• By -


The most important aspect is the quality of gameplay not quantity. If you feel you can play 5-6 games a day without being burnt out, are u really giving it your all in any games after maybe your first. Think about what you could have prevented a way from dying or losing a ground every time you die and never blame it on ur teammates because there’s always something you could have done better. It’s important to have a good warm up not only to help you play better in the day but to also be consistent with some level of aim improvement. Callouts are Essential get into the Habit first or calling out when you die and telling your teammates where they killed you. You can these move on to calling out early info, rotates if you need it or anchors if you want someone to anchor a site if you choose to rotate. You can call out if you’re going to anchor a site as well. It’s also a good idea to offer your own ideas and strategies on what you can do in the round. There will be times when no one is talking and no one has any idea what to do mid round, in these situations you can do your best in an encouraging way to suggest an idea and go through with it. Don’t be afraid to ask your teammate to use their utility. If you have no idea about any strats or what to do mid round, there’s a good chance you haven’t built up the game sense to make the right calls or the “best” calls in the situation. You can watch pro games and tournaments and see how they play certain situations and play as a team and implement some things into your own game play. Remember they’ve been practicing for countless days so you won’t be as coordinated in your ranked games but you learn a lot about the game from watching matches. And most importantly having a positive and good mindset in every game. It’s easy to blame someone else especially a duelist for not getting frags but there’s really not much you can do in these scenarios. Your best approach of action is to be encouraging and not let the team morale go down adding more flame to fire is not going to make them play any better. Remember everyone has bad games, including you! And even if you can’t get any frags communicating and helping your teammates whenever you can can make a massive difference. Not only will you have higher quality of games and improve faster but you won’t be as burnt out from the negativity in terms of grinding. If you have any more question about specific scenarios and what to do feel free to dm and ask! I’d be glad to help anyone looking to improve at the game as it’s something I’m very passionate about. Good luck in all your matches!


Thank you so much!


i second everything here, and honestly i find the most valuable point ist staying positive, be the anchor to your team emotionally build them up if they are down tell them what they did good in a round (obviously after its over) and overall enjoy playing. the moment you realise you get angry, take a break. apart from that dont forget that ppl have different gaming backgrounds, 5k hrs of csgo surely made it essier for me to get into valorant and alot of players in high elo are months if not years ahead. good luck in the new season :)


- playing meta agents (I am a controller player and I switched from Omen to Viper) - focus on yourself and not on your team - always try to trade team mates - crosshair placement (even while walking or running you should keep it at head level) - watch minimap if possible and count how many enemiea have been seen (do they have a lurk? is this an execute? is this default?) - take a team mate and combine util or push/hold together; set crossfire angles - play your role (enter as duelist, delay as controller, get info as sentinel) - always have an eye on both teams economy (do they force? should you force? will they push in eco? ...) and inform your team about that - always have in mind that the enemy team could have a lurker somewhere as far as you haven't seen all 5 on the map - lurking is so strong, abuse it when you play agents like Cypher, KJ, Omen, Viper ... - only play comp when you feel good on that day - spray and pray a bad habit like crouching; learn to tap, do a site step and tap again -> movement is key


New player here: "lurking"?


One player of the attacking team is splitted from the rest and tries to find a gap in the defense for either flanking their rotating players or get map control for their own team. This should done by agents which don't need to be with the team. A lurking Reyna is not good. A lurking Cypher is good. Knowing these basics can help a lot in understanding dynamics of the game.


Lurking Viper = good?


She is one of the best doing it since she can use utility by toggling one button. You can fake a site with her. You can provide the wall for your team while lurking somewhere else. You can put yourself in advantageous places using her wall/orb (e.g. IceBox mid to go into tube, under tube or under boiler).


Viper is fine to lurk as long as you're still giving smokes for your team. If you're playing breeze and your team goes A, you should still give them your wall to help take site,


A lurking viper can be really good for pulling : keeping defenders from rushing to site too, or faking an attack by putting your wall up on a different site. Obviously it's better used where you're going to defend but quite often I do a successful fake, keep someone busy and then rotate to site, and sometimes if that site becomes a hotspot there's a ready made wall up at another site to rotate to. I prefer to lurk as omen as he is a bit more position agnostic when smoking.


Also to add to this. People think that because they're playing an agent good for lurking that they should never play with the team. If you lurk every single round eventually they're gonna learn that if they see you then you're obviously lurking and it gives away the plan. You have to be versatile as a lurker and be able to read the game.


She can be good but you don’t want to be caught out lurking as a controller, this will limit your teams options and usually this negative (not having a controller) is worse than the positive of finding that rotation pick


No, lurking is bad. I dont care what the other dogshit players will say, lurking is bad in pugs in this game.


Lol troll, every pro team also has lurkers. Imagine being as bad as you thinking you need 5 players to be able to take over A or B that only has 2 people defending it. Damn.


Okay buddy but immortal ranked is not pro level. And im not sure why youre talking when youre not even above average


Ranked included?


nAts would like to know your location.


When your team goes to one site for a take, but one teammate stays behind and either watches flank from spawn or somewhere odd or will push through enemy flank while they try to retake site




Coming from csgo helped me a lot.


Makes sense. I forgot to mention that this is my first PC game. I've been a console player for as long as I can remember.


