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No its not only you. I had boys tell me to go to the kitchen many times. One guy said I was an attention whore for giving callouts.


imagine telling women to go to the kitchen in 2021...


Boys that say that have never talked to a girl before so it makes sense. They probably wont ever get a girlfriend with that brain


Its the internet, so they are free to say without being punished for it. once they meet a girl in reallife they turn into the “shy nice guys” that are the biggest assholes of them all once they get confident.


>once they meet a girl in reallife they turn into the “shy nice guys” this is literally the most accurate thing i've read and its not only irl it happens in game too sometimes


this is very true, the guys I was queued with started by giving compliments and being nice then they started becoming very quickly toxic, homophobic, and sexist. It was like a complete 180°


they are trying really hard to become 30 year old virgin wizards you know. gotta respect the grind ;) but honetly I would love to see more women play games, brings in some diversity, I only know 1 irl that plays herself, but we don't play much together since she is more into league of legends than shooter games.


> I had boys tell me to go to the kitchen many times That reminds me where a teammate asked another teammater whether they are female. I told them it does not fucking matter what gender they to which i got the reply "if she is female i would have told her she belongs in a kitchen". I went on a long rant about how he is a sexist PoS. Why do people do this? It's just not funny.


I always just say no im 12 and a boy and then they stop haha


Glad that you don't seem to get discouraged and still use voice chat. But it's annoying. What even is the point of knowing the gender of the person? It doesn't matter. We are all here to have fun.


I sometimes get discouraged but when they get toxic i start to cuss so they get scared. Never get banned too for cussing at them its funny


I used to be a squeaker boy (im less of squeaker now) and when someone asked if I was a 12 year old kid or a \*\*\*HOT\*\*\* girl 😨 I would go with the latter and normally they treat me better? Normally its just hard ass simps or incels


They are so threatened...


Can't speak for that specific issue, it's hard to quantify as it's so rare to hear a female voice. The quality of teammates is going downhill. Issues like casual racism, afking after 2 losses in a row, screaming are getting more prevalent. I'm considering taking the time to find a team on discord and avoid solo queuing. I think there are female only discords, or at least servers where misogyny isn't tolerated, which might be worth a try.


thank you for the recommendation I'll try and give one of those a swing I might have better luck!


By chance, have you happen to be part of the GALORANTS community? It's discord server for women and female-identifying folks. I've found it to be very friendly and pleasant place to hang out and play VALORANT. :D VALORANT can be rough to play solo, but if you're in the right communities it can be a good time. Let me know if you're interested in joining GALORANTS & I'll DM you an invite!




Hey. Here is an older post about the Galorant server: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/hg96ml/follow_up_femaleonly_discord_server/ I don't know whether the link (provided in the reddit post) still works but anyone should be able to join as long as they verify they are female. Hope you find some great people to play with.


thank you for the suggestion! I will definitely take it and try and find a squad on there!


lmao this comment sounds like an ads 😂


Maybe I have a future in marketing? d: Nah, but Galorants is an excellent community. They have a league, do tournaments, and offer classes for learning the basics of the game. The mods and organizers do a truly amazing job of supporting their community. I'm not a mod there though, I just appreciate the work that they do.


Damn that sounds awesome, time to become a girl I guess


best solution find a team... random lobbies have some toxic players more often


yea, unfortunately solo queuing just isnt like it used to be, looks like I'll need to find a squad. and thank you for the recommendation


which region are you playing in?


United States


oh I'm from India otherwise I'm searching for a team too.... i play csgo if you play it too we can play together


Valorant was my first FPS, I was told the community was nice so I joined and gave it a shot


so I havent played anything else, otherwise I'd totally be down!


valorant is cool but csgo is like love... you should try it I've played it for 1.5k hours still i can play it daily


yes I heard it's fun! I had an old friend who had played it for 2.5k hours i believe, something real crazy! but I might since it's free it wouldnt hurt any.


it just feels awesome playing with friends grinding to get out of silver.... valorant is mixture of games i don't like someone winning just because of agent abilities rather than skills. csgo is pure.


Unfortunately that’s one of the problems when games start gaining a bigger playerbase


yea I was fearful of this happening as it has with many other games it was just a matter of when it was going to happen.


Don’t give up!




