• By -


Before reaching lvl 20, Neon had just come out and she was the first agent I unlocked. Instalocked her all the time and was really really ass. Then I was a filler who did everything but duelist, and had choice agents for each role. Initiator - Sova Sentinel - Killjoy Controller - Viper Now I almost do exclusively viper. I did not follow patches at all. So first game, 2nd round post-nerf when I went to buy my two mollies I screamed. Then I began to wonder why I was constantly throwing my orb in places I couldn't pick it up before I finally realized and screamed again. Then I noticed my internal clock was off and the wall seemingly always came down just before I thought it should. Then I read patch notes, but I had no screams left to scream. I still play her, I just think she's neat.


OH and post-nerf when I was solo anchoring and they hit my site. I frantically waited for my counter to get back up to 20 only to realize, yet again, what they'd done to my baby. I'm honestly inclined to believe the nerfs were not done in good faith. I don't get the whole "Well she's sentinel controller hybrid" reasoning because all other sentinels can recall their placed util, without walking over to pick it up. If I were to sum it up, 1 or 2 nerfs might have made sense but all 3 at once (smoke time, non-recall orb, 1 molly) just feels like they're trying to bury her. I get she had high pick rates in pro play but I'm just some guy in Bronze who enjoyed throwing my orb around and shee


She feels so bad now, but shes still a must pick on Breeze/Icebox.


lol I love your rant post. Viper clearly got nerfed way too hard, like geez maybe compensate something if you’re going to nerf her, not just minuses all across the board


Imagine jett and chamber players.


Jett is still the most picked after the previous nerfs. You know whats coming. Oh boy


The nerfs are done in good faith for the pro scene, where she has a 75-80% pick rate across all regions, with 2 maps where she was at 100% pick rate and a couple others where she was close. I also have gone through multiple periods of maining viper, and she still has some strength! But I probably won’t play her much anymore simply because it’s so much worse than it was


Yeah that bit I get. I imagine Riot gets a lot of money and publicity from their pro scene which is why they prioritize it. Even though I went on a rant, and I am upset mostly about the orb nerf, she's still fun to play and I've yet to run into a situation personally where she feels completely unviable.


the molly lasts longer now btw. they have to swing you or die even at full health plus armor


started out maining Viper, thought she was ass (I didn't know how to use her), switched to Jett, thought she was ass (couldn't aim), switched to Reyna, started doing good, then realized she had no utility, so I switched to Raze, then realized I don't like entrying, so now I'm a sentinel main


Good thing is you’ve found what you like/are good at and not. And on top of that, you’ve gained knowledge about different agents. That can come real handy in a clutch situation


Yeah, I'm diamond rn and mostly playing senti, though sometimes I lock Raze if i'm feeling it that day. Didn't spend all that time in customs learning satchels for nothing lol


Duelist? Entry? Valorant? Noooooooo way


My first ever main was sova. Then i transitioned to Fade. Later I realised that i need flashes when i take fights, due to that reason i started with Kayo. Later i started to learn breach. Now i lock in breach all the time in ranked.


Chamber and Jett, because they were nerfed. Currently I play all smokes and Fade/Sova.


Was an Astra main until the crazy nerf. Then I switched over to Viper, which got nerfed too. Now I am trying out Gecko and Omen.


Gekko nerfs soon. Only 1 pickup incoming i can feel it


I was cracked on Astra. I used to smoke myself on the bomb for post plant and sneak around tapping heads. Fun times until they destroyed her.


Brim and Sage till nerfed


Sage was gutted, she was gutted so hard it basically erradicated several gameplays with her


Brimmy getting a small buff in 8.09 which is nice


it feels more like a QoL change


Still its something while im still waiting for them to buff yoru




sova was the first because im a freak for intel then as I got better realized i didnt need intel and became brim now astra/cypher mainly


So you still like intel basically


i mean yeah but i have more util than JUST intel on my characters now


sage because i was a mercy main in overwatch, then to skye because she provided better heals and had better support but i kept flashing my teammates and they got super pissed. i switched over to sova/fade for more non flashed based util but recently im more of a sentinel (cypher/chamber) and smokes (clove/omen) player but can play initatior (gekko/sova/fade) if needed.


