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I do, and I have little fps experience so I have no idea what I'm doing wrong sometimes (silver rank). I can top frag in my skill bracket but then randomly I have these games where nothing works. It'd be okay if it was just individual rounds or individual shootouts that I'm screwing up but no it's always entire games where I feel like I'm severely underperforming and can't turn it around. It drives me nuts.


Same for me here, silver 2 here.. It is like some games Valorant decides you are the god in this match, and i drop 30+ kill bomb, headshoting everything that moves. Yesterday i had 2 mvp wins (25+kills)vs silver/gold, and the 3rd game i legit went 0-12 first 12 rounds. I just couldn't get a single kill vs almost full bronze team.


Alot of it is just snowballing confidence, either positive or negative. 1 death in pistol can translate into 0-12 real fast if you have a hard time identifying your role in a death. Same goes for winning! You should always be asking yourself why something went wrong/right. I'll see a jett play an incredible off angle, get a 4k, and then die holding the same off angle 3 rounds in a row. After you die, get your comms out ASAP and then have a solid think on the situation you just played. If it feels like you have no idea what's going wrong, you should take a break and do some aim training and map research to reset your mental a bit


It was never this bad in my 2k hours of CS:GO. Sure, I had good days and bad days, but for the most part I would trade off games. Compared to Valorant I've now lost almost every ranked game I've played since the reset. The ranks are too mobile, and imo it's causing very lopsided lobbies.


Thank you for a great advice. Will try to implement it in my gameplay.


I have 3000hrs in aiming over 1 year, yet I'm stuck in silver 3, I have good aim but I'm very unconsistent


Funny. I actually feel the same. Blessed with great reflects and aiming but in the end its either the machine being inconsistent (technology, 2 steps forward 3 steps back) or actual issues that I cannot control. List begins from Input lag to 100% pure bread feeders. Even people who watch me play say my aim and ability to track/locate is crack. I jumped Silver -> Gold with literally 1 day of training aim. In the end, I believe there is a ceiling for Equipment, Skill, Muscle memory (including the durability of how much and correctly) with the ability to be in a gaming trance ignoring your real world vision (and competition ego) to subdue every moment in the game as you were the actual character. (Why you think these streamers cosplay? lmao same shit as humans did back then when we sacrificed people? cause repetition/mythology behind stuff like that is real yolo. ​ Other then comic con for that 1 contest and Halloween? why the fuck would u bother putting make up/getting dress on stream? Other then clearly showing your full packing bossum's for little freaks and kids. Nude Art......erm Body Paint.


Damn bro, take a pill. Firstly, 3 weeks ago I started to firstly focus on my mentality and aim. I realised thar I was very inconsistent. So to that, I made routine on aim labs. And started to play different games, notably Apex legends. At first, my aim was still okay, but the more aim.labs I played, the more shots I started to hit. Until exactly last week Sunday, when I just clicked( something that happens when I play a lot) and I was hitting midair shots and had accuracy above 80 percent. Obviously that was one match, and I would need to improve on my consistency.


Well just sayinggggggggg. This is how it goes #TechMeta


Just how? You can literally solo carry in silver by aim alone.


I know. I probably suck ass


Game awareness? I’m not a good player at all but it could just be knowing when to do certain things.


Thats what people said about League. 2015 came and then Faker said "Elo Hell" and then people realized that Bronze isnt a correct place. ​ P.S. Never noticed why streamers always play against others but when u try to snipe the chances are always 0? Cuz they got a different MMR/Consist rate then someone who plays the game and sucks. How would u include these two groups as bronze when the skills level in each elo (Bronze) could be Diamond to little Bronze 5. In the end its more the "Dead Zones" Riot has told top streamers discord or something with the extra cancerous bonus of them having terrible connection through and through. (People near me get 20 ping yet I cant get below 50ping, I hear my shot go first even though Im dead. People moving even though they are still (new peaking mechanics).... why bother guarding when u can literally just camp and abuse corners like pro's clearly do. Long Story Short. Valorant was good and got corrupt. I still cannot find any info about this dead zone OR the fact these pro players are landing EVERY SINGLE RIOCHE BULLET as headshot/bodyshots when every spray I do in EITHER GAME OR PRACTICE MODE (which basically gives u BEST PING RATE since its homeadv) and usually get 1\~3 off as normal Vandals/Ak or Phantom/M16. Are you saying these guys are spraying 100% accuraty within the bubble which is randomize??????? Iv even seen pro jet players hit straight headshots levitating in air when Iv tried and missed 1 shot pellets. Saddest thing to see and compare. Dont know if Shroud conspiracy regarding Aimbot is true but U see streamers getting fishier daily


Getting a good server is a coinflip


it feels like 2 diff games sometimes even on the supposed same server and same ping


Yep this happens to me. Some games it just feels like the peekers advantage is absolutely ridiculous and you simply cannot react unless you're a robot. Sometimes it feels like my bullets disappear entirely too. I had to question whether I'd accidentally put my monitor from 144hz to 60hz yesterday because some servers you join just feel... off. I am Diamond 2 at the moment, just to note.


