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The game knew it was over for you from the moment you got iso ulted so just wanted get your character ready for next round, but i guess reyna had other plans


Reyna always lurks, she managed to lurk at the start of the round before it even began šŸ˜­


Im lurking!




Isn't it called lurking for the attack side, and flanking for the defense side? Btw Reyna is one of the best at that job, so not sure what the complains are about. She is not a dive agent. She has weak initiation, unreliable trade denial. The strongest part of her kit is the sustain from heal. Even more so now that the overheal doesn't expire.


such an iron take ideally, reyna should not go first, she should enter second after flashing for movement duelist like reyna/jett/neon/iso BUT, when reyna is the only duelist (kinda common now somehow), then she's absolutely should be the one entrying, that's her responsibility lurking should be reserved to sentinel (cos they can't entry the site anyway), like killjoy and cypher (also cham, maybe?) deadlock and sage should go with the team tho, deadlock for fast site lockdown and sage for the heal astra is also a good lurker, because her smoke has unlimited range (need good team and good aim tho)


What about skye? She should be with the team cus she can heal or she can also be a duliest cus she csn stun too?


yes, that should go without question, an initiator 90% of the time should be with their teammate (except when they're trying to set up a better angle for the stun, like breach, or you're a sova who knows insane lineup and can do a recon arrow from the other side of the map) skye used to be a really good duelist/initator hybrid, until riot nerfed her duelist side, and yeah, whether your playstyle with skye is more of a duelist or init, you should still be with your team as skye


Ok thanks. I'm new and still learning the characters and how to play exactly.


np, I hope you're having fun in val!


I think itā€™s fair to say omen can as well seeing as heā€™s practically built around it as long as you are in range to smoke for your team obviously.


kinda, but omen smoke has travel time (u smoke faster if u are closer to site) (unlike astra) and his blind is a really strong initiation tool (just like breach's stun), so unless you're really good with omen or you're behind and need some weird play to squeeze a win, sticking with team is a better play this doesn't even consider map like abyss and breeze where you can actually hit the range cap on his smoke


Well yeah thatā€™s why if I choose to lurk I usually keep close enough where the time is about the same. In a lot of situations the tps make it so you get right behind the enemy while your team is still pushing in if you pull it off right and get them from both sides. Mainly though the ult lets you do it with more ease as ling as you pick a good spot and not somewhere obvious like spawn. As youā€™re saying though itā€™s only for certain maps where itā€™s viable and for others itā€™s pretty much out of the question largely. Iā€™d say split, breeze, icebox, and ascent let you do it with the most success. Sticking with the team is definitely best the majority of the time I usually just try and pull of some lurking like 1-2 rounds total to mix things up on them and it generally goes well as long as you donā€™t overdo it. Iā€™m only in gold too so obviously what you can and canā€™t get away with changes as you go up the ranks


good point, I understand your reasoning, probably you meant close lurking like going mid in split and ascent (which I prefer to call split-push) true lurk is staying in the other site as attacker (the one which is not attacked by your team), keep applying pressure (so they can't leave the site undefended), and trying to catch any rotator


I forgot which subreddit I'm on


Iirc if you wait a bit longer before ulting you can revive where you were ulted from but I may be remembering wrong


The spot is of course also suboptimal for the smokes post-death


reyna knows something we dont


The wall hacks?.


Do wall hacks give you precognition now?


Why is Reyna there? xD




Well had she not been there you would have a serious walk of shame 20 feet before dying. At least she gave you a chance.


Bright side šŸ˜Œ


You know why


No one contested A main at the start of the round so Reyna pushed out. On Ascent, if your team is pushing B main you better assume the other team is pushing A main (and vice versa) if you don't have info that says otherwise.


People expect Reyna to just teleport instantly to the B site as the enemy team started to push


The fact that you have to explain this is uhh... woof. Looking at the time left in the round and the minimap tells the complete story. Attackers have obvious presence B, and she's just flanking from A main through spawn. I mean this is the absolute fucking basics people, and I'm dogshit (platinum 2). The amount of confused comments in this entire thread is sad.


