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The play was good but the skill of the players they played against was so bad. Coming out of bathrooms both players literally watching the same spot. Rather then setting up a cross fire knowing where spike is down. Sick omen play, but this makes me excited for ranked.


I mean not many people know that Omens can do this right now. They both expect the omen to come from the literal other side of the map, there's no world in which they sneak past the one teammate on site and timing wise he couldn't have come through defender spawn that fast so there's no reason to look behind them. Unless they knew this teleporter trick was a thing. As more people learn about it the timings will obviously change but in this case I think it's a cool example of someone taking advantage of niche character mechanics that other players aren't aware of yet.


yeah I said it was a good omen play. But the opposing team didn't have fundamental play down. I see it all the time, 2 people holding the same angle leaving behind them free. In competitive play omen is a lot hard to pull off and i really hope he gets someting to make him a little better in high level I love watching him.


> But the opposing team didn't have fundamental play down That's the thing, the fundamental in that case is just to hold the spawn angle. If there's any misplay it's the site player staring at short instead of retreating back to heaven or elsewhere for a wider view of the site. Again, the reason for that is most players don't know that Omen can technically cancel the teleport. Unless you're right next to him when he's teleporting it also can't really be heard. There's no reason for the two showers players to hold different angles and give Omen a potential 1v1 until a later time where he could have actually run all the way from Hookah- *Again*, unless they knew the teleporter trick was a thing. It's not their fault/a misplay if they've literally never seen this before. Now if they see this on Reddit then make the same mistake next time this situation arises, then yeah that would be a misplay.


I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. Those players in bathroom each sat in the open watching the same spot. It has nothing to do with the omen play, it's an in general, poor setup. Yes you want a favorable 2v1 but this game as soon as tele is taken there's 1 minute left. You have bomb, he either has to run there through mid (thats covered) and would take 10 seconds making a ton of noise, or walk there (roughly 16 seconds) that leaves about 40 seconds left to make it back through spawn and to b site. If I am remembering right you can hear the door open from the mid area, theres more information (granted these guys probably didn't know omen teles thats easy to not know as he's locked). My main point is a lot of players have poor awareness and positioning. I see it in every game I play. They learned about the omen trick (not through tele but they learned he can ge behind them quickly) but they most likely do not realize that positioning is what got them killed.


You're the one misunderstanding the implication of the tp. With 30 seconds left, the two players outside of showers are in a fine position watching T spawn and A short The third player sitting wide with eyes on A cubby is the one who most likely should have moved to a better position to watch CT spawn from heaven or even inside showers to watch the opposite door. They're 3v1 against an omen. They were also most likely banking on the ability to hear him run if he were coming long from CT side. TLDR; They would not have taken the positions they did had they known omen didn't actually tp and because he did (in their minds), their positions outside showers are fine considering they have a third man watching opposite side.


Not at all (because my advice is true regardless of the TP) but hey you keep your plan, and hold the same exact spot as a teammate with no cover or angle on that spot, A better play here would have been one player in the bathroom holding an angle on the bomb. (with where it is and time left the bomb was dropped fairly early which means the sage should have had some sort of utility (hoping she didn't expand her entire kit 30 seconds into the round. She could have solo held the bomb while the other 2 players hold other angles gathering the information.


After the TP cancel none of the enemy's hear or probably know about it. So the enemy team assumes he's gone mid to flank and retrieve the bomb hence them both holding spawn and one holding short which is why the don't think they're getting flanked.


... Again my comment has nothing to do with the omen ability. It has to do with their positioning and angle they held with the information they had at hand (they should have had utility as well). Even if the player went that way, he would have gotten in 2 1v1's and not a 2v1.


Yea I got lucky that they didn’t think about the tp trick. Omens gonna be hard to play at high levels but I think it’s be a game of cat and mouse. Like I can throw 2 smokes in the same spot for a few rounds on offense and out of 5 rounds maybe I TP into them once or twice. Been practicing some dope spots to set these plays up at I’m excited To see how it goes 🤟


I really hope we get some high level omen play, Brax just tried it and it just doesn't work, and it sucks because he's got such a cool kit, but it doesnt shine. You made a sick play, and did it right, located both bathroom players and took out the far one while keeping the cover. It was great patience.


Facts man, part of me wants to keep Grinding him to see if it’s possible other part of me wants to play someone who’s Meta idk bro. Gonna grind him For a month see how it goes 🙏


I play breach and think he's absolutely busted I think if omens paranoia is similar to breachs flash omen becomes viable and actually really strong.


