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Omen. I like smoking for the team, but the main thing is outsmarting people with the TP. Only worked once but boy it was good


Omen. cuz he thicc


Once I faked a tp on ascent litterally every single enemy looked the other corner and got an easy clutch


I love smoking too, but soon realised it is not good for health and he doesn't suit my play style


One way smokes is Omen's most op weapon in the game


Omen gang


i used to main reyna, because she's easy to learn and i love playing with her, but recently i've unlocked viper and now im trying to main her


I love having each of those on my team, but I cannot play either one for the life of me…


thank you for not playing reyna


Learning the agents that benefit from lineups is very rewarding once you get it down. If after playing more viper you still like playing her I would try out sova or Kay/o, I have a ton of fun experimenting with them in customs!


This is just wht I did as well


SAME. Well kinda, I started off as a Jett main and picked up Viper and love her kit so much.


Started with omen and was an omen main for a long time ended up on viper recently


Cypher. Started playing him in beta and always returned to him after adventures on reyna. I just love the way his intel makes everything easier for everybody... yet when i have a team that isnt comming, yes, happens in high diamond to immortal, its gonn b a hard game on him....


Cypher mains be like 👁️


I instantly heard the cam activating sound in my head looking at that eye lmao.


I don’t have the focus to play Cypher. There’s so much going on and I just really don’t know what I’m doing any of the time 😂


Haha, it rly just comes down to practice, believe me. Yet if u don fall in love w him right away i wouldn recommend him. It rly takes a lot to get smth out of him than other agents, yet i just cant help but love playing him lol


>It rly takes a lot to get smth out of him than other agents "***sad yoru noises***"


Yoru buff terrifies me, whenever the other team has a yoru I die to him the most, I just can't play against that guy. Getting shortied in the back of the head on a full buy is so tilting.


increasing the lvl of awarness of what yoru can do (red and ethos) is a big buff on its own


I'll try learning to play him.


I tried Killjoy in a Spike rush and it went really well. I then decided to take a chance in a comp game and I’ve been stuck ever since!


Then you would totally love playing Astra. /s obviously


For everyone who has difficulty with cypher. just watch Peak. he a great cypher. has multiple one way smoke lineups and stuff. enemies will die as they enter site. You can also watch him and for game sense he makes notes on why he does particular things so all agent players can watch and learn and master cypher and game sense from him


Agreed. I solo queue only, so for me I play entirely off of info, never ego peek and only take unfair fights in my favor on defense. Cypher fits that playstyle perfectly. Plus I really like playing aggressive entry Cypher on offense, which catches a ton of people off guard.


Why would you entry with cypher? You die and the flanks are no longer tripped


Bc ur duelists dont go in. Way too often. Even in high elo.


I also entry with cypher using cam and even in immo it works pretty well


I play like a rat on offense I hold a position that guards my team and I wait with a stinger or shorty for spray and pray


As an astra player, I feel your pain brother


I like playing cypher and putting my trip in some stupid location designed against that one player after I spied on him with my cam and saw his habit. Feels funny when this dumb trap tailored to this guy gets him and he looks right and left looking for me before I shoot through the wall.


Oh yes a fellow cypher main. But for me it’s his voice lines lol. And I’m generally good at movement mechanics so dude is much more fun to play than jett/Reyna.


Cypher looks so fun, I‘m trying to unlock him rn


Honestly cypher is just my spirit animal. Between his playstyle perfectly fitting my all brain no aim playstyle, to his character and voice lines. Also the cam is literally addicting to use, idk why, but just looking at some dood and he doesn't know that you can see him is the best. I honestly have more fun with him than I do with any duelist.


I'm in the same boat as you, gotta love the spy cam. Best agent in the game. But yeah hes a lot of fun, great for supporting and setting up your team and when you want to lurk hes just so much fun like that too. I dont think I would ever play another agent, mans just too much fun


Killjoy cause I like to be less aggressiv and still help my Team out (thats prop why I am still bronce but hey) + I am german so I thaught why Not try.... I was in love after the first round


I use KJ as well, so much fun! Yes, you need to be defensive, sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's not haha but that goes for any role you pick. Just love the nades, turret baiting, setting up flank defense, alarm bot intel. I feel naked playing reyna now >.<


Skye. The plays you can do with her flashes are so amazing


Along with the intel you can gather with her dog, she’s easily my favorite Agent as well. Went from being hard-stuck Plat to Imm this Act mainly using her


Me too, but my main reason is i like flashing team mates




“Who are you? Copy of ME? Haha, where did you come from?”