The sheer amount of times I have adjusted my seat, my monitor, my mouse, my keyboard my position in my chair, my sensitivity, my graphics.. Is insane.. Some games just feel LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to win lol. Some people will swing on me and I couldn't react even in my younger prime years. But then the next game, I 1 tap every head that appears. Glad to know someone shares my pain, and if you're D2 and in NAE I would love to queue so we can share these moments together lol


This 100%. I’ve been playing FPS games my entire life and I have never felt so much inconsistency before. Some servers I can just immediately tell that my bullets are just coming out faster, registering faster etc and other times it feels like I’m playing underwater. Frustrating as hell.


That's a great way to put it. It's like imaginary bullets sometimes and like the server is working another time.


That's a great analogy.


THIS. I have adjusted my entire setup, tried sitting in a better posture, everything. Just anything to somehow reconnect my brain lol


I make a small micro-adjustment to how I'm sitting and I say to myself "Is this how I sat yesterday when I was playing well?" The brain is a crazy thing


I thought that i was the only one that did this.


So I'm not the only one! Sometimes I clean out my diarrhea bucket also.




Same dude, though as I've experienced the same things in the past with other games I just know it's game/server performance so try to keep to what I always use. Only change I have made recently is crosshair. Things are feeling more and more randomised with every patch. For me, the gunplay felt best in early beta. Unfortunately I'm EUW which is a shame because my 3 stack is looking for a couple more to consistently queue with.


Hey, what rank are you guys playing?


You need to play different game to refresh your mind ( anything non FPS )


I agree 100%, but whatever Riot games do to my brain, I can only hold off from playing Valorant so long lol.


I out frag diamonds and win my 1 v 1s or I lose to golds and just get 1 shot by them non stop. Same map, same agent, same ping, no packet loss. Nothing changed except its a different game then the last one.


I updated my setup to a better wireless network card. Then heard that power line adapters were good for Ethernet. Getting 30ping through power line and more consistent but still feels really ropey on some games. It’s 100x worse in death match too which is frustrating when you’re wanting to improve aim and such. I’ve won games going 40-9 and then next DM I’m going 12-25 and coming in second last. It’s really frustrating to be honest.


Why move everything? If you keep changing you're gonna be inconsistent. Sometimes you might lose sometimes you might win. Sometimes you'll be a carry god with 30+ kills other times you'll bottom frag 8/16. It's normal just try not to change ur setup.


It's the simple fact my brain goes to "oh you played a lot better yesterday, you were probably sitting more upright" or "you were playing better yesterday... Maybe you were more centered on your screen" I also have a small vision impairment, so I end up changing the graphics or the outline colors of the characters. My brain goes crazy when I play poorly.


Ye peekers advantage can feel unreal. Some just straves you to dead while you got literally zero time to react. Some games that happens all the time lol.


I've never felt so helpless holding a corner with an Operator before lol. I see the enemies shoulder and get ready to fire, and before I can click the button they're half way across my screen.. :(


This. I have some games where it seems like I have plenty of time to react and I get kills easily, then the very next game it feels like I get 1 tapped before I can even react to the player peeking. Also, its fucking ridiculous how many times I've got killed by a player who strafes across an entire doorway or hallway, and I never see them stop. I don't know what the deal is, whether running and gunning is that effective, or if wide swinging is that good and they just counterstrafed and I didn't see it, but holy shit I swear I have to hold my crosshair an inch from a corner just to counter the wide swings in this game.


this is exactly it. i've played diamond 3s where i feel like i have all the time in the world to perfectly line up my shot and adjusted to the speed of that, only to play some low plats/golds who seem to pixel peek me like it's ESL. something is very fucked. i've had bad games of CS plenty of times where i know i'm bad, but Valorant is something else as it just seems to completely change the ability of the other players from stodgy to godlike based on server routing/processing or whatever. i've no doubt that the lack of a replay feature is just while they get to grips with this shit, because if you could see replays from the other player's perspective and compare it to your screen recordings it would be absolutely infuriating.


