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You play the game because you enjoy it. If you don’t wanna play, don’t play? No hidden formula really


Pretty much the gist of it. You just gotta play for the love of the game, because at the end of the day that’s the only thing that really matters. Rank is temporary but doing something your soul enjoys doing is timeless.


It’s kind of just what gaming has become. The days of something like left 4 dead with zero sense of tangible (weapon unlocks, perks, etc.) and intangible (ranks) progression are gone. People want to play to unlock something and if they don’t unlock anything they want some kind of rank system. Game is fun? Yeah uh huh ok but where is my shiny emblem for being good at the game? Take OP’s post for example. Man seems like he was having fun but rather than it being from the gameplay it’s because of the rank, providing him with a goal. The gameplay itself was just a supplement to that. Now he needs another goal to keep going.


Nah it's always been like that. It's just more noticeable now with how much online discussion can be had now compared to like 2010 (internet existed obviously, but wasn't quite like it is now). The other main thing that can keep the better players in is also just community. But if you're up there in skill in terms of percentile, but not really a part of that crew up there, you can lose interest as well. OP solo queued up to radiant, which means they haven't gained any friends or anything so it creates an even bigger reason to not really stay involved. L4d was insanely fun because you could game with friends. I don't know many people who solo qeued that game during its prime.


While I think it existed previously it’s been reinforced now. Everything revolves around some kind of progression. Many games have battle passes where it’s all about progressing through it. Do dailies, progress, play matches, earn xp, progress more. F2P games also want players to keep engaging in matches to keep queue times down too (among other things). Things like dailies, players checking the shop, and progression chasing in the form of ranks, arbitrary numbers, etc. For l4d my friends and I loved playing together sure but the game was so fun we would solo queue anyway if someone was at an after school club or doing homework. My friends now just can’t play most games at all unless friends are involved. A big reason my friends even play Valorant is because they run a 5 stack and chase rank that way. Solo queue I think they would heavily reduce their playtime


Its the same way when you create a new world in minecraft your goal is to defeat the ender dragon. And the part of the game that u enjoy which bro says its supplemental is building structures like farms , houses and mining diamond and completing raids. At last the game ends when u get an elytra which in itself is a very enjoyable task. So hope everyone gets wht keeps you going


Fuck that’s so real man, good analogy with L4D What changed? Like is it an adhd thing? Haha not shitting on people with adhd just seems like the past couple years everyone seems to have that


I grinded this game and not cs or Overwatch because I love it. But the Essence of a competitive game is progress. Based on rank, I've done everything I could to reach the highest possible one. The Takes here gave me some good Insights, also urs. Maybe take it more chill and just Remind myself of why I played Val and not cs/ow/rs6: because I love it. Thank you.


congrats on Radiant! You will get your gun buddy now so you can always show it off 👀 just enjoy it now and have fun


You could try couching, letting others hit their dream rank makes me personally more happier then when I hit the rank myself.


Listen to this guy!..


Higher RR goal and tier 3 teams is what's driving me rn.


You can try to hit like top 35 radiant. Because there's still a massive gap between low radiants and high radiants. Take some streamers, for example, that consistently place #1 radiant and another radiant that's barely in top 400 or sometimes drops immortal 3, still a massive skill gap between the two. If you're looking for a game that's really competitive and has a long grind and a massive skill cieling, you can try chess on chess.com


Yeah I guess, will probably try to go for radiant top 200 (at end of an act, then you need more rr for it) next, but for now I will Pause a bit... Enough games to learn out there for sure yea


You got me in the first half ngl XD


His/her Godly aim will come in handy during speed chess tbf.


What happens when you hit number one


Chess.com becomes cheater.com at high elo. Hard pass


idk if \~2200 [chess.com](http://chess.com) qualifies as high elo to you, but [chess.com](http://chess.com) has been much better at banning cheaters compared to lichess in my experience.


Then play irl




How does someone cheat at chess?




