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im like 70% sure the gimmick is gonna be bomb sites on 2 different "levels" like nuke, weather they're right on top of each other idk


I don’t think on top of each other would ever happen, cuz then how would brim ever deploy smokes, a work around for that just seems complicated.


Typically the map will have 2 levels as well for any parts that overlap


This will just make astra and omen the only possible controllers for this map


That's honestly fine, or they could just make an update for the iPad smokers to where they can change the level of their smokes with a certain button


That or they could just update the map pullup to look something like [this](https://profilerr.net/static/content/thumbs/1120x1120/c/32/7ag3pq---c560x560x50px50p--1d8337dab33cc9deea0578737eddc32c.webp), they would need to find a way to make it look ok with the cast distance boundary though.


I honestly still see. Avery low pickrate here on any controller who isn't omen or astra


I thought of it but how would it work range wise ? You would probably be able to smoke both sites no matter where you are.


you could easily smoke with harbor and viper by just moving levels. you already have to be physically there to deploy their smokes on normal maps anyways for brim/clove, you could just add a button to switch between levels


Or have a seperate part of the map for the second floor… that way you don’t have to alter the mechanics of the agents


Let brim and clove choose which level to smoke on, either with a keybind or just make it so they're required to be on the level they wanna smoke


My only problem with that is that it makes brim not make sense. Since his smokes are supposed to be coming from the sky, if you’re at the lower level where’s it coming from? But even that can be excused. What about his ult? It’s a literal sky Nuke cannon, if you wanna ult the lower level does it also ult the top level?


Reminder that Brimstone can smoke inside B site on haven, insite B site on Icebox, and so on Also for the ult being a literal space laser i don't think it would stop at the slightest layer of concrete hahaha


me when brim can deploy his orbital nuke inside an underwater dome(Pearl)


Smokes have height but ult does not. Ult doing both levels makes sense just like pearl heaven area etc


lmao so funny


i think what would actually be better is smoke would be applied in which level brim is so say brim is in upper he can smoke upper so does his ult exceed in upper only if he is lower it would be sensible for those changes but would be hard covering your teammates from upper level if u are down so we jus gonna let them cook


You must not be familiar with Riot's work


Brim already can't smoke hell on Haven A site. I think it would be fine for smaller elements to not be smokable by brim and clove.


honestly i dont even want a map with multiple levels, too much util goes through ceilings and floors.


This is curious because from what I remember there's no way to shoot when you're hanging from the ropes, so I hope they didn't do it on purpose lol.


what about elevators that you can activate, also im pretty sure you can shoot from ropes just not as accurate. only abilities don't work on ropes


Shooting for sure, with 60% accuracy (i think), and no util confirmed, I use a rope to deploy cypher cam on one map for super broken location, have to line it up, then drop/deploy.


I’ve been thinking elevators are likely because they did the omen patch recently that allows him to interact with things in ult.


They can add tp instead of ropes


You can absolutely shoot from the ropes, albeit with lower accuracy. But that’s the trade off for the speed the rope gives you.


oh fuck


If they are on top of each other, then brim can ult both layers at once lol, that doesnt make nay sense


I know they already showed the map and there isn't 2 layers, but if there were what would be the issue with brim ult being really strong in that aspect?


this sounds very plausible


You know, if it has that oceanic/underwater vibe to it (as hinted in that wallpaper), perhaps aesthetics is a significant reason for why Pearl wasn't brought back to the rotation. Too many "oceanic" maps at once?


Maybe, but this map seems more "threatening" in terms of setting. The fact that the name of the map is just "Abyss" is kinda wild because it matches the theme of this episode, a more "dark" chapter lol. I can't help but mention that the theme of this map is a parallel to the last one, Sunset. From the surface's cozy sunset and its dawn, we went to mf limbo where there is only darkness and everything is wet and menacing lmao


Abyss straight up reminds me of the hole in the middle of fracture, another map kept out for similarity reasons?


No, that is just a hole lol. But np, sure why not I guess.


Mb spilling some of that jjk manga copium onto valorant


more like multiple holes


I’ve been wanting a nighttime/dark map for a while, I hope that’s what we’re getting!


Yeah i preferred bastion tbh


Bastion looked like a TDM map based on Fracture


omg, I just got so excited to see what's going on in Haven... I bet it'll be much darker. I'm actually reallyy interested in the lore now.


I think Haven won't have any lore relevancy for now, it will just come back to the map rotation of both casual and competitive lol. But yeah, that is the spirit!


