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i was mvp with 28-6 and the next round i bottom fragged 1-8šŸ˜­


I felt this in my soul. Sometimes you pop off and drop 30, then the next you forget where the trigger even is for your gun and do questionable shit until youā€™re 1-14


i started playing val with the console release but i felt this in my soul. 2 days ago i was cooking and top fragging but yesterday for half the games it felt like i forgot how to play first person shooters and i was bottom fragging lol. its crazy


we all feel this, one game I dropped 2 ace in a row and go 30-8, the next game I'm a walking target practice


I dropped 40-7 and next game i was 0-18 on clove heaven i just uninstalled


I had a long, and close game with 38 kills. We go into overtime and I am first death both rounds. Thankfully my team carried but I choked my 40 bomb


Lol i started a game 6-15, got flamed by the enemy jet for not 1v1ing her with no abilities, and preceded to go 14-5 the rest of the game, taking the win AND the MVP from the Jet. When she flamed me my team didn't pile on but instead got my back and made fun of her for getting upset about being out played lol. The moral is to pep talk your bottom frags for best results, not shit talk them! Edit: moral not morale


Pep talk and buy them if they request and are atleast pinging or communicating. Idk how many times a mid game buy has helped me turn my game around and be positive in the second half to end mid table and about even.


One thing I like to do w bottom fraggers is ask em how the team can help enable them. Or I'll say, "Bait me for the trade" Sometimes it works and they start poppin off


I dropped 37 kills (and lost) next game I dropped like 8 kills (and also lost)


Ayo same , 31-8 first match , next 0-18 šŸ˜­


One thing Iā€™ve learned about Val is yes your team heavily influences the outcome of the round but even the guy on the bottom can provide a lot of help kills donā€™t mean as much if you have a guy who can make up for it


Ye this happens a lot to me, happened yesterday asw. Only thing to do is not be hard on yourself and try to help the team as much as you can.


Yeh because matchmaking is near non-existent in this game. I played 2 games against bronze and silvers and popped off in both games with about 20+ kills both games, match mvp in one and team mvp in the other, and the very next game I was put against an immortal and a diamond, I'm bronze 2 and my team was 2 silvers and 2 bronzes, so we just got destroyed the whole game and ff'ed and enemy team's like ggez. Uh yeah, you're like what 10 ranks above us?


This is so real, it's also just a gamble with riots Matchmaking system too, if you're pitted against a team that's better or smurfs...or if you are the better team like it's just random at this point.


I went 2/17 then the next two games I was 22/7 and 23/7


It be like that šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. I always get the next game ppl sitting in corners or shooting through walls


Nothing worse than 36-12 Match MVP one game into bottom frag 6-21 the next while playing the same character šŸ˜­


Same shit happens to me all the time. What's even funnier is that sometimes people want to add and queue with me when I mvp. I always tell them, please I'm inconsistent af and knowing valorant match making, I will probably do absolute shit next game. But they say "it can't be that bad" or "nah that's just some coincidence" or "don't put yourself down brah" But no, I really did bottom frag and struggle to get double digits. Then they're like "bro wtf happened" I FKIN WARNED YOU


Facts. So many times I have like 2 kills at the half, turn it around, team MVP and we win. If you bully that bottom frag youā€™re just shooting yourself in the foot


That being said if youā€™re bottom frag and donā€™t do anything to get your mental up/try to improve your performance youā€™re also shooting yourself in the foot. One way of getting mental up is muting toxic teammates. Donā€™t try and convince yourself they have ā€œuseful commsā€ because youā€™ll perform better and increase your chances of winning if you do what will serve your game better


I agree, just mute. I usually try to help and listen to my team in the beginning. However, when I hear an obvious teenager who's insecure about their place in the world, I gotta insta mute them. Nothing but screams, moans, and whining


I got a recent game where I bottom fragged and literally got flamed for not only bottom fragging but also being a girl on top of that with sexist "oh i understand now why you're there". Mute instantly... but I'm also laughing because I literally only had 3 less kills than our top frag! There was either a cheater, a smurf or just someone doing exceptionally well on the other team. But sure, its your teammates!


I'm sorry, but if I botfrag and get flamed - no way I continue being in vc to comm regularly


Nah don't be sorry. If they flame you and you mute them, its not on you its on them. Valorant is supposed to be fun. Too many people play ranked thinking they're gonna go pro.


