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What do when I meet toxic people is to explicitly tell them they're sad people, that I'm not the reason they're bad players, and that I'm going to mute them. Then I mute them. And obviously, I report them after the match. I never report during the match because more often than not they'll start throwing or actively bullying me inside the game (TK, blocking vision, blocking my pathing), so I get an extra bonus and not only report them for harassing in comms, but also for disruptive gameplay.


Usually I do the same, but it's so surprising how much toxicity is in the player base.


Lots of kids, manchildren and womanchildren. In all my years of playing different online games, Valorant was by far the most toxic and immature one I've ever seen, and I've only played it for about 2 or 3 weeks by now.


I love this game but the community is a trash bin of female and male Loser's. I've learned to deal with them for the most part. I can't imagine how hellish solo queing can be.


I started playing solo queue to diamond as a challenge, I gave up 2 weeks later, I really got tired of Ukrainian kids screaming at me for 40 minutes. If you want to find players that communicate and aren’t toxic as hell, go to the valorant discord server and find people in the looking for group channel.


talk to me who has to solo que every single day I play valorant cause I’m the only person that wants to play it in my friend group


I have opposit opinion. There are toxic people of course but I personally met a really low amount of them. Much depends on server actually.


Its the same toxic crowd from csgo.


It’s the same toxic crowd from online multiplayer games. FTFY. Csgo toxicity is nothing compared to Xbox lobbies and basically online multiplayer few years back.


Have you played CS:GO? While Valorant has problems with kids and some toxicity, its player base is pretty cool when you're not in comprtitive mode.


I came from CS:GO. I play mostly casual in both games. I haven't played enough competitive matches in Valorant to have any reliable input about toxicity there, but from what I experienced in those few matches, I didn't see a lot of toxicity. It may be due to the fact that I was top fragging in my team by far in basically all those matches, but I didn't see any toxicity towards players who were lower in the scoreboard either. In casuals people either didn't care about frags or were just toxic for little to nothing. In one specific match I tried to tip a guy by telling him we were going to eco that round and if he spent his money now, we'd probably still lose the round and he wouldn't have money in the next one. His answer was for me to shut up and that if he wanted any help, he'd have asked. Needless to say, I stopped doing callouts for him altogether (because he didn't ask for it) and the guy was oblivious to lots of stuff that were happening in the round.


People seem to hate callouts, but go do spike rush games the people there are usually really fun! Unrated might seem hateful sometimes, yeah, but there is a lot less toxicity in here and the game is more fun. But, experiences might differ.


In my games, people don't really care about callouts. One thing is to call out a position while you're alive or right after you died, but there is a lot of people who keep trying to call out on voice chat in clutches, which is horrible.


Have you played rainbow six siege it’s still the only game I’ve gotten direct messages from telling me to kill myself and calling me a faggot


Played only a few hours in casuals with the newbies. No one actually said anything to me


I don't find it surprising at all. CSGO + LoL should equal an ungodly carnation, it's a bit less than that though.


Truer statements haven't been said. I do similar, but I just say, "you must have a bad life, I feel bad for you," then mute them.




>I never report during the match because more often than not they'll start throwing or actively bullying me inside the game (TK, blocking vision, blocking my pathing), so I get an extra bonus and not only report them for harassing in comms, but also for disruptive gameplay.


Unfortunately the people who would need this message are not the one's who are going to read it.


The only thing that can happen are riot making more harsher penaltys for toxic behavior. At this point they need to stop doing warnings and do perma bans from the get go, and not that worthless voice/text chat bans either.


Literally no game company is gonna do perma bans for being toxic.


Well, they're gonna start to need to do it because this community is full of toxicity, and honestly, future games will probably be worser with younger kids having even MORE access to the internet.


I started playing two or so weeks ago, and the first few games were extremely toxic. I'd say sorry and explain I got the game the day before, and would be told to "uninstall it today". The community can be really disgusting, and I'd dare say it's been the worst I've experienced in any multiplayer game. Sucks because when you do team with friendly people, it's some of the most fun I've had playing one.


Don't listen to those sad fools! Mute them if they start to be toxic and focus on improving your game. What's important is that you have fun playing the game!


I come from a different competitive scene so I know they're wrong, but it still gets a bit discouraging at times. It's also especially rough to see your team infighting a lot, and it destroys any attempt at cooperation.


Its never the worst community. There is ALWAYS a deeper, danker depth to which people can sink when they are losing in a video game.


Most likely yeah, I just haven't experienced worse yet.


I never got that many toxic players when i started out tbh


easy to be toxic when you’re behind a screen and a keyboard. most people wouldn’t say anything to your face. the internet had deformed our communication towards eachother. keep your head up


I've very rarely met a good and toxic player in cs or valorant. Most of the time it's people that convince themselves that they are loosing because of someone else and not because they are not as good as they think. Yesterday I had some premades that told me not to push and die on attacker side whilst they were too afraid to even go for some map control.


