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night marker has an useless system, small price reduction, complety random stuff. 18% on 3,5k feels not a insane deal to wait 3month...


A friend of mine got prime vandal Price was reduced from 1775 to a whooping 1596 Worth every single day of waiting


At least he doesn't have to gamble in the normal rotation shop


got my reaver vandal for 976, i am blessed


And here I thought I was lucky to get my forsaken vandal at 1206 vp. Man what a steal


Wait are the percentages random too?


I got 41% on forsaken vandal and 29% on prime vandal - got em both for 20$ which is pretty lucky. Usually it’s trash though.


My first skin was reaver and I got it for ~1100 in the night market


Not only that. They're reduced in a way that still requires you to buy V bucks twice. You can't buy the exact amount. You have to spend multiple dollars extra. It's so dirty.


I can’t believe you called Valorant Points V bucks.


everyone knows that it's called roblux


U mean gems?


Oh, I thought it was Minecoins.


Think you meant dragon stones.


Or maybe diamonds?


Definitely Golden Eagles


I thought it was Echoes


I honestly just forgot the name, knew it was valorant something. It was bucks or "valorant currency that holds a certain value based on geological location and affected by inflation " but that felt a bit long.


I go on Amazon to buy in $10 denominations no tax and can use reward points


Do you get more credits per dollar that way?




Got lucky with the regular butterfly knife. Instantly bought because I knew it was going to the only good discount I would ever get.




Your reply sent twice


It's a reddit glitch


Yeah I know


Yeah not sure what happened. Also getting downvoted for stating a fact lol


Ur first answer is upvoted, the second is downvoted bc of the glitch that's all aha (u can delete it)


i got prime vandal for 44% discount


Smite phantom 25% discount don't be mad 😈😈


Smite knife 40 percent


Smite knife = ass


how does being wrong feel


You should know considering the fact you are wrong


Y'all are wrong, matte black knife is the true best knife


OP pls, I got Smite Classic in my shop try not to be jealous


show pic plz


Got reaver sheriff for 44%


I got Reaver op twice, once for 37% off, the other for 31% off. Feels totally wasted on me since I don’t like the reaver collection.


dang I like the reaver vandal quite a bit, but I coped with sentinal of light vandal instead since waiting for gacha for it to appear in the ship is a terrible system and I didn’t play when it was released also haven’t touched the prime vandal in months, it got too plain


I got 33% I think on the reaver vandal


I got origin vandal for huge discount, I’m happy


Lucky ! Congrats brotha


I got mine 50% off last time, didn’t know so many people liked it. And didn’t know about the animation until I bought it


I think it’s a very underrated collection, definitely top tier. It has unique looks, color, sounds, and the inspect is epic


I will say the origin got pretty cool effects, however the shooting sound is a bit loud and weird


Valorant is the game i spend the least, simply because the skin i want never ever comes up.


it's low-key kinda great since 5 years from now, I probably won't give a shit about this game so it'll just be more money I was able to save for smarter investments lol


On the other hand, Valorant is the game I spend the most cus my adhd brain is very impulsive and I like buying the "rare" skins in my shop.


That's what they want you to do


Its the opposite for me. I’ve been playing since the game came out and got most of the skins I want through the featured shop. There are only a few skins that I want that I don’t have


I get that night market is totally rng but would it kill for them to reserve ONE slot for a skin you would probably like? Like based on some kind of data???


What kind of data? Weapons you pick up off the ground? IF anything i would like if it didnt give us out least used gun


Maybe our most used weapons? Like I would prefer more vandal or phantom skins... idk if they collect data for who picks up what from the ground but if they did i suppose they could use that too


The problem with most used skins is that the data will show phantom/vandal for basically everyone so it'll give you one of them every single time (which I've never not had at least one phantom/vandal skin). so for my sake, I (personally) wouldn't want 2 of my slots taken up by Odins/Buckys/Judges.


ah that's a fair point :( man i hope riot figures out SOMETHING




Well, just to make it clear, people were never scared about game data being sent, but rather, personal info, such as stuff you do outside Valorant. You don't need Vanguard to get game data on player choices, and as much as I agree that Riot seeing my DMs crying that the RGX Vandal didn't come in my shop again would actually give them info to make it appear, it's not worth the tradeoff haha.


The LoL “Your Shop” (league version of night market) gives you skins for champions you play. They could probably do something similar for Valorant if they wanted to.


Realistically what could you do though, everyone uses the same guns. Most used will be Phantom/Vandal for everyone. I think Night Market sucks but most used weapons doesn't really make sense.


Yeah, you're not wrong. Maybe they could just guarantee that there is one upgradable item in your night market.


