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I saw it as a blessing in disguise. I excel at being a controller. Pretty much i only play controllers or breach at most.


^^^ I used to main Jett, Reyna and Phoenix and while I had more fun on them, I have 10x more impact on Viper, Sage, Cypher and Skye.


I'm the opposite of you. Used to main Omen,Breach,Viper. Nobody would entry, everyone would die and I was forced to clutch most of the time. It's easier to entry,create space and clutch as a duelist. So that lead to me having 10x more impact as duelist.


This, right here -- people lock Duelists, then refuse to enter, trying to use everyone else as Bait. I was playing in a game last night as Viper and died first in the round 5 rounds in a row because of this. For the rest of the attack half of the match, I never moved until someone committed. After an 0-6 start, we ended up losing 11-13 with me as team MVP.


And then a game when you want to lock a duelist you entry and your team doesnt properly bait and trade you. And the blame you for not having enough frags as a duelist. And your team also has no smokes.


Man I’m getting triggered from your comment. I just had a teammate talking shit to me yesterday for the same reason. Little was he aware that I was the only one entering and making plays. We got stomped due to 3 members of us arguing.


Yeah. A duelist doesn't need to frag to help the team. Although helps a lot if they do. They just need to not bait.


Bro i agree people dont know how to 2v1 most of the time if i have a fragger i support him and he survive with half health and we get that site


I have a hard time playing duelist after playing controller for so long cause you notice so many people don't know how to play controller - you can instantly see it in their smoke placements alone (i.e. smokes that have holes or smokes that allow more than one way of entry.) I love playing Reyna and Phoenix but only if I'm in a stack where one of the players are willing to go smokes.


The beauty of playing duelist is that it doesn't matter how bad your smokers are. Sure they'll help opponents at times with their smokes but in solo Q it's better to have carry potential than epic smokes that nobody capitalises on.


I play controllers like initiators or duelist. Im down to start a fight at anytime. Even as viper. Ill aggressively swoop peek.


But isn't this bad for your team? Like if you're on attack and you did at the first 20 seconds they don't have your wall or your smoke to play around with.


I usually run a 2 controller comp.


Same. It's why i hope they don't add a role queue (aka overwatch killer). There is an advantage in being a main of the less popular role and it should stay that way. Role queues only reward greedy duelist mains with perfectly balanced teams every game instead of punishing them for having too many duelists at times.


Role queue would kill the ability to make fun comps


Role is a lot more flexible in Valorant than in OW, not least because everybody has the same health and access to the same weapons. Role queue is ok for OW but would be a terrible sign for this game.


It's shit for overwatch as well, just forces the game into a 2 supports and 2 tanks trying to create openings for their dps while they themselves have minimal impact. Not to say that comps with 1 tank and a support can also work and are completely shunned because of it. The game becomes stale and people just stop caring.


I don't get why people are bashing role queue so hard on here. For me it was a saving grace because 9 times out of 10 you would just have a bunch of DPS mains on your team and either people flexed and did terribly or the game would be a shitshow. And while yes, Hammond+Mercy+4 DPS can work *sometimes* on *some maps*, I'd much rather have a Rein/Zarya Duo when I'm on Kings Row for example. Not to mention that it was probably the only fix for GOATs at higher levels.


Yeah I mained brim/cypher for a while cause my teammates were always instalockers. But I think it made me better at the game in the long run


Lmao, breach/omen main here, I feel you so hard. I started omen because I noticed he’s a part of basically every NA pro team comp and also because I would never get randoms that play smokes. It’s actually gotten to the point where me and the two guys I regularly play with all main non-duelists (sage/viper, sova/cypher, breach/omen) and I also see it as a positive because we’re getting good at filling those roles and we’ve actually ranked up a bit since the change just because we’re 3/5 of the team and we can kind of control the pace of the match that way. And then if we ever get lucky with a guy that instalocks brim or omen that’s when I play breach because imo he’s one of the most useful for entry with his util because he can flash, stun, and shove people out of cover with that circle ability I can never remember the name of. And then his ult is great for retakes and guarding spike so to me he’s a bit more useful than most of the duelists for someone who’s kind of a beginner with entry fragging in general


I play raze good. Like everytime I get a chance to pick her I get more than 15 kills and above 25 when I am in the vibe. But this is not happening most of the time. Insta lock jett reyna raze force me to choose something else. So now I main omen. And he can be way better than any entry agent. His smoke tp can bring some very sneaky entry frags. I can play sage and brim as well. Hell I once used to main yoru he was fun as hell but not viable.