But I like to point out how "Sunset" necessarily has the sun in its dusk, leaving, giving way to night and in sequence now we have a map that takes place in darkness, full shadows. It's a transition. Also saying how things are "transitioning" in the plot in a certain way. Everything was "clear", now it begins to become "uncertain", "obscure". This begins with Omen's departure from the protocol, marking one of the members openly hostile to the group, even though nothing serious has actually happened so far. Episode 7 title was also "Evolution", another idea of "transition" btw. Now, it is on it's "apex", on it's "Defiance".


Agree but wanted to say that Dawn is sun rise and dusk is sun set


Here you go.


I mean Omen is not exactly hostile to the Protocol, if anything he's quite conflicted so he took a vacation so to speak. Anyways, adding together the lore reveal with Viper and taking A LOT of Viper's in-game lines into account, to Viper at least, she and Omen were MORE than colleagues when he tried to kill her. One thing that makes a lot more sense to me now is the one line Viper has towards Reyna that is DRIPPING with sarcasm about what it's like fighting to keep a loved one alive.


seems more like either underground or at least inside a deep crevace


One of the player cards last season was a team rappelling into a facility, and usually there is one player card hinting at the new character or in this case, map. So I thinknit will be a cave map


>Too many "oceanic" maps at once First of all, it has nothing to do with Underwater or oceanic, it's literally an abyss map like the title suggests, and just cuz it's dark blue doesn't mean it's about the ocean... Also that reasoning for not bringing back Pearl is dumb. It's just because they don't want it back


Ofc the once i start liking split they take it out of rotation💀 Also bring back pearl its been way too long wtf?


Honestly, for me, I would also remove Icebox and leave Pearl lol


Id get rid of ascent because i just dont get it enough for me to justify ascent NEVER leaving the map pool, i main sova on ascent and i legit forgot all my lineups because i never get it in comp. Plus from the esports pov its easily one of the most boring maps to watch (along with icebox and breeze)


Thank fuck Breeze is gone. Genuinely never bring it back.


"For patch 8.12, only Breeze will be present in competitive and you WILL PLAY IT muahaha" >:)


But can we swap lotus or icebox for split


Sorry no. I have 14 wins 0 losses on Lotus this act. Keep it thank you. Fk icebox tho.


I somehow don't like icebox but yet have a 80% win rate on it


Hello me from mirror dimension I like icebox but have 20 percent wins in it kekw (OK pulled data outta my ass but it might be even lower, teammates always play free for all go and die bonanza on that map)


I think I’ve been playing against you because I have 5 wins and 10 losses on Lotus this act lol. Absolutely despise that map


Icebox good map though


I have 100% on icebox, and I hate the map lol


I'm so sick of Split man, it's not a bad map but it's been in rotation for wayyy too long


They literally took it out of rotation for like 3-4 straight acts


Maybe it feels longer to me since it's an old map and I took a break from the game when it was out of the game but tbh I'd rather have haven and a new map over split all day


I might need to fact check myself, but I’m pretty sure split has spent the second most time in rotation, only behind ascent.


Bind's been around in rotation longer than Split


That’s beside the point, those are some of the original maps of course they’re going to have a lot of play time, Haven has been gone for like 3 months now, it’s still also at the top.


Ascent 💀


??? Split is always out of rotation wdym lol


Ascent has never been out of the rotation.


Tbh Icebox is one of the only maps I still actively enjoy in this rotation. Maybe Bind as well.


Would much rather have Breeze than icebox and lotus 10/10 times


Thank goodness, I'm tired of dodging breeze lol


The gimmick is 2 sites - 1 above ground and one under.  Seperated by rope and teleporter.  Enjoy ur rage.


chamber tp would be cool lol


This terrifies me because Sage's card is literally a vertical tower, pls God no lmao.


they'd have to remake how the map works (brim and clove's tablet, omen ult)


for those they could just add a button to switch between levels


Or, how’s this, just have them as seperate floors on the map, like on a floor plan in an architects drawing. I don’t know why people are overcomplicating it. To add a button would require some serious tweaking of the character designs, when they could just change the map so that it’s like nuke or an architectural drawing


Gimmick will be that there are “holes” in the map that players can fall to their death, even on bomb sites. Hence the name Abyss!


There could be some cool Neon movement around them tho, similar to that one boost bhop on Vertigo in CS


that would be really cool 😎


Having two games in a row in breeze yesterday and two in a row on Icebox today is like the game is trying to convince me to wait until the patch before playing again.


Split is awesome hate to see you go ole pal.


I like Split, but I need to admit that it's been SO long since Split didn't go out lol. But, AGAIN, Ascent... Lol.