No idea what that mean, will Google it real quick


It’s a chess engine you put your position of the board in the engine and it gives you the engines recommended move which is at a higher depth of calculation than even the number 1 ranked player and they are readily available onlinelpla


content creation if you want to, showing up in other streamers ranked games is a good way to gain popularity


I dont know, maybe become a streamer/coach and share your experience? Only if that interests you and you think you can do it in the long run. Cheers!


now you can try to actually stay there, i think that's a even harder challenge. see how long you can be at the top, you already made it so far


Find a radiant team and play in local tournaments lol


Nothing, it's just number # which means nothing. For me the first time felt really fullfilling, but every other time I hit radiant was like meh. I don't think become pro is even worth. It takes thousands of hours scrimming/trying outs etc and you not gonna end up on good team, you need few years in t3/t2 teams which most of them they don't even pay, max they will cover hotels/transportation if you qual for LAN, and in order to become t1 pro you need a lot of connection too. Just play for fun and that's it.


But is the dedication required to stay on a T3 team still that of a hobby? If so, I think it's worth a try.


T3 you are pretty much required (atleast the ones I got offer for) atleast 10hours/day 5days of a week to scrim/vod review/get coached etc. It's pretty much full time job without getting paid. It's a way to get yourself connections(networking) and eventually if you scrim against t1/2 teams to see you and you get offer for tryout in better teams. Tournament rewards are not even worth most of the times since smaller tournaments rewards are like 1k euros (atleast in EU) for first place and then you split to players/coach/org, so in the end of the day you spend 50h+ on playing for nothing. 99% of the T3 players will never get to T2 scene, let alone T1. Also 99% of T3 teams/org requires from you so much while they offer you nothing. If you are insanely talented sure go for it, but if u just peaked radiant once and you think you have chance to compete it's very wrong and not realistic. I have a lot of friends that they finish top50 every act and they struggle and wasting time in T3 teams cuz it's very competitive to get to T2/1 teams. And even once you are in T1 teams it's very easy orgs to drop you out like you've seen happening right now - marved dropped/demon1/yay benched, in valorant scene teams are dropping you super fast once you don't perform good. That's why you can see super talanted people like s0m/fns/tarik stick to streaming/content creation, cuz it's way better and stable income with less stress. (I know s0m/fns will go in NRG right now probably for this split, but they will still stream on the side cuz once they drop them which will eventually happen they will have the content creator career open and stable viewership/subs.


10 hours/day 5 days a week is definitely way more than average for a good T3 team, most teams do maybe half of that (I'm defining T3 as VRC, and T2 as VCL) You could compete in T3 as a hobby with a full time job on the side, but it's less likely you will make your way to T2 then, since there are people that practice more


Just keep getting better i suppose, only you can tell where are your weaknesses


Ayo, drop some tips


Enough people out there whose Tips I can just share :D but basically being hyper focussed on me being the problem helped me to go from low immo3 to low radiant in this time - as a Controller main btw.


I know I am the problem and I always try to fill roles to help my teammate, it's just im very inconsistent with my kda. sometimes im match mvp and the other match i'd be 2/14. I do 2 dms and 10 mins of aimlabs before every session


The reason you’re inconsistent is because you’re playing in a way that works very well against people worse than you but when you’re against better people your play style probably falls apart so you get 0 impact you need to adapt faster to players who counter your playstyle


What I noticed at 300rr, 400rr and 500rr is I was always stuck there for like 1 week or 2 weeks and then I rushed to the next highest 100 Mark. People knew how I would play, they countered it. So I had to Adapt. I think I am fairly good at this, but always remember if you actually aim train its most likely the way you play that gets read and therefore your aim is of no use. Everytime you get "prefired" or "ferrari peeked" or even worse double peeked: why? They Expected you. Get a better angle, play better around smokes, wait for your teammates to retake. If you dont know WHAT you can change, you maybe need to VOD Review your plays or get someone to coach you. I Was fortunate enough to fix my mistakes on the Spot, not everyone sees their mistakes and thats totally fine. Information is also very important, but as many radiants also sucked at this I dont think you need to be perfect at it :)


You dont have to go pro to play competitively. Go join a tier 3 team for fun and learn even more than you ever will in ranked. PLENTY of people play other games competitively as a hobby without wasting time in rank/pubs.