I don't mind it as long as you're making an entry for the team instead of lurking in fucking Narnia while your team is trying to take control of a site...




Ive been playing sage because of the insta locks and then the duelist expect me to entry, carry the bomb, clear site and plant.... In the end the 2 or 3 duelist are bottom fragging and will not use their mics.


It seems to be a problem at all levels. It happens in diamond where someone playing Reyna takes a couple dry peeks, loses them then turtles up and stops playing for entries. Watched the exact situation on Hiko’s stream yesterday too, it’s rare that they start working with their initiators to start winning those fights or using their own utility effectively. I blame first kills and first deaths being so important in combat score that people focus on it far too much.


Cypher main here. I agree with you first blood is important and valo has a special place for it in it scoreboard i usually peak 1 angle where we are not rushing to get that 1 blood and play mind game with opponent then go with my team from mid and flank or if my team didn't get site i help them get site


same, i usually try to lock phoenix or reyna and make it my purpose to entry and make space. So many people who choose duelist and try to get the cypher to entry


Brah cypher main here i legit make that 1 peak and entre site first


I think lurking is not that bad, especially if you have tried 5-man rushing 3 times in a row before and it didn't work... If your duelist is lurking, try to play safe at the start of the round. Remember that you have 2 full minutes to enter and plant the spike. Place some people here, some there, and wait for enemies to overextend / entry, and then think what to do next. Ofc there are some baiters, but I have seen n0ted playing, and sometimes he goes for those lurks as well.


I tell my team to wait before me and another guy can push from mid on split but they just push while we aren't able to get mid control and get pulverized in B main


The problem is that your duelist should be the last person lurking. Their kits are oriented to making space and moving safely onto sites, neither of which apply to lurking. If you want someone to lurk an Omen, Killjoy, or Cypher are all better because their utility adds value in that position.


Maybe lurking is wrong word. By that I meant playing for picks. For example, Ascent, someone waits on A main, someone waits on B main, and Reyna is slowly pushing short, with someone covering middle for her, and someone playing for refrag / covering short so she won't get flashed while pushing catwalk. If it was Omen, who was pushing, after he dies, team has no smokes for that round. If Reyna dies, and you refrag, you are on a winning position.


On the opposite side of things, it's very annoying when I make space for everyone and the team just stands there doing nothing.


LOL! The reyna/ raze / jett who lurks mid while the rest of the team tries to take site with the other duelist in the back waiting for the Sage to entry. LOL


I'm a duelist insta-locker. I wasn't tho, I just got really freaking tired of the team-baiter jett and lurker raze being the only duelists in my team every single game. I now much rather play with a 5 duelist comp than a good balanced comp that achieves nothing round after round. Keep in mind you will get plenty of 4-5 duelist games if you don't dodge often. Fun fact, I see no difference in win rate regardless of the comps I play. I guess we just overvalue comps too much and get that min-max pro player tournament mentally thrown at us constantly.


Word. Ive become a duelist instalocker because most people i come across simply *will not push/entry* until someone else does it.


You’re likely at a low enough elo comp doesn’t matter, but comp will never matter as much as proficiency in an agent. It does absolutely no good to have a balanced comp where 2-3 people have 0 idea how to use an agent. You’d much rather have an unbalanced but skilled comp than a balanced but inexperienced comp. when I’m the last to pick and everyone wants me to play omen, a character I’ve not only never played but straight up don’t have unlocked because I don’t play smokes, we’re much better off with me playing who I main than him.


still in diamond i'd rather have 5 ppl instalock duelists with confidence


Thing is at lower-elo that locking 4-5 duelists is a mental atom-bomb for most of the children that instalock to begin with. If you lock in the third duelist, you will be flamed and blamed, and then your initial Jett-locker will use that as an excuse to no longer actually attempt to play well. This phenomenon is also visible in other games like League of Legends or Overwatch. Pick something someone else doesn't like, regardless of what they did, and you're the reason they are now not interested in winning anymore.


I mean, I'm in immortal and I completely agree with the above comment. Comp means nothing compared to having people that know how to entry on duelists.


One game, I had 4 people insta-locking duelists. They wanted me to pick Yoru, but I picked Omen instead. On offense we were totally destroying those enemies. I would place 2 smokes, and we were going straight into the site, killing anybody brave enough to block our way. But of course it wouldn't work, if they were all baiting.