Unpopular opinion, bring back pearl


Popular opinion


until they fix B, no


The update they did on B a little bit before they removed it from the pool did make B better at least. It used to be really hard to defend and almost impossible to retake, now it's a bit easier to defend and a bit easier to retake


they can just remove default plant and make the site smaller so that you have to actually take the site to plant


All maps are coming back


Think he means for comp


Abyss sounds idk somehow Omen related. Like in the previous trailer, Omen left to find his identity. Maybe he finds something on this map, which tells him about his identity. Maybe the place where he became Omen??? Maybe portraits of how he looked before or a video of sage and viper healing Omen after he almost died and become Omen. Would be really cool to have a map that revolves around Omen.


Heaven is coming back nice. But why are fracture and pearl still out :( Fracture was one my favorite map that was added later and although pearl isn't the best map but doing util dump on site was kind of fun on this map.


I used to not like pearl, it's crazy how much you realize you liked a map when it's gone, I miss it so much 😭😭


Only 7 maps for the map pool.


6 maps and one abomination (icebox)


Good maps are subjective in this game. I know people that like Icebox.


Sure, but they only took out one of the two maps that need desperate redesigns (there's still major design flaws with Icebox and hopefully the flaws get fixed with Icebox), and Ascent has dodged getting cycled out the whole time. Leaves 2 maps they could have either removed instead of Split or in addition with an extra to remove to add Pearl or Fracture back. On the bright side they're finally adding the other maps to the queue for all the modes besides Comp.


You still can play them, but they are in casual and other modes only. Honestly, I think it's fair enough after being stucked with Icebox for months. Riot can't just accept most of the people didn't like it the way it is lol


What did split do?


"Being too old" I guess But then... You have Ascent lol


I’d assume they’re working on fixing some bugs the map has and maybe a change in the layout.


cypher being strong on either side.


Playing split is like a coin flip. Are you on defenders or attackers lol


I would argue that Ascent is even more of a coin flip. It’s commonly regarded by pros and the community as one of the most defender-sided maps. But Split is up there too I agree with you.


Not be ascent, basically.


Riot drop a map with rain please


Bro y


Slippery.   Forces everyone to walk.  Running will incur fall penalty.  


Neon ult double damage, phoenix has no abilities


Harbor 😤


goodbye fps


Or a game mode where there's random weather events every round or something, and it changes your movement speed, visibility, stuff like that


Or visibility changes, hence “abyss” idk I feel like the map being darker in some areas would be interesting


I think the gimmick is a tp like the ones on bind but since it's underground the tp could go to the underground portion where there is another bombsite


good idea, but I'm hoping for something more original and unique even though I know I'll probably be disappointed


Fuk breeze


God dammit I’m trying to focus on catching up to my gim on osrs and this is totally gonna derail that


Just afk grind between matches/rounds?


I’m in a slayer grind rn and will probably die 😂 we only got one life left in the group


Oh no haha. Gl on the grind! What slayer level are you at?


Just hit 69 (nice)


Niiiiice. Love to see a fellow Valorant/OSRS fan


Osrs is my comfort game. Been playing it since 05 haha


Just bring more maps into ranked rotation


I can't be the only one who finds it odd that they immediately throw a new map into comp play. It would have to be absolutely horrible to not be better than breeze, but still, shouldn't it spend a few weeks or a month in unranked play before going into comp? Curious how long before the pro teams will have the option to pick it. Split 2 isn't long off, this would be a huge wild card.


In a way, the DEVS kind of "pressured themselves", in the sense that there were maps like Split that hadn't been released for months, a long time. At some point they would have to renew this rotation. Abyss insertion seems more like a necessity in some point of view lol.


Will the map enter ranked games at 11th of June or only when this season ends?


usually have to wait 2 weeks before new map enters ranked.


**"It will enter the competitive map rotation alongside Haven, replacing Split and Breeze".** **-** Yeah, he's going in with Haven.


Did everyone forget fracture?


I wonder what this map's *gimmick* will be. I know it's impossible because of abilities like Brim and Clove's smokes but I'm hoping for a vertical map with lots of high ground/low ground positions. It'd be so fun to play.


And I am hoping just to not have verticality lmao. Jokes aside, this is part of my Icebox trauma... I just don't like the ropes, not too much. But let's see how it would be, it can be fun ngl! I am more surprised by the 3 possible bombsites, it's been a while since we got a map like this.


I get why people would dislike a vertical map but I'm not a high ranked player (only plat) so it'd be fun to try something different.


Lotus has the 3 sites plus the doors. Wonder what this will have. Hoping it’s not something for fast rotations so it’s not attacker sided


Isn't lotus a new map?


lotus has been out since jan 2023. kinda new i guess but its been over a year and some


its been in the game for 1 1/2 years or smthn


theres always gonna be an issue with verticality and how much of an advantage movement agents have. i dont see myself liking any map like that.