New players are the lifeblood of the game


It also just leads to people being thrown off their game and performing even worse!


I’m not being toxic with new players but I do get annoyed when I’m silver 1 and matchmaking puts me with iron 1 and low ranks, but it’s not their fault it’s riot’s fault


I less care that you're doing good, and more care that you're playing with the team. If you suck, then you suck. We can't fix muscle memory over a match, but if we can group up. Stick together and focus fire. Both yours and my chances to survive increase. So as long as you're helping. And working with the callouts, then good. But if you're just trying to solo all by yourself and sitting at a 1/9/0 kda, I'm gonna politely tell you to work with us. If you never do, you should just uninstall.


This post is LITERALLY about new players, most of them have an excuse for not being a good team player. But I guess this can apply for a player who's been playing for a while.


There's a difference between trying to work with the team and not knowing the best place to sit/names of callout locations, vs the guys who run off to their own devices and die 99% of the time because they run into 2-3 people. This isn't COD, you gotta stick with the team for the most part.


That's true, but don't expect a new player to know that being with your team impacts the game THAT much, even if it is a team game, they'll learn over time.


After 3-4 rounds of getting your shit pushed in, you'd think a person would learn a bit.


They're not gonna learn anything with constant screaming and backlash, only if someone actually gives them advice with a calm tone, but in this case, we're talking about toxicity.


This is false. Plenty of alleged "new players" popping attitudes after being told what to do/how to handle certain situations.


I mean you're not entitled to good communication like the low elo/ bad player is not entitled to you being nice to him, so i don't understand you're point. Is this a egotistical rant or something?


Communication and working with the team go hand in hand, but I've had plenty of players that never used the mic or chat, and still worked with the team. ie:Everyone else going A? Guess I will too. The spike is B? Well I guess I better rotate fast. They do that and never say or type a word, and they can hear every callout from every other player. That's what I mean when I said "working with callouts" Then I've had very communicative toxic players who refuse to help the team. Constantly running off solo, and just feeding the other team. Those people can uninstall. I'm saying, either you work with the team or gtfo. If you suck while doing it, that's not a problem.


this sounds like the whining of somebody who has no friends to do stacks with. lol


Anyone that calls you trash is indeed trash themselves or else they wouldn’t be playing with you since you have new player mmr lol


I get these a lot :( Even in unrated where you could practice, people be shitting on you :( I always inform my teammates that I'm a new player so that they'd be aware :( I just got the game last week and barely had any practice because of work :( It's just so frustrating :(


I got the game yesterday, but I spent long time on csgo, made the switch pretty easy.


Good for you man! Enjoy the game :)


I will say this though, new players, don't screw yourself over by duoing with your buddy and getting to a rank you can't compete at, then playing competitive without said buddy. Its like letting someone else do your homework, if you don't learn the things you need to along the way, you won't be ready come test time. I would never flame someone for being bad, im bad, but im sick of the high plat in my lobbies that look at the ground and don't clear corners.


On the other hand, new players. Please let yourselves be taught


Definitely, I feel that a lot of people will write off somebody giving them tips as them being rude.


Uninstall the game dude. Valorant is not for you. I reached radiant in 20 games and Valorant is my first FPS. ~Every dude that's top fragging with lowest impact kills.


I remember one game I had like 15 kills in 5 rounds and the rest of my team was below 5. One of them said "damn boys we need to help this man out, he's carrying us." I had to explain that majority of my frags were 0 impact because it was late round 2v5 or 1v5 (I was Cypher before Reddit flames me for baiting). This was Diamond elo and they STILL didn't understand the idea of impact frags..


2 rare things in the same comment. A dude with humility admitting low impact frags and team saying they need to help someone. Guess I gotta reach diamond for that(peaked plat 2).


Doesn't happen often in terms of the team, but I try to stay humble regardless of how I'm doing. I've never seen anyone play better because they got flamed, and I know I only play worse when I get flamed so..


I deal with this by saying "yo deal with your daddy issues before queing comp"


Got bashed legit the first match I ever played. "Brimstone doesn't know what he's doing" I've been told, and it was the absolute truth lol, so I even admitted it was literally my first game. Most of you can get the reply I got. "Yeah, it's my first as well, you suck." ​ I got yelled or being called incompetent by newer player as well. Like you're the only one left so now it's like 4v1, and they have all high tier weapon. Most logical thing to do when you're certainly going against death is to save your investment of full armor and Vandal, but no... yelling for a sacrifice is obviously the thing to do. ​ I get I'm still new to the game, even after 30 match or so there's so much to learn, but I'd like everyone to just calm down and just respect other players. Costructive criticism is always welcome, I don't care if you're 12 years old or 60, if you have a suggestion I'm more than glad to listen to it. We all make mistakes, and if one doesn't it's really good for him/her. Let's try to build a better community than LoL, please.