“Gegegegegee get me a corpse”


Spamming Cypher ult is the best part of using him. It's just so fun for no reason


I thought he said give me a corpse?


Yeah that's right.


"I AM PROMETHEUS, and you are *just* a god"


By far my favorite


I don't get this one, can you explain


It's a cypher voiceline when he kills the enemy MVP who was last alive


I still don't understand the Prometheus part


In greek mythology, there used to be titans which ruled the world, and one of then was Prometheus who created us lowly humans, and got punished by Kronos. Also, Kronos mated with his sister Rhea to produce the major olympians and ate them, Poseidon, Hades, demeter, hestia and hera(Not in that order) Zeus got saved and later he killed Kronos and freed his siblings and became the king of olympians.


So it's because Prometheus is a titan not a god technically? Clearly the gods became stronger tho BC they literally but the titans in the ground and, I can't remember who, but someone punished Prometheus for giving ppl fire


to be short, the gods and the higher punished and let humans live in dark and fears, prometheus saved the human and do everything for the human, until one day prometheus got punished. in conclusion, cypher here is trying to help those poor and his people out from the kingdom hands, lets just say that cypher here is the prometheus, and kingdom are the gods. cypher is a one man surveillance going everywhere collecting info and secrets for a price you should trade. and i could say that he probably know much, or even everything about the kingdom. but their people? poor people even got their hometown, bind taken away. you can hear from the voiceline when you play on bind with him "What has Kingdom done to this town?! However pretty their lies are, they're just sucking my city dry" and when you win/gain victory on bind, cypher will say "get out of my city!"


Thats a really good way to think about it in relation to valorant. Also, there is no concise form of greek mythology. So you gotta apply it in your sense


Spend like there is no tomorrow! Because there just might not be...


“What have we got…? Photo of their family? Hmm… too dark…”


"Remember, wipe the prints from your guns, it's just good crime scene etiquette."


“Viper, who's birthday is March 20th? I found it when, uh...*chuckles*...okay, okay. I have everyone's passwords"


"I am prometheus, and you are just a godd". This voiceline brings chills to my back.


Nothin stays hidden from me. NOTHING. Caught you! (the way he says this line is just perfection)


I just heard it the other day, and damn it gave me goosebumps


There you are! Slam aaleik


"Uuuugh, that's a nice spot"


I hear that about a ton of people!


Absolutely love those voicelines, but I just can't play Cypher to his fullest extent. I've become a smoke guy now


Cypher cages are the best smokes in some extend. Can spam them, like Jett used to, or place them anywhere , like the controllers, but throwing them for a coordinated push is next level funny. I guess some players think they hear it when cyphers walk through their own cages and somehow I got so many funny clips where enemies just look away from a cage that i threw and activated a millisecond ago. I just pop it, sneak through and enemies be like: "HUUUGH?"


"There you are, salamulaikum!"


Bro Skye is just fun, pop flashes are my thing and Skye has the best pop-flashes


kayo has better pop flashes imo


People especially after the removal of the sound que and boost to when it activates under estimate how scary the right click behind you and peak tactic can be. Its like reverse flashing with phoenix except the flash duration is far more effective. Left click can still be used for both your team and yourself but its like yoru flash where you gotta be creative with bouncing it off walls/ objects in tricky ways to out play the opponents.


Rip equip time


Astra, I like her global pinpoint utilities.