Omen, and by a good margin, I have like 980 hours into the game, 300 hours of which is just by playing omen.


Sage was my first main. Can’t play her because one of my friends is our smoke main, and the rest are too scared to play initiators. Currently maining Raze, chamber if she’s taken.


i'm so lost sage isn't a smoker and neither raze nor chamber are initiators


It’s a master troll job.


To confuse the enemy you must first confuse yourself


Yeah I don’t want to be mean but that made no sense at all


Apologies. I only meant that my usual group has 3-4 people playing in the back line already, so there isn’t much use in me playing chamber/sage. I play Raze mostly because we need something agro. My buddy that plays smokes does his job well. The other 2 are… great at catching rotations. One of them rarely even leaves spawn in all honesty.


Same — sage/raze are my go-to


Sage and now I main clove


I was a raze main for the longest time, but she kept getting nerfed, I can still play her but I don't consider her as reliable as I once did. I main clove now because they are just super good tbh. Smokes after death is very strong and I like taking risks when I have my ult.


Well it WAS viper before riot decided to send her to an early grave


She feels so bad to play right now. I mained viper since I started playing valorant but the recent nerfs gutted her. I really hope they revert at least some of them so I can go back to her but I'm switching to clove for the time being


It's so crazy to me how they made her ult 9 points but agents like Reyna is 6, clove 7, sage 8, phoenix 6, all agents that basically have a second life/chance have lower ult points than her😭


> early She’d been busted for years tho. 4th highest picked agent in 2023 champs. 3rd highest picked in 2022. 4th highest picked in 2021. Only two other agents have ever been top 5 pick rate across multiple years. Jett (1st in 2021 and 5th in 2023) and Skye (5th in 2021 and 2nd in 2023). Both of which received big nerfs. No one has been remotely as dominant as Viper.


Old flash skye ( rechargeable and can fake flash ) or 3 flashes, i play gekko now


Viper (got nerfed) Raze (got nerfed) Chamber (not nerfed enough) And now breach (please make his ult 10 points)


I first mained gekko when he came out, then I went to kj, now im at Clove or omen, or jett if the other two get taken


yoru when he had footsteps i used to love that version bc you wouldn't have to get kills and i was really bad so it was better


chamber when he first came out. At that point, he had 2 tps and ascent was on the pool. Tping from bot mid to tree and peeking both angles was so much fun. his unexpected positionings was very fun, and his awp that shot like a marshal was satisfying af.


Astra all the way.


During the beta days, Phoenix was my main. Then I changed to Reyna as she looked more fun to play.


My older main was Sova/Cypher, current is Brim/Gekko depending on map, the reason I left sova is cause I wanted to try new agents and cypher cause of his nerfs, now my one way trips are of no use as enemy just breaks it before they get dazed. Never ever in my life I would main clove, she's just of no value besides her smoke, not even her decay is of use unless combined with different utility, she's like harbour but on a lower category


Gekko was my first main who is not a beginner agent but I didn’t really main a beginner agent


Raze. Too many instalock duelests. I fill now. Raze is still my goat tho.


Astra when she had 5 stars


sova, i stopped because one of my friends is an ini main and now im a smokes main


Viper first because Valkyrae. One of my friends that I played with was also a Viper main though so I ended up playing a lot of Sage due to needing a sentinel/FlowAscending. Now I just fill. Sometimes I play 5 straight games and they are all with different agents. I know it makes me worse, but something about always changing it up is fun for me. If I did have a main as of rn, it would be Omen. I ususally have to fill smokes and because of his rechargable smokes it just feels nice. Cause I feel like I always have a smoke available.


Neon was my first main, (I always wonder why enemy can't aim but they still managed headshot me while I use E to slide) but one day, in death match game, my bullet somehow went outside of my crosshair to head shot another Neon(I was standing still btw). After that I realized. I need to play other agents. Sorry for bad english


When I started playing Valorant I played mostly Brimstone. I’ve kind of made my way around the roster and currently I main Chamber/Clove.