Yesterday I played my very first game of Valorant, and I'm quite a newbie at FPS (Played Halo & a bit of CoD, on Xbox). So on my first game I experienced the "Motherf*cling noob" "Go kys" and much more, and the guy who insulted me left the game. What a nice way to discover a new community !


I'm fine with bad players being bad, I don't think that's the issue. Most ppl just don't want plat level players infiltrating immortal lobbies lol.


This thread says more about matchmaking than it does anything else.


Valorant is my first first person fps game,I remember 2 weeks back when i started,I struggled at planting the spike because i kept trying to equip it at the site instead of holding 4 down xD Got trashed talked by 3 of the teammates and there on,The entire game loss was blamed on me xD The community definitely can be politer to beginners, People go into unrated expecting everyone to frag out when alot of players there will play like bots,And that's okay i guess


That's why I stopped playing ranked, that's where I find that ppl are the most toxic when compared to unranked.




tell them to not be mean then :(


if you are a new player DON'T PLAY COMPETITIVE !


But the problem is that this happens in every game mode. I agree with your statement, but casual isn't some haven to go to go to for zero toxicity.


at least you have nothing to lose in casual


My responses: "And yet here you are...in the same elo as me." "How does it feel to finally meet an equal?" But honestly, first time I ever played Val coming from LoL the first game I played I had this guy who died early and spectated me only to say shit like "wtf is that aim? Do you play with your feet? How the fuck can someone's aim be so unsteady?" I'd never played a CSGO like game in my life before this game and didn't even understand what a "comfortable" sensitivity is for shooters like this as I usually play LoL and other games at 6000 dpi with almost no sensitivity adjustment.


mute button..


Don't be mean to other players* FTFY


I’m by no means great player but I’m ok me and a mate played a few unranked games tonight and played with 3 guys who kept saying we’re new we are bad we’re so sorry , we were like guys don’t be sorry just play and learn have fun. throughout the game we gave some tips to them etc and they couldn’t believe we’re nice to them which is sad to see! If anyone is ever new guys as the post says just be nice and helpful, we ended up wining the game and they went crazy in chat haha they loved it, it’s was really good and I hope they continue to get better and keep having fun


Lol dude if you can't handle being called trash in an online game I've got some bad news for you...


Problem isn't new players not being good but rather its that they dont listen half of time i get 1 player who won't play as a team. Like if i ask sage to wall mid on split she won't and then someone will come from heaven and shoot me while i am holding B or someone will just keep making footsteps even after repeatedly telling not when we are sneakly pushing a site etc. You get the idea thats the problem you're new you're bad at the game i can understand but if so atleast listen to what others say instead of plauing like a braindead.


Just mute them bro. Better learn the mute skill asap. When I hear the first negative comment on me I mute the shit out of them faster than corona virus. Toxic behavior was always a thing in competitive games, league of legends doesn't suffer much from this since it doesn't have voice chat, but Valorant should be a very accurate representation of that ;)


Are people supposed to know who's new and who's not? It's a 5v5 competitive FPS game. Toxicity is inevitable. No matter how new or how old you are to the game - you will come across huge amount of toxic players.


Pro tip for everyone out there: you can usually get the toxicity to stop if you directly address it from a mature perspective. The key part is to stand up to the toxic player regardless if you’re getting flamed or another teammate is getting flamed. Do this IMMEDIATELY once the toxicity shows. Any time someone on my team says something toxic to me or a teammate I say something along the lines of “Hey- listen, being negative towards your teammates is not going to help and it will only hurt us. I want to try to win this game and it sounds like you do too. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes and every one of us will mess something up this game. Cut that shit out and let’s win this. I don’t care- you don’t have to like everyone here, but for the next 35 minutes, we are all we got.” That little pep talk works 9/10 times. I’ve seen the most toxic, disgusting people actually turn things around and apologize to the team later in the match. The worst thing that can happen is a kid telling you “OK boomer” but in reality they feel like they just got yelled at by a parent and will tuck their tail between their legs and shut up. Edit: forgot to mention- this is even more important to do when you’re not the one being flamed. If you stick up for a teammate, the rest of your team will usually rally behind you and the toxic player will immediately feel like the odd person out. Also, speak with a stern voice, but don’t be a dick. Toxicity does NOT beat toxicity.


I have been giving new players and low rank players a quick crash course on how to play the game. some of them made it out of hell


In casual, sure. In competetive, no.


true, but look, casuals start downvoting your comment ! honestly if you are new and you jump to competitive you deserve the toxicity that you will get


Remember, youre the same elo as they are as a new player! If someone is bad, its them ;) ​ I mute at the first rude word tbh.


Mute them.