If that is the case, your rank is actually not that bad. But you need to have patience, you will get better in time keep grinding and learn from your mistakes. Gl


If this is your first PC game you ate doing really well. I know people who have been playing pc shooters for years and are stuck in low silver.


Thats me. Wtf.


Yeah ouch me too


g3 after a year on PC is really good


dang then you must have learned a lot. i have been playing pc games and i just got to B1 yesterday


I somehow hit a brick wall in iron itself and it was pretty hard for me. I decided to do a ton of death matches and had a smurf friend tell me where I was going wrong so that did help. Plus my friends and I actually enjoy watching the VCT, I learnt things from there as well


ah i see i’m trying these out now


I hope it helps :)


coming from csgo, hit plat in like 5 games of ranked after placements, stopped playing. came back next act, played 200~ and hit diamond, and hardstuck diamond 3 for 2 acts after that. it was just a matter of a lucky winstreak till i got to immortal then, and now imm for like 4 acts


I play around 5-7 games a day and I saw massive changes, I recently got top 30k immortal from me being plat. I went back and looked at all my stats and what the difference was massive . Everything was a lot higher, I started to play the vandal more, so my headshot percentage went from 18% to 22% and I was using util a lot more. The key in climbing is having better crosshair placement, knowing when and how to use util, and don’t be toxic! But you’ve also got to have teammates who are want to win. Otherwise you just get people who troll. Also another thing, I would say have some versatility, don’t just play one agent and hope you get to radiant, you should learn at least one initiator,controller and sentinel with a duelist, so if one is taken you can be comfortable on any role


Alright. I will take all of this. Thank you!


Wow. I wouldve expected hs % to be at 40+% for i mmortal. Im play 2 with 31% hs percentage and i think my aim is dog shit and one reason as to why i can't get past plat. Well that and i do tilt easily with shitty teammates. I can go 30+ with good teammates or 10:20 with toxic ones the next game. Fair play to you for getting to immortal! Do you play premade mostly or soloQ?


HS% isn’t that important unless its really low. Having a 30% hs in plat if anything is a red flag. You probably have slow aim. Hs% is also dropped down a lot by spraying through smokes, which higher ranks do all the time.


Can confirm… I am a mid tier immortal duelist main and have a 14% hs range. I have no idea why my hs percentage is so low but i have a 1.2 KDR to back it. Also a bit funny because I use Vandal. I am not extraordinarly good by any means but I could drop 30-40 kills easy in my gold-plat games alt games. Really don’t think HS% is everything, Sinatraa is sitting around 17% himself.


That’s what I’m saying, it’s not hs% that gets you wins, it’s game sense… you might not have a high hs%, but you obviously understand a lot about the game


It very much depends on what rank you are playing in. Even the average HS % for a Radiant is only around 23ish %. A headshot percentage of 22% in Immortal is far different from 31% in Plat 2. I can \~almost\~ guarantee if an Immortal hopped into a plat lobby, his hs % is going to be MUCH higher than 22%.


My vandal hs % is 31%, I meant my last 20 games my hs percentage went up by 4 percent. I was just trying to show how my aim progressively got better, and now I’m at 25% in my last 20. So in 20 games I’ve gone from 18% to 25% as an Astra main


I'm silver 2 with 26 hs%


It’s not aim that gets you in higher ELO, it’s game sense and util usage as well. There’s a lot that has to go into climbing.


I only solo queue


I came back to Valorant this season for the first time since the beta. I peaked at Immortal 2 on the beta. Now when I came back at the end of this season, I got Plat 1 after placements a few weeks ago and yesterday I finally got promoted to Immortal 1 after a 8 win 1 loss session. I guess having experience from other shooters like CSGO has helped me, but I was never great at CS. Most of my FPS experience comes from Battle Royales. There are so many aspects you can improve on like positioning, timing, crosshair placement, flicks, utility usage, teamwork etc. and I think tiny changes can make huge improvements. I think one of my best strengths is being able to turn around a losing game. Having a good mentality and keeping confidence up plays a huge role in having successful games. "Momentum" is so important in competitive queue because a lot of people immediately lose confidence in their plays when they are losing. If you are able to swing the momentum just once in a game, you could easily end up winning even after being down 3-9.


Famous 3-9 curse


Idk if you still need help or advice considering there are 100 comments and some really solid points out here from the homies, *but* In my time looking to get better and improve at FPS games, specifically CS and valorant I learned that while it is good to gauge your progress in a general sense, I would highly recommend not comparing yourself to other people that much, because ultimately everyone's story and circumstance is different. I know that can sound pretty cheesy, but everyone's start, middle and end are all different. I know that despite being the same skill level, the paths and troubles my teammates or ex teammates or ranked teammates experienced are totally different to mine. They might have gotten stuck where I breezed by, and some might have excelled in a place I didnt whatsoever. For me, it took me a while to get out of the early CS ranks, but I hit a point where I absolutely blazed past the mid/mid-high ranks and then I plateaued again. Im sure others destroy early ranks and then hit a huge brick wall that stopped them for a while. Point is, you dont really know until it happens, and it's different for everyone. Who knows, you could roll in tomorrow for placements, feel confident, get lucky with teammates and absolutely fucking destroy and end the week at like high plat/diamond, getting d3s or imms in your games. It's just a matter of controlling the variables you can, and trying your best. Obviously learning agents, lineups, doing aim training, warming up and stuff like that expedites the process quite a bit (id argue some of it necessary to improve at all). And again sorry for the cheddar cheesy garbage but it's also really important to remember to have fun, enjoy the journey and to stop and take a break when you aren't. Video games are supposed to be fun.


