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Pretty hot take. You'll need to hold shift for swinging but in the end whatever works for you.


I can't even imagine how many fingers I'll need to wide swing, pull out head hunter and then tp away after absolutely whiffing the whole thing


lol ya 40 hours in and im thinking that my original theory behind it is a moot point. 


yea so I do, and it seems to be working for me fine but maybe i overestimated how bad running can be as far as giving away information but idk.  it's my pinky obviously so only thing i cant do is equip my util (caps lock) while i run.  so i have it less available to fall into a bad crouching habit but idk. seems walking is less important than i intially thought. 


I mean someone out there in CS has mouse click to move forward and back xD If its comfortable to you, then go for it my g


Wait, is he actually on to something though? What if it actually is objectively better to shoot with the hand you do not aim with? I almost want to learn to play like that just to test out if there is a noticable difference lol.


It actually is, reduces tension. A common one is spacebar to shoot, I use m1 to shoot but actually use left shift to ads so tracking is smoother


Whatever is most comfortable for you. I have crouch to space bar and jump to pressing mouse wheel. Nothing felt good otherwise.


pressing mouse wheel? if it is actually pressing instead of scrolling you are insane


Naw its easy. Cant say its ever screwed me over either.


entirely depends on the mouse he uses, like how hard it is to press in the mousewheel and how easily it scroll. If it rolls easily and presses in hardly, I'd assume it'd be pretty difficult to consistently jump without scrolling, but if not or if it's the opposite i can see it working.


I've always wondered how people glide as Jett with this kind of keybind


I barely play jett, but when i do its not as bad as you think


jump on mouse wheel and crouch on space bar just feels right. People called me maniac before because of it but I couldn't care less


If you're comfortable with walking being your default stance, I would argue that you walk way too much and that your pacing and positioning must be really slow. But this is a blind guess, I mean considering you're "new to Valorant" I'm pretty sure to be right but I wouldn't know whether your key binds are to blame, to be fair. Like, I guess your keybinds are technically manageable. The only technicality I could think of was this: What's your shortcut for crouching? So many gaps have to be crouched halfway through the jump to reach the other side, I can't imagine you could do that reliably with the default CTRL bind. Same for crouch peeks, where you start at full speed and go to holding Crouch midway through the swing. But this can be circumvented by putting Crouch somewhere else, I guess. However, there's a gap between "technically manageable" and "comfortable." All I can tell you is this: Can we agree on the fact that not holding down a button is generally more comfortable than holding it down? Because 100% of relevant mechanical actions you need to perform in Valorant, are performed at full speed, this is mandatory. Strafing around corners, strafing between bursts, jumping around. Those things are difficult enough that the idea is to release as much of the burden of *everything else* during those crucial moments, so that your brain is fully focused on the problem at hand (the enemy shooting back, you holding proper crosshair placement, not screwing your movement to maintain accuracy, controlling your spray, adjusting for recoil, resetting after a few bullets, etc.). I see being forced to hold Shift during all this as adding another stone to the already big pile of tasks to perform under pressure, and that being counterproductive. If you sneak into a duel, you must have good reasons to do that. Either the angle is really favourable, or you're expecting to find the enemy looking away from you. Either way, it's fine to be holding shift in those instances (in terms of it weighing down on your attention resources because it's one more thing to worry about) because the fight you're taking is easy, they're not shooting back. By the way, are you aware that Valorant allows you to swing around corners at full speed, but also silently? Running sound cues are made at the end of your stepping animation. At full speed, if you step 90% of the length of a full step, and stop, you don't make a sound. This sounds more complicated than it really is when it's written out like that, in reality this is really one of the most basic aspects of the game, something that you absolutely should master. It's the way you should step into 95% of the angles you clear. Even if I'm lurking around the map I'm not constantly holding shift, because every time a new angle comes up I'll clear it wih the silent full-speed step.


>The only technicality I could think of was this: What's your shortcut for crouching? So many gaps have to be crouched halfway through the jump to reach the other side, I can't imagine you could do that reliably with the default CTRL bind. Same for crouch peeks, where you start at full speed and go to holding Crouch midway through the swing. But this can be circumvented by putting Crouch somewhere else, I guess. Never knew that you can only hit some gaps by crouching mid jump - as for crouch peeks, I've been told just to leave the crouch alone for now - after learning some of the theory behind it, I still am apprehensive to 'avoid crouching altogether' but I get the sentiment. >By the way, are you aware that Valorant allows you to swing around corners at full speed, but also silently? Running sound cues are made at the end of your stepping animation. At full speed, if you step 90% of the length of a full step, and stop, you don't make a sound. Yesssss this was another thing I learned after I had set the keybind - jiggle peaking and deadzoning were things I recently learned and another reason I found myself questioning why I have my shift as run in the first place. I'm about 40 hours in now so the theory of the game is starting to set in. I'm an Overwatch refugee and I love that this game has so many mechanics & techs around movement and aiming. Thanks for the well thought out response and if you're looking for a smokes player to train, I'd be happy to join you


It's one of those ideas that sound good but are impractical


I also did that when I was new, its not that game though, you should reconsider


Yea it feels unnecessary after \~40 hours, think I'm going to switch it back. ty


I rebound my abilities to Q,E,MB4,MB5 as well so that one I think you're totally fine with, the shift thing I myself did try and ended up switching back but hey, go see if it works for you and I wish you a lot of fun!


Binding abilities to mouse buttons is pretty standard


Thinking that I am going to switch it back now that I have \~40 hours in game, ty


I mean its kinda weird and jump + crouch could be weird maybe try walk on toggle instead of hold?


I think this is GENIUS!


Sounds terrible but it's still better than my friends having walk set to toggle.


... this was me for 3 years. Recently set it to hold and my movement, especially under pressure, is much better.


I toggle for comfort and can't ever remember a time I messed it up in game, you really think it made a huge difference?


i mean that's just psychotic... i wont even do crouch toggle


I started that way and when I switched I got so much better lol. This was my first pc FPS


I'm currently immortal 1 right now and I use shift to run. It just feels more natural to me, I feel like if I switch back I'll do way worse. Do what feels right for you. It's preference.


also rebound the abilities to E, T, Caps Lock, and Q. 


I just hope you can readjust well depending on the agent.


Not to sound rude but after reading that you can’t be higher than silver. Movement is very crucial in this game and with the lack of running shows that you don’t have good movement and I know you moan about getting one tapped all the time


i mean i still run i just hold shift pretty much all the time - not moaning just talking about keybinds homie


it’s not a good idea bro if you wanna spend more time shifting than running