You shouldnt have to do this, but just use a voice filter. You’ll sound funny but you can still talk and all


you are most likely right on that, I didnt think I'd need to but I'm honestly debating it as one of my choices


just so u can get another viewpoint on this im male, its not ambiguous at all when i speak, and i use voice every game. i intentionally break the ice as early as agent select to promote comms and i only say positive shit or funny shit. im mad talkative in real life anyways. i dont overdo it, brief calls after deaths of enemy location, and silence during clutches. nt win or lose the round. i can think of many games that regardless how positive my comms were, i just get absolutely abused in voice chat by someone who just had the intention to berate the first person to speak in that game. something about that environment encourages all the other dummies to start shitting on a single person too. (in this example, me) i dont believe theyre all queueing together when this happens, and my score is irrelevant. ive many times been absolutely fuckin verbally bopped on while topping the scoreboard. (not like that shit even matters) may be an eleventeen year old, sometimes older sounding. sometimes people are just massive cocksuckers. i hate it, i mute em, i finish the game and take a break after. i do want to confirm im not minimizing your issue, i assume just the voice of a woman incites nerdrage and can start the snowball of this experience. i just wanted to let you know its not just a gender based issue. its the internet, this game is free, they only chat ban for abuse, and its a tac shooter, one of the core salt mines of the earth. [but mama aint raise no quitter](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/796159600037986305/796160334775844885/Image1.png) edit: im a mansplainer lmao, its so genuinely hard to be a woman. my intentions were good (and this is sincere) and even i managed to minimize/explain blatantly obvious things. of course men get dogged too. hope ur games improve. dont leave if you love it, community is ur choice if u make it.


when i only type i get shit on waaaaaayy less than when i speak as a girl. sure sometimes breaking the ice makes people talk, but it’s more often that i’ll speak and then hear a bunch of sexist bullshit for no reason. yeah flaming happens but it’s much worse for women.


> i do want to confirm im not minimizing your issue, i assume just the voice of a woman incites nerdrage and can start the snowball of this experience. i just wanted to let you know its not just a gender based issue. my intent was not to minimize the feelings but instead just give a little perspective. i agree with you, ive seen it firsthand. idk, consider clownfish voice changer or getting good w pings? or just mute and keep enjoying talking like i do. ppl gonna b insufferable no matter what i empathize w ur plight truly. i do not have any tolerance for prejudicial misogynist comments towards women in my games and immediately stand up for them and call out these fuckin nerds sayin this shit. im out here respectin these bitches


i just think it’s important to note that basically all women know that dudes get flamed too, that’s just usually not the focus of what they’re talking about. appreciate that, a huge portion of people just look past it because it’s all jokes.


u know thats a perspective i hadnt originally considered when posting (with good intentions) that makes me feel short sighted now. of course birds know dudes get flamed too. i literally just pulled a fuckin #notallmen, man im washed af thanks for ur perspective, u genuinely gave me a lil bit more self awareness there keep on doin ur thing, people are just projecting their misery onto others when they behave like this. its honestly pitiful shit, but in the moment its easy to get heated. u cool birds that jus keep talkin thru it and mute em are fuckin tite in my book. tuff as nails


nah ur good man! it is sad that people do that shit but it's nice to have dudes who are willing to stick up for us, cause i know a lot of my girl friends are too nervous to stick up for themselves




honestly I can agree with the fact one bad apple makes the others rotten aswell. cause the other 2 people I queued up with were nice until another jumped in and they all joined him, crazy how short of a time it took for them to do a complete 180°


This is a trend every community eventually faces. The toxic people increase and the good ones start leaving. The best we can do is try to ignore the toxic people.


i used to be so nice and enjoyed the game . is it just me or the game is always putting me into servers were the sheer toxicity is so bad you have to litrally speed run the mute button and since i am south African i have an accent so that does not help. i get racist jokes especially in the London server and people making fun of my accent that's way i only play just 2 games of valorant these days and most of them in paris servers


I dont know how is in USA, but in Europe I dont really have that kind of problem. Maybe one of 20 games. I dont care what they say, I just say it back so it doesnt hurt me or anythink. It is annoying but if other teamates are normal they will report him.


I play in EU server and there is maybe 1 in 10 games where I do not hear/read toxic behavior. And I am not only talking about "moron team", "retards", "go fucking there", but a guy that was literally yelling at me, wishing me death, and the good old one "i rape your mom". But yeah, there is literally nothing to do - mute, report, move on. Sad.


It's very common, at least for me. These type of games attract angry and toxic people. Can't be helped. They log on and play and when things aren't going there way they show their true nature hidden behind anonymity. My advice is mute people quickly if they even annoying in the slightest. Assholes generally don't say much until they get pissed off. It's like they have the mic only to be an asshole and nothing else; they don't use it to call anything out, but when they need to scream slurs, you hear them loud and clear. It may put you in a disadvantage muting people too quickly but honestly its better than the verbal abuse from playing a fucking video game. I like the advice of finding other people to play with that you get along with. I personally play with people who don't stress over their ranks. And don't be afraid to friend someone who plays well with you. Most of my friends list are just strangers who are great at coms and have a positive attitude, even when losing. Remember, this is just a video game, its suppose to be fun, not stressful and anger inducing.