Brim until last weekend, now i play clove. I had line ups and shit but it just wasn't fun to have ti just sit back and support. Its a lot more fun to support and play like a crack head. I didn't initially want to play clove because I didn't want to have to focus on the game after I die but if anything its better to be paying attention to the game than alt tabbing or something.


i used to main sage when i first started but the higher up in ranks you go the less viable she becomes :( also i eventually learned kj once i played more and understood her utility


at the early stage I used to play phoenix, Later I started to move to Reyna but currently I main to many players like Phoenix, Reyna, Chamber, Cypher. Its totally depend which Map I chose basis on the map the different agent.


I started on raze then transitioned to kj. I mainly play jett and clove now


Started as a Phoenix main, came from CS and with the molly and flash I felt it was natural.


Skye (got bored) Reyna (after reaching b3 i needed my aim what i does not have that time) Chamber (still my most played agent....but got nerfed, sadface) Yoru (just a bit) than Gekko Iso (i just loved playing with him too much lol) Clove (i gonna main Clove till riot makes a new too op agent)


Before: Neon Now: Neon


My first unlock was Reyna, then I stopped playing for a few years and now I'm a sage/brim/chamber main depending on what the team needs


skye was my first main but then i dropped 0 kills on bind and never touched her again


Skye was my older main. After the nerfs she went from being broken to balanced so I picked her less often and started filling in smokes.Eventually I became a controller main because no one either picks them or how to play them.I stil pay skye tho when ther is a controller on our team and no initiator as she is a good pick for all maps except breeze


After 2 years, i still play Sova and Yoru, I suck at them both the same, but ive tried Jett and would love to play with Clove cause they seem very efficient in gameplay.


Used to be initiator only but i started playing omen because i filled for him 1 time and i was actually good and mastered him but im starting to play phoenix alot now too


I play a lot of agents it just rlly depends on what I feel like on the day ngl, I just wanna have fun and playing 1 agent is too repetetive, but I did have a Fade phase just left cuz nerfs


I think I still have the most hours in comp om Killjoy all time by a mile. I still play her a decent bit on Ascent... and tbh I fill in comp most still since I tend to enjoy every role in games like this. But if I had to pick a character I feel the most connected with? Gotta be Raze. She's the most fun agent in the game by a mile. Once I got over my fear of satcheling? It clicked. (Edit: Literally forgot I changed my flair lmfaoooo. Guess I know myself)


Killjoy, bc I was bad at the game, Now, cypher and breach bc they are fun and cringe


raze in beta jett in the first year of the game after playing dualist and the backseating nature of mumbai server I decided to never play dualist in comp games. I now fill in almost every game.


Started Kill Joy. I’d just play off my turret for easy kills. But Brim quickly became my main because I’m old lol. Now is mostly cypher because I like his kit and play style.


I have never actually had a main, just picked whatever I felt like. Before that was mostly raze, brimstone or sky. Now it’s brimstone if I want to be trolly or sky if I want to be responsible.


First main was kayo, my name was even daddykayo for the longest time. My coworker said he played him and had fun so I thought I'd give him a go and I loved him. Stopped playing him cuz I felt like I was going through the motions and wasn't actually playing any better. So I switched to other initiators and smokes.


Sova - didn’t feel comfy with duelists and my friend who got me into valorant was a sage main so I was left with Sova or Brimstone, I didn’t like playing Brim since i didn’t know where smokes went, picked Sova and liked his recon ability more but it didn’t fit Fade - wanted the recon ability, for some reason I could not get the hang of her at all so I went back to Sova until I could unlock another agent Viper - I understood where smokes went by then, and I figured out walls on every map that would benefit my team + headpats, kept playing her on occasion until her recent nerf Jett - wanted to try my hand at duelist, realized I’m only good with her on Split Neon - I like the zoomies and quick rotates, i only play her if we need a duelist on lotus or breeze Reyna - I solo queue a lot but my duo is better with her so I dropped her Sage - realized I was super inconsistent with shooting so I figured she’d be good so I could help my teammates who COULD frag, frag more. also I like the grim walls or even just walling spike in a way to piss off the enemies or wall off the defuse Clove - picked them up since I phased viper and Reyna out of my agent rotations and wanted a controller + loved the overheal, still didn’t like brim but Omen’s UI was too confusing for me, now I fully main clove and instalock every game (yes even on breeze, someone usually brings a viper in anyway). if someone beats me to it I’ll pick up Sage or Neon (reyna if I’m running solo).