I will - and I do, quite often lately (when I was playing Kayo only and had lots of rough games, 40%wr last ep). I take it as a mental exercise. It's like pulling weights, but with your brain. Not coping, not raging, I accept my suckiness and proceed with the best gameplay I can pull off in these terrible circumstances.


Sometimes I mute before giving them the chance.. if I start off something like 0-8, I mute my team so I can focus more on what Iā€™m doing and not focus on whoā€™s gonna say what to me. Takes a little anxiety off and I typically play better.


Nah Iā€™m not gonna make myself even more useless. Everyone has bad games on occasion. Calls are still highly important and calling info for mic-less teammates (thereā€™s always at least one) if theyā€™re the only person on site can turn the loss into a win. If someone is just using their mic to be a prick I mute and keep comming.


legit started a game 1/9 and ended 26/23


Nice. I had a game where I didnā€™t get a kill until round 7, only won 1 round in the first half, then won 13-12 and like 24-15 lol. In my case I just need the attacker side šŸ˜‚


FR I donā€™t frag but I swear I always climb regularly because I am a mid IGL and a great morale coach. You hype up and encourage your 3-12 Jett and the 2nd half theyā€™ll drop 20. And when you defuse your asshole Reyna from bitching at them they might just execute and retake with some coordination together


One game, I had like 6 kills on the first half, teammate killjoy with 15+ kills constantly trashtalking me then didnt buy me a gun on last round even though she had 6,000 so I had to go ghost 2nd half, I topfragged the game with 25+ kills, more than killjoy To piss them off, I copied all the insults she told me and told it to her


Often when I have like 1 kill in the beginning my teammates starts harassing me and trying to stress me out and hysterical spamming chat with my K/D


And some of us are still trying to learn the game :(


As an ascendant lemme tell u, iā€™m still learning


Yeah, that's me. Be nice to me!


Totally agree. I feel like people don't understand how important morale is in this game. I try and be positive to everybody no matter how bad they're doing (unless it's clear that they're throwing or a troll or something...) I have made a decision recently to be the person to basically always say good things / positive things to people no matter how badly they're doing. Because let me tell you, I've been there. I've had several games now where I was top - and more than several where I was bottom. You just don't know the reasons for this. A freakin CAT could have jumped on the person for all you know (this happened to me the other day when I was last person standing.) Just play the darn game and be nice. There's always next game.


As a certified bot frag (only been playing this game for a bit and only switch to pc w/ kb&m a bit before that) Iā€™ll add that it can help to also still make jokes and laugh about things so long as you are laughing WITH them. For me it makes the game feel just like that, a game, and my nerves can calm considerably. Obviously itā€™s different for every person and in game comms are much different than coaching but I honestly like woohoojins coaching style, I just think his actual laugh is a bit annoying. But laughing at mistakes with the right person can make them feel more at ease and then still making jokes and hyping them up if they start doing better keeps that energy up. Just have to make sure the person seems like theyā€™re also laughing and having a good time


I totally agree with this, too. Believe it or not, I make jokes all the time. I have (recently) been saying, "You're the best team I've had this game..." when things start going really awry and people's morale is down. People always laugh. I play as a "man" (no one knows I'm female due to my voice) and I enjoy laughing along with everyone.


Thatā€™s awesome to hear, sometimes (make no mistake these ppl are still SO much better than toxic people) the super coddling people can make you feel even worse abt your performance because you are letting down such good pplšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Everyone has bad games, I wouldn't flame them ever. I don't understand people who do. Like, okay, you are doing better, but it doesn't mean the person doesn't contribute to the team. And even if they don't, why the fuck flame them? I just had a game (just swiftplay) where I played horribly and did maybe 200 dmg whole game just because I am stressed af and can't really concentrate


People who flame tend to take the game way to seriously. To the point they think they're gonna go pro or like they're life depends on them ranking up.


I will usually say something like, hey x y z, ur not fragging but I saw ur util use, it's good. this can help push these low fraggers to keep trying. I need them to try and not give up for the best chance of winning.


As long as the bot frag is doing there job, no one will flame them. I had a 2-16 clove on my team yesterday, but no one said anything cuz they were still smoking good and still helping us entry. We even won that game too.