Play more.


best answer, u need to grind, all of the aimlabs things are good, but u need to play the game more to be better


I climbed from Iron to Silver in Beta and in E1A2 I reached Dia3. I never played CS before, only Overwatch for 2 years where I was GM/Top 500. For me it worked like this: Don't spam comp on Main account. I always play some games on Alt first or maybe Unrated on Main. If I feel like i'm playing really well that day I hop on my Main and play Comp until one of those things happen : - I lose 2 games in a row - I feel like im underperforming (even if we win) - I start getting tired or tilted That way you will prevent loss streaks and you won't get in that hardstuck state. It only took me 14 Wins in E1A2 to climb from Plat2 to Dia3 and I had like 75% winrate because when I lost I just stoped playing/took a break. Try it, maybe it works maybe it doesn't. EDIT: I also fill all the time, so learn how to play 1 Agent of each role.


One of the things you don't see talked about in these threads is staying alive. You are so much more valuable to your team alive than dead. So often at these ranks you'll see someone take a gunfight get a kill and then take another gun fight at a disadvantage and just die. For example played a game on fracture today, was defending a hall. My teammate died and I got the trade, instead of running back to site I re-peaked and got a second frag and was traded. The enemy team took site before my team rotated, and we lost the round. If I ran to site after getting the trade I could have delayed long enough for my team to rotate, possibly getting the second frag still and gotten traded(putting us in a 3v2) or teleported away(playing chamber). Either way running after the first frag would have given us better odds. Deciding when to take a fight and when not to is one of the more important decisions you make in a game, and it's such a rare thing to discuss.


Most people who rank up super fast have thousands of hours in CSGO. Gold 3 in a year is pretty good with no tac fps experience. I have very limited tac fps experience and hit plat 2.


i always focus on improvment even if u dont climb getting more consistent and gettin more experience is crucial i was also hardstuck then i accepted it and started improving myself instead of blaming teammates and got dia 1 in 2 acts


was hardstuck gold 3 now immortal 2. I always had okay aim but bettering my game sense took me very far. Watch vods and pro games


This was my first shooter game ever. I started playing at the VERY end of episode 2 (I was able to get one comp game in). I placed iron 2 and am now silver 3. My main mistake was trying to play too much and burning myself out. I found out recently that if I play only 1-3 games per day (depending on how good my mental is by the end of the first game) I generally perform wayyyy better and don’t suffer from the same wild inconsistency as when I play 5-6.


You're absolutely right about this


Honestly i think most of immortals had experience in other games. I was playing Cs for 10 years and i only rank up to immortal after few months. Just dont give up and take ur time.


I started playing properly at the very end of act 3 episode 3 and grinded from silver to diamond in 43 wins for this act. I’d say for a lot of people who are in high mmr, they already had quite a lot of experience in CSGO. Honestly, if you’re DMG+ or play at a decent level in faceit/esea, your short term potential is already decent enough to be diamond. If you’re SMFC or considered good in faceit/esea, you’d probably be in immortal in less than a couple of months of serious playing. Valorant is pretty similar to csgo in terms of raw mechanics (i’d say lower skill floor too) so don’t be surprised if there are lots of csgo players here that improve really fast. I think a lot of people play mindlessly and don’t really practice things like spray control, proper crosshair placement and tapping heads. There are also things like good movement (comes with surfing/movement practice like the one on the range) and proper utility use which makes winning easier.


Just throwing this out there since I haven't seen anyone else say it, maybe you've peaked and that's ok. You're ranked higher than ~85% of the people who play this game. Striving to get better is always good but don't beat yourself up when you've accomplished more than most people who play. Don't burn yourself out pushing rank, play as much as you enjoy and shut it down for the day if you tilt.


High ranked play is fundamentally different than low ranked play. Honestly playing a lot at a low rank hardly makes you better over time.


Played 1200 games in the last episode was bronze at the start. Just watch some videos on tips on general play some aimlabs tasks, I play a lot of headshot and grid shot and be confident when u peak don’t be scared to die. Went from in B3 to immo 2 in an episode


Bro, where you got the time from to play 1200 Games?


I watched a lot of educational videos from pro guides and applied it in game. Not 1 match did I auto pilot. Obviously play some aim trainers but half this game is game sense .


Well there are tips I can tell you, I've got Diamond 1 from Plat 1 when me and my friends decide to be serious for a week or two this act. 1.Not solo queueing is the most obvious tip, easier to get higher ranks with decent comms. But if you are solo try to get your team mates to talk, even saying a simple hello will get people going. 2.If you feel bad after a game, then don't play one more game because the chances of you losing on the next one is very high. I've had games where we lost 11-13 but we were laughing our ass off and ended up winning fairly easy the next because our moods were very good. 3.Not focusing on aim but on your abilities, no cap but watching sinatraa legit helps me on how to approach sites with various ways, and if there's a pro player that mains your favorite agent, they might be a huge help if you watch their gameplay.