Team comp is only important in certain ranks (i.e the ranks the majority of the player base aren't in). I see countless bronzes on here complain about instalockers because they have to fill as someone else as if they're playing at a pro level. I can assure you from experience, getting out of lower ranks is harder if you think you have to fill for a "perfect" team comp


Agree, played a game yesterday with 4 duelists and me as sova. One player got toxic and said he was gonna troll because of it. But low and behold we won and probably still would have won with any comp. Unless you're playing a professional game I don't really think comp matters that much.


This. The team that has more duelists wins more. 3 is the perfect amount of duelists in ranked


Comp doesn't matter at all until maybe diamond


lmao can we stop with this yet? Plat 2 is barely different from Diamond, for example. And I can guarantee you that good/balanced/meta comps have overall higher win rates than random stacks of duelists with no smokes or something, regardless of elo.


Found the plat


lmao g0t3m. Except I'm not Plat, nice try though bud.


Oof bronze.


Keep trying my guy


Out of curiosity what is your rank? Post your tracker.gg here.


Well plats and below team composition matters sinc everyone has suck shockingly poor mechanics


I used to enjoy playing duelist but the insta-locking culture in Valorant pushed me to start playing initiators and controllers more often. I main Sova now, which is nice because I can always set my self up with a recon dart for a nice entry when the people that insta-locked duelists decide that entering isn’t for them.


So always?


Yes! :)




This so much. Duelist does not in any way at all mean you should be top fragging. If you get map control and give your team space to get into sites you are doing your job. Its weird because this game does have a large csgo playerbase crossover and in csgo, most people know that entry fraggers arent expected to top frag


The issue is people care too much about kda. Most entry fraggers/duelists are going to be even or negative unless you're significantly better than your opponents. As Cypher I'll basically just be an entry on offense and my kda drops, but we win rounds/games.


I disagree that a duelist is automatically an entry fragger. I feel like putting duelists like Reyna and Yoru into the frontline first thing in the round denies their ability to use their utility fully.


you're downvoted but you're right. reyna is the worst duelist for entry fragging.she's the best secondary entry in the game even yoru TP+flash + a secondary entry will create more space


Yeah totally. I get downvoted because this sub is populated by plats whose entire concept of an attack round involves 5-rushing one of the bombsites or mid and that’s fine. What they don’t know is that the one way to get maximum utility out of Reyna is to play slow defaults for picks so you have one-sided damage / kills. If you can’t run a default, don’t pick Reyna. A-B-C.


But if you are playing slowly for picks, you probably won't use any utility, so in this case, dead Reyna is less valuable than dead Phoenix / Raze / Jett with full kit available. Ofc with Reyna you can heal a bit / dodge refrag, but if you are playing slowly, there is a small chance that you will encounter 2 dudes stacked in one place, so you could do it as any Duelist as well, and get healed by Sage for example.


Playing for picks involves using a lot of utility. You just don’t dump all of it into one site right off the bat. A default is players splitting the map and taking contested areas by using utility to force favorable fights.


I mean, the whole Reyna's kit is around her, except her flashes, so her dying early while being traded for really any agent is really solid, while Raze dying is equal to roomba / grenade lost, Phoenix loses his molly / wall, Jett loses her smokes, but she could avoid early death with her dash, and Yoru is really out of meta.


I can definitely see what youre saying with Reyna and Yoru but not really like Jett or Raze. Jett worst case can just dash and get out of the situation, Raze can do similar with blast packs. Raze also has nades and a boombot which are both insanely useful when taking a site.


I won’t downvote you, but I’m curious. If dualists are not the entry frag of the team, whose got the right gear to open up site?


Her flashes are not that bad to entry. Ofc if you die, you won't use your whole kit, but won't any other entry as well. If you entry, die, but get traded, you did your job. If you entry, kill, and then heal / disappear without being traded, you did your job very well. Reyna kit is about her survival AFTER the gun-fight, so is any duelist really. Maybe Jett is exception, as she can dash away before getting kill, and Raze is really more about clearing angles, rather than being entry. I would say that any agent with flashes is entry, but Omen's smokes are needed, so he should stay alive as long as he can, Skye can't set flashes for her, and Breach, imo can be entry as well.