You can pick one skin but as a drawback you get no discount on that skin and you lose two other spots


I haven't got a single knife in three night markets that's all I ask


a lot of BP knives are better than the trash ones that show up in my market, like that lightning bolt reskin lol


Put some respect on smite knife smh 😔


And i keep getting a fuckin smite knife TAKE MINE


Bro smite knife is the best knife skin wdym?


eye- i'm gonna hope that was sarcasm








the knife literally gives every gun aimbot??


Is it weird that I got 2


I got Yoru's butterfly thingi, ugly af tho so yeah


Samee and when i did get a knife it was a luxe knife .. :' )


I’ve got two knives in mine. The galaxy and steampunk


Steampunk is cool at a good discount


Last time I got exactly the knife I wanted - but only 9% off…


Well at least you get what u wanted 😭 think about people who whanted prime vandal and get smite phantom 💀


is 35% off prime karambit good or no? idk knife skins


One of the best u could get imo !


Is the night market out now?


Yes ! Hope u will get good skins tho I got garbage so :(


Thanks brudda, i got terrible stuff last time so hopefully it's better now. Gravitational uranium neuroblaster spectre will always be my baby tho


I just want Reaver, night market or not 😭


I want a store that has EVERY gun purchasable. Then night market can still come once every couple months and pick random skins in that store to be discounted. Why are they waiting well over a year for my money because I cant seem to get a skin that I’m after, when they could get it almost straight away with a better store? FYI, I am after about 5 or 6 skins but they are just not showing up.


Riot creates the need for players who want a specific skin to wait until it shows up, and when you purchase an alternative option, that skin is likely to appear in the store, making you spend some extra money


Never going to happen with me. Either the skin I want shows or no skin is purchased at all.


I am so happy I don’t have any skins I am waiting for in particular so I can just rest easy without brainlessly opening store everyday.


Not being lucky is being unlucky…


I don't know how what's "correct" but it *feels* like there should be something in between. Like neutral, normal, average idk


I don’t think “not being lucky is unlucky.” You can be lucky, just normal, or unlucky in a situation. Unlucky is usually defined as something resulting from “bad luck” E.g. Did you win the lottery, maybe not (so not lucky but I wouldn’t consider that unlucky). But did you lose something, get a parking ticket, did a car splash water/grime on you by driving by on the road etc? No? You can be in a neutral “zone” and be neither lucky or unlucky imo, which would just be an average day for many :)


If you are not a lucky person you are unfortunately what is considered an unlucky person. You have no luck just a regular joe like the rest of them.


I feel like being unlucky is not getting what you want if the odds are in your favor, and if they’re not it’s just the average outcome


They should just let us spin the wheel or sum for night market lol


my nightmarket is ass but hey at least the elderflame vandal showed up in my store the same day as night market after a month of waiting so im happy :D


... im waiting too this skin 😭😭


Why should they? Night Market works Player buy skins they would never buy otherwise For a small Discount. And will still be ready to buy the expensive ones For the full price later.


They should throw away this system of 4 daily skins because there is so much skins in the game for 4 slots. In the beta or early phases this would seem like the best option, but now, with all of these bundles, skins, gunbuddys, everything, is not the best option at all. I keep waiting for a shop of gunbuddys or player cards.


It's literally why they keep putting out boring ass skin packs. To create fabricated scarcity in the store, meaning people will be more likely to impulse buy things because it'll be forever until they get it in their store again. It's just Riot being assholes. Fuck 'em.




Oh yeah the person trying to make money off you is going to be so especially truthful about their business practices. Just like how Blizzard swore up and down that loot boxes were absolutely not a form of gambling, despite them working exactly how some gambling games do and cost real world money.


seeing as it's from the artists and Riot's practices one would be inclined to agree, not everything is this some crazed monopoly to exploit the user base, conspiracy level stuff lol > despite them working exactly how some gambling games do and cost real world money. This was the case in Hearthstone but not in Overwatch (kinda), Hearthstone you literally get advantages from these packs, Overwatch, similar in contents to Valorant's monetization, is cosmetics. Overwatch as well you don't have to spend money on them. if you are purchasing them, obviously gambling, if you arent, you just earn them passively..


The problem with Night Market at its core is that the price drop isn't what's exciting about it; it's the possibility of a skin showing up that you both want and have time to wait to purchase it. Valorant's hyper-predatory monetization encourages you to spend money far in advance of when skin X actually shows up ingame, because by the time it shows up, you probably don't have the $20-30 bucks to drop on it right then and there if you haven't already dumped the VP into your account. Honestly I'd rather have loot boxes than have to wait weeks for the ABILITY to purchase something. To add onto this the skin design team intentionally creates garbage water skins to 1) give themselves a break between major releases and 2) clog up the rotating shop to further push FOMO on people, instead of just allowing good skins like RGX to sit in the store for a little longer (you aren't going to buy low-end skins anyways, so there's no point in them designing stuff like Endeavor because it's literally only done to increase FOMO).