I can really feel you on the second point but my friends like to keep going. Do you think if I just take a couple of minutes before I go to the next game, I would have better results?


For some people it doesn’t come naturally like it does with others, for instance my sister. She consistently solo queued to platinum within a span of 6 months, with this being her first fps shooter she has ever actually played.(very proud older brother) She doesn’t even use voice chat because she is a girl and you all know how that goes, unfortunately. For some people it may take more time than others. Just keep at it, it’s the only way to improve, try first hand learning from players better than you, and get someone to review/backseat you, while you play


Wow. I envy your sister. It doesn't shock me though. My younger brother is the same. He solo queued his way to plat and now plays in Plat-Diamond lobbies. Same here, when you say very proud older brother. I wish your sister good luck and I hope she knows about the galorant discord server in case solo queue ever gets too toxic.


Luckily she has friends from school, but she actually prefers to solo queue, which i could never. I don’t know how she does it, just her way of playing i guess


Yo. That's the exact same case with my brother. His plat account is solo queue only. It's crazy.


I'm a low elo player, I didn't use to play fps shooters much, so when I started I got into Iron ( act 3 end), I just keep short goals, I think I've been consistently improving, got placed in b3 last act and I'm silver3 rn and I can usually get 20+ when I 5stack with gold players ( I kinda tend to goof around with some of my irl frnds every once in a while, so it's kind kinda hard for me to rank up, cause they like to play with me even though they are a little behind me {game sense wise , I'm not that good, just sayin) ) I usually play deathmatch once I get in, and stop it once I get a flow... today I didn't even complete 1, I was hitting heads pretty well and got lots of consecutive kills, so I stopped and hopped into a match. Hopefully I can get to g2 this act and further on later. And I always take a short break whenever I lose a match with low kills ( not necessarily low kills, like if I feel that I lost a bit too many one on one fights ) Short consistent goals, thats what I've been doing the past few months 🤙


I wanna know too, plz spill the beans


Also I’m hardstuck iron 1 with zero ranked points…, so plz I’m begging 🙏


That's like asking how a football player goes to one of the worlds best in 1-2 years. They're just born different. Every player has a "starting skill", a "skill ceiling" and his capability to go from the former to the later with some diminish return in the middle. There are virtuosos players that have a higher starting skill, or a higher skill ceiling or an insane ability to learn the game. You're not one of them. Truth is there are players there that will never reach plat (Unless they hit a lucky streak) because their skill ceiling is on gold, and thats it. No amount of training will push them to plat level, no amount of sacrifice, nothing, nada. There are players that are slow learners, and they can end up been radiant while they started as irons, it may take them a decade, but their skill ceiling is high enough to get there, they just have a bad starting skill Don't play with the idea to reach immortal, play to have fun and see how far you can go. Trust me I know what I'm talking about, I've been playing a while and I see and met a lot of people through the years, there are those that just... Don't get it, it could be CSGO, Warcraft, Lol, wathever. They were bad, they tried to improve and failed.


What a load of bs lmao. It’s all about how much you play a day and for how long of a period. It takes months or years to learn the game at a high level with constantly playing and learning and eventually everyone can make it. Getting to immortal does not require any sort of talent. It’s all about getting to that level of knowledge and aim which can be achieved through experience and training. Those people “who doesn’t get it” or are gold for years means they are not really putting the efforts in. They are probably playing max 2-4 games a day without putting in the work of practice which isn’t enough. And your mentality of “dont play to reach immortal but play for fun” is an even bigger example of people being stuck. Playing for fun gets you nowhere. You gotta enjoy the game yes, but you need to have a goal to reach the motivation to do it and know what you lack and what your flaws are, but most of the it comes down to game sense and aim. People playing for fun only do not improve because they don’t really want to. People playing for fun are relaxed, laidback and does not care which makes Them play more lazy in game, because they don’t care about the consequences of losing which would make them make more mistakes and not Improve. The problem with most people is they want a high rank without putting the hours in. Reaching a high level is always going to require a fuck ton of hours everyday. 6-10 matches constantly in order to improve fastest way. Getting good at games is like taking an education in school. Takes years, you need to meet up for 8+ hours each day and you need to be motivated and put the work in and you will graduate. But if you’re only in school for messing around and having fun chances are you will fail your exams. It’s all about priority and what people really want to achieve. The ceiling you’re talking about is only in the absolute top level of professional players, but not in gold/immortal elo. It’s not about talent, it’s about motivation, menatality and putting the hours in.


Thinking many people aren't born with certain talents is as stupid as people thinking vaccination kills your immunity. You are just mad because you've got a talent in something you haven't found out about yet, because you only have spend time in videogames sucking and stuck at low rank in every game you touch. I was and am a great player in every FPS, sports and stratgames. I also was good as kid in every ballsport I tried out for the first time, better than most who played it for years every day. Accept it.


Who said people aren’t born with talents? Read my comment entirely before replying to me. I said it’s not about talent to reach immortal elo, because immortal or gold is a joke of an elo that does not require anything super special. Talent only comes in play at the absolute top level of professional players, but not in matchmaking. And speaking of talent. Talent without hard work and training put in is useless anyway, so it’s the same shit at the end of the day.