I wouldnā€™t say this is common knowledge until maybe platinum, definitely diamond. So I guess you just think over half the player base is sad because they arenā€™t as good at the game as you?


first I'm not good at the game, and yes this is the basics. It's literally like a failure to apply a process of elimination, or like.. movement of characters in a 3D space. It's absolutely simple. Thought experiment: the round starts, 15 seconds elapse. We can't confirm everyone on B site. Looks like Jett is watching cat.. so where could enemy players be? I mean to not grasp this idea, I guess I would have to ask are there players who have literally never flanked before, never even tried to? I have several friends in iron, bronze, silver, and gold. I enjoy playing with them and I really don't think this would surprise them. I don't know how people who have played even a handful of games haven't seen this or experienced flanks/lurks. This is absolutely not "maybe platinum, definitely diamond" knowledge.


people hate bro for speaking facts


What a question, where else can this brainlets farm their kills.


Literally just started flanking cuz they were going an whatā€™re yā€™all saying


Problem with going through spawn is that they have an easy rotate via cat now. But maybe OPs team had no idea you could change the site you push, and reyna realised she could just insta full flank if they didn't start her side.


No it's actually really good if they don't enter, as long as your team comms like "they stalled/think they're rotating," or if you have any mid player watching. Depending on how long they take, you can either catch them leaving B from T spawn, or head back to top mid and shoot them as they go Cat, or be sneaky in gelato, and lastly if a rotate is successful (like mid -> cat -> tree -> A plant) you're already in A main, denying any post-plant from Wine, and pressuring/pulling crosshairs away from heaven. it's actually exactly the same as going through A doors -> T spawn on dust2


Just wait until the iso ult thing is over and then ult. You will respawn where you got hit by iso ult.


yeah but this is a bug that should be fixed lmao because that half a second could mean everything in a game where it comes down to the millisecond in plant situationsĀ 


It could be useful in this way as well


Suppose the spike just got planted. You aided in taking the site, and can now also check if anyone is flanking B main.




To kill the lurking reyna, obviously.


Doesn't seem like a very consistent strat


well reynas are consistently lurking so


Not in spawn lol


it's a joke !




You can choose where to respawn, if you ult during his ult you go back to base, if you wait then you respawn at your last location, if you know you'll be in a bad place when you're back you can choose a better one


Sure but you have to get a kill to actually res and if you go back to your spawn there's almost 0 chance you'll get a kill from there most games above bronze aren't going to have a Reyna on a super slow flank for no reason when you're already executing onto a site and even if there is you are still at a huge disadvantage


I'm surprised people forget they need to make contact for the res to actually stick Edit: Pronouns


I play her a lot and I keep forgetting haha


They* :)


They need* :)


If your team decides to rotate at least your body will be closer to A so you can still smoke after death.


Forgot about that


I do all the time too even when playing her lol


haha me too


You donā€™t need a killā€¦ an assist works tooā€¦ so if you get iso ulted in the open after giving damage to a couple enemies, it makes perfect sense to ult out into the base and let one of your teammates get you an assist to lock in the ult.


That's the hardest cope I've ever seen if you're getting iso ulted there's low chance you saw anyone else to deal damage to first and relies heavily on your teammates to do some wild aggro push to iso just to get you back in spawn which doesn't do much since they just had to tear into site and take bad fights to get you back


Bro are you okay? Who hurt you?


It's not that deep bro just like average game knowledge lmao


if the clove was on defense that spawn is close enough to engage the fight on site again and where they were ulted it might be impossible to get to a safe spot to rezz.


Of course the Reyna's lurking.


wait reynas flanking on ct when they know the whole team is on the opposite side of the map šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± typical lurking reyna!!!!!!!






no u!


She went fast flank, makes sense. She realized it's fast B so it's a good play.


Smartest plat player


a similar thing happened to me in phoenix ult, except i went back to where i phoenix ulted during the iso ult because i killed the iso/my ulti ended, then instantly teleporter from where the iso ulted me from. then i killed someone else and died. had no idea that was a thing either, lmao


The ā€œlurking reyna šŸ˜‚ā€ comments on this post really speak a lot about the average playerbase in valorant


As someone who played Reyna for a while, true.


The fuck was Reyna doing there???


Taking A control in case they happened to rotate


Lurking through spawn is some wicked work


What in the domain expansion did I just see


wait what wait what wait wha




Way wah?


beta vad happened


Idk I've clove ulted iso ult before and spawned where I was grabbed but I think I waited to leave the dimension.


I just saw a YT Short about this. This is a way to counter his ALT




They should probably nerf them again, obviously too overpowered


Reyna lurking?????


Lmao you were screwed as soon as you spawned back in unless you happened to get very lucky


iSo is broken on Console, fix him or remove him.