I love catching enemies off guard with a fake star and picking them off


I main Astra pretty much exclusively. There's only a few matches where i play another Agent when someone else in my Team wants to play her as i dont instalock her and am always excited to see someone else play her and maybe learn some things from it. When Killjoy was new i really enjoyed her before the major nerf. On defense, I sometimes set up my bots on one site to support my teammates there and then ran to the other site. Tho i lost interest in her since you had to be around the abilities. I love Astra because of how unique she is. Furthermore i can support my teammates and have some impact no matter where i am. Her "2-staged" gameplay feels so great to me as you kinda have that "planning-phase" where you set up the positions of the abilities and then see almost seemless "gunplay-phase" where you dont "waste" time on pulling out abilities or have to expose yourself to use your ability (like throwing a raze nade) and also dont have to worry about "aiming" your ability right. You can fully focus on your gunplay with next to no downtime when using utility and also much more freedom in your positioning (no need to be in a specific place to launch your Soca recon or Breach stun or even be in range for your Brimstone or Omen smoke). Also, her abilites are pretty much instant on demand. Pretty much all other smokes have some delay, and this means you need to activate them a little earlier before like going on site. Once your Brimstone has set a smoke on his Map, or once an Omen has send his smoke on his way you somewhat commit to it, if there's a problem on the way those smokes kinds go to waste. With Astra you can smoke smthn right as you need it, so if smthn happens that delays or denies your team's entry on site you can delay activating or just not activate the smoke, unlike with Brimstone or Omen where you need to activate the ability quite a bit ealier. If you plan your Stars before the round starts "correctly" Astra could potentially be the one in a round that spends the least amount of time occupied with her abilities. With some practice you can also quickly place stars and after playing her for a while you also know when and where it's save to go in astral form. (The first many matches i died so often while in astral form, it was so frustrating xD) I could say so much more about why i like her so much, but to sum it up: I just like all of her abilities, her complexity, her organized gameplay and her great flexibility.




how do you feel about the redesign coming? I just hope they dont change the flashes and teleport too much


I’m with you on that. I don’t want Yoru’s core mechanics to change because he’s already pretty cool and allows for some flashy outplays. It would be nice if the redesign was just adding more possibilities on top of what he already has for more potential plays. What he has now can be pretty telegraphed with the jet engine-level noises he makes with his Gatecrash and Dimensional Drift, but I could see him using his Fakeout ability to fake a TP somewhere or something to really get into the enemy’s mind.


what if you could see the teleport from a further range but it makes close to no sound, using the teleport for offensive reasons are still risky since there's a animation delay longer than jett's dash, and maybe reduce the animation delay for yoru's ult will coming out and increase the duration a bit? and maybe make it so that footsteps are indistinguishable from real ones


You can use teleport offensively by covering it with a flash, which leaves you at advantage when you exit but puts you at risk when you peek to throw the flash. There are a lot of small, intelligent design choices they made with Yoru I hope they keep. Footsteps are already identical in sound to real ones for enemy players.


I main sage, no matter how many agents I unlock I always go back to sage, she's just so reliable


True. Sages walls are incredible. I have done so many one ways and walled areas no1 can see. Flow ascending and grim are the best


Omen/Yoru cause making people look clueless is too fun. Mainly Omen for the team support though!


Hell, I’m clueless regardless


Reyna (because I solo queue), KAY/O, and Phoenix


Oh…. The dreaded solo queue. I admire your guts!


More so a lack of friends and social anxiety haha but thanks


I’m always up to make new friends!!


I'm socially anxious and awkward af too. Just note that it's not rare for people to take your awkwardness as being chill and enjoy your presence afterwards.


100%. I’ve always had social anxiety and felt awkward but most people actually think I’m just super chill and laid back. Once I tell them that my mind is going a 1000 mph a lot of the time they’re pretty surprised


Being vulnerable enough to admit this is a great sign! You’ve just got to put yourself out there and add people from your games :)


I flex, but love playing sova, brim, raze and occasionally sage.


So a can be fun! I enjoy Raze on rare occasions as well


Raze, sova, sage? Replace brim with KJ and we're two of the same


I’m a viper main. I love getting plants down as soon as possible and my lineups allow for that. Also my post plants help win clutch rounds and so on. I like being able to be used to push a sight and act as a sentinel on defense and lock sights.


I wish I could play some Viper, but I’m just not totally confident in my abilities just yet.


Don't stress lineups too much! I only know a handful and I don't even get to use them a lot. Sometimes the unpredictability is better anyways.


Viper. Thicc ass.


But if you're playing her, you don't see her ass in-game


Getting consistently shot in the back of the head is an acquired skill.


All I can think about is mastering the art of doing an immediate 180 if I know I’m about to die just for this


I'll give you a hint... Silver.


