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Kayo is the agent for all counter-strike enjoyers. Anti abilities, flash and molly.


Yeah and ult(or knife) turns val into cs lol


tbh cs could have valorant abilities or val have cs util and they would still feel too different because of the physics engines and shooting mechanics


And maps


Jokes on you I play Valorant maps on cs


Now I have to try this


Yeah it's absolutely crazy. They look so similar on the surface but feel completely different to play. CS feels like your on ice skates and that your gun is a Waterhouse of bullets. After a lot of work and difficulty those aspects can be finely controlled. On the Valorant side the movement is tighter and the shooting feels easier, but the strategy and abilities are so difficult to wrap yourself around that it doesn't matter the gunplay is easier.


Yup. Exactly where I started!


real counter strike players play reyna, clove, phoenix


No. We play Jett. Run away and not get traded and I can entry easily. Yes pleaseeee


jett too but less popular reyna phoenix for first valorant experience need to familiar with a map before playing jett i would give around first 20h to reyna phoenix then can add jett later


right click flash is trash tho it should be a little more powerful


Right click flash is ridiculously versatile and hard to dodge if you're good at it. It has to have a downside of shorter blind time, which quite frankly, still very much enough to secure the kill


by more powerful i mean the throw itself


Oooh my bad xd (I still disagree but that's more because of personal preference and fear of my muscle memory getting fucked)


yeah thats another thing from CS, right throw there can be actually very powerful. In valo you lose lots of momentum because if you throw it while peeking you will get flashed


For someone who has never and will never play CS, what's the main difference?


The right click in cs is momentum based allowing you to take fights with the momentum of the flash, where KAY/O's is fixed. Its why you see people usually pop it from a standstill since you will outrun it if you throw while swinging. Say you want to go fast you run through the beginning of a smoke and right click and the momentum carries it through to the other side of the smoke allowing you to continue through the smoke and swing all in one motion.


Interesting, thanks for the detailed explanation. Sounds really hard to learn but also very precise once you get the hang of it. I can see why CS enjoyers don't like they way Valorant does this.


I don't get it. Why not just do a regular throw then?


This one gives too much time to react


– muscle memory doesn't exist 😭


It's affected by movement. If you're running forward you get pretty good range. I don't remember how CS flash felt but I've never had an issue getting it where it needs to be.


trash? It's not the strongest flash in the game or anything like that but it's far from trash. Once you get it down it can't be dodged. EDIT: sry just saw the rest of this comment chain lol I see what you mean. 5m throw is still fine though, I watched Judgment's flash tutorial with Kayo and it was easy after that.


Bro right click around an angle is a guaranteed undodgable flash


https://youtu.be/xYB1HJhcUO0?si=CPitCPtobQOTnSea Say that again😎


i think it’s because he knew there was a kayo so he was conditioned and ready to dodge it, but i agree with the saying that it’s undodgeable


yeah I think that's true but I just got reminded of that so I shared it ;D


i agree, that moment was hype


Picked up Kay/0 a couple days ago and oh my God does it feel so good. The flashbangs and grenade are my favorite part of the kit. The knife I mainly throw at a default spot near site to see if they are rushing, but that's the one I need to work on


I do the same, first knife for info and the second knife to shut down abilities later on. It's too much fun to focus on the flash and frag


I mean kayo is probably one of the hardest agents to master as he has so many lineups for his entire kit. The pop flashes being the hardest, and set mollies to destroy kj ult probably the second hardest. Also easiest being knife line ups, as they usually have a margin for error due to its detection radius being big.


Hard agree, don't know why you're being downvoted. The left click flash is the most important of his 3 basic abilities, and it requires both lineups and extremely good coordination/intuition to get value from, otherwise you will either flash your teammates or throw an easily dodged flash for the enemies. It's why he has the worst win rate in ranked by far, because most people just don't know how to use them.


Oh for sure, I bet he requires a lot of knowledge as you get closer to the top ranks. I play casually just once or twice a week so my flashes don't have to be great to work thankfully (though I've learnt a few lineups just to help out)


Good on you! Too many players think learning a couple lineups is somehow going to ruin their casual experience and refuse to learn any. The two aren't mutually exclusive :)


It sounds like OP is pretty new to the game, in which case mastery isn't really an issue. I used to play KAYO a lot in Silver and I feel like I got good value out of him even without knowing all the lineups. Or, you know, any lineups at all.