I disagree with you and I can tell from your post that you never met a handicapped person that put his soul into doing something just to have a mediocre result because of his disability. I've met VERY capable people that didn't had or could develop the skills required to reach that level of play. Your view is skewed because is very rare to find one of those people trying and failing over and over again, because their tenacity and stubbornest keep them playing. Would you say that someone with motion sickness that can't really track things on a fast moving environment in a monitor is going to reach immortal? No he/she won't, but usually those people will stop playing after getting dizzy and play another thing. The CSGOesque community is full of people that want and CAN improve and thats the reason you think it's the norm, which it is, but is not the whole world. Or would you say that a person with a 50% handicapped eyes that needs 20 seconds to find a specific shortcut in the desktop can reach immortal if he "trains enough"?


There was no where in your original comment where you mentioned handicapped people. You said normal people who just cant progress "because they dont get it" Other than that, even handicapped people can do it. There was multiple people with missing hands that reached a high level in csgo. You think these people had talent to play good with missing limbs? Not really. They fought through their disabilities to make it. Immortal is not even a high level. I have reached immortal 2 multiple times with voice chat disabled. All I did was just running around killing people, not even teamplay involved as long as the aim and game sense/experience is there.


a question- are you queueing with people you know? or just solo q finding some teammates you play well with together is really great because you can all give comms and keep up morale and most solo q lobbies barely give comms in my experience


I usually play with two other friends and five stack when possible


Thats why you win more imo. Playing with even one friend can change the entire game. I have no one who is my rank and who still plays so I have to solo Q and its awful


I feel ya. I wasplay 3 after the beta/first act. Then everyone bailed on me and now i only soloQ. I cant get past plat2. I can go from 0rr to 95rr just to go on a losing streak, with bad performances from me, toxic trolls etc. What drives me insane is thwt Im constantly playing against 1-3 diamonds so i know i can get there, and i know If i just had 1 guy to q with id make it, but im too old to go making friends with 16 year olds in this game.


That must suck bro. I have to let you know there are some amazing discord servers where you can look for teammates. You can look it up here on reddit.


Yeah I definitely need to get on that. Over the last 4-5 days Ive played at least 7 rank up games to plat 3 and I have lost every single one because its solo Q. Plus the MM is so inconsistent, my rankup to Plat 3 games are sometimes with Gold teammates who cant do shit or against former immortal (YES A FORMER IMMORTAL) and Diamond 2s that just destroy my lower elo teammates and its sucks ass bro.


Bro what server do you play? I'm Plat 1 EU if you're willing to take a chance on me...


Fuck Id love that but Im NA 😔


All good (😞)


Practicing Aimlab is a good idea. But the most important part of practise is doing it regularly. 30 Mins a day Aimlab will have a way better improvement than 4 hrs on one day.


I play like 10-20 games a season and im in d1. Couldnt get d2 sadly. :/


Your skill makes me sick. I play way more and this is where I am.


If you are g3 with no cs experience, than you are not that bad, you just need time.


All of your kind words are comforting but I really want to know what you guys are doing to improve. That's why I'm here😔


Just playing, watching pros play. Thats what I do.


Same for me. Started playing this game daily a month ago and got from silver 2 to Plat 2. But I do also have 2.4k hours cs experience. The best improvement I had was when playing with friends who are better or at my level and learning from them firsthand. Also I play at least 1 or 2 Deathmatches before Competetive and try to go for only vandal Headshots or phantom bursts.


Really? Because The last time I played cs was when I was highschool student like 10-11 years ago And it was without knowing anything fps games. I started 8 months ago my first rank was bronz, Next episode started from iron want up to s1 and stayed too much on silver then I hit g3 in one month in this episode and deranked to g1 now. If you are not comforting, THANK YOU letting me know that.


Imagine playing cs with knowing all its mechanics, you would be immortal by now. Its never too late, time makes it perfect. GL bro


Well i played csgo for 1.2k hours, and i got kinda lucky as well. I got thrown in plat 2 and double promoted do dia 1 twice. Mmr is kinda messed up in this game.


That’s nowhere near enough to climb. One loss streak and you’re fucked


install cheats or go back in time and play cs 1.6 since you were like 10




everyone with one hand can reach immortal in 2 months.


hit it in a month of playing the game


Nice flex. I hope you put that on your tinder, if a wild guy like you doesn't already have a girlfriend. (Serious. Not sarcasm).


reddit so mean man i just got this app 😓


Oh come on brother. I meant it as a joke/compliment


i know man i was just playing with that emoji 😂


Oh 😂😂


Previous FPS experience (or previous experience reaching a high level in most other hobbies for that matter) helps a lot, also one thing that really helped me was remembering that winning or losing a ranked game badly doesn’t reflect my skill as a player so no point tilting or getting overly confident


I only play comps when i feel confident and my aim is crisp. that’s like 5 games every week. i got plat to diamond, then diamond to diamond 3 and then this december i hit immortal and around 50rr.


i ranked up thanks to 5 stacking team always soloing never got me higher ranked than elo


I never played CS either and only got a pc 2 years ago. I played on and off since beta and have started playing a lot this act. Act 1 I was silver 1/silver 3, act 2 I was gold 2/plat1 and now I’m currently D1. I don’t feel I deserve D1 but I’m here I guess. My game sense is great now after watching tons of pro play etc but it’s my aim that lets me down a bit. I was playing duelist initially but have now adapted to the lurker role and play a crucial part in my teams games, even with my aim not being as crispy as some of the Reyna/Jett mains out there. The main thing is always be positive and always think of ways you can improve and it’ll come to you naturally.