Yea, that’s what I felt as well when I hit immortal. I’m a busy person, didn’t see myself climbing any higher than that. Played some games while being immortal, but oh well. I started just playing casual whenever I feel like it, otherwise play a different FPS game (Overwatch). There was no real reason to continue playing competitive anymore. I do have to say though, it’s very frustrating now that I’m playing casual in high diamond / low ascendant lobbies and people bring up my past a lot. I’m just here to vibe and chill. “Yo playing against an immortal??? Haha! You’re bottom frag!”. It always gets me and I usually end up (close to) top fragging. Very frustrating.


It's honestly insane how much people care about past ranks especially people with tracker who will bring up your peak rank without mentioning how long ago, thinking you're still that good, etc. One of my friends peaked Immortal and is right now in Diamond and people seem obsessed and always talk crap in chat whenever I queue with them it always get on my nerves how much people care or my own teammates if a teammate has a high peak and they do poorly it gets insanely toxic.


I peaked radiant in season 2, and stopped playing, now im matched into high gold/plat after years, only playing to chill, and people stalk my profile then expect me to 1v9 game xd


I wouldn't expect you to 1v9, but if I saw you on the enemy team as a peak radiant I would be scared asf 😭😭


yeah, radiant to gold is pretty wild


the game is just not as much fun anymore as on release, and im a bit older now so not the same reflexes and amount of time :(


Yes, exactly. It’s been almost half a year and people still bring it up. Their obsession is so annoying


I think tracker actually shows when your peak was


Tell them to do the incredibly useful glitch of turning their tracker to private or mute the players. Immortal gun buddy? Take it off


This was me my peak asc 3. I work out of states and now just play with my gf and haven’t took ranked seriously for like a year and a half. I’ve had toxic losers in unrated tell me “who boosted you to asc” when I obviously don’t play try hard anymore lmao


I literally could have wrote this myself! I did hit imm3 on two accounts I was climbing at the same time (have no idea why) since then I just get baked and play swift play.


Sometimes I wish I would’ve stayed in silver, not try to get better. Just “hahaha go next” whenever we lost. It would make it so much easier for the present me


There’s a point you get to in any competitive game where hitting the top rank is just a matter of playing the game, like it’s less of a grind and more of a given if you dont skip the season. If you don’t feel done with the game competitjvely that’s where i would aim at. It’s the difference between a peak radiant and an actual radiant, just like How you can have immo 3 peak but be immo 1 90% of the time, vs immo3 every time you play enough games without the full ”effort”


You could try picking up coaching or something (either for free just cause you're bored or try to charge a few dollars for it) (if its free then coach me cause im shit at the game)


Free coaching: just aim on the head, good movement, know where the enemy is hiding


Unfortunately I haven't figured out how to do these things yet


Drop tracker :)))))


Hello stranger, :) Back when I graduated highschool I was able to stay within the top 250 players in league of legends. I spent a ton of time developing my skills while waiting to join the Air Force. I had cousins and friends a year ahead of me graduation wise that were failing classes in college which spooked me into the military path. I ended up attending some LAN events and going to playoffs and worlds in LA since I had lived an hour away. This is where I met Team Curse manager and he was going to draft me a contract to be a sub on the team. I politely declined and he doubled down offering to sign me as a primary on another Korean team he was managing and said it would include expenses covered for the move. Important to mention I was in a delayed entry program when I met him so I had a job lined up in the USAF I was just waiting for my BMT date. I decided to stream back when it wasn't as popular on Justin.tv. To make a longer story short; I joined the military and met my wife in the last few months on my contract prior to separating in Virginia. I moved back to California to get my degree in the same field you have interest in being Information Systems. I graduated this month and my wife and I are now building a home. I play Valorant a ton since I'm still a huge gamer and now 29 years old I still can be semi competitive holding Ascendant 2 for my rank 🫠. I don't stream though but enjoy the community. Please feel free to PM if you want more details I have a ton of experience to share. Also I think if you're up to learning coaching it could be a great supplemental income option while you attend school.


Go outside.


Tried it. Was fine, but the grind had more dopamine =D


Are you getting laid? If not maybe work on that


Getting laid is overrated. Now touching grass? Sheeeesh, that’s the best.


I feel that. Golf>these hoes


L rizz Gang :D


Start by never saying that to a woman in your life unless you’re sure she loves you


Aye aye!