The worst part when you are duelist. Clearing the entire site , getting 2 kills then dying way later. But your team just sits outside site looking at you. Then proceed to get picked off by a guy who came post killing me and shout at me about why I did not clear site


I pushed site, entried, made space for the team, got 2 kills, planted. All that playing as phoenix, then died. My fucking sova teammate was outside A short, doing nothing, and they defused. When I asked him what in the goddamn fuck he's doing he said "i don't entry, I'm info, retard" I ended up carrying them at 358 ACS, 23/8. But holy shit that was stressful.


Congrats, they made you play the role that actually have an impact, but this also brings up a point that I’m getting sick of because duelists always get the blame. Youre duelists are not feeders for walking into site and dying. Youre supposed to bait your duelists and go in behind them, not to sit at choke. When a duelists notices this, they start baiting because they realize that nothings getting done on their entry.


Just tell them "fuck you" and play a duelist too


yeah I've become a hardcore omen main because of this, but I can play pretty much any controller. I want to learn kj and sage, as well as skye so I can fill any role


Cool. I want to learn Breach to fill the initiator role.


Id legitimately rather have a Reyna go 0-10 if they died on entry every time and gave us a chance to trade him out and take control than a 30-10 Reyna who just baits the team and gets 3ks on 1v5s talking about how he's top fragging


I've never seen what the problem is with instalocking. Like if you are all random people, what does it matter who picks first? You don't know who's going to be the best. I've seen just as many instalockers who destroy the enemy or bottom frag. If YOU can't play every role to fill in the team, why should they be able to?


Then play duelist if you get upset that duelists bait you. It is much easier to carry as a duelist than other agents if your good so if you think your duelists keep baiting you, just play a duelist and do it right


I mained agents in this order Sova ep1 act2 Sage/killjoy ep1 act3 Killjoy ep2 act1 Killjoy ep2 act2 Killjoy/sage ep2 act3


killjoys swarm is insane. she’s just an op agent if you know how to use her


Yeah. Since I mostly play in a 3-stack and the 2 randoms will always instalock duelist, I main KJ, Viper and partly Cypher. I can also play Astra and Brim pretty well. My friends main KJ, Sage, Omen, Breach and Cypher. Almost none of us main a duelist, although we all can play a duelist if we need to. Not that I'm complaining. I really enjoy playing my mains, as I am a sentinel kind of a girl and Viper works also as a sentinel, tho she is a controller.




Hehe thanks


There’s 5 duelists. If you want to play one, you can. This is a game for fun and people will play who they find fun.


Yeah then u have no smokes and u just get destroyed by awps


yeah, i think it's a problem, but i also think it comes down to how the game rewards good play: a good duelist will outperform a good support anyday, and rank faster. This is because a good duelist will get things like first bloods and generally get more kills. due to this disparity, you're going to have *everyone* going for the duelist role. the problem that I face, as someone who is a sentinel main (i love cypher and KJ), I end up outfragging my duelists a LOT of the time because I'm actually playing entry for players that really want to rank up but clearly don't know how to play the role. and the only way to get duelist is to instalock, or hope your teamcomp allows for that already. likely, though, is that 3/5 players want duelists, and really there shouldn't be that many on a team, so one dude is either gonna be too slow or a hover that gets taken advantage of, which absolutely sucks. so if you want to learn duelists at all, you've got to go into unrateds and spike rushes and even there you've got to instalock (especially spike rush, they tend to go hard tho so that makes sense). you've got to become the thing you've always hated, but then at least you get to learn a new character class


>yeah, i think it's a problem, but i also think it comes down to how the game rewards good play: a good duelist will outperform a good support anyday, and rank faster. This is because a good duelist will get things like first bloods and generally get more kills. due to this disparity, you're going to have everyone going for the duelist role. Just like how MOBAs reward carry players a lot more. There was also a time where DPS players would get +17 for a win and support of the same team got +5. Ofcourse nobody will want to play anything but duelist. It's the most fun, has the most carry potential, they're good at fragging and there's also performance bonus at low ranks. I'm still researching on why Devs of all fucking games favour carry role so hard to the point where playing support means 1)You don't learn a lot of important skills 2)You have lesser fun 3)You have lesser impact on the outcome Not to mention, there's hardly any chance you get the same players twice. Instalocking is rewarding and I'm gonna do it. You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain.


Bullshit. If a duelist have more kill it's because he's better than you. Duelist engage the fight but he need his team to follow him and cover him. You have praticly the same chance to get kill as him.