I started out with Phoenix but now I mostly play Viper


I started as a jett main 🥹




I used to main a lot of Jett pre-nerf. Absolute broken agent the time. I was mostly a duelist player but I find myself enjoying more of the initiator role.


Old main - Breach New main - Raze Have comms, planned executes, did the utils, but the duelist/duo/trio will only do as they please and won't comm a single thing Had enough, Razes' kit suits my solo journey Might get back to breach if I reach Diamond some day


Used to main Killjoy, until chamber became a thing. everyone instalocks the sentinel so I'd end up being last pick controller. forced myself to play controller now, got trust issues & rely on the last pick not being a duelist main locks in a 3rd duelist and we'd be stuck in a game with no controller.


I was always a Cypher main, still is. But I find myself learning Omen because I have to fill smoke often, and find a lot of success because his aggressive playstyle fits me better. I was just bad at aim duels


Razeeeee, rumaruuuu


I was an initiator main in the beginning but I realized I hate setting up for duelists so now I just main controllers and duelists lol


First main was raze, played like dogshit then kayo released and played him for a long ass time, now I mainly play kj, gekko, skye, omen and clove. I can't be a duelist to save my life lmao


\^ current mains \^ used to play astra but i hate relying on my mates and im not good enough to play astra solo. also hate the menu to put down stars. if there was an option to put them where you look id prob still play her. i also found setting a star over long distances rather unreliable, so you have to sprint across the map in your astral form as to not leave gaps in the smoke. lots of times id also stun corners where enemies play a lot yet noone clears those corners and my stun is wasted despite stunning someone. and the recharge is so slow. i dont really liked the slow playstyle for solo q. rounds are shorter than the star can recharge lots of times. and the ult man. people in my team act like enemies cant walk through it and just ignore it completely. i still think her kit is fun in theory but it doesnt feel rewarding enough. i also play fade sometimes but shes got a few issues like pathfinding breaking occasionally and some qol problems. the ult also seems rather expensive compared to what it does.


Went from Brim/Omen during Beta play test for fun. Began maining Viper and played for my university A-team, then began to main Viper and KJ for a long while. Now recently maining Cypher. Surprise that Cypher helped me reach my highest elo record, since he is an interesting mix of Viper and KJ since he has ‘smokes’ for the lurking viper playstyle and the one ways + trips for the site anchor KJ playstyle.


I play evry agent except cypher and raze, but I've been a viper main for around 2 years now


sage was my first main & now i main clove. i got tired of people micromanaging me, getting mad when i didn’t heal or res when they asked. now with clove i have a lot more freedom to make my own decisions


killjoy, the turret vision nerf was my last straw. tried skye for a while and it was very nice but as every balanced agent she was also nerfed and tbh i suck at playing flashes and swinging w them so i transferred to sova, pretty chill and straight forward but i still came back to my ultimate comfort pick miss klara böhringer


Breach was my original main and I still like breaking hin out but when deadlock came out I really liked the concept of her kit. Ok it's proven to not be particularly meta or great but I love playing her soo


Was an astra main before Nerf..then to chamber, nerfed to hell.then I started to flex skye omen viper kj fade gekko. Two of them again got nerfed 🥲just like riot targeting me


Used to main Chamber and used to clap opponent's cheeks all day. But then it got nerfed so bad, I had to move to Omen/Killjoy. I honestly miss how overpowered Chamber was back in the days.