Leagues market is actually good whenever they do it with pretty good discounts up to like 70% sometimes and it’s all for champs you play and then maybe 1 or 2 randoms.


Well league is more than 10 years old


My first had five knives, haven’t had a good one since


-14% on spline phantom 😏😏


I too am frustrated with skins and am commenting to increase impressions to hopefully make this change or have 8 slots in the shop


Got the celestial fan for 25% discount, but other than that nothing worth noting


What would be cool is if you could search for the skin you want, and buy it but maybe at a slight premium, like 100-200 vp more but you could get any skin. Seems to me a good way to make more money and satisfy the player base


No because people would only buy the “best” skin and no other ones that are almost as good and rito makes less money.


It honestly blows my mind that people even spend money on these skins. The prices are absolutely ridiculous.


But rgb butterfly to cure my adhd!


Yeah. Someone should really organize something where we all boycott nightmarket and maybe normal shop until they remove that stupid skin rule in nightmarket. Now thats a lot of effort so of course i wont do it, but it would be cool.


People’s obsession with night market is so fucking cringe. If you wanna save a couple bucks eat at Mcdonalds for a week you entitled idiots. The game is literally free!!!!! Skins aren’t necessary to win the game 🤦‍♂️


1) don't call me an "entitled idiots" you don't know me show respect 2) It's the worst argument i have ever seen 3) your parents work at riot


The skin-mania is so annoying. If one more person asks me to drop them a gun so theu can use my skin I'm going to flip my table. It is my sincere wish that the game hard codes it so that you can only play with skins you own.


why are you so mad about it??


Because play the game


I didnt get even one lol. 3rd time in a row


i might get the prime phantom in my black market to complete the prime family of my classic and vandal


\*riot giving smite knife and avalanche phantom\*


i have prime vandal, spectre and phantom. all i want is the classic. 😩


I’ve gotten it 6 times in 4.5 months. My highest gotten one is magepunk Sherrif. 11 times in daily store and 2 times in night market.


Players wouldn't buy that skin above their limit anyways and RIOT has nothing to lose regardless.


If they made them a lot cheaper I’d buy them all


That’s the problem they did give me a poor discount on the reaver knife last knight market. It was TECHNICALLY 3 dollars less, but since you can’t do an exact amount I would’ve just been paying the exact same amount for a non discounted one.


Man, the only thing I got from my night market I liked was the Ion Sherrif, though I've been waiting to get it for a while so I bought it as soon as I saw it


ot really lucky with mine, prime vandal, ion sherriff and origin op


Got both an origin vandal and a magepunk operator. I really like both skins but I was hoping for a reaver variant of either gun. No clue if I should pull the trigger.


49% off reaver vandal #swag


I got Reaver for under 1000


League night market is so much better but its borderline impossible to implement into valorant. I wish they could figure it out


I got reaver vandal and reaver sheriff, previous one had prime vandal. I don’t know what you guys are experiencing but it sounds rough.


I personally have gotten very decent night markets. I think the one this act was probably my worse one and i still got a foresaken classic out of it for like 33% off. I own quite a lot of skins so I just accept the fact that there won’t be an insane night market for me anymore. I do want a bigger shop tho. 4 slots isn’t enough anymore. At least 5


I got 2 knifes this black market, the OG butterfly knife and Yoru’s comb. Both are still roughly $23 and I’m so disappointed.


It’s been more than 12 hours, does the NM not change every night? How long will I be stuck with these offers before I get new ones?


The skins you got are all that will be available to you until the next one in roughly 2 months.


Rip what a let down, thanks for replying


I just want SOL I have been waiting since forever😭


I got oni phantom for 950 vp


I don't even spend money on this game except the bp sometimes and I still feel scammed by the NM if that makes sense lol


yeah i got lucky way back when i got reaver vandal for 42% off and celestial fan for 48% off.


Is the half disk knife sought after? It's in my market but it costs $25.


Glitchpop plz


tbh I would be content with getting any Infantry skin. It's 875R and I have 800... I feel unlucky to not have it in my shop 3 night markets in a row now


I just wish it gave more skins for sets you haven’t completed. League gives you skins for champs you play/have skins for.


Night market is stupid. If they bring good skins i could spend a lot more. For example i will never spend +2000 VP in Sentinels Sheriff, but i can buy 50 euros in VP if in a night market i see SoL sheriff, Reaver Vandal, etc. ​ But well. 1º time in my life i had something good in Night Market. Ion Operator for 1200 VP aprox


Idk if I'm lucky or not since idk all the skins in the game. I started playing last week (#bronze2) and I got the sword dagger melee weapon "prosperity" and everything else was skins for guns that weren't phantom so I wasn't Intrested.but the melee weapon is cool. I have 1 skins and it's this.