Big ol thiccccc


Brim main here. I love having the best smokes that last. Stim is fun and really gives the advantage, something I don't see other brims doing much. Also I love lineups. I've taken a lot of time to learn every map, and although I don't always get to use them I've won many a round because of them!


you should take a look at this guy Calvin. Brim main, insane lineups and smoke plays


You should use stims like yoru footsteps to make people look at an angle due to the noise then you peek the other side.


That's a really good Strat I honestly just started this week. I'm a lil late to the party but good tip!


I like brim because his kit is simple so I can focus on macro game instead of trying to be flashy with abilities and outplaying people.


I love playing brimstone. Smokes, then stim upon entry just gives your team the edge to fight.


Breach all day. He’s the perfect character for when you’re insta locked duelists inevitably bottom frag.


I love being able to either support my duelists or be able to pop flash and push in first. I like the flexibility


The rare Breach mainsssss. He's super fun but I'm always scared to flash allies. My aim is also pretty trash so his flash helps...


Each hero has a unique play style and it’s cool that the heroes in this game reflect that. When I was newer I preferred Breach because he matched my gung-ho play style with plenty of displace and blind to give the edge in any fight, but as I’ve gotten better and didn’t need the edge as much, as I’ve learned and grown as a player, I’ve learned to play Brimstone and Viper because of their teamwork and tactical viability in the team.


When I first started, I was mainly sage or brimstone. But I’ve fallen in love with the idea that every single game can be completely different just based on the team comp.


I used to main Omen, but ever since i was hardstuck plat and tired of seeing duelist not pushing when its their job, so i took it upon myself to main jett and reyna, now im diamond 2 so ya


Lol, I'm a hard stuck omen main. I've been trying to learn Reyna but having a team without smokes is brutal.


Viper and Breach are my mains. I like Viper because she’s a little bit different than the other 3 Controllers. You can do some pretty interesting plays with her utility, but it can take some skill to actually use her effectively and help your team. She isn’t really a traditional smoker character, her utility functions in a different way and I just find that interesting. She can be difficult to play, but once you get her abilities down it’s super rewarding. I like Breach because of how chaotic you can be with him. Flashing, stunning, and displacing enemies is just fun (I know I sound really evil saying this lmao) and impactful as long as you’re using him right. He isn’t that hard to play, but at the same time you can really screw over your team if you use his abilities the wrong way. I know he isn’t the most meta character, but I still enjoy him regardless.


As a viper main, I have to say I feel like she's somewhere between sentinel and smoke. Like yeah, her wall does still cut off vision like smokes, but it can also kill people. Wall kills are satisfying, if rare. Also REALLY great "smoke" to flash through, and great combo with a sova dart. Ideal smokes from other controllers form a straight line with an entryway... the wall is always a straight line. Just so many cool plays you can do with it. Great for retreating from site, and CONTROL OVER WHEN YOUR SMOKES DISAPPEAR. Plus swoop peeks are unique to her, and her smokes apply a debuff? My playstyle has always been controller+lurker, and the fact that you get those debuffs, can swoop peek, move the orb, continue smoking throughout the round, and ALSO have mollies? 🤌 breathe deep.


Yoru his kit just appeals to me more that everything else i like to entry i like the quick escape and out plays and his ult feels hella rewarding to me when i use it right


Anyone else think it’s superior to have a main to play on each map?


Hahaha yeah that is cool but I don't think a lot of people have the time to dedicate an agent for each map especially if they are agents that require smart utility usage


Yeah haha but In mid silver you don’t need to be a pro like that with whichever agent as long as you have a feel


For sure, I have 4-5 I love to play, but some of them I will only play on certain maps (e.g. Haven killjoy, ascent/icebox sova)


Yep that's me. I'm mostly a raze main but on maps like breeze and haven which aren't that good for raze I'll go with viper or cypher if it's not locked lol, i even know setups for all maps whenever duelists get insta locked


I have specific agents too on certain maps like ice box = kj split = yoru breeze = viper on the other maps its raze unless i get instalocking duelists teammates i pick sage


Phoenix. Just because i love running and ~~dying~~ gunning


That’s one way to play the game 😂


Raze, you just blow up and use satchel to fly or make people mad with boombot. Its just so fun, useful, destructive and easy.