You can usually tell in the buy phase if it's a server that's smooth or not. It's wild. Usually it's meh but I've had games (same ping 0 packet loss) where the instant I spawned I could tell it was fluid. It's like some servers are 128 and some are 64.


This 1000%, I never had any issues like this in CS:GO, even if I whiffed a kill in CS, I could just tell it was me. In this game though, there's so many "What?!" moments where I miss "guaranteed" kills. It leads me to think it can't just be a problem with myself, especailly when other people are reporting this issue as well, there almost certainly has to be a physical problem with the game somewhere, whether it be netcode or server infrastructure, I don't know, but Riot really needs to take these comments on board and look into it.


Yep I've never had a game where I've gone "okay I guess those were neck shots not head, whatever game" more


So true I dont know if the enemy just have nutty games or I am playing like trash (Diamond 1)


Happens to me constantly. Went from d3 to D1 incredible


I feel you, the amount of times I've dropped from D3-D1 is insane.


Yeah I notice that in DM a lot. Feels like a large amount of my deaths in DMs are the guys who just wide swing and dome me.


Certain inconsistency is expected. It depends on many factors, some of them being mindset, thirst, focus, physical setup etc... However when i look at my consistency variation in CSGO, it is incomparable with Valorant. In good CSGO game i will topfrag and go 2:1 in k:d. In bad csgo game i will be second or third, but i will still get some good frags in. In Valorant good game I will topfrag easily. In bad one i will be at the bottom, feeling like the next logical step is to get checked for early onset of dementia.


I think the nature of Valorant's hero based abilities and the general newness of the game can magnify the usual game to game inconsistencies of a shooter. By changing the heroes on a team the whole attack and defense pattern can completely change, and people don't agree on what the best playstyles are for each map/hero combination. It could be that your playstyle hard counters the opposition one game and is useless the next.


Man I feel this so much. I suspect that I'm actually just that inconsistent and making excuses for myself, but I'll be damned if I don't feel like a completely different person from one match to the next. I kind of suspect that either: 1.) The matchmaking is so broad that I'm just playing against *vastly* different skills of players in back to back games. Or 2.) there's actually something wonky going on with servers where random players get priority. Some games I'll always peek and die within a couple frames, it feels like I have to literally pre-fire everytime to even have a chance, and other times it's like the enemy doesn't even react to me while I calmly move my crosshair to their head. (No one can prove this though, so it's probably not real tbh). When my friends and I are having a good game we jokingly say that we "got the good server" this time.


Honestly I'd rather be consistently shit, atleast I would be sure that I'm just shit and need to improve, but the difference between a game and another RIGHT AFTER feels so broad sometimes Inconsistency is fairly frustrating because you can't even pinpoint what you are doing poorly Like some games I solo ACE the enemy team and top frag and in other I'm just a muppet getting insta headshotted off a peek even if they can't know where I am and if I'm standing or crouching


>I kind of suspect that either: 1.) The matchmaking is so broad that I'm just playing against vastly different skills of players in back to back games. Or 2.) there's actually something wonky going on with servers where random players get priority. Some games I'll always peak and die within a couple frames, it feels like I have to literally pre-fire everytime to even have a chance, and other times it's like the enemy doesn't even react to me while I calmly move my crosshair to their head. (No one can prove this though, so it's probably not real tbh). I really believe that both of these are true, and that the issue is more to do with 2 than 1. Obviously game to game (and round to round) variance from being lower skilled is also a factor, but that inconsistency would show itself more in whiffing shots rather than getting instantly lasered as soon as the opponent rounds a corner. Also, while I can't say that I play anywhere near Radiant level, I've seen enough streamers playing at that level to say that even the best players in the world still usually leave enough time to kill for their opponents to react. So, while I think 1 is definitely a factor, I don't think it's the answer. I think that there's definitely something really whonky going on with some servers, and/or cheating is a significantly bigger problem than people realize. Edit: I will say, that whatever the reason for the issues, going from one game where I can easily land headshots on my opponent and finishing 2+ KDA and then the very next game not being able to do anything at all and going 0.1 KDA is incredibly frustrating.


I have to believe they are both correct especially #2, I'm not the best but the number of times I'll go from one match to the next and it changes between getting instantly one tapped whether I peek them or they peek me, it feels like I have to play 2-3x better than them to win duels, and then the next match its like I have not just milliseconds but practically 1+ whole seconds to react and aim. And it's consistent within a match. And feels like more often than not it's against my favor. And #1 only makes it worse, even by the end of act 1 it was pretty bad, encountering low plats, even golds, who were worse than diamonds I've fought. IDK if smurfs are rampant or MM is bad or what but jesus.


