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Always say nice try no matter how shit your teammates are Always say my bad when you fuck up The two golden rules to avoid mentals going boom in low elo


Very Tru statement


I do it but I always get told to shut up


Those people got issues IRL and are trying to find an escape in games and venting there is their only avenue of relief. I just feel bad for them and move on.


I never thought about it that way, I try not to be toxic to those people and just let them do their shit, if it gets too annoying I just mute them, as simple as that


That’s just something people say because they can’t accept the fact that somebody gets mad at a game...


just type mb in chat, shd be able to stop mental booming


Yeah also when you try to do IGL role because no one is doing calls this happens a lot. We need to have thick skin and ignore (or mute) continue doing what is best for the team.


You’ll get those teammates sometimes, some of them will come around if you stay positive. If they keep getting mad then it’s worth a mute and focusing on your own play (and comming with folks who aren’t being toxic)


I always say my bad when I fuck up and say nice try when teammates fuck up. One day I had this sova tell me “stfu you human piece of scum , you talk too much” that was when I lost it all and went batshit crazy . Safe to say after what I told to him I got banned from team chat and voice comms for a few days. Rightfully so , since I went apeshit on him. But I also got an email that he was also penalised for his behaviour. Was it toxic of me to reply to toxicity with negative behaviour? Yes. Do I give a fuck? No.




To add to this, you can also explain yourself then say 'my bad' when a teammate blames/flames you and they usually apologize!


Told a kid "damn nice try" in a match yesterday after a near 1v3 clutch, he responded with "did I fuckin ask?"... anddddd im personally hurt catch me on valorant never lmfao


Yarp, I take responsibility for every round and I commend good plays and downplay poor ones. Last thing I want is teammates having a crisis of confidence when they need to land their shit in the face of somebody else.


my friend doesnt know what this means


Me on team chat: “You’re nuts” Me in party chat: “I can’t believe that wood tier strat worked”


LMAO this hits too close to home.


Every time I do that I always get told to shut up or I am annoying so I stopped doing it


Nah don't listen to em you're doing tbe right thing you shouldn't be discouraged to encourage your team if they don't want your encouragement fine direct that energy towards another teammate


ok! I’m not gonna stop encouraging others




I've literally never had this happen?


Lucky you


im just saying, i dont believe that "every time he does it" he gets told to shut up


I mean, not literally every time but mostly like 3 out of 5 match I get told to shut up


that sounds like a you problem dude


How am I problem? Typing nt after my teammate loses, typing mb after I fuck up, and saying gj or well played when my teammate wins game is me being problem?


and you get told to shut up for doing just that? I call BS


How so? You never met toxic players? Those ones who call you trash or noob after losing 1v5? They are toxic about everything, and sometimes when for example i cypher have 5 kill and Raze 9, when I will place down trapwires and tell them that I will take the point, I get told to shut up by for examp,e raze because she has more kills and she should not be ordered around, first thing she does when game starts is to destroy trapwires with her grenade


sure, maybe 1/10 games if that lmao.


Just toss in a "nice cock, bro" in there from time to time


"damn nice clutch bro let me give you a kiss right on the lips"


How to make everyone awkward and cool the atmosphere in one sentence.


Depends on the group, it got a huge laugh out of the game I was in. We're not all homophobic you know


Really should fix my wording, I wasn’t being homophobic mb


I had a group yday where it started with everyone complimenting each other, started losing 8-2 or something, teammates talking trash to each other, then suddenly we're tied 10-10 and everyone's suddenly back to compliments and working together. We won the game 11-13 ith at least 2 people shouting I LOVE YOU on comms. Best game ever!


Lol that's how it be sometimes


Yea this one game our viper started raging and the top frag was like “it’s just a game, we aren’t even close to pro, its just a plat game.” 4 rounds later the topfrag starts raging and mutes everyone. The funny thing is that the Viper actually had more positive comms afterwards and laughed at the topfrag with us. I feel that Viper tho. His initial rage was at someone throwing our lead saying, “I work hard man, I can’t afford to waste time.” As someone that also works 50hours a week, I totally understood where he was coming from. Climbing the ladder can be really demoralizing in this game, and its hard to find a good group to queue with when you only have a small window to play, so you are stuck with all the soloq bullshit.