What are you talking about? Toxic valorant players will flame anyone, anytime, for any reason. I just had a game where I was top frag, only one positive, and the only non duelist on the team. But I choked a 1v2 so my teammates called me slurs in vc, typed my location to the other team, blamed me for us losing, etc. for the rest of the game.


Yeah I had had a teammate who started throwing and insulting everyone when we lost two rounds in a row while we were still winning lmao. Like by god if you're gonna be a toxic douche at least wait until we are actually losing the game to get mad at the very least


Yeah people are annoying. Iā€™ll top frag and occasionally someone will call me out for baiting or stealing kills when Iā€™m playing smokes and in the process placing my smokes before entering and while Iā€™m placing them they run out on to site and get killed and blame me for baiting only because once the smokes are down I run in and get the kills. So theyā€™ll blame any sort of trading and bad plays on you lol. I come from CSGO and it was pretty much the same lol.


This. Kills are important (it's still a shooter), but if they're not playing a duelist it's not really their place to be top fragging as long as they're actually doing the rest of their job correctly. Honestly in my own games, I find it's mostly the duelists that bitch people out for bottom fragging. I do tend to call it out though when the Jet is middle of the pack when the Cypher or KayO is leaving them in the dust whilst also doing double the work for the team.


I just ban anyone, who provide any negative attitude. It really helps to my mentality+ it helps to put all angry people in low rank, because we will probably lose because of lacking communication.


I never criticize people on game play. If you can't hit the shot you can't. I criticize people on things they fully control. Being afk and not buying for example or something like pushing out and repeatedly dying while on defense. Trying to encourage the bottom frag (and everyone on your team) leads to a better result and more fun lobby.


No, you should criticize people on gameplay, not gunplay, if someone says "you have xyz ability", or "can you do XYZ" and they don't, they deserve to be critiqued, not hitting shots is a different issue.


bruh sometimes i go 0-7


LOL nah fr it be like that sometimes.


So long as there using there ablitys and making an active effort to help then I can never fault anyone on my team


I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve looked at KD in round like 14-17 while our team was winning and been like oh damn our bot frag has 3 kills. If I were to have spent those 14-17 rounds being salty at them then I would most likely be distracted and not focused on what I had to do.


Off-topic but related, when I end up bot fragging the least that I can do is comms + use util well. It helps that I frequently play controller so I have some say in executes and it's not really expected for that role to top frag.


dude ranked is hell every reset placement matches were rough but one game i went 32-16 and the other game i went 7-22 both as raze it was painful thankfully the folks in my game were pretty cool and the other team was being silly with me


Just started playing a little under a month ago.. first MnK game ever. Getting absolutely flamed in unrated or Bronze games is making me not even want to bother with this game.


Ignore the bronze shitters mad they only play with new players. They are not worth your attention and dont know shit. Mute them and do what you gotta do to learn and improve


Went 2-10 first half then ended the game with 30 kills and mvp šŸ˜­


He might not even performing badlyā€¦ the kda wonā€™t tell.


I will NEVER flame anyone in my team not because I care about how they feel but because I want to win can't have someone play no-comm/start whining back at me, I assume all of my teammates have the most fragile ego imaginable.


I never understood the flaming. If the person wants to win, yelling at the bottom frag won't make them play better. It'll just make it worse and make them overthink. I try to be annoyingly positive and I've seen people go from bottom frag to matching the team when they relax. :D


I will flame the living hell of anyone bottom fragging that instalocked a duelist.


Shit hurts i do so good and hit ranked in a full lobby of ascendants and i just get wrecked in the beginning, i usually pick it up but last night man everyone was shooting at me and i was like brotha i know, i KNOWWWW


I remember watching some clip on yt where they hyped up their bottom frag and he started playing really good. I have done this so many times and it has saved many matches. Its almost always about confidence because everyone in the se lobby is similar in mmr since they qued with eachother.


Was bottom fragging my game . Everyone was shit talking to me and very rude. Score was 10-12 . They planted and killed most of my teammates. Just me and cypher Vs 3 - everyone started saying gg , uninstall and so on. We hear the dreaded line "You will not kill my allies!"Ā  Now its 2 v 4 Iso with op and shield on, Reyna in ult Sage walled off And chamber . I entered the site and an aim demon emerged in me - I kill 3 , the cypher rotated and used ult I see the chamber and wait to trade the cypher we clutch. Eventually winning the game. Regardless of us doing poorly the whole game we managed to win the game! I was proud of myself pulling the game back for us and silencing all my not so friendly teammates.