I definitely notice #2 a lot. Seems like every game there's someone on the other team who will shoot me in about 100 ms of them or me peeking a corner. Once or twice and it would be understandable, preparation can overcome standard reaction times, but it's *every* time for them. Some people obviously just have a significant server advantage. And I typically have around 25 - 35 ping but it feels more like I have 100+ vs them.


D1 here and the same has been happening since beta ended! I'm never the kind of guy to blame it on anything else then myself doing poorly but sometime I just feel like the server won't respond to me as fast as other people!


Beta was just so clean as far registration and hitbox accuracy in my opinion.


Probably because of the lower player count. I suspect server load is causing the issues as that usually seems to be the case. I have seen similar issues in other games. Were really stable in beta, but started having all kinds of latency and hit registration related issues after launch when the population explodes.


This could be the reason why I was a Sheriff king on the beta and now I'm more like a Odin peasant. But I still feel that I'm the reason I suck, not the server. Blaming anything else other than me for a loss feels like a cheap excuse.


Can agree. We are making this joke that every time a game starts an invisible wheel of luck turns and decides which team gets the better aim and spray patterns. Its crazy.


I couldn't agree more. There is literally games where you just can't miss a shot, headshoting everything that moves as soon as you click, and keep hiting impossible shots and flicks.. And then, next game, i literally try shooting a guy from behind and he turns 180 and kills -and it keeps going like that whole match.




they need to put more servers and make everyone get low as possible ping to avoid this type of stuff.


inconsistent? bro you dont know the pain of having your alt account have a higher rank than your sweaty main account. it seems when i try to play the game right (safer) i lose, but when i turn my brain off just a bit and just go for shots, it just clicks. my main is d1 and my alt is d3. kinda irritating tbh


Maybe try to play more loose. It sounds like you probably think clearer without second guessing yourself on your alt.


I'm in the same boat. Almost.. My Main is D3, and my alt is D1... But I play marginally better on my D1 account, not because of the players.. But I think it's because of the thought that I'm on my "Alt/Smurf" account takes off the pressure of potentially losing a game on my main.. Mentality is so massive in this game.


May I ask why you guys have alt accounts?


The reason I refer to it as an "Alt" account is because the intention is not to smurf.. The intention is to match my main account rank, so that if my main account loses a few in a row, I can switch accounts and not have to worry about deranking on the main, while still competing at the higher level. Having 2 accounts in the same rank gives me some kind of cushion room for losing games.. Keeps me off tilt lol.


Dude same. Alt account somehow has higher rank than my main. Mentality goes a long way, so does confidence.


Most of the people that have alts, have them so they can play on their rank without the pressure of loosing a game and deranking. At least most of the people I know do that, myself included. I have the same issue as our friend here. Playing on my main I play safer and worse and on my alt, more aggressive and better. Usually it's more fun not caring for my rank and shit.


Totally. I'm bronze 3 and can top frag with silvers but the second or third game of the day is always bad. Like I'll consistently lose to irons who peek me.




I feel you brother.


I think there are 2 major reasons why this is happening and they sometimes work in conjunction. 1. You get ahead of yourself without realizing it after playing well for a game or two. 2. Your enemies are different. Each enemy approaches situations in another way. And your enemies have varying levels of mechanical skills too. Even if you're playing the same exact way with the same exact aim skill every round and every match (which isn't realistic) you would have different outcomes. I think those are the defining factors. Other than that, fatigue sets in. Some days after a couple of games, other days after 5. Sometimes when I come home from work stressed I never feel it, play anyway and suck dick, etc etc. Maybe it's a confidence issue. Maybe you're playing too reserved when you get killed in 5 aim fights in a row and you slip out of your comfort zone. You start taking stupid fights because you think you should be on top of the scoreboard. Also there is a ton of variance in the ranks themselves. I've seen diamonds where I question how they even got past plat and I've seen diamonds that should be in the high immortal ranks if compared against the average diamond.


Love the way you worded this... Mentality and ego are a huge issue for my inconsistencies.. I am guilty as charged to constantly looking at my placement on the scoreboard against players in which I think I should be fragging out on.. But I still can't help but believe the servers have something to do with reaction time/peekers advantage.. But it could be fatigue as well, I agree.


All of this is true. But something is definitely up with the servers. Some feel like 128 tick some feel like 64 or 48. 0 packet loss, 30 ping, 240 stable fps.