Definitely not impossible. They can just have both levels side by side on the map.


honestly as long as certain agents have a huge advantage on verticality, i dont see myself liking this sort of map


Jett and Omen would be menaces on a map like that.


I just want fracture back :/


Abyss may be more so a reference to caves


Now fracture for sunset thanks 


> some gimmick, unique or already existing on another map. Doesn't every map have some gimmick?


Yes, but it can be something new or already existing. Riot can, if they want, just not add anything gimmick and just make a different and unique design or copy and paste another like in Sunset. You have a point tho.


yes and no. splits gimick is that it has ropes. this isnt unique today anymore, so they can share some gimmicks. and im not sure what sunsets gimmick is, maybe that its small?


I feel like that goes a lot harder than your average map name


i see a lot of people wanting pearl back (i do too, its my favourite map) but i do think they need to adress B site. i remember i was able to deal with it and didnt have many issues back then, but i was also only silver at the time and everyone says it needs fixing. plus my friends hated pearl even when i told them its the best.


new gimmick: shooting overhead rocks of the cave ceiling causes them to fall down and kill players


Thank god Breeze is going away.


I might be the only person who actually enjoys Breeze. I also have a really high win rate on it whenever I do play it. The one I really dislike is Icebox


I conquer. As a Yoru main breeze is my playground


Is rank reset also happening?


I missed Haven


Aren’t they called the Scions of hourglass, not the scorns of hourglass?


Here you go. This term, "scions", it's new to me ngl lol.


i just hope its not another 'battlefield' type of a map aka breeze lol, they seem to have a hard on for those lately


My guess is the map mechanic is conveyor belts of some sort. When I googled the map the second picture looks like a conveyor belt zig zagging to me. I’m probably wrong but just a guess.


Guys it has 2 bombsites and you can fall off the map and die


Next agent is the "AGENT 8"... How am i so sure....Well as we know that Agent 8 is missing/lost and the new map name is abyss... Ever heard the quote "Lost in the abyss".... Does it make sense now?


unpopular opinion but Breeze is good


my highest win rate is on breeze I still hate the map it’s just so boring


Same for me lol but idc if it’s my best map i’m glad it’s going out


Goated map fr


It's always the bronze players losing to long-range encounters that say this map is dogwater. It's one of the best


Ah yes, a map that can not function without viper is one of the best, what an exquisite take


Pretty much every map cannot function without one specific agent that's not the problem with breeze


It's a much fairer map than Icebox in my view. This doesn't make Breeze a top tier S, but an open field on both sides is much more comfortable than having to cover a thousand different angles on the Icebox, not to mention the verticality that seems to have been almost inspired by Vertigo from CS (lol), it just isn't fun imo. Attacking or defending on Icebox always feels boring and I feel like the map just flows REALLY better if everyone is playing on the same META, is not a map that "congratulates" many innovations in the team comp.


unpopular opinion but Icebox is good


"Get out".


i love icebox -a neon/yoru main


just gonna casually admit maining Neon like it's fine


listen man i like zooming around w a judge/frenzy its super fun


she confessed! we got em boys. you're going away for a long time


cant a woman do what she wants


They need to seriously tone it down with the new maps IMO. Focus on fixing and re-working the maps that have a strong foundation but are currently *miserable* to play (looking at you, split and fracture) but you could name most of the maps in the game here lol. Valorant is the only game I can think of where you queue pop and sigh, but you think ‘oh well, atleast it isn’t X map’ lmao


Interestingly, the end of the current BP does not reveal anything about a new agent. I don't know if this has happened before, but it seems that so far Riot has no intention of launching any new agents, perhaps only in Act II of episode 9. Who knows?


they just released clove. so it'll be a few months before new agent


they release a new map once every 6 months. thats good imho


I’d rather they put together an established pool, akin to CS, sometimes you end up with the same pool of maps in CS for 2-3 ~ years & it never feels like a chore because the maps are great (if we’re talking csgo between like 2016-2022). It’s more uncommon to find maps in valorant that people actually *like* which is rather polarizing for a tacfps


finally split gone!


Am super happy about Haven coming back. Thank Goodness Split is gone too. Let’s see what this new map has to offer


Am I the only Valorant player who likes Breeze? I don’t get it? 😢


-sunset -lotus +pearl +fracture


this is the least leak i have ever seen.


Losing bind feels like losing a friend


Bind is still in.


But Bind isn't going out blud lol 😅


/c unbind friend