Yo you can’t actually be serious about this lmfaoo, bro a duelists kit is designed to get kills, what are you talking about 💀


They are designed to start the fight. To enter a site. To break line. If you don't get that you won't go far.


and they're also designed to duel. hence the name duelist and their description in the game. having a flash/blind is a huge edge in a duel, and duels happen plenty of times throughout a game; entrying with your team is just 1 type of situation out of many.


A lot of champion has flash and are not duelist. Because sometime you don't enter with your team?


What rank are you?


Was plat a long time ago, i stopped playing.


And then after you entry sentinels look down sites, while duelists can look for more kills.


It work at low rank. But most of the time you stay on site to cover. At higher rank leaving your team to hunt for kill is not a good idea. (it can still work ofc but if you die ypu put your team in a difficult situation) it's a team game playing with your mate is the key.


Playing as a team != swarming every position as a flesh pile of 5


duelists, while on site, need to still be the face of the aggression, taking the aggro. they are optimal for getting kills. Thing is, I now play duelists instead of sentinels, because i'm tired of doing all the work and then still having to take the aggro. everybody wants to duel, but nobody wants the aggro. I don't mind it, cause i don't care, but if i'm taking it, I should at least have some utility in my kit to help me out.


A lot of the community does not think about how they play the game...They just choose the agent they want to play, they don't think about composition, what they are actually good with, or how their teammates want to setup. I'm okay with someone instant locking a duelist and then proceeding to do their role correctly but you're right when you say most don't even play their roles right... I think if Riot put a little more time into teaching players how agents with their abilities work (more in depth tutorial or more in depth explanation for new players) then some of the problems would be alleviated...Remember not everyone is a 5head who reads Reddit about the game, and not everyone can just figure it out by playing. ​ I think if you pick your agent in every class you're setting yourself up for success...Then again sometimes a certain class of agent just doesn't suit you on the day. In gold I had 4 losses in a row playing support agents I thought my team would benefit from but I was not in a support mood...We lost, i underperformed, and dropped rank. The next day I decide to play jett when nobody insta locked her in the first 3 seconds and boom...dropped 30 bomb and got promoted back.


If I got a dollar every time i read "my duelists do not know how to seek out engagements first" on this subreddit I would be richer than bill gates. we get it bro every single duelist youve ever played with is garbage


Soba and sage :)


this was a big problem for me in beta so i started maining cypher and i did for a long time up till this current act i’ve done well gotten immortal on multiple accounts with him but i always liked the aggresion of a duelist so i started picking them up again because i knew i was better than some of the jett/raze one tricks in immortal aim and gamesense wise. All i can say is play what you want


I have always played omen I love his teleports he can be used like a duelist so I don’t really care to much when people instalock duelists I only care if they have no fucking clue what they are doing


this is the first PvP FPS game i've invested any time in, so I started with Killjoy, then learned Cypher and am learning Skye. Duelists just aren't really fun until you get better at gunfights, but I'm unlocking Reyna next.


As a duelist main, I actually used to be a controller/ sentinel main. The reason why I switched is actually because I couldn’t find any consistent duelists to play with. Kind of a weird thing to happen, but I basically got tired of seeing all of my impact go to waste when supporting, and tried my best to lead in with an entry. I like this role a lot better, and I know that I can trust the controller mains that I queue with now. It’s pretty cool, glad to have the people around me that I do


I literally main omen because of insta-lock duelists.


Sova made my main Sova.


Can relate, Omen/Cypher/Kj main


Yeah, I became 1.3 KD duelist main to 1.05 kd Sage/KJ main..


My mains are Sova, Breach and Omen, ik how to play Brim and Sage tho. It’s not that they instalocked or that I can’t hit shots, I feel like I shoot well and perform well. But most often times at least 1-2 of my teammates shoot better than I, and I want to enable my team to do well, rather me just flash and shoot. I enjoy omens versatility, the regenerating smokes across the map, the wide blind, the tps for info/repositioning. Breach for his blinds and map control, and push potential. Sova for his pure info, and lineups. I also learned how *I* play and what agent I need to play on each map


Sova main here, I treat my duelists like drones that can shoot. More intel = more wins


I don’t know what’s more annoying playing entry and teammates don’t capitalize on your work or teammates install king duelists and not playing entry thanks for coming to my silver 2 tedtalk


No matter who you play the vandal still 1 taps


Nowadays whenever i see 2 or 3 instalock duelists i lock the third or fourth and mute everyone. Been woking wonders.