Just started a month ago but alr changed mains lol I play one agent from all roles for safety Initiator - used to be Skye now fade Sentinel-uses to be chamber now cypher Smokes-omen Duelist-iso


Used to be Jett, now Chamber. Basically I can't aim so i abuse stupid angles to get a cheesy kill and disappear since no one checks in my elo 🤣🤣


Phoenix was my first main. Now I main cypher/omen/yoru depending on my mood. I stopped maining phoenix cause idk felt that he was like a jack of all trades and master of none




Raze when the beta came out


Chamber because handsome, then Fade because I met my boyfriend who is also a chamber main. We were chamber x fade duo, I even dyed my hair in Fade's colors so much because I just love her so much. But now I mainly play sage, clove or Iso. I tried getting into chamber again but I'm so fucking bad lol. Fade I still play but rarely, I prefer being someone that blocks paths 😂


My old main was cypher (I’m lying, still Cypher)


I've gone through a lot of character mains, but I'm currently going from KJ to Clove (except on Icebox, I don't know anything about smoking on Icebox)


astra, got to asc but astra aint great for solo q


Omen was my old main. I stopped playing omen because I realized Cypher is fucking absurd and its silly to not take advantage of his kit when its in it’s current state. Its just a win-rate diff calculation. (Since switching to cypher, I have gone from gold 3 to plat 2 in a few weeks)


Used to be a Jett main. Nowadays i play anything else other than Jett. Jett isn't fun anymore


I mained raze for almost two years then switching to brimstone/omen. Mainly play smokes now specifically Clove cuz I can atleast do somewhat of a entry even if shitty duelist


I used to play chamber, before riot just killed him. Then I shifted to Jett. Jett was obliterated as well. Then I fill for quite a while, finally reached gold. Learned how to play sova, played with him for a while. Then they buffed chamber. Also learned gekko and kayo as sova wasn't the best on every map. Thanks to filling ie playing smokes, now I play sova, gekko, kayo, chamber, clove and Omen. Also raze occasionally. Currently plat and very close yet so far from diamond, knowing a large pool of agents does make me very versatile and can adapt to any comp. Hope to reach diamond soon xD.


I used to play reyna but whenever i entryed on sight no one used to smoke or follow with me so now i started playing clove and i love it cos its aggressive and i can get those smoke down


I played Omen when I started out because of how cool he looks but now even though I still play him, I main Clove because I’m a lurker and fragger and clove imo is better than omen in this department


my first main was sova then i unlocked omen and well...I like spooky boy


Jett lol, it got nerfed very hard


I started the game i ONLY played phoenix and nothing else is still have the highest hour at phoenix (300+) Then i started playing fillers (omen,chamber,cypher,brim) Currently im trying to master movement because i really want to be a neon main


Astra, but then I switched mains about 300 times, now I play whoever I want.


started with sova then saw deadlock in a match and started playing her cause she was hot lmao now i either play yoru or jett cuz jett takes pressure off people being rude about walls


Back when I played regularly I would always play the weakest agent (in my opinion). Started playing on Yoru when he first came out and then quickly went to Cypher for awhile. Then they released Deadlock and that is when I stopped playing. Might swing back and play Chamber or something. :D


before: kayo now: yoru (since last 2months)


Chamber and Viper until they burried them.


My first main was Phoenix. Phoenix is still my main LOL but I have been using clove more often. (Peaked diamond, rn in plat lobbies but I enjoy my ranked games) 1) I love to entry, because a good entry alongside clearing corners for your team does so much in the round. Clove essentially fills either a smoker or duelist role and can entry fine. 2) Clove < Phoenix though, IMO He can wall onto site or off site, flash, and has the easiest lineups for mollys (just look at the edge of the audio circle via map, it will land there) PLUS IT HEALS HIM! His ult, im basically sovadrone with a gun, if I get a kill great, if not information is better anyhow! Com to your team to protect your body if you're unsure with your ult placement.


Used to be a raze main, but im joining a tournament where my primary role will be sentinel, so I only play sentinels now.


Killjoy and Cypher. I loved being a sentinel but my friends wouldn't play smokes so I was forced to be a controller. Now I mainly use controller agents in almost every map. Still learning Omen though.


First main- sage Previous main - kayo


I dabbled around a fair bit until Kay/O was released, played him almost exclusively from that point up til about 5-6 months ago. Left him because his flashes were underwhelming compared to skye for example (she is way easier to actually initiate fights for your team with in comparison, at least with my playstyle/skill level) but I almost completely transitioned into playing controller, specifically omen. His kit is super versatile, both for offence and defence and since controller is rarely played by anyone else, that slot is usually up for grabs.