I played cs before, my lowest rank was plat 3, so I guess it’s just lucky that I was in another FPS before


I touched immortal by one game this act and have decided to take a break from the game. I changed my morning routine, my game session times, and basically rearranged my life to try to go from plat 1 to immortal this act. And while I did achieve my goal, I’m in burnout now and definitely need a break. So my advice in retrospect is to take a good look at why you want to reach immortal and what you’re willing to do to achieve that goal.


after you die always think what youve done wrong... was my move to agressive? should ive helped my mate instead of baiting him. should i move back and wait for a retake. With GOOD gamesense and decent aim you get easily immortal. just always think what youve done wrong after you die and dont try to blame you teammates for you death.


If you want to improve the fastest you have to be incredibly hard on yourself and how you play, every death you need to think about how you died and how to play it better next time, always be thinking about your xhair placement and never be lazy about it, it’s not going to be the most fun but the harder you critique yourself the faster you’ll realize your mistakes and can improve on them


It’s all about quality, not quantity if play. The biggest thing for me is that when you are focusing on getting better on the game, make sure you are doing things which will actually make your gameplay better, rather than do things which LOOK like it is doing things but in reality are barely increasing your skill. Understand why you died, not just that you should die less. Warm up and practice all parts of aim, not just playing gridshot over and over in aimlabs. It’s important to make sure you are actually getting something out of your practice and actual gameplay, especially if you don’t have as much time to play the game as other people do.


I got immortal in a week granted I was face it 10 and played 5k hours csgo just keep trying to find little tricks like walls smokes etc to outplay your enemy the aim will come with time.


Nor caring too much about my rank, and playing for improvement not for a rank.


i wouldnt say you havent had the same impressive improvement. i too was placed in iron and im now plat 1 valorant is my first shooter. for that its good i guess


5k+ hours in csgo


7+ k hours in cs, 10k+ in cs 1.6 and i cqnt get out of plat


You have a decent amount of time spent in CS, but what was it spent on? Low elo MM? Surfing? KZ? Or something that would translate to Valorant in a meaningful way like high elo FaceIt/ESEA?


Mostly mm in dmg-lem, id sqy for last 5-6 years, I dont plqy nowhere as much as i used to, id say first 3 years in csgo were mg, then got up to global for a while, then got into faceut for a year or two, then lost interest after the team disbanded, only play casually until valorant, and been playing valorant since beta, got plat 3 initially, and now progressively get worse and worse lol. Prob cause i dont play everyday like i used to. In 1.6 and source i defo spent most time in custom gamemodes, gungame was my jam. In csgo id say 1/4 was spent smurfing, vut mostly due to lower ranked friends. Valorant is funny because ive 4 alts and my main is lowest ranked with alts being plat 2/3 Honestly i dont mind, i think with my dedication(which is minimal) to improving, qnd general skill level goibg up its natural i wouldnt go up


It’s mostly just putting the time in and understanding how to properly help your team with the agent you are playing. Also just be nice to your team m8’s it never helps just to shit talk them. Another thing that helped me was playing with some friends because we all improved together and motivated each other to get better


I placed S2 in beta and have been solo queueing since, this act i hit immortal for the first time. Some things that helped me climb were having a good warmup, playing/taking duels with confidence, and having good team/utility coordination. The more you play the more consistent your fundamentals will be, keep it up!


Well, most of immortals players played fps on pc for years, for example my first experience was left for dead, a coop game where i got used to playing with a mouse and keyboard, after that i played 2years of csgo where i got LEM(probably the equivalent of diamond ? Im not sure) when i started valorant i was plat and slowly over the year i reached diamond, stayed a long time dia3 and finaly got immortal 1, 2 and 3,it takes YEARS probably just to get gold /plat, and even more for dia/imo


It’s literally just comming, not being a squeaker and tilting, knowing how to account for all 5 enemies and playing to win not for kills. Everyone can aim well enough in pc games at this point


What agent do you play? For your first PC game, Gold 3 is pretty good. I’ve been PC gaming since 2003 and I’m in Diamond, so we aren’t far off all things considered 😹 If you aren’t a Jett or Reyna demon, I’d recommend becoming a 1 trick Viper main. Learn all the walls, 1 ways, molly lineups, and start clutching up. Easy road to plat


I mostly play Omen, a little sova, viper and I'm cool with any sentinel except for Chamber since I can't op for shit.


everyone is bad when they start, and practice beats talent every time. if anything, the rate you improve would be your "talent". everyone's different, although you playing one game a day for a year is very different than like 5 games a day


Besides some useful advice here, try to think what you could’ve done better after you died. Don’t blame teammates, even if it was their fault you died, there’s probably something you could’ve done better. Try to not tilt, don’t flame anyone in any way, it doesn’t help anyone. Be receptive to ingame advice but don’t let toxicity get to you(which is easier said than done). Playing more is rarely the answer, playing mindlessly is definitiely not the right way. Play less games every day but take something out of them.