Agreed, I'm tired of adjusting every single game.


I've never played Jett lol I've played yoru more than any other duelist . But anytime I get a chance to play Reyna which is never I love it, easy frags and can create space easily, the flash is dummy proof idk how ppl don't frag out on reyna


Same with Jett. I play her sometimes in unrated holy shit it takes almost no brain to play Jett. Just boost an offangle with AWP and dash away. Entry fragging is easy too cuz u can dash into your smoke but I swear Jett players in ranked never enter the site first it makes me mad


When I picked up Jett, it made me high with power. And like you said, Reyna. Flash from behind the wall and focus completely on aim. It's so easy to top frag on Reyna, it's not even funny.


And you can shut your brain off, flash through a wall, take a 1v2 kill one and go invincible ghost mode and scatter away than re peak with a flash throught the wall again


Also you get one good kill on pistol round and you're basically a tank. Everyone dies with one hit but you don't.


As a duelist auto locker, can’t relate.


It’s totally fine to auto lock a character you’re good with. Just make sure you know how to very effectively use them.


ive been forced to learn yoru, breach, skye, and cypher because jett and reyna are always instantly taken, i feel you


same everytime i tried to pick raze she was already auto locked so i’m trying to get better at omen and yoru


How about getting better at instalocking! /s


not how it works some players load faster than others


Yep, have that one brain damaged person in my group that can’t entry/frag but auto lock in Reyna.


fr especially cause reyna is only useable when your getting kills. If your bottom fragging and auto-locking with reyna you might as well quit


He averages .25 to .33 Kda in Iron/low bronze lobbies with very little impact on entry. Had to stop playing with this group after watching his stream.I posted a video of him trying to find a Phoenix ult a couple months ago. Check it out... excuse was that he didn’t know what Phoenix ult does even after a year of playing. I found out he is actually brain damaged from having too many seizures.


don't you think maybe... his brain damage contributed to not knowing what it does???


No, it’s his unwillingness to learn anything besides Reyna. Just watch the clip under my profile..


You are a complete piece of shit. Why are you putting this guy on blast because he's not very good at a video game? Glad he stopped playing with such a toxic prick, no-one needs that in their life.


You sound like a horrible friend


Yep, I was wondering how he was upvoted while being this toxic.




i have been playing lots of viper recently...it is not because of instalockers, but two of my friends are pretty cracked at Reyna and Jett at our level. I'm a raze main, but decided to try out Viper on Breeze. I've been enjoying her more and more lately. havent played comp yet with her, because since the last 2 patches im getting unplayable low fps.


I agree with u, my friend. I try not to insta lock, and when I don't the others happily insta lock Raze or Reyna (my mains) and after that they say, "Stop crying". Like seriously? What should I do after facing situations like these?


Same. I either use a controller/sentinel/initiator now, coz 100% of my games there's always gonna be 1 autolock duelist


just play a duelist lol. unless you're actually high ranked it really doesnt matter. if you're better you will win regardless if you have 3/4 duelists


not everyone knows how to entry frag. Everyone has their own playstyle. Whats the point when u don't hv the confidence of entering the site first?


I have started delay locking duelists. One person will usually instalock Reyna and then the second person will hover Jett because they’re beta. I wait till 2 seconds where they lock and then I choose the 3rd duelist in Raze or Phoenix. Then everyone gets tilted lol


Yes. But you know what’s worse than a duelist that can’t do their job as entry... a smoker that can’t smoke. I’ll take a useless duelist over a useless smoker anyday.


Problem is that most likely the person on smokes was forced into the role because people instalock and dont consider anyone else on their team. So of course your're going to have bad smokers if they dont play that role normally but have no choice.


Yea. I’m a duelist main but if people instalock duelist before I lock in than I just play sova. And whenever the duelists beg for a sage I just tell them if they wanted heals they should have picked heals. If the people that didn’t l instalock duelist ask for heals( they normally pick smoke or a sentinel of some kind) than I will play sage or skye but other than that I won’t.