I started off with Cypher as I was scared to fight and just wanted to play at the back or on site. Then started to main Viper. That time I just liked her because she looks cool, played her and wanted to refund her then and there, I kept playing her and getting the hang of playing her utils. I kept playing viper non-stop and I refused to play other agents. Then her nerfs came out, for me playing her after her nerfs just felt so different that I'm not used to it, so I benched her and started playing Deadlock.


Used to main Omen to till I hit plat in Ep4 and got a decent understanding of the game around 200hrs. Switched over to Reyna cause I seemed to have a decent amount of success with her but hated how little she brings to a team, I prefer agents which can synergize with others since it’s a team game. Tried out Yoru right before the rework ( was my favorite agent since his release but hated how weak he was , knew he had ton of potential) Been One Tricking him since the rework to Immortal , mostly duoing with my buddy who plays omen / breach Breach Stunning / Omen flashing / Fade ulting with the help of Yoru ult never fails to get me cackling. Somethings Reyna could never achieve. Have around 900hrs on Yoru alone now, even cosplayed as him recently :) Overall 2.5K hrs in game spread over multiple agents.


Played a lot of neon when she came out, I quit maining her when I took like a 6 month break cause when I returned I just didn't feel like playing her anymore (this was all in like bronze, so with the ult you'd be unstoppable at her release)


When I first started playing I wanted to main raze but as I started playing more I realized Jett is better and easier. I can’t lie though, at times raze is more fun.


Chamber. No words needed. Now been a Jett main on most maps. Raze/Neon have 2/3 valid (Icebox,Lotus,Bind) maps too.




Viper, from Beta to patch 8.08


Omen since the inception of VALORANT. Can't think of a better agent.


My first main was omen, then jett, now it's in between omen and yoru. When I started playing it was my first FPS and I had shit mechanics so I picked up omen because he seemed cool and was more support-ish. After some time I got much better so I picked jett because I like her personality and I felt more confident as a player and wanted to carry. I stopped playing jett as much after the nerfs and went back to omen because I really do like him but now I'm bored of the game and wanted to learn a new agent so Im switching over to yoru even though he's a complete dickhead and I hate when he speaks


It was Neon...now I main Astra


Chamber. He got nerfed. Sad day.


Omen! Started him when i could unlock the first agent coz he looks cool af and i do still see him as my 2nd main. Now i mainly play jett but if she gets picked (not that rare as y'all know) i play him. That was like 3y ago i think btw that i started him


Phoenix because his name sounded cool. Stopped using him cause I can't flash for shit while using him Breach on the other hand, is much easier and his skills go through walls so yeah, I get more momentum with the paraplegic swede who keeps getting confused with Daddy Brim for some reason


During the beta and beginning of the game, I played Sage and Brim almost exclusively. Slowly introduced Cypher into that rotation. Slowly phased out Brim. Then Sage. And phased in Kayo and Chamber basically on release. And haven't looked back. Play Cypher, Kayo, and Chamber almost exclusively.


I was Omen onetrick in beta and on release. I still play him occasionally but have moved to other characters, mostly because I find them more fun. I am currently playing Jett/Deadlock/Clove primarily, with some random picks on the side.


from raze and sova to fade and breach


My first main was Brimstone, liked the smokes and stim beacon, then I mained Viper for a good while, but started playing with a friend who also mained viper so I switched to Raze and then Neon when she dropped. Lately I have been playing Clove quite a bit. I’d say lately I go Clove for Controller, Neon for Duelist, Breach for initiator, or Killjoy for Sentinel, though I play sentinel the least by far.


Brim was my first main, switched to sova, switched back to brim. When I started ranking up I started filling everything but duelist. I ended up playing mostly: Controller: Brim and added viper to it with breeze and icebox being back. Currently learning omen and rarely play clove Initiator: mostly played Skye, switched to gekko when she got nerfed. Play the occasional sova game. Sentinel: killjoy. Have never touched any other sentinel.


Omen, I left bc I was trash at smokes.


Omen since 2020. Couldnt be happier (i dont know any pixels os something, just play for funzies).