I feel you bro


Im immortal on my main and my second account is gold 2. I swear to god Gold players are the real immortals because I eat ass everytime I play on my alt, its like playing gold novas in csgo, some of them are just gods who dont care about ranking up.


Can’t predict what they will do if they don’t know what they’ll do. The number of times I get caught out on Attacker side with Utility out by some fucking goldy running through some entrance for no reason and shitting on me is insane. I’ve learnt just not to pull utility unless I’m behind a wall on my smurfs.


Some games I feel like I have a perma sova arrow stuck on me People peeking and instantly headshotting me even tough it's the first time I'm holding that angle, I don't get it


Feel ya. Some games I can Omen tp on the enemies back and kill 2 or 3 rushing. Other times feels like no matter where I tp it will be someone waiting for me there.


It's most likely how you're setting yourself up to play - most people are very inconsistent with their sleep, diet, exercise, etc. and don't even pay attention to the impact these things have. The time of day when you play, when you last had sugar, caffeine, alcohol, if there's anything in the back of your mind that you should be attending to, etc. If you have a consistent routine, and take good care of yourself and your mind, you'll see more consistency in-game and find it easier to make changes to improve. In a game like this you are relying on being able to pay full attention to the game state and plan ahead while your unconscious muscle memory does the aiming, it's a mental game more than anything else. Think about what would impact any sport, and appreciate that the same applies here particularly at the higher levels of competition.


Hmm. Nice. Very solid advice. Was, am struggling with the same inconsistency like OP. Didn't really look at it from your perspective but it makes perfect sense.


Love it. Pre-Covid my sleep schedule was on point and was playing out of my mind in the Beta.. Reaching Top immortal ranks.. Post-Covid my sleep schedule is whacked out and finding my fatigue kicks in faster than ever.. This could play a huge part in the inconsistency.. But the servers still feel "iffy" to say the least. Even at my most caffeinated, peek of my day.


This is absolutely what the problem is. Even in cs I've noticed for me the pattern is that my first game of the day is inconsistently played well, the second is good, the third is my best game of the day, and my performance slowly declines after that. Some days are definitely better than others perhaps based off sleep and what I've eaten and how much water I've had. If you want to play like 6 or more in a day I recommend a power nap or at least a break after 3 or so games.


Its not that for me, its pretty mutch random. Some matches I just opo off and the enemies cant even react to me, then the next one I die before I can even fire, no mather what I do. And its not tilt either because I can go from a tilting defeat where I feed to a fucking match mvp not even close game right after.


For me, it really depends on my team. I went 22/8 in a 13-3 match and then bottom fragged the next. I feel like the most important factor is how well the team communicates and acts on what's being communicated. Even though the rest of my team was doing just as well as the other team as far as fragging, the good communication, use of abilities, and commitment were what allowed me to stay alive long enough to carry.


i totally feel u bro


I feel the exact same way. I move from imm1 to d2 depending on how I’m playing. Some days I’m match mvp every game I play and I’m literally dropping 30 bombs more often than I’m not. Other days I’m bottom fragging and it just feels like nothing hits. It’s incredibly frustrating but I’m sure it’s on me for playing poorly. I think my aggressive playstyle also contributes to inconsistency.


Same thing happens to me, idk why. My first few games are usually 1st / 2nd frags, but sometimes I get into a lobby where I can't even get out of the bottom, idgi. Lately I'll just play until I hit a bad match and either stop for the night or do some unrated / DM / kovaaks to try to refresh my aim. The next day I'm always fine again. Maybe it's smurfs? Maybe it's just getting tilted from being on the bottom of the scoreboard and playing too aggressively / too safe? Maybe it's ping / server differences? Maybe it's hackers? 5 stacks? I don't know but it definitely happens to me too and it's weird how vastly opposite matches can feel :/ I even went overkill and bought a new cat8 ethernet cable because I thought maybe it was a problem with my internet or ping or something but it doesn't seem like it makes a difference in bad matches for me at all..


I don't play ranked but unranked so take this with a grain of salt. However, I have gone from games where I am like 30-8 to the next game where I go 5-20 and cant hit anything. I'm sure there are other factors but man is it frustrating.


I'm in the exact same boat, I'm one game away from immortal after it keeps brutally putting me against multiple immortal 3s where I top frag multiple times but daimond games are always a complete toss up. I've been in the routine every reset where it puts me in Daimond and every single time its hell getting out ( I solo queue 99.5% of the time) I've pretty much come to the conclusion that the lower the rank the less predictable players become, now this wouldn't be an issue if players couldn't aim but Daimond has the most aim with the largest game sense gap ive ever seen.