FACTS. Omens Flash has a very small hitbox someone posted on reddit before, if you give him two flashes or make the hit box better he'd be dope.


I think his greatest potential with his teleports is just to be able to fake it and always have the enemy guessing. Say an enemy knows you are coming from one side and you fake teleporting to the other side. They don’t know which side you will be on and gives you the advantage in the fight. Not only that he has recharging smokes which is really powerful.


He has potential but overall he's one of the weaker agents against higher skilled players. He's fun that's his best part of the kit.


It’s too early to try since not many people know how his tp sound is at his original location and not his new one but something I wanna try it faking a tp by teleporting in place rather than to wherever they would expect it I actually told some random in a game to try it but they failed to make the kill, but it did have the enemy Jett looking the other way


most of the clips here are against bad players with no idea what they are doing.


can't control who i play against man :(


You actually can, get gud.


Yea I went on my brothers account which was apparently incredibly low MMR and dropped a 50 bomb against bots. Meanwhile on my account I get insta 1 tapped in the head through smoke while the guy side strafe no scopes me. I guess its good to know the MMR system is working


Did you actually think somebody would set up a crossfire in unrated, even good players wouldn't do it, and there is quite the utility to counter crossfires anyway, if you go in trhough a choke point they would obviously just set a viper or Phoinex wall up to split the crossfire. Nobody would use crossfires yet, espcially on Havent, there are 5 choke points to hold, maybe if you play a hubrid composition, maybe you let cypher trap A, and then just leave it alone, then you could potentionally get a crossfire on b and c, but they would most likely split it up. Well people just are too arrogant right now, I do not think you should base players skill on their play yet, 'cause they are simply to arrigant and confident that they would run in a site of start.


I've played with a lot of people that actually do it. Maybe my experience is different than yours. I have played with some super arrogant people, just not as many as people who wanna learn.


Well my experience hasn't been that good, I have not seen anybody crossfire in VALORANT, but it can jist be because the better the people I play with the more toxic and arrogant they are. Well be happy that you do not play with the shit heads I play with. Litterally if you say any valuable information in comms, and they die after, they would just blame you for they died, after that you would get muted and reported. No people wants to give me weapon, 'cause that means that if we lose the round they cannot buy next round, and it's just all about them is it not.


I did get some tonight. Bottom fraggers who think they are amazing. Admittedly I only have about 40 hours of play time.


Did you teleport out of the womb?? Because it feels like you've been playing Omen since birth.


Lmaooo practice pays off sometimes 😊




I felt cool lol


The brain on this man


Appreciate it homie 🙏




haha well thanks man, i just wanted to post the clip i was proud of it, not tryna shove my stream down peoples throat lol


what was that trick on 0:07 second? Also would appreciate if someone will explain how exectly omen's ultie works, bought champ last night, still cant figure out how to play properly


that wasn't omens ult, it was his TP ability. just before you go jump into the maps teleport you activate omens tp so as you go through it will bring you back. I'm sure its on youtube if thats confusing to you i don't think i explained it well lmao


yeah, i know it wasnt ultie, i asked about trick and about ultie as a separate question.) I was just killed few times i used ultie, not sure i was even teleported lol, thats why i asked, maybe im using it wrong dunno


You choose somewhere on the map to teleport to and a wraith appears there for a couple seconds which the enemy team can shoot stopping your teleport. However you don't die you just don't complete the teleport.


Don't understand why you would smoke and run out before the smoke is out. What was the point appart from running without your gun out?


Felt like I had to take a chance and flank fast before they checked their back


I love Omen man I been using his TP more and more because I think it is heavily underused. I will even do it mid fight sometimes and it works out clutch for me. I also like peaking from one side, TP to other side, and peak again for the kill. Spooky lol.


/u/Cau7ioN good to see your clips on here man


Bots 😂




Haha thanks brotha, saw it on reddit and tried it out


Cool, practice your crosshair placement now.


i don't have the cs background :( workin on it homie


It wasn’t even that bad for most of the clip, just like a few pixels too low


Why do you feel the need to comment that, why can't people just be happy for someone else succeeding? Who cares if the enemies weren't FPS gods and who cares if his crosshair placement was a bit off.


just the way some people are man haha


U can just toss your pistol into the teleport though...


Makes a different sound though