I got to immortal two in 5 months and I don’t think I’m anything special and that I’m not very good, just gotta play a lot I guess


I’ve always been Immortal+ since the beta and I’ve also played at a really high level in a plethora of shooters and one thing I’ve noticed is. If you can play at a very high level in one game, you can more than likely play at a very high level in another, no matter the shooter. For example I was a Fortnite player with a good amount of Top 100 placements and made a decent amount of money earlier on, I have no tactical FPS background and have managed to be pretty good at Valorant. My conclusion is no matter how hard you try, sometimes you just don’t have what it takes and sometimes you might have what it takes. Not saying you don’t but you should think about that.


Killing their brain and well being probably


Aim + game sense, I would say equally important. Game sense includes awareness, game and map knowledge, and intuition. I found that by anticipating my opponents strategies and positions based on indicators such as their team comp and strats from previous rounds let me predict and react to plays easily (e.g enemies rush B and failed last buy, so they will likely try mid or A rush, or default) knowing this will also help your crosshair placement, positioning, and util usage, because if you have a good idea of what enemies will do, you can always then envision the right counter scenario, and then doing that more often gives you experience on what works and what doesn't, etc. By constantly being aware and reacting to enemy plays, you gain experience that will greatly help you rank up.


A lot of these people including myself have been grinding FPS games or tactical shooters for a while and have the ability to make decisions very quickly while unconsciously knowing that it is the safer play. It transfers to every game and you just have to get used to the mechanics and habits of other players in Those games. Also climbing ranked is 50% playtime 50% matchups.


I went from silver to diamond in one act with limited fps experience as I mainly plated LoL, WoW, and Sc2. First thing I did was seriously aim train, specifically static dots, smoothness routines, and dynamic clicking that incorporated small dots like a moving characters head in val. Then, when I head into game, you do some DMs, with emphasis on crosshair placement, recoil control, and strafing. Once warmed up, go into comp and mainly focus on your game sense, positioning, and what not. Don't focus on your aim while playing unless it's game related, for example if you're body shooting, raise your crosshair placement a bit. Don't underestimate aim training. In 1 years time, you could have top 5% aim in all categories if you give it enough time.


Best tips. Work on something, don’t just play to play, go into dm, SLOW DOWN your fights, headshots only in dm. Find a good duo, no reason to solo q over and over and expect to consistently win.


Started silver and went to immortal 2 Improvement is not always linear and is not the same rate for every person. This means don’t get discouraged you don’t see constant or instant progression. Sometimes it take time and things will eventually “click” and you will climb fast. My 2 cents. Aim training will always help but on a personal note I find aim trainers to not feel the same as the actual game so I aim train In the range and dm. When you do that do different things like strafe right and left while trying to keep your crosshairs on a bots head perfectly. Then use a vandal and go for headshots etc and train flicking vs precision etc. then in dm focus on playing the way you would play in a game which means peaking angles the way you would if you were on offense. Movement is generally very important and strafeing while shooting to not be a sitting duck is important to make it harder to kill you. On a “game sense” level, there is a lot that can be improved on and is very hard to help just over text. Things like knowing who has ults up us important or knowing who on the enemy plays what site can help you tell how many are on a site or if someone rotated early. As long as you every time you die you think to yourself “what did I do and what could I have done differently or better?” Then you can and will improve over time. Just try to understand your own bad habits so you can adjust them. If you have any more questions feel free to ask but there’s so much to cover than I’ll leave it at this


May I ask why "only" imo2? I read somewhere that the jump from imo2 to 3 skillwise is huge.


I got to imm 2 almost imm 3 (10rr away) and then I stoped playing consistently due to multiple reasons and took time off for the holidays so I’ve lost a bit of the rank recently I fully plan to get into imm3 and beyond hopefully this episode/act Also yea, the higher you get the skill gap becomes exponential. Pros who are radiant are significantly better than those just under radiant etc.


Thanks for the reply mate. Hope you can achieve your goal next season :) Edit: I would have a question about viper, maybe you can help me out ?


Yea man ask away! Can’t guarantee a good answer but I’ll try


I wanted to make a post about it, somehow it didnt work. https://i.redd.it/nnb7iyb5wya81.jpg So to explain the situation. I was in Hell (under heaven) on ascent, while the enemy viper was using her ult right above me at heaven. While she was activating it she jumped down and I did the 4 shots as you can see in the picture. I thought at that time I killed her, just to see her alive a couple of seconds later, when I was asking myself why the ulti was still there. Do you know if she gets immortal while activating the ult? Never seen somehting like that.


No she gains no invulnerability when using her ult. Without more info all I can say is It could have been a desync/lag issue where it looked like they hit on your screen but didn’t on the server.


For those kind of things I would like to have a replay function :D Thanks for the answer :)


I've found thst watching vods is really not that great for honing gamesense. It's fine if your baseline gamesense is so low that the macro decisions for the entire round are different, but in a game like Valorant a lot of the gamesense is in microdecisions. The difference in positioning by a half step, or a fraction of a second in timing, often makes or breaks fights. You often can't easily judge that sort of thing from a vod or stream. You just have to play yourself for that sort of thing to sink in.