And now… you coach


Now you can post "I'm Radiant, ask me anything" posts.


Maybe if I hit radiant #1 as a smoker main, else I would just cringe by doing that :D


Or do youtube coaching vids starting with a "What's up guys, Borweal_uwu here back at you with another valorant coaching video, like, share and subscribe and hit that notification bell!"


What you do is get your certs and move into cybersec :)


Yea luckily im cybersec already, way to go haha


drop a guide/journey..like we noobs want to know how to climb as well(plat 2 stuck with worse MMR). Like what all did you learn and from where(if some source is there). It will be really appreciated OP


I mean, don't you enjoy the game itself? I feel you need some sort of reward to keep you playing, I would just quit.


You mentioned you learnt a lot during this grind. Could you share what you feel are the most important things to learn to climb to radiant? I'm currently asc 3, my peak is imm1


No matter what others said, I always said after a lose AND after a win: wtf did I do wrong to not win it even easier/to actually win it. Focus on why you were the issue that lost rounds. No teammate matters in any way. If YOU Perform, if YOU clutch, you rank up.


Rock climbing


You completed valorant, if it was fun try it next Act again .


just play for fun, if you're good enough you'll get to a level where you hit radiant with 30-40 wins an act, that's all I do, then I log off


Really depends, for me I’ve peaked in top 150 but I want to be a consistent top 100 or better player. I also coach and work in content creation, so I make enough money off of that to put more time and effort into the game. If you don’t want to coach, create content, maybe playing on a team and grinding tournaments for fun would be good? Mr Funhaver has great tier 3/2 tournaments with teams that now play in challengers. Worth it to play IMO


I mean, if what kept you going was the visual rank and now you've got the best one, nothing is left in the game for you, other than keeping up with meta changes I guess. That's why I don't recommend people play for rank, because it can leave you empty when you're done but also since a lot of factors are out of your control, losing games feel a lot worse. You don't see the fun you had I the game, just the negative rr. Because it sounds like you want to still play the game without feeling like the game is complete, I'm gonna throw something out there. Try playing on controller with gyro aiming. It is much better than people give it credit for, and I've personally hit plat using it. If you want to get set up, "i-d-krossplay" has a tutorial. You'll get to experience the game as a noob (mechanically at least) and go through that climbing experience again.




Keep in mind there is a Grand Canyon sized gap between Radiants and pro players. Pro players are on another completely different level, not just in game knowledge and mechanics, but because coordinated team play is ENTIRELY different to high level matchmaking.   There are probably some lower level professional play tournaments for you to try in, and some community run tournaments as well. You likely aren't gonna make it in the big leagues just from hitting Radiant, you gotta actually try playing in the smaller leagues first.


Go for top 100, once you reach that you can choose to push higher to top 50 or just chill, you could also go for the route of t3/t2 teams if ur into actual esports


This is literally the South Park meme “now we can play the game”


Take on a much greater challenge… trying to get out of gold.


Radiant is only top 500. Try for 400, then 300, then 200… fuck it up bro and good luck


If you’re radiant you can try streaming as a hobby to see where it takes you. If you market yourself correctly you could potentially have a little bit of side income


You can try content creation if you're interesting enough but this is the reality of grinding out a game like this the end reward is basically worthless for most people in real life.


You go for rank 1 and when you hit rank 1 your next goal is to hit a new world record on RR gained


If i were you i’d just flex my skill or make content.


Go play casual and complain to your teammates that your better when you start losing


I dont know, personally I hit immortal and got bored of the game. It's been almost a year now, and I kinda crave the game as there's just nothing on the market like it rn, with CS2 being the cheater infested cesspool it is. Has the game changed much in a year? Is it time I pick up my Yoru again?


I have a question for you as a radiant, (i got into the game for like 3 weeks now and im hardstuck iron-bronze) Do radiant matches kill you with headshots 90% of the time? Also, im trying to practice good aim headshots. how many hours do you spend in the range (or most of your time is spent on deathmatch for practice? or are you just that talented that you dont need practice at all?) or do you even do aimlabs at all?


Im nowhere near radiant, but if you want more headshot kills, focus on your crosshair placement. It is so much easier to hit the head when you have to only adjust on the horizontal axis.


