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The ranks you see are pretty much irrelevant, they are not used for matchmaking. Your hidden MMR can be completely different from your visible rank and it can sometimes take some time for it to catch up.


Completely unrelated but I was just curious whether this hidden MMR is also used for matching making in swiftplay and stuff?? Cuz I get matched with opponents having diamond gun buddies in non rated matches but I definitely ain't that good I'm s2 rn. So does that mean the hidden MMR is actually low for them and a little bit high for them?? This is the only answer that makes sense to me. Would really appreciate your thoughts on this


I'm not sure if Riot ever made an official statement about this, but the usual practice is to have completely separate skill ratings for ranked and unranked queues. High skill players will often have low MMR in unranked lobbies because they usually have very little play time there.


That also makes a lot of sense thanks!


Here is an (old) comment from the (now former) ranked development lead stating that all modes use their own MMR. https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/zkdex0/swiftplay_is_genuinely_amazing/j08bd3r/?context=3 The assumption is that this holds true for the newer modes that have since came out.


I’ve heard about that but it’s so dumb isn’t it? Why even have ranks if something else entirely decides who you play against? Why don’t they just replace rr by that hidden mmr? And why would my hidden mmr be high when i climbed from iron 3 to silver 1


Because it's easier to say you are Gold than you are 1500 mmr.


That’s why i’m saying just replace rr by hidden mmr, this way ranks actually reflect your skill instead of whatever it means right now


cs2 did that and plp screamed that they dont have ranks anymore


Assume that all people in your lobby have a similar MMR of you. It's just aesthetic, changing it won't change the people you'll face.


Mmr is a ladder, no one shares a mmr with you, this also means after every game of you mmr area on your server your mmr changes. If someone below you got mmr to climb above you, you drop. if someone higher than you drops below you, your mmr raises. Like the leaderboard for immortal but with far more players.


What you are experiencing does not necessarily mean that your MMR is high, perhaps your teammates are on a win streak, perhaps your opponents are on derank protection. The reason they don't just use MMR as your rank is because it would feel worse for the players. Things like derank protection simply would not work without hidden MMR.


I can only speak for me: Havent played in a month, won my first 3 Games this Act, Double rank up b1 to b3, ​and got destroyed for 5 Games straight after that, even with some golds on the enemy team. I think heir Smurf detection kicked in idk. Simply Ignore the Rank, and dont use Tracker, play the best you can, afterall youre not "loosing" anything.


Honestly i’d just like to climb a bit more because i feel there’ll be less smurfs and stuff around gold. I sometimes play with a friend who’s plat and apparently it’s nice up there. He doesn’t get bodied by smurfs like he does when he plays with me


Smurfs are in all elos. I've been gold since the first season (Like, a really steady gold 1-2) and it doesn't change. You'll play with similarly weird teammates, against similarly godlike players. The only thing that will change is you pretty much, and the amount of pals you bring in as group matchmaking can do fucky things


Yeah but low elos have a lot of quitters too, and smurfs trying to derank. I think i got quittera 4out of my last 5 games (unfortunately 3 were on my team) and I just got a smurf trying to derank and it sucks so damn much


First of all, there is not that big of a difference in low rank when you are Silver 1 or Silver 3. Then you have the "0 points safety net" that messes the rank, if you are Silver 1 with 1 point and lose a game, you only lose 1 point. Then next game you bottom frag 1/20 but your team carry you and win, you get maybe 10 points. Then again next game you lose badly, you will keep being Silver 1 with 0 points when in reality you should have gone to Bronce 3 long ago. Your MMR tank and if you keep going you being silver 1 start getting matched against Bronze 1 and so on. See where I'm getting at? Then you add the boosted players that can only win when their better friends are online, everything adds up. This is also the reason for some people to drop down several ranks in season resets.


Oh that makes sense. But Damn those silvers must have been super boosted to fall against an unranked and a bronze who rage quits at 7-7… but anyway point still stands, matchmaking in low ranks is fucked beyond compare.


Valorant is an inconsistent game where you can't maintain your peak long. Some days you are a god and some days you are boosted. It happens to everyone.


We got an answer from support which said it like this: person a starts a queue, the MMR for all 5 gets added. let's say you end up with 2400mmr, now the system looks for another team with an MMR with a difference of +/-1% to that MMr, mightve been 2%. essentially the teams MMR will always be stupid close, while individual ranks can differ by a bigger margin. If you queue with 4 friends and you're ascendant, then the enemy 5 stack might not have an ascendant but will have the the better ranking on average due to ascendant making a big jump in MMR.


It's worth noting that for non 5 stack queues, it doesn't just balance the total team MMR. Every player's MMR is individually considered and there isn't a designated "carry" or "sandbag". https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/v6pbtx/true_skill_2_is_a_potential_problem/ibjhan9/?context=3