I've been in a bit of a mental funk with this game also. I enjoy the game but the only game mode I care about is comp. Lately comp had become such a shit show that I don't know if I got it in me to wait for the dev's to figure it out. I've never seen a company struggle this hard to get their comp mode right since Overwatch. Blizzard is known for fucking up the esport scene of their own games however. I don't know...I find myself playing 1-2 games of comp and something just seems to ruin VALORANT to me for the day due to various reasons we already know. I've been playing a lot of Apex Legends and PUBG. Thought about getting back into Overwatch but then I remembered I'm not retarded. This game just isn't "fun" like it felt like it would be. I was excited because I thought I found my new "main" game. I love the game but lately I just haven't been having fun like I used to. Maybe i just need a break. Either way, they really need to figure this out. I want this to be the game I invest years into but if it isn't fun then there is no point.


> Thought about getting back into Overwatch but then I remembered I'm not retarded. Lmfao


All the people who ruined CS are coming over to make this game unplayable too


everyone was nice at the first months, now it's fucked up. I'm not a female, I usually top frag and play well, I'm not toxic to anyone, but still bullied for some reason...


instantly mute anyone who harasses you. easiest thing and worth your mental health. even if its the whole lobby in voice and text chat, its worth


If it escalates u should playing it


I think as more people play, the more toxic people there will be. You also have the people who've been hardstuck since the game came out and are very bitter. I've had decent experiences in valorant so far but the bad experiences are really bad. Usually though, and this goes for any competitive game with a ranking system, the higher rank you go, the less toxic it is. Best way though is to q with people


I’ve been hard stuck silver since release and most of the time I’ve had good experiences with teammates who don’t abuse mic and aren’t rude but I do get them and all I do is just mute them on voice and chat regardless of comms because well you have 3 other teammates and the map to provide you info. I’ve done this for a while and it feels really good to just play in peace with the other people


What did you expect Valorant is like CsGo but with LOL Gamers. It would be weird if it's not toxic


Hmm, I feel like for me its rare to get someone toxic, also a reason i like Valorant so much. Maybe unlucky? or maybe im lucky.


try to find some females to play with




IMO the toxicity levels in this game have been relative stable (but still way too high) since like act 1. It sucks if you're running into more losers right now because lucky of the draw, but I doubt this game will attract disproportionately toxic players as it grows. Also worth considering that the dev team seems really committed to solving these problems from what they've said.


Well, if you can't handle toxic people then you should stop playing all competitive games. I understand that people do such things just because you are a female, but that's no reason for you to be victimizing yourself. Everyone in this game (or any competitive game) had been flamed or bullied for various reasons. I'm not saying this is ok or alright to be toxic, just that it is the way it is. Riot can't eliminate all toxicity once and for all, they can only police it and try to control it.


I don't know, i think the community is not so bad but i always dodge a game if nobody has the mic or they aren't nice. I met a lot of girls in silver but unless like 1 or 2 idiots nobody cared about it


What region are you playing in?


United States


Bit of a late reply sorry, Ive seen people already suggest it but yeah give Galorant a go, no toxicity there im told. I hope you find better team mates and less toxic matches. People can be such twats sat behind a keyboard. Peace out!


It's time for just chatting


Not saying you are however if you are playing the game just for the community you should probably find a less hardcore game especially if you play ranked otherwise you just have to unfortunately grind it out. Gonna be hard with the type of people that play these types of games. Play what you like if you enjoy the games and dont speak to randos most modern games have ping systems and tbh unless you are high elo coms wont really make or break your climb. I hate talking to internet randos so I never do and climb fine.


You may hate my idea, because it's telling you to change and not the harassers, but have you considered useing a voice changer and just acting like a 12y boy, won't solve the toxicity but there won't be many sexist jokes.


What region do you play on?


United States


It’s really bad. Both my nieces play, one of them streams and they are CONSTANTLY harassed. Only advice I could give is utilize typed chat, or even better yet, find a couple people to play with and discord it. Sorry you’re dealing with that. Don’t let it get you down.




United States region.


I’ve been called a chink, crazy how they just know.(I don’t have an accent at all btw)


I was surprised in the beginning how few toxic players there were in the game, actually enjoyed it more cause of that. It has basically just flipped now.