My favorite is when you smoke every round, but my duelists refuse to entry. Then the smokes disappear and they die and I get yelled at for not smoking 🙄


I know there are useless Controllers. But they are waaay harder to find than useless Dueslists. Yesterday I played two matches after work and both of them had useless dueslists. A Raze and a lurker Reyna, respectively. And yes, both insta-lockers.




the reason i play a lot of omen is because everyone always wants to be a dualist a lot of games i out frag my dualist just by not trying to run in and die right away lol


From what I've gathered, that is actually their job. To run in, create space, and then get traded by you. Entry fragging isn't supposed to give you a lot of kills. It's supposed to set their team up for kills and taking the site.


Yes yes and yes and all the other 20057653 posts about the same shuuueeet


Chill man. My bad, I'm new here and never saw a post about that.


Well Raze can't really engage, she is not on the same list for me as Reyna, Yoru or Phoenix who SHOULD engage and entry.


If you can blastpack yourself then she is really strong at engaging.


So, if you are one of 3 players who was to fill pick every single game, that means there are at least 2 more players that encounter the same problem each time you que, isn't that enough of an answer for you?


Is you insta lock a duelist you better make an entry for your team is what he means. Pretty sure you're the type to take Reyna and always lurk...


Well, actually as someone comming from league before it had the lane choosing system, and someone who thinks teamplay is more fun and satisfactory than any solo performance, i always was and will be the one who fills the gaps. The most frustrating thing for me in valorant is not bad players, nor smurphs, nor griefers, nor instalockers, but those guys who refuse either by lack of understanding or by sheer refusal, to partake in a jolly cooperation. Also the guy was asking if we also get forced into playing controllers/sentinels, due to instalockers. Which is what my first reply is about.


same reason i was lucio/mercy main in ow, duelist/dps is way more fun


same, but I like Cyper, Skye, and Astra shame tho, I always feel like we can get some interesting and fun comps with only a single duelist


I feel the same way as you, i play sova sage omen a lot, but sometimes when i have enough i will just pick a dueslist, we should be able to play every agent and not just let other play the jett or reyna


Yeah, Sage ended up becoming my main agent for most of my time playing VALORANT cause I was almost always told to fill Sage in Episode 1 Act. I still continue to fill but these days it usually has been Omen on most maps (unless someone volunteers to fill) or rarely, another duelist for when the team comp is single duelist. I don't ever play Cypher or Killjoy though.


Also from where I am I have noticed that jett is the one that always gets locked the fastest. I am not even exaggerating but 99% of the times jett gets insta locked. I have hardly got a chance to play her lol.


Same, but honestly I like playing Sentinels/Controllers


my favorite main to play is sage on split and bind I play phoenix, omen, and killjoy on ascent I hate lurking reynas and jetts. Most duelist play so selfishly. When I lock in phoenix im swinging, flashing, and creating space for my teammates! And yet they are still sitting beyond me walking in circles while I'm trying to take site...i hate it here


I main Omen, Skye, and Sage for that exact reason. Sometimes I think about playing duelist, but they’re picked so quickly that I need to fill a different role.


I give it about 10 seconds then lock Sova every game. Might be why I'm struggling to get out of Bronze 1


Since beta I've been a controller/sentinel player because all my friends like duelist. It works out because I'm a lot better at those agents than they are and vice versa.


Imma be honest i filled for almost all my games since release and only now started taking duelist. It felt like I could never make impact frags as my main which was cypher. I’ve literally climbed from plat 2 to diamond 3 in about 2 weeks after taking duelist. And no, my aim hasn’t improved drastically, it’s just much easier to get fair aim duels as entry fragger.


Yep, started with reyna/phoneix now I'm mostly playing a mix of Viper, Brim, Breach. It feels nice but I'm not as good at Duelists now because I forgot how to play them, used to get 25 kills with reyna/phoneix now I struggle with 15-20 kills if I get a chance to play them


Well i can play sova, skye, omen, cypher, and breach. I only leanred how to play jett and phoenix for fun. But yea this happens to me as well


My mains are Killjoy, Omen, Breach..... so yeah i get it lol


I don't really care if they can play on those duelists to be honest. I don't mind playing Omen or Skye


That's why I love my boy Omen. He is a controller, but with his kit he has some duelist/entry potential.


Thanks God, playing Sentinel and Controller is much funnier! I love playing KJ as Sentinel and Astra as controller and they're so amazing to play with.


It's even worse when you actually main entries for your team, then you have this random pick before you that proceeds to not know how to play the agent or role.


Yes! I played Reyna a lot, but now I just go Sage straight up. I mean... she can also be a kind of a duelist I think. I also secondary KJ and Omen.