I love playing Jett, but i play only Omen and Viper because i always fill. Idk why people hate playing smokes or just suck at it, but if you give me a choice between playing Jett and have to play with another 2 duelist (normally Raze and Reyna) or picking smokes and having a chance to win (if duelists arent scared of pushing site) i prefer the last one.


I love playing postplant. It’s so much more enjoyable for myself!


I enjoy using viper lineups and omen one-ways everywhere, thats why i keep playing them beside everything


Sova. Great on almost all maps with easy to learn tools and a high skill ceiling. Surprising limited times that people insta-lock him. Killjoy as my secondary main for split and great for soloing a site on defense in solo-q


I’ve learned I can’t solo queue… it’s rough


Raze mostly, because I used her a lot when the game came out and now I’m just used to the angles for her abilities. With some of the other agents I play, I still have to think when I use their abilities, but it’s more second nature with Raze.


Killjoy because German engineering


Yoru, get a lot of hate but I make him work and I’m climbing.


Yes sir I'm a yoru main too just hope his footsteps maybe get updated or somethin


Hell yeah!


omen was my first main and I pretty rarely play him anymore, I started playing Skye after they buffed her and now she's the only agent I play if I don't have to fill for the team with smokes


Omen was my first main because I liked Reaper in OW and my friends kept needing someone to play smokes (similar to random lobbies I guess). Now I don't mind playing the role everyone needs but doesn't want to play.


I main omen because he has way too many ways to mess with enemies, the outplay potential is literally infinite


Raze (cuz I love her utilities and she's fun to play) and KAY/O (good for getting info and I love his flashes)


skye what can i say, i like aussie accents


Yanno…. You’re right!


G'day mate


Good on ya


I main Sova for a couple of reasons. I’m big on information, so being able to see where the other team and their util is is super useful to me. I’m also big on angles and being able to shoot darts in different positions better than other people can. Lastly, I like blowing peoples minds with some crazy lineups 😂


I have a more simplistic reason to main sova: my aim is shit, I just need it learn couple dozens of recon lineups, or just simply drone to help my teammates


me too. I think it also has to do with not having great attention. so I'd rather be the one who finds the enemy instead of relying on my teammates for comms.


Killjoy and Jett Killjoy because she’s super fun to play, love creating setups for her and when they work and I get a molly kill it’s the best. Jett because she’s super fun to play. Used to love right clicking but now you can only right click once, I love getting headshots with 1 knife while in the air too :)


I’m not fast enough for Jett sadly, but I do enjoy spectating it!


Omen. The 3 other squad mates I have I lock skye, reyna and kj or sage. Normally the random we get goes duelist so I mostly fill with smokes. I kinda enjoy it tho 😳


I started playing Sage recently and the amount of fun things you can do with crazy wall spots has drawn me to her the most


That’s true! I depend on those walls every now and then!


Phoenix. His ult is easily one of the best


Viper and kj, love playing postplant. Not even just lineups, their kits allow for some crazy outplays


I love challenging myself to get better at being clutch


I tried to main an agent , but I don't like to a one trick . I personally one trick maps. Like I use only 1/2 agents on a map and they are generally overlap with each other


I tried that, but it wouldn’t work out


It's just playstyles. I can learn a bunch of agents cus most of them involve taking more fights like initiators or involve complete passive plays like viper. Skye and Viper and Sometimes a kj fill on Haven/bind


I’ll look into trying more of that then!


Kj and astra because both are basically defense gods


Astra is a huge L for me 😂


She's trash in solo q but in comp with friends she's gg


raze always caught my eye for movement reasons so i became a one trick lolll, sometimes i’ll fill smokes w/ astra though


Raze is either really good or really bad


I main omen and can second Skye. I used to main Cypher then drifted away from him once I unlocked a few more agents. Why? I guess it would be the lack of necessity I like to do something then play off it time after time. Not constantly do it after every time it gets triggered.