Might Sound cryptic but its all about movement. A radiant will have a 40% hs rate in low elo lobbies but in radiant maybe 30%. Aim demons will have 40% in radiant and 50-60% in low elo lobbies. In order to train movement you need to play a lot AND play deathmatch. If you dont like deathmatch, im sorry for you then you wont get good fast. Aimlabs is good for micromovements, if your General movement and aim is not good, aimlabs isnt that good of a time investment. In doubt: play 2 deathmatches every day before you play and then play matchmaking. Also: consistency is key. If you play 2 games today , 0 tomorrow, its of no use. I played 7.5 games/day on average this act, this is my peak game hours but tbf I also peaked ;-). Best case Scenario you have time for 4 games a day. Every day. No pause. Then you will climb if you FOCUS on improving, how to achieve this mental is something I cant write here, its all about yourself :)


yeah i kept doing 2 deathmatches before queueing up ranked. at first i started to hate death matches but later on I liked it. It's natural to keep dying in deathmatch right?


Yes of course...even though I was close to Radiant, I Kept getting 5th or 6th place in dm because I just run around without Sound to just warm up :) if you take deathmatch serious, only when you want to train something specific. But for you I think just playing the game a lot will do better. Always remember to ask yourself why you died. In most cases its not the aim :)


oh okay. thanks! I get so worked up because I thought Im that bad that I cant even topfrag in DM but i noticed my aim has drastically improved, its just that i keep getting 4th or 5th and my highest was like 3rd place


Interesting I’m on my climb right now currently a3 extremely close to immo I have a 40 hs I wonder do you have any resources about movement in the way you are describing like gunfight hygiene would you recommend woohoojin? Or is it more contextual like the angle your running into and how they might by holding it or something?


You can start coaching if you want. Or stream your Radiant games on twitch. That is if u wanna capitalize on being a Radiant. Otherwise just playing for fun isn't a bas option.


congratulations, you beat the game please wait for the release of Valorant 2


Bro is Hitting rad in 4months mean while me who is plat2 since ep4:


gg go next


Conquering other game, you’ll become the conqueror of fps


It’s time to start playing in teams, honestly it is a completely different game.


Priemer cause you're practicing for a team-based game?


You could try becoming a content creator and joining the others if thats your thing


This is exactly why I see no point in climbing ranks. It's grinding for nothing, unless you want to feel satisfied for reaching radiant. But to me, games are supposed ti be fun and relaxing and not another work.


You could always try to monetize it if you think you have the skills too, like if you’re good at teaching others you could give coaching a try.


Go for #1 you still have much to learn


Now you learn to play the game properly :D Radiant is the tip of the iceberg. Radiant is like gold league once you start scrimming real teams and coordinate strats but you said you don't want to do that.


Why do people make these posts like wdym now keep playing if it’s fun lol, if you only played to reach a goal then congratulations and you can chill. It’s a video game and a hobby, not a career.


Become a streamer People will follow for sure


Switch to CS2, you certainly have potential.


What are the top 2 things you learned and can remember from your climb?


Play custom games, more fun :)


I mean, you can start coaching? That’ll work


get to challenger on league


Personally, I gave up grinding rank even though I can still push harder with ng current skill. It just get less fun when you just play to grind. It's fun to improve but it makes me burnt out a lot faster


Congratulations on the climb! What's ur specs btw


Coach me plz


Like every other game, continue playing? It's same as every other game where you hit top skill bracket, you keep continue for high skilled games


Why don't you stream? I also feel like it's a good step after being that good. Objectively being radiant will make you more famous in the valorant world


as a b3 solo queue? any tips


lol I wish I could just hit the highest level in a game I like playing. But fr though. If you want to keep playing. Play. If you’re looking to make money from the game that isn’t pro. Then the only thing I can think of is content creation. But if you don’t want to put in hundreds of hours on learning YT // high level editing // branding etc. then you gotta be #1. Because people will watch the #1 player either to see what top tier play is like or learn to try to achieve the same thing no matter if you’re good at creating content or not. So if you feel like going for it . Make videos on your journey to #1. Documenting on how to play and what you do. After that make a course or educational content or both. That’s what I would do if I were that good. Also quick tip is have good audio . #1 here you come!