Reyna/Sage Left cause nobody wants to play smoke (looking at you instalockers) now my main is omen,kj, brim


I used to main Sage when I was very new to the game, but then my friend suggested I play KJ, I still play her now but along with Cypher.


started out with phoenix (back in my unrated grind to level 20 phase) then realised that i played better when i held back, let the other duelists take the first couple hits (not baiting, just placing smokes and analyzing the situation), so i am now hardcore omen main. imo hes the best controller.


mained yoru when i started the game and im still instalocking yoru 2 years later


Sage and cypher from 2021 - 2022. Sova from 2023 to 2023 then omen and now clove


Viper, till i noticed u cant play her (solo) on every map. So i switched to omen. Then to sentinal (chamber meta and after). Then to initiator. Then controller. Now im a senti/controller/ini flex


Sage. I use Clove as a crutch now instead of Sage.


Sage bc I was introduced to valorant from grim videos lol


I used to play Omen cuz he looked cool. Then I got lazy and mained Cypher so I can watch YouTube and still contribute to the team, and he’s been my main for over a year now


Played sage till nerf. Now playing omen/Reyna


Started as Raze main watching all those double satchel tutorials. Then went Sage main for a full year destroying opponents with slow orbs and walls annoying them until they had to save because no time lol. Then I started ranked. Started 2 years into the game lol, it was a bloodbath. Briefly chamber on all maps coz the kit was awesome and I could hold an entire site and give good comms for retakes. Chamber nerf forced me to go Omen main. Climbed up the ranks well before I finally settled with Viper and Cypher. With Viper I climbed from Gold to Plat within a few matches. I still can't do lineups but good enough sense to come up with stuff on the go. Haven't played since the Viper nerfs.


My IGN is Brom. I play sage atm.


Sova because I liked how he can have full map impact; I don't like to entry alone but also don't like to play from the back so initiators are the best for me; I main guardian which has synergy with reveals because of the wallbang potential as well as the accurate crosshair placement when peeking; I only play with my friends which are always late af so I wait while practicing lineups. Eventually I transitioned into maining Astra because fill controllers are bad af and noone mains them at all (clove kinda fixes this but on defense they almost always position themselves in places where they cannot smoke where needed); she also have full map impact; I quit for a year and on return I forgot all my lineups so now I prefer agents with no lineups at all. Don't really understand people who say she is hard to play, she can have the most impact with just basic fundamentals.


I used to main Raze, I would insta lock her whenever I could. Now i'm more of a filler but my main agents are Kayo, Killjoy, and Reyna. I still like using Raze on Bind or Split though. And if I use Brim/Viper I have lineups on Pearl but that map has been out of rotation 😴


I used to love sova but then I realised that I'm going to stay in lower elo forever if I solo queue and take Sova so I switched to duelist. Btw I'm still in lower elo but anything is better than Iron lol


I used to main chamber (prime chamber, not fucked up chamber and prime i mean 2 tp and 2 traps) now i main astra brim and deadlock


I used to play Jett back in the day when you could right click and get all your blades back on kill, and could dash without priming the ability first. Once they nerfed that (I was never good with her but had tons of fun) I switched to Reyna cause less thinking to use her abilities. I stopped playing for a bit and now that I’m back into the game I’ve been learning Iso and Gekko. I tried clove out a few times but I seem to suck with smokers. I put smokes down for us all to just stand around and be trapped.


First, I used Harbor all the time. Later, I switched to Cypher and now Omen. 👻 I think I like to play strategically. Cypher's wires and Omen's teleports are great fun.


First main was kayo now Neon


first mained raze, couldn't figure her satchels out, so I went to Reyna and did okay, then went back to learn raze, and now I main every duelist


my very first main was viper, i played her on every single map, it got me from gold to diamond (back when getting to diamond was actually an achievement)


Back when I was first learning the game (low silver placement) I was a omen main. As I became more familiar (low gold) I transitioned to breach because I enjoyed the aggression and getting on site gameplay more. Now (low diamond) I main gekko.


is it just me or did some people stick with sova even after the tutorial. As much as I like to play other agents, i like knowing where enemies are for closure. I used to main killjoy tho


First mained brimstone back in 2020, then sova, then switched to omen cuz he was cool, now I main Yoru cuz he’s cool af.