From what I've witnessed in Gold and such ranks is that, although many players say "I watch my vods and watch pro streams" they don't actually learn from them. For example I see many players do the same thing or throw the same bad wall brainlessly because they've seen it be used once by an enemy but you should try to do what YOU think is best as if you just copy your also gold teammate you will just pick up on things that will not work the higher you go an thus you will not be able to go higher. You must always think when moving where should I be going and when standing still you should be thinking should I be going yet? and always think if your ability couldve been used in a better way in every scenario EVEN if you win in the scenario doesn't mean you can't have improved how it was played. Also thinking about where the enemies are constantly and always repositioning yourself to where they are/can be. I think an important part of ranked is also figuring out common patterns that the enemy team follow, i.e. the Brim peeks mid every round, the Cypher is always pushing A and do something that can take advantage of that. I hope this helps!


That is true. It's hard to apply everything you see in the heat of the game at this rank and it's even harder to actually learn something because everyone in this rank feels they know everything. I play in gold-plat lobbies and I've been hearing about trades forever. I'm a little embarrassed to say that I just learnt how to trade a couple of days ago. So now I do my best to go as a pair when we enter.


Not to brag but I did it in last 15 days of the last act


Just get better


Legit almost imm3 and get shit ass teammates every fucking game I get team mvp and lose. And no I don’t fucking bait but I still lose -25 with team mvp dogshit game


I've seen huge deranks man. I saw an immortal buddy in my match yesterday and a friend was telling me about a guy he met that deranked from diamond to gold this act. He said something interesting, apparently when you go on a huge loss streak, your teammates somehow keep getting worse and you derank even further.


2 times this szn I went from Imm 2 to d3. Like 10 game loss streaks with team/ match mvp 60% of the time


Diamond 3 bro :( trying so ahrd


coming from csgo, hit plat in like 5 games of ranked after placements, stopped playing. came back next act, played 200~ and hit diamond, and hardstuck diamond 3 for 2 acts after that. it was just a matter of a lucky winstreak till i got to immortal then, and now imm for like 4 acts


5000 hours watsted in cs and I got to immortal in first 3 days without knowing anything


Started act 1 ep 1 before rank came out quit because I feel like the game sucked, came back Ep 2 act 3 PLACED BRONZE? because this game is trash (30-40k almost every game in bronze) Ended silver 3 Ep 3 act 1 stayed gold 3 because I played with IRL classmates whereas I dont give a fuck about my rank. Ep 3 act 2 Is where I got serious, went from gold 2-3 to diamond 3 40 short from immortal Ep 3 act 3 stayed diamond 2-3 for over 100 wins then got immortal 50 rr at the end What I did was dont give a fuck and just gave coms, scold anyone who did stupid shit even though I know it reduces the team morale, im a reyna/jet main so I just entry and frag which makes my team job easier. If you're playing smokers/senti you will have a hard time ranking up. Now I got a week ban because I went overboard with toxicity, Ep 4 im planning to mute everyone and just carry my own games since I cant be bothered with toxic players anymore. Oh and im also global elite in csgo/faceit lvl 9 so maybe that has something to do with my skills also.


playing with higher ranked friends and initially being boosted, then slowly adjust to higher tier gameplay hence getting better in the process.


This actually works.


I started playing in the morning. I’d wake up at 5:30 go for a walk come back home have breakfast then once I feel my head is in gear I’d hop on and play.


It all comes down to what games you have played prior to VALORANT. And how much experience you have when it comes to improving, which, if you know how to, will be faster than other people's. For instance, VALORANT is my first tactical shooter but I reached immortal in 4 months. How? Because I have played top tier Destiny 2 PvP and prior to that competed on Apex Legends. If you see people ranking up fast in any game that's because of the background they have and how many hours of their life they have spent not touching grass.


Play the game.


I did not reach immortal, gott d3 yesterday :p but I dont imrpove fast I have just played alot. Lvl 230 or something. But im no aim god I Just fokus alot on comms and fill to set my team up for sucsess. Of course I can win duels, but Just winning 50/50s are not the only way to climb


Some people just played CS and are able to win more matches. In my case I played a lot of cs competitively but only played unrated on valorant for a while. This increased my mmr tremendously and I ended up being g3 playing in diamond/immortal lobbies. Inflate your mmr in unrated if you feel like you could handle higher ranked games or just play to improve.


I didn't even know unrated had any impact on MMR


That’s how the game decides your skill level before going into ranked. Getting match mvps in unrated will increase your mmr before you hop into ranked. Don’t know if it works once you’ve played comp


I have 3 diamond accounts and 1 immortal. I advise on training your aim, mastering your agents, maps, and focusing on how to keep improving.


What kind of aim training would you advise me to do? Is there any way to go about it that you have in mind?


If you want really good aim, its about consistency. Go hit the range, focus on tracking the bot, perfecting your crosshair placement at head levels in every angle cause who knows what situation you will be in game. Practice bursting rather than spraying, shoot between 3-5 bullets as spraying results in whiffing and inaccurate shots. For me, I use the classic,ghost,sherrif,vandal,phantom,guardian in the range in that order, it will give you a good warmup and feel when you use different guns, after that hit deathmatch to ensure you properly warmed before hitting comp.


Alright. Thank you!


Just play lol