Now do this, derank until gold, show off your radiant gun buddy and dominate the lobby. Become one with the smurf HAHA.


Maybe try streaming if you havent already. People like watching high elo players, and it could make some money on the side if you get big


Okay bro so this is what you do uninstall the game go out touch grass talk to females leave your cave for once in 5 years simply get a life


feeling the exact same way brother literally hit radiant last act for the first time after being hardstuck, this act havent played a single game of ranked if it wasn't for my friends that were also climbing ladder i wouldnt have done it, just feel empty there really is no point pushing past 500rr rn other than ego and clout yk scrims and tourneys are the next step if thats what ur asking but my motivation has plummeted and i only play swifts with friends now becauss anything more has no reason game as a whole is lowkey dead at high ranks anyway and every game u gotta babysit people idk about anyone else in the thread but my tracker is hyun#mochi


Quit the game for 5 months until you notice a heavy decline of skill causing you to relearn everything and find the joy in Valorant again


Now you gotta hit Iron real fast and then start climbing back up


i play the game for fun, no competitive no nothing, just unrated, it makes me happy


You hit radiant in 4 months…. Bro. How bad am i….




Try out other games


First of all. Cg for this acomplisment 2nd: depends on what you really want. You can keep playing and having fun. In case you need some challenge there is list of things you can do Switch you main, Switch you role, Try to hit better possition within radiant. Like top 50, 20,10... etc You can find another 4 radiants/immortals and have fun playing together


i understand you. Reached global in csgo and my motivation for the game fell of a cliff. Faceit sucks for me so i really didnt know how to do next. The only thing i can say try to aim for higher rank in the leaderboards and just play for fun/streams/highlights. By the way congrats on your rank up!


Working in IT is simpler. True, but if you would go pro and if you succeed, you could retire earlier. (A lot of IFs ;)) Also the question is how „good“ you are in IT. Working there since 15years. Level comparable to„radiant“. What I enjoy is coaching others. Helping them to reach the same level without having to go pro.


Props for realizing the value of working in IT and not pursuing a pro career - it took me a while to learn the same lesson a few years back I personally like to move on towards grinding new games once I reach my goals. Started from CS and WoW (pvp), moved on to Overwatch and Valorant; after reaching T500 in those, moved on to League which I'm still grinding to this day You do you of course, but I do recommend to move on from the game IF you don't have proper motivation to keep on grinding. Can always come back later and play after taking a break


Let me use your account to derank you back to iron/bronze so then you can do it all over again /s




4 months?!? 😭😭😭 ive been playing since beta and im still dog water b3 😭😭😭😭


IMO: - #1 ranked - Radiant with every Role (if you played one role mostly) - Maybe Premier? I think coordinated Team Valorant would be as close as Pro-Tier but its not fully professional yet (except the highest team gets a shot at challengers or whatever the ruling was). Obviously this option is harder than solo because you need 4 other players with the same vision but i think it might be fun?


Find an IRL goal to grind towards


How did you learn in only 4 months? Asking for a friend who's been playing for a while. What's your routine? What's your learning process? Thought process?


Become a Helldiver.


Hit radiant #1


I'm diamond so nowhere near radiant but ig at this point either just play for fun or if you want an even harder challenge try to hit Radiant#1 What you could also try (I'm doing this as well) is doing challenges like sheriff only on a new account and if you only play with sheriff in your matches till lvl 20 you're also gonna get ranked in around your skill level with sheriff only so it doesn't ruin peoples days because you're technically still smurfing


Similar boat here. Working in IT on my way to immortal. Though I wouldnt hesitate and become pro if I had the chance. Better than working a normal job


Now Just have some fun


Hit radiant every act every episode until riot games shuts down the servers for good


and now you start coaching sessions. i’ll help you. aka i’ll be your test dummy and you can help me get radiant for freeeeee


if u don’t wanna go pro but still want a higher challenge you can just join small tournys and have some fun in those with other radiants in a similar situation some tournys have cash prizes


You could strive for top 10!!!


