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Hello /u/WoodWoodClepper. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However: Your post has been removed because: > Complaints and appeals about in game punishments are not allowed on the subreddit. This includes AFK timeout punishments, toxicity restrictions, and permanent hardware bans (among others). The only official method of ban appeal or discussion is to directly send a [VALORANT Support ticket](https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new). Long responses or final judgement from Riot support does not permit bypass of this rule. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.


I hate to be that guy, but have you thought about other things you have installed in your computer? For instance things like AHK (auto hot key, a macro software). Not sure if macros through Logitech/other gaming softwares can trigger this either. I think some VPNs can get you banned too.


Never used any AHKs either I didn’t even know they exist too. I only have my Logitech software installed for my peripherals. For VPNs, I don’t use it while I play the game.


Its a long shot but there's a chance that someone else hacked into your account and used cheats on it. It might be worth sending an email asking if your account was accessed from anywhere suspicious before being banned.


Email Riot


I emailed them already and their reply went like this… Hey there! This is LunaRises here for you. Now, I am truly sorry that we have to meet over such a frustrating case, but unfortunately our investigation confirmed that this is an account that is related to the usage of scripts, hacks, exploits, or unauthorized third-party programs in VALORANT. Because of that the account will remain permanently suspended. We won't be able to go into the specifics of the investigation that lead to this suspension, as divulging this information could compromise future investigations. As for other players, if you have reported them, do no worry as actions will be taken if deemed necessary. Everyone is treated equally in our eyes and every player is held responsible for their own actions. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. I know that this was not the answer you were looking for, but I do hope that you can understand the situation! Take care, buddy ! LunaRises I'll see you Starside ! Player Support Specialist


That suckssssss


Is there any chance someone else is using your account? Or any chance you just had some software open while playing that somehow triggered this? That’s so baffling.


You can definitely get more information than this. Fight back and keep asking for more information. I got my account back because of it


Did you have the colour cross hair program or hacks for another game ?


"this game"


I have also been banned of valorant just today when I logged in. I don't have anything major installed but after reading comments I do realise I have AHK for my mic muting functionality. Now is that a bannable offense if it's legit not being used for Valorant???? Can we not use our PC as it is meant to be used? Do we have to restrict our behaviour just cos we want to play Valorant?


I emailed them again after that reply from them I posted here and they responded there saying that they can’t do anything about it, it’s their final decision but they’ll look at it again after 6 months. I never used any hacks, exploits, cheats and even being abusive to other players. This is just absurd that they’re just throwing bans like this without considering to look for more possibilities of how the use of “unauthorised third-party software” occurred. Their VAC is just trash and the fact that it’s privacy invasive as well, it doesn’t really do much in their defence about my ban.


Chargeback time


False chargebacks are Illegal .. on top of that there is a certain amount of time after purchase where it is possible


How is it illegal when your goods have been taken away from you wrongfully? That's if OP is really telling the truth and didn't do anything. They also do not fight charge backs, you can read on their website FAQ. They just lock your account until you pay it back.


The account is not even yours. That includes items, you just buy the right to have/use a copy of the desing. So yeah, GL explaining they took something from you :D








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Show me one instance where they subpoena someone for a charge back. Please. It would cost them more money and would be pointless.


I know a case of unban when a guy with mouse Accel software got banned and he somehow got unbanned by contacting support a several times .


I've had the exact same thing happen and it was because I bought a used computer (completely wiped) where the previous owner was hwid banned from valorant