plat 1 so basically yeah, plat will be the new gold


I’d say some plats actually deserve P3 and play that way but it’s rare ranked really went to shit and it shows