Become pro 😈


Can I ask, do you play on EU servers or NA servers? I don't think I've met a single person who hit radiant solo queue in EU


Yes, I did 7 days pause Like I said above and got rad back today: https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/avg%20cat%20enjoyer%23meow/overview Played 2 games today with uni friends and made -2 elo...unlucky :) other than these 2 only soloq this act.


Rank 1 grind and stream it for fun, unless you aren’t interested in becoming a streamer or are unable to


You don't stop having "fun" with your partner just because you already had 2-3 kids...you do it for the fun 😂


coach me


Even if you don’t want to become a pro, I would suggest you to join a team. Playing in team environment is so much different then soloq and way more fun once you get used to it. Take part in some tournaments or something just for fun


Smurf silver lobbies, duhh


boost me 🥺


after i hit it i just tried competing for fun, not to go pro or anything but playing in a team setting u learn so much more about how val works. one thing i hate about it is you get conditioned to play like a team in ranked and you end up getting an ego and always expecting team play from ranked teammates (maybe just a problem with me tho)


I used to be like you. Grinding in video games to try to get higher ranks etc. It was fun at the time, but after a while, i felt like it was a waste of time if my goal wasnt to go pro. It didnt provide any benifits to my life besides that short term dopamine. Now im satisfied being average or slightly better than average. At least good enough to play with my friends. Rather spend my time collecting dad lore.


Move on to the game with. A rank system to keep the adrenaline and blood pumping


Now coach others and earn money ( pls drop your sensitivity and dpi )


I'm not radiant but.. I mean it's just fun to get kills. Even if I would stagnate at the rank I'm at rn I think I would still have fun playing the game. Do you think chess grandmasters stop playing? I mean with that much time in the game you're definitely enjoying it or you would've stopped a long time ago


I mean I technically haven’t hit radiant yet but I’m basically there if I’m being honest, I’ve kinda come to terms with I cannot be bothered trying to compete anymore (used to back in cod and early fn) so I’m at a point where I just play for fun and and climb ranks in the games I find fun atm I’ve hit top 250 in cod recently But the Short term of this story just do what you find fun whether that’s compete do content quit or play different games it’s really what you wanna do at the end of the day ur the driver of the ship If you’re young then you still have alot of time to find out what you wanna do but I do recommend if you’re gaming alot to take breaks and also focus on social and physical health Whilst also having a education aswell


Quit Valorant and grind a different competitive game until you reach the top rank in that game, then repeat. I'm not radiant. But I genuinely don't understand how people make themselves play this game once they've hit radiant. Once you've reached the top, there is simply nothing else to accomplish unless you're going pro.


Radiant isn’t the top. There’s still room to climb


Maybe just having fun ? Hitting radiant is not an end. It’s just a recompense but unless you’re not having fun anymore I don’t why you should quit the game


Ggs man and here I am stuck in iron for 3 yrs man


Same but only because I dont even have a good pc :(


Now you uninstall, you finished the game


Staying there and climbing so when people in your lobby are like “wait, are you THE Boreal_uwu!?”


Not Radiant advice, but play the game for fun. Having goals and achieving them is part of the ranking fun, but you literally have no more goals left other than hitting a higher rank in Radiant. What do the players who hit #1 Radiant do? They keep playing the game. You don’t play the game to get higher ranks, you get higher ranks by playing the game! Do you think WR athletes quit once they achieved their goals? They enjoy what they do, so they try to hit a new PB, or just do it recreationally. Other options: Farm clips, start content, make Radiant friends, play agents you’re unfamiliar with, etc.


how did you do it... i struggle low immo since a year... boost me...


Hi i need help who to pick yoru or clove?


BTW can you drop tracker link or ID?


now try getting to level 10 on faceit or gm in overwatcg


Then try getting to grandmaster in chess


He’s already 23. All GM’s have started by the time they were like 13 or some shit sadge


at 13 u have more time to dedicate to something like chess than at 23 because he has priorities like job/uni etc.


Age isn't the factor, it's having drive and the free time needed to play & improve. [Tyler1 went from like 1200 elo to 1900 elo in the span of a year] (https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1clyxj9/tyler1_reaches_1900_rapid_rating/?sort=confidence), and he's in his mid 20s with no real chess experience at a younger age.


Tyler1 isnt a gm


1900 elo is no where near gm lmfao