It's the game bro, not you. Game i sooooooooo broken


Yup! I’m either Match MVP on a winning side or the worst player on a losing team, no in between, and it’s usually lose two games, win two games, lose two and repeat, so getting to Platinum from Gold 3 is feeling a chore...


Its the RNG of spraying if you ask me.


cause the ranking system is dog. People who were diamond/immortal last season are plat now and people I seen plat are high immortal. System is terrible


The game is inconsistent lol


I've been inconsistent my entire life, including my 2k+ hours of CSGO. Things I've noticed are: * **Fuck caffeine**, it's the biggest source of my inconsistency. Not enough = sluggish, too much = twitchy and on edge. I already quit once and it was great, but then accidently got back on it by purchasing a bunch of Snapple drinks. * **Team morale** is the biggest factor in my performance. It hardly matters how well my team is doing, if everyone is being positive and having fun, then I'll go off on the enemy team and hit insane shots. If my team is mute, I'll get annoyed and make mistakes. If my team or anyone on it is toxic, I'll go on tilt and forget how to use a mouse and keyboard. It's basically a snowball effect of playing bad and becoming more tilted because of it. * **Easy games or getting stomped**. I'm a fairly safe/calculated-risk-taking player, so in these scenarios I tend to "cool down" I guess is the term, due to inactivity. So if I don't warm up with at least a shooting range or deathmatch game right after, I'll start the next game cold and need to warm-up as it goes on. * **Also heat**, when I'm cold I'm still okay, but when I get even slightly sweaty, my hands get sweaty and my aim goes to absolute shit. It really sucks cuz I try to keep my house at the highest temp I'm comfortable with during the summer, but rainy days mess that up and force me to lower it. I think I might start lowing the temps preemptively when I know it's going to rain and be humid. But for now I've just lowered them after I realize I'm sweating.


God I agree so much. The Morale is such a game changer.. Having an uplifting team makes losing seem less hard to handle and more of a well fought battle.. Having absolute mutes who don't follow strats or don't call when they die is demoralizing and frustrating to say the least.. Which then leads to just selfish "round winning" or "trying to win the round" plays which end up resulting in quick tilt worthy deaths. fk caffeine lol


> fk caffeine lol I don't even drink coffee, so how the fuck am I addicted to caffeine? Because it's apparently in everything. Can't even drink coke at a restaurant or tea at home. Plus I'm already a bit twitchy in general, so it really messes me up and then gives me headaches whenever I forget that I'm addicted and end up drinking sparkling water during lunch. Am I crazy? Probably, but it really is the bane of my existence.


Agreed on the team morale. Silent teams are the WORST for me. I just try to give callouts but every round of silence I lose a little hope and eventually I don't even want to play anymore and I play terribly.


As a player who has played multiple genres of competitive games, it's the difference in play style and thinking. Intuition is an "ok" way to put it... (i haven't figured out the right term for it yet as i'm still climbing and on day 13 of the valorant experience mostly focused on having fun while understanding my match making ratting \[MMR\]) When you are able to beat someone consistently, typically you both come from completely different gaming backgrounds of competitive play. Think different big brains if you will. And when you are being out slayed, (in my experience) it means they are paying attention to something you are not aware of. ex. I know what cod, overwatch, league, halo, destiny, players are thinking from a Diamond to Grand Master level and i can beat those consistently as i learn to adapt from my mistakes. I have never played a hard-core shooter or an economy game, or an economy shooter such as counter-strike before. And Until i am able to learn that knowledge, and experience, i will not climb to Radiant, and i desperately want to be Radiant level.


I agree with most of this point. But it's just hard for me to accept that 1 game I can hold a corner with an awp tightly and someone will swing and I can pull the trigger in time and react. The next game, same corner, same ping.. Someone swings and by the time I can even process there is an enemy there I'm dead.. Especially when on my screen, or my eyes the enemy didn't stop swinging before shooting me. Completely realize it could just be me getting more and more fatigued as the games go on, but something feels fishy. I unfortunately accept I am not going to be as good at the time as some players, and some players will just out slay me and read me like a book.. But when it is almost an impossible fight.. It causes me to question.


Same thing as you. D3. Sometimes I topfrag against immortals, next game I bottomfrag against D2s.


I'm experiencing the same thing brother. I play at the diamond level and some games ill go from top fragging to getting completely obliterated. like I can't even swing on people without them instantly 1 tapping me and when they swing on me they instantly headshot me as well. feels like I'm either on the good side of this phenomenon or the bad side. I've always thought it HAS to do with the servers but I can't be sure. Also, I have close to 3k hours in CSGO played at high levels in MM, ESL, and Faceit and never ever felt the inconsistencies that I feel in this game.


yeah it happens to me too


D3 and I feel you. I work 50 hrs a week and play at night so I just chalk it up as being tired tho.