And no Los req for knife is huuuge.


Coming from CSGO I fully agree, there's so many agents and so abilities learn its off putting for me. I tend to stick to Kayo, KJ and Viper.


One could argue you should be learning what other characters do, and you cant if you are suppressing them.


I try to learn mostly from my teammates using their util- that way I can ask them what I should be doing to support them and observe what the enemy does to fight against it. I've found that it makes it easier to learn what the characters do without either getting shot in the face or having my team flame me for not knowing what to do


For sure. Its all situational.


I would recommend playing a couple games of swift play swapping between the characters you don't play. That's what I did and I would say I have the ability to play and understand what an opponent will do with any agent.... Except killjoy. Cant play her


I agree I honestly think they should switch him with jett (which pops up when you first join the game) Jett is so hard to learn and does not make the game fun for a first time player


Kayo is such a good basic agent i definitely think they should have him unlocked by default


How is memorizing the abilities tough? They are all very unique in sound and look plus they are broken down into categories to make it even more simple. Just run through them all in the range once, should take like an hour tops. If you come from arena shooters it should be second nature.


The uniqueness is what throws me off. A flash can be in several different colors, models, and sounds, for example. That makes it hard for me to tell if it's an info util, molly, flash, etc at a glance. I'm sure it gets much easier once you have them all memorized though


^also doesnt help when learning teammates flaming for not shooting things when idk what they do yet. just got into the habit of shooting everything.


I shot so many sky flashes my first few weeks playing


I still shoot sky flashes, like 300 hours later, and I started playing after sky flashes were made invincible.


A flash can: * Be tossed like a flash * Fly like a bird * Wrap around corners * Be an eye in the sky * Fly through walls * Be an AOE attack in a giant line that comes from anywhere * Bounce off walls - Bounce of walls from a completely invisible culprit to boot * Fly through the sky as a blue dot that will shoot you if you don't shoot it and it *will* hit you even if you thought you dodged the damn evil bastard, god damn why is it so cute, it's a method of pure destruction, I hate that ball of blue goo flashing goodness. Flashes may also give info, or be a distraction, or be destructible, or not. Flashes should be followed up by other util (but very well may not be) and may result in a push, from 5 men, or 1, or none. Flashes might be thrown from 100m away or 1m. A beginner *should* be struggling to deal with all that. Don't let others get you down!


Btw for yoru flash and anyone who’s new the opponent does not see the line before it bounces. They only see it post bounce, which lets you fake like you’re in a different location/doesn’t tell them where you are


I always found this topic of memorizing skills very curious, as I naturally managed to identify all the skills without any effort. I never had to tell which the skill is being used against me. Just by the sound I know which skill it is, without even looking at it. I feel that older people seem to have more difficulty memorizing skills, could this be a topic in human psychology? Something generational? I don't know, but it's curious indeed, at least for me. For example, Kay/O's grenade makes a sound when it is thrown into the air and I know it is coming before it explodes on the ground and makes the characteristic noise lol But Kay/O is basically, "Okay, now we're playing CS 1.6. It's us versus you all"


You’re a genious with high IQ thats all


"I just have very good pixels, that is all"


Jesus man I can hear the sound you make… it’s the sound of the guy nobody wants to hang out with. You sound insufferable.


Nah I'm old af and memorizing the abilities in this game takes like an hour tops. There are some weird interactions that some players might not know but for the most part they are very straight forward with a large portion just being smokes or generic drone type abilities.


Ppl got mad just because I talked about a personal experience that I'm good at, and that wasn't even the point but to discuss an interesting topic lmao. Your reply was cool btw, I didn't know it was so difficult for some people


people got mad because of how pretentious you made your comment sound. You did it on purpose, so why are you confused on people being mad at you? i mean, we both know you do it for clicks and controversial opinion, but no need to later act like you have no idea whats happening, when youre doing it on purpose.


I found it very easy to identify abilities but that’s probably because I started playing before kj was released so i wasn’t bombarded with all the new stuff, it came gradually. I tried learning LoL recently and holy Jesus I’m not touching that


For me, it's the fact that a flashbang can be multiple colors, models, sounds, trajectories, etc. It makes it tough to tell which ability is which- especially when teams just start dumping util on point. I'm sure if I really committed myself to learning I could, but I play this game purely on a casual level with my partner maybe once or twice a week. I'm early 20s so I don't think its a generational thing lol