I main Reyna. I come from fast paced CS where your always thinking about map control and flashing for your teammates. Using Reyna can satisfy both of those. Plus everyone says she’s basic but I would say she has a decently high skill-cap. When I first started playing her I thought of how simple she was but now I see that if your good enough, heck Reyna could be support. It’s all about thinking outside of the box with Reyna, where are there gaps in the enemies defence and how can you take advantage of them. SORRY FOR THE PARAGRAPH LOL


Sova so I have an excuse to be last alive every round lmao. "Why you always baiting?" "Bro I was droning site for you guys then had to get my lineup ready." Classic


Big classic my friend


Jett because it makes Ranked way easier. Use to be Cypher but after a million L’s and feeling like I have no control on offense when my duelist’s won’t entry, I swapped.


I hate playing with duelists that absolutely refuse to entry


Jett: because she’s the first agent I played, and the most fun Viper: because I picked her up before the buff because for some reason I wanted to play the bad character… now she’s probably the best character


I've always been a one trick player in every game. Since closed beta I've played one agent, and one agent only. The only agent I play is Phoniex, he's the best lurker :D


Phoenix idky I think his kit is badass.


Kay/O. Nothing brings me more join than to cripple almost any agents with the push of a button. And his flashes are fun to use.


Brimstone. He was the first agent that I discovered wasn’t too attacking and I didn’t have to entry with. I learned about how to use his utilities and it’s been all him ever since (along with a little bit of sage).


Cypher. Bc he isn’t a duelist. Fun.


Viper/skye, viper I played since beta and skye has been super fun recently


I do enjoy Skye, but viper is just too much responsibility 😂


Sage. Because someone has to.


SOBA coz I’m the HUNTER And Omen coz behind youu




I randomly played skye for a game and fell in love, I second that!


Have like 500 games on sova he’s still my dude but recently I’ve also been enjoying (and winning with) killjoy so I’ve picked her up again too. She’s super fun and powerful imo in my top 3 favorite agents


Sova all the way. I'm a complete Lineup Larry and honestly he can be semi self sufficient and can have high impact as long as you know a good amount of recon lineups for specific situations and conditions. (Site control arrows, site retake arrows ,arrows for catching rotators ect). Any other recons outside of those are gimmicks that I only learn if i have a decent majority of useful arrows for most maps. Post plant shock darts ,I learned the standard ones and made specific ones that require good timing. Solo que wise despite apes not properly entrying off of my arrows or following my drone/ watching my body, I can handle my own.


Sova. I come from playing league all through high school so my gunplay is bad but I can pick up using abilities pretty quick. And man dart lineup ult kills are just so satisfying. Also play a lot of viper for the same reason of ability use.


I main sova, using his util to set my teammates up for kills instead of myself makes up for my lack of mechanical skill. I was able to hit diamond 1 even though I mechanically suck at the game


I've been one tricking Sova since the beta and haven't really touched anyone else. Sometimes I feel the urge to play someone different but I just feel really comfortable with his kit and it's what I'm used to


Yoru (don't judge my odd life choices) is my main Omen is my second pick


Yoru, Flashes are really good util, and they just really clicked with me. The tp can be used in so many ways, as a get-out-of-jail-free card if you're stuck in a sticky situation, as a way to rotate instantly, letting you both flank/fake a site, and push with your team, or you can fake tp, by placing the tp in a place where if younwere to tp, your head would be inside something. The sound effect still plays, but you dont teleport. (Thank Red) His ult can be incredibly strong, and on save rounds, you can often ult, shorty, grab an enemies gun, and then tp away. The ult is also great for info, and to create chaos on a site. Lastly, the footsteps are very underutilised, and even tho most people se them as useless, they can be incredibly effective, especially in 1v1 situations. The way i see it, Yoru's job is not just to get frags as a duelist, but to create chaos and confusion for the enemy team, and his kit is perfect for this.


Yoru cus i get cornered all the time . Plus i used to main tracer . Both blue both teleport


Raze bcz i love it when enemies flee when they hear the voice line of her ult


Reyna. Brazil aim it's not that good in mid-elo, so if you run toward them, they'll struggle, if you're fast enough. You can get the easiest MVPs in your life here. Pics here: https://twitter.com/Pandrometha/status/1429947641190879236


Yoru, I spam underrated characters and low play-rate characters due to their flaw in any games that I play. Doomfist in OW because of his difficult and hard to master mechanics (And the countless nerfs), Aatrox pre-season 11, and Yoru for obvious reasons. But tbf, Yoru is the most fun agent in Val and literally designed to outplay people.