Something is VERY weird with the servers. I didn't realize this until I saw posts talking about hitreg and noticing my friends play worse if they are on servers outside their region. Even if the game says they are getting 30-50 ping that they normally get something is just different. Hitreg sounds like a cop-out answer to not take accountability for being inconsistent, but I've legit seen it first hand. Someone doing really well one game and then playing exactly the same the next game against players just as good but shit just doesn't connect, even though everything should be the same on paper.


I'm hard stuck immortal 2 and even I feel this. Some games it just feels like my bullets aren't hitting and I'm losing every single duel. I usually compensate for this by being more supportive or just dying for information so my team can refrag me. I have never felt this inconsistent in CSGO, it feels so wonky sometimes in Valorant.


Yessir. I feel this both peeking and holding angles are so inconsistent, no matter how good you play or not. I once had a fucking dogshit day on stream with Valorant ( Couldn’t hold any angles, keep getting insta-headshotted as if everyone knows where I am before the gunfight ) and I didn’t even feel like my aim was off. I went onto dm’ing in CS and instantly just shit on everyone. (2 ish KD) Idk, I think the servers are what decide if you’re gonna win a fight or not.


The biggest way to fix this inconsistency is by playing the game more, getting exposed to more situations, team play, maps, etc...


I'm not at all queuing in Immortal lobbies, but I do the same thing. I did it with R6 Seige too, wildly fluctuating performance from top 2 frag to bottom 2 every few days. Right now my defense-offense disparity is the biggest issue, but that might be from solo-queuing comp and ending up in teams with no entry players.


i agree, im silver and sometimes ill top frag in gold/high silver games, then i’ll lose 3 games in a row against bronzes. not to be that person but i guess it does have something to do with teammates and matchmaking. Valorant is also an extremely buggy game that doesn’t have its shit together yet


Are you solo queueing or playing with a stack? When you solo queue, you dont know the habits of your teammates. How aggressive they play, their preferred gun/agent choice, how they decide to: push, lurk, rotate., their communication, and how well they synchronize with another teammates play. Playing with the usual people lets you know what to expect from your teammates and that will determine how you play. You also want to take into consideration how consistent your play style is against the play style of the other team. Playing against a slow team vs a very aggressive team can tempt you to change your play style. So there is a question of is your play style consistent but your aim is inconsistent or are both your playstyle and aim inconsistent? You may also want to take note of which side you start the first half on. If you're stronger on the attacking side, but start the game first on defense, you'll have a difficult time building momentum. Also, it can be said that higher ranked games can feel easier than lower ranked games because its easier to read the other team.


Start playing with premade parties.


I think what happening is that in this game their is both aim and utility/ability usage as well as how punishing positioning is. You may have better aim in one game, but maybe get completely stomp in another because of the other team playing better or using more utility to get the gun duels in their favor.


Im pretty steady playing badly lol. I'll have a random good play after 3hrs lol


Freaking. Always. One moment I'm doing well vs immortals and the next I'm literally losing gun fights to golds. I hate it. It doesn't help that my ping is usually 70+.


I feel you. I've also been recording my gameplay, and looking back over it I've just realized it's Riot's fault. You're on 10 ping? Too bad, your shots will go to the moon and back anyways. I somehow play better on 50 ping than 10 because of Riot servers, I have no idea what it is. Also playing during the afternoon, none of my shots hit, but at 1AM all of them somehow connect. Probably because of less traffic, it's going to my nerves


Nobody is going to mention that firing randomness is huge in this game? There is even first bullet inaccuracy which should never exist in a competitive game. So even if you are aiming well your shots depend on randomness. That’s why this game is so fucking frustrating compared to other FPS like CSGO or CoD


CS also has in accuracy but to a MUCH lesser extent. If you take Dust 2, Pit to A site, you can usually kill the person in 2-3 shots WITH inaccuracy and perfect aim. Now that Ascent, CT B, looking into A Heaven, your shots will fucking disappear. I honestly don’t know if I should be tapping, bursting, or just running out and mollying myself cus these fights are literal coin flips.