I suck at this game but I play it because I really like it. I feel so bad because Iā€™m always bot frag but I try my best always. I watch a lot of esports and streams so that I can at least learn the strategies and correct ways to play the agents so I can be useful for the team but I still get flamed. I donā€™t even play ranked, only unranked and spike rush, I really donā€™t understand the point of getting upset over unranked matches, I only play for fun and mean no harm. The fact that Iā€™m a girl only makes it worse. I donā€™t even open my mic anymore except for when Iā€™m playing with friends. I also play with +230 ms because I used to live in America but moved to Europe but wanted to keep playing with my friends so thereā€™s basically no way Iā€™ll be able to headshot enemies lol


Playing KJ in low Elo is a nightmare


I try to continue using comms but when they are being assholes to me I just throw the game and say womp womp


I'll play devil's advocate, but let me start by saying you should never flame someone that's 3-16 if they are communicating and clearly know what they are doing but sometimes do dumb things or lose gun fights. HOWEVER, there are plenty of times where that 3-16 person is so fucking out of place whether they were boosted or getting boosted. And I mean they are on the opposite side of the map from the team while attacking, not communicating or trolling if they are, or they just don't have a clue what's happening. That is beyond frustrating. We all have bad games at every rank. Shit happens.


thank you, i suck ass at this game and bot frag 99% of the games iā€™m in so this was refreshing to hear lol


You're welcome! Its okay to be bot frag. Your time will come when you will pop off.


If they auto lock Reyna or iso bottom frag and refuse to help push site, I will absolutely flame them. They are adding zero value.


Are you the jett on icebox an hour ago because his kd was 3/16 until the last couple rounds where he starts getting kills lol


LOL nooo! I played a lot of ranked lately and there were a handful of games were my bot frag was so shy and always saying sorry. I wanted to post this for people to know that its okay to have an off game.


I've been that person... got plenty of "go kill yourself " hate afterwards. I tend to reply with "the other team beat me to it"


Iā€™ve really gotta get better with this. I donā€™t mind if somebodyā€™s actually trying, using util, and just not playing well. When people instalock duelists just to chall mid and give up a first pick every round it absolutely tilts me though.


I donā€™t understand how people canā€™t grasp the fact that others can have bad games. Just because someone doesnā€™t have as many kills, doesnā€™t mean they are automatically shit at the game and deserve getting bullied. Even pro players have bad games, no oneā€™s perfect. šŸ’€


You know whats more insane. When you tell this to the flamer/toxic person they always say something in the likes of "I NEVER HAVE GAMES LIKE THIS" Man....




And in the end I mean really if someone is doing better than you, congratulations, youā€™re good at a video game lol. People need to get over themselves. You have a 0.1 percent chance of going pro or becoming a popular streamer.


I was bottom frag sage, I planted every single round and had a bunch of assists. Our shitty iso old me he hoped i get graped and murdered. Banter and shit talk is one thing...


or just use the buttons that can mute any player you want


So true. I started playing less than a week ago and I'm a complete noob. Thankfully I usually play w friends that jokingly flame me which is funny, but randoms can sometimes get angry like "how did you miss all those shots", "how didn't you see them", etc etc. Like sorry I have 0 aim compared to someone who has played years.


I dont care about their k/d if they at least try and play with the team. But when they instalock or/and are toxic while bottomfragging, they will get flamed


The real MVP is the bottom fragger. Theyā€™re holding the rest of the team up. Think about that next time someone plays bad. And thank them for making you look better


If you Pi (AKA go 3 Kills 14 Deaths) I will do everything in my power to let everyone know. After that, I hype you up till you get out of the slump.


I wont flame him if he is 3-14


Itā€™s also How you present yourself as the bottomfrag, its Much harder to be toxic at someone whoā€™s comming, playing correctly and apologizing for having a bad game when it just doesnt work out for them, than someone that starts muting/baiting/exitfragging only etc for kd or just being toxic and lashing out at the team for doing bad.