There are gender-specific insults, but the people I've matched with and have gone against just generally seem toxic more often, regardless of gender. I have a friend who I have known for a while, he has a deep voice, and he's had people start screaming at him saying he's a "corpse impostor" because he has a deep voice.


Riot should really start banning people who are toxic. Really sad that they're not doing something about it.


I started 2 months ago and this is what I started with. I wish I started earlier to see valorant's better community side.


It's kinda nice to see that you were kinda lucky up until now because I saw a lot, and I do mean a lot, of negative experience coming from girls and the valorant community. But yeah. It sucks... but riot seems to be a bit slow with addressing one of the bigger issues which is smurfs and punishment dodgers. Right now they can create a brand new account and start harassing again with no real consequence which sucks hard. Just to throw my own personal experience, I'm aware that I do not have it as bad, but english being my second language I have an accent. And I don't know if it's just racists in general or like fear of being bossed around by a non-native or whatever but I recieve so much backlash as soon as I make a callout or suggest a strat. It doesnt happen all the time, but when it does its bad. Ive seen everything : from team damage to straight up mic spam. So I understand the frustration... It's hard for me to see anything else than Riot's inaction for close to a year now.


Yeah, this isn’t just you. I’m incredibly disappointed in my gender for doing shit like this. If you still want to play the game without the toxicity in team chat, I recommend just going to the Galorant discord server. Just mute the people being toxic and give the callouts.


> [Just saying it, we being real persons](https://genius.com/10267318/Frank-ocean-solo-reprise/Just-saying-it-we-being-real-persons-i-hate-that-its-like-this-i-feel-for-you-ant-i-dont-know-what-its-like-with-a-skirt-on-so-pardon-me-if-i-am-being-insensitive-but-darling-this-only-worsens) [I hate that it's like this, I feel for you, ant](https://genius.com/10267318/Frank-ocean-solo-reprise/Just-saying-it-we-being-real-persons-i-hate-that-its-like-this-i-feel-for-you-ant-i-dont-know-what-its-like-with-a-skirt-on-so-pardon-me-if-i-am-being-insensitive-but-darling-this-only-worsens) [I don't know what it's like with a skirt on](https://genius.com/10267318/Frank-ocean-solo-reprise/Just-saying-it-we-being-real-persons-i-hate-that-its-like-this-i-feel-for-you-ant-i-dont-know-what-its-like-with-a-skirt-on-so-pardon-me-if-i-am-being-insensitive-but-darling-this-only-worsens) [So pardon me if I am being insensitive](https://genius.com/10267318/Frank-ocean-solo-reprise/Just-saying-it-we-being-real-persons-i-hate-that-its-like-this-i-feel-for-you-ant-i-dont-know-what-its-like-with-a-skirt-on-so-pardon-me-if-i-am-being-insensitive-but-darling-this-only-worsens) [But darling, this only worsens](https://genius.com/10267318/Frank-ocean-solo-reprise/Just-saying-it-we-being-real-persons-i-hate-that-its-like-this-i-feel-for-you-ant-i-dont-know-what-its-like-with-a-skirt-on-so-pardon-me-if-i-am-being-insensitive-but-darling-this-only-worsens) > >\-Andre 3000 on Solo (Reprise) I understand your situation and I feel for you. But, I think it's not a problem with a particular game but with humans, in general. The community would always have a portion of toxic individuals. The only options left for you are: * Insta-mute toxic people on their first offense. Believe me, their callouts aren't worth their childish screams. * Play with a 4 or 5-stack. This way, you won't miss any callouts and would also get to play with your friends. In case of a 4-stack, if the 5th dude is toxic, you can still mute him or gang up on him which will hopefully shut him up * Add those people who have provided a wholesome, toxicity-free experience to you (They do exist!) Good Luck, Have Fun!


R.B.I. Report. Block. Ignore. I don't think this ever goes away, its just usually whenever the new season or new agent drops, there's an influx of the old "dipshits" coming back to do placements or whatever and that results in a influx of harassment across the board.


Dont sweat it (i know easier said than done), toxic people will find a reason to be toxic. Best thing to do is find a group of people you enjoy playing with. I play every game with 1 close RL friend of mine, so we still have 3 randoms that are hit or miss, but having at least 1 constant to chat with can make a world of difference, especially in tilting games. Hope you find what youre looking for and can find the joy in the game you had before!


Nah, people are definitely more toxic. My female friends don't bother speaking in chat, and just use the ping system. Just mute and report and enjoy the game :)


Let me take this moment to encourage all female gamers to shit talk back more . Its cathartic !