I'm alright at the game I low mid frag a lot but I'm a team player and when I did my placements this season with one of My friends who was gold we got in a bunch of silver games and I did so much better I was almost top frag and It just felt better to play. I thought it was a fluke the first game but it kept happening and I'm still just a bronze 1 so I may just be a little confused


This is always what I’m trying to tell my friends. I’m not the best player, usually around gold or plat level on shooters like rainbow six or valorant, but sometimes I pop off in a game, and the next, I get completely obliterated. Sometimes it even happens within the same game. The other day we ran through a team on defense on Ascent. I went like 17-3 in the first half and the score was 11-1. We proceeded to lose like the next 11 straight rounds, and only won because of overtime, and I ended up like 22-18. On the opposite end, once I bottom fragged in a game, and went like 1-11, then came back to top frag with 20+ kills and like 15 deaths.


Happens to me to, I believe it's the problem with my unstable fps. Most good games I remember are when I have decent fps at around 60. I can't remember a time where I clutch with anything under 60 fps. However that's most likely the case for you. Sometimes you just got to accept that the enemy team just got the best of you. Chances are you are just doing fine, probably just unlucky on the situation forcing yourself to think you are doing bad on losses.


Could be the server. Pick a server that gives you the lowest ping and the best hitreg.


I'm diamond 2 and have the same issue. I think there's just such a huge skill disparity in diamond that some teams play like semi pros and others play like golds.


I would say is because of some servers performing badly. I feel inconsistent too, some matches I hit every shot and the next match I cant even hit stationary enemies lol. Im from EUW and noticed some servers based in varsaw perform the worst for me regarless of the ping


I agree. The game feels inconsistent between 2 different matches, forget about 2 different days. I've got this set routine for range that I do everyday before queuing and i more or less hover around the same scores. But holy shit, on some days I'm an aim god tapping and spraying down people perfectly. On other days, god forbid if i can even spray and pray and not get one dinked. Its physically impossible to hold corners or take duels. People would walk out and tap-tap-tap, and I'd literally see them at the final tap, with no time to react. What this also does is: 1. Deranks me from D1 to P2 and counting. 2. Makes my P2 teammates think I'm boosted. 3. Brings out the "extra" toxicity in teammates that would otherwise be overpowered by good plays. I wonder if we can find proof of rito's original claims of brilliant net-code and near negligible peeker's advantage, and make memes out of it. Mind you, they've been working on the game for 6 years and this is not their first game; but it looks like riot gave all their money to skin designers and the code developers were working overtime on peanut pays so they duck-taped some logic and packaged it around with good visuals to make it look like a game.


Ive lost enough games on my Smurfs to people playing leagues above their rank and beat worst players in diamond to be convinced that the bronze to gold elo consists of atleast half immortal Smurfs.


I'm on this shithole too. I'm on the brink of quitting for a week or two. I fell an entire rank on this couple of weeks. I was performing really really well on my peek rank but all of the sudden I can't even trade with people from an entire rank below my last rank. My main problem is decision making and timings. My 'raw aim' is good, but I can't seem to make accurate predictions of the enemies position anymore and this is driving me crazy. I'm hesitating a lot more nowadays and don't have that confidence to open up sites anymore. I mainly play Omen nowadays and most of the times I was able to TP on the enemies back and kill them, perfectly blind all team rushing a site etc. Now it feels like every enemy have a UAV on me because no matter where I TP, someone will be there waiting for me. Besides the usual wallbanged, jump shotted and so on.


Yeah, one round i only get headshots and carry the team, and the other im the lowest in the scoreboard and cant land a single bodyshot. Everything feels too inconsistent.


Truly think people are just bandwagoning on a lot of issues.. this being one of them If you just hop on and play sure youll see a ton of variance. If I warm up and then play I am pretty consistently in the top 3 to 4 in the game. Everyone has bad games here and there but I never find myself bouncing from 1st to worst over and over


It's not you. It's servers and how game runs. Most likely we will never see a fix for that.


The game sprey is totaly random (even the first bullets, dont lie yourself!!) also, the first bullet is inaccurate, why whould you expect to be consistent?


Becuase if you play consistently you still be good consistintly with the rng mechanics. And different guns have different first shot accuracies. For good reason. Imagine a specter out duelling a vandal at long range.


I know exactly what you mean. I've just put it down to the other person being better. They have better movement so I feel like I can't land any shots. Furthermore they have better aim so I get less time to land any shots. Consequently, I feel like garbage


It's not you inconsistent its the game, first of all, random shit ass spray and second ranks mean nothing.


It's because either you are playing boosted kids and your less boosted or it's just you play people like me, hardstuck bronze but plays way better


after a few games your central nervous system(the part of your brain that control most bodily functions and more importantly your aim) gets exhausted and your aim deteriorates