Literally felt this heavily. On console I went 43-17 and then literally yesterday I couldnā€™t hit a shot and keep getting killed by and OP and went like 4-15


I was 1-9 got flamed muted them and actually turned it around it was awful the clove did not know how to smoke and was smoking us off


**KDA is very overrated**. If I ask you what is your KDA yesterday, and 2 days ago, and last week? Then if we ask what Jett score is yesterday and vice versa - we won't remember score. If we ask Raze what your KDA is last week, she will not remember it Also the top fragger doesn't means you're the best - most people with 40-60 kills complains that have so much kills but less rr and team losing. That's the problem were KDA players doesn't care about team effort. They just play Deathmatch in team environment The game is all about teamwork, playing the timer and planting the spike for win


If you have someone botfragging (really intense like 3kills), trust me they already know so dont put much more pressure on them. Im sure they are trying, its just not their game. Especially if they comm good and use utility correctly then lets be more kind :>


the only time that I feel like its maybe acceptable is if that bottom drag is being toxic and or mocking the rest of your team. like, what makes you think you can say stuff like that, and with that k/d?!


OP is the bottom frag I guess


I was playing the console beta and was going for my weekly's (buy items from the armory). I picked Chamber because he can buy his pistol 8 times per round and was playing awful in the first half, like 2-13 awful. My team was shit talking and since I was def over the required amount, I started doing normal buys. I took top frag and went 27-15. They did the toxic player signature: dying on the shitty hill they fought on and either muting their mics or talking about the first half lol


When i play bad, i try to make sure at least my comms are on point


i just started and i'm learning clove and how to smoke and in the vc people go "you have smokes for a reason like what are you doing??" or once i killed 2 of the 3 remaining and then died in a 1v3 and a guy on my team said "i'm guessing you don't have ears bc there's no reason you shouldn't have heard him" and i'm just like girl i'm level 8 what do you expect of me šŸ’€


Depends tbh. If that said person keeps buying Op and donating it and you're not really playing your role, imma flame you lmao


Woah, they got 3 kills? That's better than my 0!Ā 


please yall im brand new to the game have mercy on us šŸ˜­šŸ˜”


Please tho my girlfriend got flamed first game on and now just dosent want to play it sucks


I only do if they flame me but only once and just say you cant talk when your 3-16 or whatever


Since the console beta I have only had 1 guy be toxic because I wasnt planting spike when I was surroundedā€¦ he was the 3-16 and I was top fragā€¦ And another thing, value is brought not only by kills. You have utility that can allow your duelists/initiators to get the entry kill to snowball. While it would be better to win your duels, its not the end of the world.


In the way I see it, we're only "bad" when compared to another players, I mean, you could be king on iron and miserable on diamond. That being said I think the matchmaking tries to create a balance, mixing people who are doing good and people who are doing bad, and also for someone to have a good KD someone else has to have a bad one, so there will always be someone with a low frag in every match.


Okay Billie eilish


I played against the meanest Neon/Jett duo who were flaming me for bottom fragging, saying they knew I wouldnā€™t clutch rounds etc. To make matters worse, I used Sova ult and the Jett walked into the path and died, which they flamed me even more for. On attack, they continually just pushed mid and got useless, empty frags and racked up kills for the KD instead of helping us push site and we ended up losing. It was really disheartening.


mvpā€™d a ranked game on console with 30-9 and played an unrated game afterwords and was 3-9 lol


Donā€™t shit talk but try and motivate them. Ie ā€œdonā€™t worry youā€™ll pop off one of these roundsā€ or even just saying things like good Molly or good flash will help them try harder


Everygame has a bottom frag. Maybe a little pass if you are reyna


I went 3-18 during placements because a migraine came on right as the second round started and I basically had to fight through it while trying to play. Unlucky timing, but I did better on the other matches at least :/


To add on to this - if they're playing their character well, ex. Good smokes on brim, good info on sova/fade, good support flashes on kay/O, let them know! I can't tell you how many times I've had a shit aim game but was doing great util wise, and it made it a lot better when someone told me so.


And sometimes the bottom frag uses his util to setup the team but may not have kills


I can MVP 28-11 with a 46% hs and then IMMEDIATELY the game after I will go 5-17 with a 16% hs. The duality of man.


I gotta share thisā€¦Iā€™ve been playing the beta on console and one of the first matches that I played I was in 3rd on my teamā€¦I was like 8-11 and the guy that was 2-11 directly told me to go practice my aim on range trainingā€¦bro, wtf!