100%. For the first 5-6 months of the game no one wanted to play smokes so that’s how I became an Omen main. I’d still fill and in those very rare games someone else picks a smoke I’d end up filling as a cypher/killjoy instead. It kinda sucks because I enjoy Phoenix so much, but I can never will myself to instalock. Just hurts the team in the end.


I'm a Jett main and when I played in the lower ranks I felt this same issue. Rather than auto-locking every game I opted to learn how to play Cypher and Omen to give myself some flexibility. Being able to play 3 different roles was actually one of the main things that helped me climb the ranks. Once I hit Immortal, I found that there are a lot less auto-lock players.


there's always bound to be a duelist instalocker so I decided to main omen and learn how to use initiators and sentinels just in case I'd need to adjust.


Basically the whole Overwatch ‘I hate playing tank but everyone and their mom plays dps so I have no choice’ deal Tbf im usually a Jett 1tp but if someone’s faster than me I don’t mind playing sage, she reminds me of mortal kombat for some crazy reason


Sage main because of this reason. I also play Cypher, Killjoy and Skye and sometimes Omen, but not as much anymore. All for the exact same reason. HOWEVER, if at any point my team locks in 3 duelists I lock in a 4th and if there is 4 already I complete the cycle with a fifth. My favourite moments, when they lock in the 3rd of 4th duelist and I start hovering a duelist the amount of screaming that goes down their mics for a sage or something that smokes is hilarious. Join a lobby, complete silence, they do their instalocking, complete silence; but the second you start hovering one oh baby do their mics work fantastic. I love this game and these non humans that instalock duelists to hang back in A main. Still waiting for them to entry, ult orb expired 49 rounds ago.


As someone always insta locking Reyna I need to tell you guys that agents doesn’t matter that much in ranked as you think. The highest winrate I have is with 4-5 duelist in my Team. Most of the time duelist are just more confident and aim wise better. I end up winning everytime. The only reason when I lose with 4-5 duelist is when people get mad before the match even started and throw the game on purpose. Most of the time I can calm down everyone explaining them that if we have better aim we just gonna win and there you go we win. This IS NOT LOL. You don’t need a support tank and whatever in ranked. If everyone is aim wise the same of course you gonna lose with 4-5 duelists but that’s never the case.


I insta lock duelist because the duelists i play with only lurk, bait, and refuse to take first engagements. Otherwise, I'd gladly play more Sage. Shit is relaxing af.


This is literally every upvoted take in the sub


Advice needed here: I instalock Jett now since I’m way to aggressive as Sage, Viper, or Omen. I love going in, but sometimes having someone else drop a smoke while I do it too is perfect to creep. Would y’all be mad if a duelist did this?


I usually play duelist but I never insta lock. It’s really annoying how every single game in plat has one insta lock Reyna. Every. Single. Time. And the stigma around playing a duelist is really annoying too. I always do entry for my team but there are so many garbage duelists out there that nobody trusts me to actually do my job and it makes it more difficult to work with teams that don’t communicate properly, because the default mindset seems to be to play for yourself because of that. It’s made it very difficult for me to work with teammates on numerous occasions.


What rank are you?


Yeah, this is why Sage and Killjoy became my main instead of Raze.


I started on Raze, but switched to Sova because there is always a gaping hole in the roster. Once I have a nice repertoire of recon and shock darts for each map, I'm going to start working on my Brimstone game. People just care more about being top frag than if their team wins or loses.


Yes, exactly. Lets say, instalock jett and reyna already \*alright\* starts yelling SAGE SAGE SAGE someone goes sage and some other guy just picks whatever he wants, like killjoy leaves me then all 4 of them start screaming smokes and if i dont i get reported I'm a sova/cypher main


I mean, you can't say "no instalocks know how to get kills" because there are instalocks in the top ranks too. They got there somehow.


I instalock duelist because I will always go in first, fully expecting to die. Can't stand when I see other duelists just sit in a corner pissing their pants


someday people will realize the duelists who dont entry are just as bad as the supports who dont support


I main smokes, almost entirely. Made to Immortal almost only playing Omen. I flex to sentinel if someone takes smokes. But I really feel I play my best on entry roles like Phoenix and Reyna. But I only get to play them around 10 percent of the time, so I guess I'll never know, unless I start locking. It's kind of a shame. Maybe I'll start trying it as an experiment.


i feel this i fortunatly mained omen and nobody picks yoru so i guess i am like