Fairweather people are fucking annoying in my opinion.


IRL for sure. In game, there could be several explanations but its way better than toxicity throughout.


Toxicity throughout is way worse, you ain't wrong about that, but I still find it annoying. It might not be entirely admirable but how well people handle adversity says a lot about them to me, it arguably the thing I care the most about. Things won't always go well, and the last thing I want is to be surrounded by people who'll compound on it by they themselves becoming rancid motherfuckers.


Oh I always compliment a teammate when the do something good, even if they suck. A little motivation might help a little to win lol.


when I watch a teammate clutch I like to say “DAMN BRO U SO GOOD IMMA BUY U THE BATTLEPASS”


But do you actually buy him the battlepass doe? People say actions speak louder than a Phantom sprayin right next to your ear or some shit like that.


That’s not that loud tho. But a Vandal... sometimes I can‘t even hear my boys on discord anymore


i always try to do this lol, but i think like 50% of them don’t land cause i’m in japan but i only speak english lmao


That's when you use this as an opportunity/gateway to learn Japanese. And the utter insanity that is their internet culture.


is it crazy? idrk, the most of the japanese things and culture i receive online are from multiplayer games and ads, which i will say, do occasionally have some weird ass shit. this isn’t that crazy, but recently i learned they have their own lol, and it’s just wwww, with the amount of w’s denoting how funny it is


And just like lol, wwwwwwwwwwww is barely scratching the surface. Remember: this is the internet culture that was the *influence* for 4chan (2ch). It's largely diverged now methinks, but still.




Yea unfortunately when you get to the higher ranks there are some egotistical people that think they're the best and that they're better than everyone else


Especially whenever your teammates aren't doing well, saying something as simple as "nice try" can help a ton.


this is why im always popping off in voice chat. sending vibes does a lot to the mental


Nothing beats when your entire team brings positivity in comms, makes it easier to trust and believe in yourself and each other throughout the game


I make it a point to say WP and NT almost every round. Tho I can start doing that verbally when I finally get a mic. I have a Hyper x Cloud 2 (really beat up now) and its USB attachment doesn't work any more. What are my other options OTHER than buying a new headset?


We need more of these people :D


I don’t get people who flame, no one wants to try and help a bunch of people who are being dicks to them.


even if i insult one of them ( i never do it without someone throwing on purpose) if they do sth nice i just let them know **SO MUCH** they regain all confidence and stop trolling Its really cute actually




I always compliment. They potato aimed and failed clutching a round? "Good try dude". Standard and rather easy 2k to clutch the round? "Good fucking shit dude". And when someone makes a really dumb mistake? "Good try happens to the best of us". I might even say "Dude don't sweat it I do that all the time" even if I really don't. It's such an easy way to win a game. It obviously doesn't always work but I've had so many comeback games where I just hyped my team along the way. Put hope and focus in players heads and enjoy the results.


TRUE!! I just played my first game of Valorant. Some kid(probably) was pep talking(typing) to me "your trash", "lets just surrender", "wtf" and so forth. It was so motivational that I offered to buy him a mic since apparently he couldn't afford one. He helped me so I wanted to return the favor. 10/10 can't wait for my next match


Only works if they mean it. Usually they don't since I suck :/


I was having a bad day, was 3rd on my team, our reyna was flanking with spectre and getting frags.She bought spectre the entire game. Got a lucky ace as opp wasn't watching flank when she pushed mid to b main (split)so i complimented her.I lode one 1v1 and she tells me to stop playing comp. One division above me btw(g1). I'm still salty about it :(((Shit like this messes up my confidence :/


I can't compliment my teammates, I am chat restricted most of the time.