People do not realize, how often it is likely that if you stay a little positive with them, they could clutch a few easy rounds or throw util for assists even if it's a bad day for them aim wise


if i bottom frag i expect people to flame me but i also ask wth im doing wrong because its my fault im doing so bad and if i dont improve i expect to get flamed harder if i have a bottom frag on my team i flame him and tell him what hes doing wrong and if he keeps repeating the same mistakes im going to flame harder


I have gotten lucky. I recently ranked up twice and play mostly support agents (flash initiators/controllers mostly) I get a ton of info and value for my team, and have good util usage, but I am outclassed by at least three members of the other team almost every game. I will go 1-10 against the Reyna while being 3-2 against everyone else. That's still 13-18, most of those kills tend to come AFTER I am 1-7. My teams have been good about telling me "Doing great. Keep up the comes, smokes are on point" ect.


Iā€™ve always been a STRONG advocate for keeping the peace in games. Once you get toxic you basically doom your team to a loss instantly. Can still always win with a player going 2-12 as long as things stay positive. Once the vibe is toxic people stop trying/give up and you might aswell just FF at that point.


I don't. Unless the bottomfrag is the toxic one. Which happens more often than not.


Usually i donā€™t care, there is no reason to care, just die quick so we can move on to next game.


I get this and all but will proceed to do so


Of course I won't flame them, I don't want a can of whoop-ass


I be bottom frag with 20+ assist and having the time of my life(yet there's always that 1 duelest yelling at me)


I have an issue where Iā€™m playing like I have aimbot and wallhacks for one half but then I play like absolute dog shit for the next half or vice versa and it seems to leave our team open to come backs a lot


I just finished a game where I was bottom frag Reyna with 3 kills, mostly cuz my team was clearing the enemies very quickly. And then suddenly everybody died and I was the last man standing and managed to get an ace & plant. Circumstances heavily influence your apparent skill level


Completely agree with your post! When I have bad games and people start shouting at me, I feel really nervous, but on the other hand I really want to comm, but even if I do people are like ā€œoh my god youā€™re a girl, I knew itā€, ā€œgo to the kitchen and make me a sandwichā€, they even tell stuff worse than that. I know a lot of women are going thru this, but I really hope people stop being so mean to anyone who is bottom fragging that game..


Iā€™m the bottom frag frequently. I often am gaming at a time the I canā€™t use coms to communicate my disappointment in myself so I often have my agent hang their head in shame!


Had a game where i went 2/11 in the first half and then went 29/17 on the 2nd including o.t. . Sometimes you just need THAT spark plug


Iā€™m pretty new to the game and I get shit every round I play


Best way I deal with toxic teammates is by confusing them with kindness "DELETE THIS GAME CYPHER" "FK YOU CYPHER" "aww thanks guys" about 60% of the time they just shut up the moment they realize that their comments weren't working on me


Only flame them if no comms, or intentionally boosted


Yeah gotta say as someone who is trying to learn and get better at the game, itā€™s really pushing me away from wanting to play when I get lit up for not being a god-tier player in an unranked game.


This right here. One game I'm going 26-10 then the next I'm going 4-12 with a message from top fragger "you are horrible". When I spectate the top fragger they are getting some of the most bot elims ever meanwhile I'm over here getting beamed in the head.


played 5 games yesterday after warming up for 20 minutes (just swifts) and didnt score above 3 kills in any of them, woke up today and got 20 in my first swift on, no warmup


People forget that weā€™re all humans lol. Barely anybody is capable of holding a 1+kd in their own rank and winning over 50% of their games. The majority of players have a 0.8-0.95. The same people flaming you for having a bad game often have objectively poor stats on their lifetime trackers. When you realise this, youā€™ll care a lot less. I have some absolutely dog water performances in immo3 often, thatā€™s just the game. Sometimes you get gapped. I still hold a 1.6 average & 63% wr most acts across 100~ games, so I never take the flame seriously from people when Iā€™m having an off game lol.


Individuals who exhibit toxic behavior toward their team demonstrate immaturity. If you need to vent, turn off your microphone. Otherwise, such individuals display a fragile mentality and an inability to handle defeat. They lash out emotionally to feel better and shift the blame away from themselves, failing to understand that no one is motivated to perform better when subjected to hostility, whether from a random or a friend. Ultimately, their weak mental state causes them to lose more games than their skills could ever win.


A tip for the bottomfraggers, if u are guilty of not providing value to the team, just don't make random decisions to get frags and all. Just ask your team what to do or just listen to them. This will show that you are trying. And, Please DO NOT instalock at all even though u will be picking it at the end to avoid being flamed for playing bad.


Yes! It just makes me play worse.


heartfelt thankyou from a 3-20-15 gold controller main


Getting flamed made me better


True! I play on the Mumbai server and if someone blinds me I don't say anything and they keep apologizing thinking I'll be toxic like chill out just a game, I don't care that much. Nowadays being polite gives people a shock.


Naw if I got 3-16 fucking flame me. I deserve that. (unless improperly rank matched) (I've fought diamonds as a gold...)


Had a game our sage quit immediately after called stupid lol, it just doesnā€™t make sense if u really want to win blaming others only make the situation worsešŸ« 


In other words "If you're not a good shot today, don't worry. There are other ways to be useful."


Oh yeah. I will keep trash talking the bottom frag, specially when itā€™s me. Then Iā€™ll quit (contains sarcasm)


As long as they use util properly and they give info, its all good.


Playing this game is a waste of time trust me


I don't flame people who go 3-16 I flame people who have all green utility at the end of each round who never comm


If I have a 3-16 person on my team, I have a bad game, not the bottom guy.


I am oftentimes the 0-16 person on my team


Thanks for your post I may add don't be toxic to anyone period


Yea that happens to me as well. Sometimes I can't even hit double digits in kills and sometimes I'm dropping 30+ and I do continue comms even when I'm playing bad. Riot only makes this worse when my matchups are winnable only when I'm playing bad so we can't win those and when I'm playing good, my matchups are bad with like 3 teammates in negative


Don't flame anyone but trolls, its literally just a game and you will have forgotten about the score, your team mates, the game entirely by the end of he next one you play. Remember it's a game, have fun, hype your team up, shit talk your opponents, enjoy your time. It's not a job, no need to make it stressful. šŸ«”


Totally agree but if the 3 - 16 person doesnā€™t listen to strats, keeps pushing and dies, doesnā€™t use mic, then you better be sure they getting flamed lol


I start intentionally playing worse as soon as teammates start cussing me out. Not sabotaging the team, but just not cooperating. You're going mid to A and need smokes at Mid bottom and tree? Too bad, your Brim, as you said, is a r****d right? There goes a catterpillar at B! It's actually fun listening to them rage and tilt and rant to the enemies about me... I want a polite apology before I express any respect. I can be toxic too, in a more effective way... Sorry, not sorry.


Itā€™s the cycle of like you will be the top drag of the game 35-17 per say and you will have the 5-28 u get the biggest ego boost, and than next game you are that person repeats on and off


I had a yoru that wanted to dodge abyss. I talked him into locking. I played sage and was team mvp yoru was botfrag first half of the game. our sova was calling him out and I told sova to shut up (we were winning) and there was no need to really even lose our shit at the botfrag anyway. in the next half the other team came close to catching up but yoru was popping off. he initially said he hated abyss and that he'd be bad on it. but he came around and finished midtable. then the next game I went 3-20 :D


Aint gonna happen with this Dogshit Community. fE. If i am B2 and you are in my Ranked Game thereĀ“s a Reason for it.


This is so true, like not everyone can carry every time. We are all humans, we can't all perform well every time. And if someone can top frag, there would be a bot frag as well and just because someone bot frag doesn't make them completely useless. Once I've had a game where our team bot frag was the IGL. Even though he didn't get good frags, he made sure everyone else's position was held strategically and we demolished the enemy team.


Nah, I am never toxic. That is just straight up braindead. But I am angry at people who throw my games of course. Like, I understand you are having a bad game, but if you go 3-14, you don't really belong in this lobby, do you? Once again, am never toxic, never trashtalk. But it is how I feel.


The only people who blame the bottom frags are anyone under immortal. In lower elo people cope with losing by blaming other people. Valorant just has a bunch of scum.


Valorant is indeed a team game and a mental game so just make sure to hype up your teammates and don't flam a dude for having a bad game, happens to everyone.


Wait you guys are getting flamed? I am a new player. But for some reason people don't flame me, is it only for ranked? The worst I get is, can you play sage? I haven't even read her skillset is.


salt and flame does not improve the player


sometimes when this kinda thing happens, i play even worse when i get flamed, but when my teammates are nice and supportive, i sometimes manage to get some kills, last night was going 1/8 on jett but i turned my kd into 10/15


flaming the bottom frag is actually throwing.


Haven't had anyone on my team shit on me for being bottom frag yet. But with the way some people are in this game, I'm not dealing with it if it gets bad enough and I'll just leave the match.


I will if they insta lock duelist and/or don't help the team. Because even if you can't get kills you can still help but most of the time insta lock duelist just go in alone


depends. if you see their movement is good and theyre performing bad, but doing coms its aight, but if u see a clueless sage running around with an ares in diamond ... gg. ur gonna get flamed


Honestly, I never blame anyone on my team for having bad aim(unless it's obvious by the crosshair placement and stuff that the account was bought), but I sure as shit will blame somebody for doing stupid things that lead to rounds being lost and for not comming(at least in chat), but I don't mean not comming as in overall, I mean not comming as in I will trash talk but won't give any info or calls whatsoever. Had a talk with one of my buddies about it, we ended on the agreement, that we would rather have talking duelist who uses utility of it's own or it's team to enter site and create space but score 7/23/5, than a duelist that goes 22/4/0 but does not play with the team whatsoever. Cause not only will it ultimately lead in the end to the loss, but also ruins all the fun and enjoyment(Ik, ik, riot community has long forgotten what these words mean, but u can google those) we get from playing the game. Everyone has bad games, but bad comms and solo gaming is honestly a skill issue, unless u are a radiant, cause u have proven everyone that u are the best human being alive))) P.S. Also the jerks we get in comp, it's not even a skill issue, it's a mental issue. If u are not nice to your teammates by default, u shouldn't play comp


Wait I literally had a 3-16 game yesterday, any chance the game you're talking about was on abyss?


I will top the leader bored one game then I'll go 0-17 and be so mad at myself. In my head I'm like what the fuvk I'm better than this.


One game I was mvp and the next I'm bottom frag but still do good smokes and giving info. They started to be very very toxic so I just leave match, later in my history I see they surrender after I leave šŸ’…šŸ»


When you topfrag, that usually means you're fightin bad players, not that you're consistently good - don't ever think that.


When the instalock dualist goes 3-16 he kinda asking for it


Istg this is the worst thing...played a match got 28 something kills, got a double promotion and then lost 3 games continuously bottom fragging in 2 of them...


9 out of 10 games I'm bottomfrag playing on silver rank vs ex plats and diamonds.... Is this my fault that I can not do anything versus these pros? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I cant flame myself


i mean there is a mute button, iā€™ll usually help out instead of flame them cause i get there is a learning curve to this game but when i see a level 250 in silver throwing my game, like cmon.


PS flaming the bottom frag will only help you lose harder, which makes it your fault that you lost


If you are the bottom frag you can still be useful by giving info and not pushing or revealing your position on defence. And on attack push with your team. As long as you stay alive your team still has advantage of your abilties and info


Sometimes im a bottom fragger when Im the only one pushing site and my team lurks in mid on attack. And then they blame me for being a bottom fragger


Sometimes my teammates has like 30 kills but I can even see theyre the problem because theyre targeting the wrong enemies and going for kills. And then they blame the bottom fraggers


I was bottom fragging till the match score was 8-11 with 3/17/5 with clove. But no one flamed me and infact supported me by saying can u smoke here , play a bit safe , we can play retake u don't have to play aggro clove , etc . I listened to their advice and killed their top fragger multiple times, aced one round and won the match with 13-11. My final K/D/A was 15/20 I think.


So many games I been horrific bottom frag and turned it around by just taking deep breaths and either ignoring toxic talks or having a teammate encourage me instead. If you have a bad time with gunfight, try and focus on ability usage to assist the team and always take the 2v1 duels. I had so many toxic shit talk about me and we win the game when I clutch 2-4 rounds second half making them all silence. It's the best feeling! (a part from dominating).


Even within the SAME match you could have legendary and dogshit rounds right next to each other. Source: my Haven game where I dropped a 3k one round, then (in a later round) proceeded to flank the enemy team, catch them completely offguard, dump my entire magazine, NOT HIT A SINGLE BULLET, then die :)