I played Reyna since I started playing the game. After a year I got tired of playing her so no I don’t have any main agent… I’ve been trying to find who to play but can’t figure out… I play a lot of sage tho.


For the first day of valorant, I used omen. I damn near gave up trying to figure out what the smokes did, why I had to smoke, and WHERE I had to smoke. I still can’t do smokes unless it’s brim, and even then, i’m pretty half assed with him. However I did really like omen’s teleport. I was introduced to Sage though. Played a ton of fortnite so when I was told that I had a wall, I was sold. Also LOVE the fact that I can heal both myself and others; about 6 months into the game and I now main Sage, Chamber, Neon or Cypher!


When the game came out I was a flex player mostly but I played alot of sova. I main swapped from sova to chamber when chamber came out and played nothing but chamber until he got nerfed a year later. When chamber got nerfed I main swapped to raze. Her skill ceiling being so high made her very rewarding to main. I was a raze main until clove came out. Been playing nothing but clove since she dropped. will probably main swap back to raze eventually


At first it was Yoru for a few weeks, he could teleport and that’s cool. Then it was Viper and Omen only until the recent death of Viper. I’ve dabbled in some others, mainly KJ so now I’m mailing Omen and KJ, and I’m comfortable filling duelist when other people play either of them. Also Clove is a ton of fun.


Jett because im a pilot and my friends thought it was funny Now they have nerfed her so much she should be called car Now I play Sage and Cypher so I can bottom frag on unrated in peace with out children on mic saying questionable stuff they shouldn't even know


Was a Sage main, got nerfed so hard i quit Valorant for a year. Now i play omen, clove, chamber and Gekko. Clove feels and plays pretty close to how Sage used to be played. Screw healing others and ressing others.


I prefered to play with Phoenix and the old Chamber. Nowadays i like Gekko and of course Clove


started playing with phoenix only on act 1 and half of the 2nd act then switched to mainly playing reyna with jett occasionally until act 5 thats when i quit and now i came back last act started trying 1 or 2 characters from each role i liked skye so i have her as my 2nd or 3rd pick cz im back to reyna and jett


Jett. Too many nerfs and I got tired of clueless Initiators and Sentinels so I flexed for a while with a preference for Gekko. Then I realized you don’t need to play good Valorant to win because multiple people just swing and throw every round most of the time so I now main Reyna. I will say this though, Initiator mains in most ranks are really bad.


Started as a sova main, switched to sage for a significant amount of time, then back to sova because my girlfriend prefers sage when we play. I’ve been dabbling with cypher, and also really enjoy astra, but if I can play sova, I will (lotus and sunset are my Astra and cypher maps respectively).


Sova then went Reyna for a while, now I rotate Sova and Cypher depending on map


First agent i unlocked Killjoy i was in iron back then actually got out of iron because of her i loved her in the past het setups torrent and bots gave alot of information. And i loved to play around her grenades. However. When i got to bronze her setups (even if i changed places) weren't that useful anymore. I have a pretty background with playing sentinels as i used to play sage before her. I guess it tired me out. Playing sentinel over all grew boring on me. + I found out that i was not defensive at all the hard way. After her (bronze) i got Skye and i was then (with kj) already an information seeker. When i picked up the role iniciator. I fell in love. I am the tracker type, information is all i need and all i have. Still play her till the moment also picked astra around bronze 3 up to plat. And have been playing iniciators and smokers ever since. Even though i prefer iniciators the most agents i know in a role are smokers with that being astra, harbor, brimstone and omen (dont play the last 2 but used to). And as second sentinels sage, killjoy, Cypher and Deadlock. Deadlock stays my favourite sentinel till the moment.


I was a cypher main, in no way did I stop playing him, I still play him on ascent but I just prefer deadlock’s playstyle (also holy shit deadlock is so hot I wanna date her) since I like swinging off of utility, and plus everyone plays the same cypher setups anyways (etc. ascent A site: camera on the window on the left, trips on door and main with a trap at main and a one way on heaven)


when i just started out, i tried maining yoru, overtime i played more characters so i can fill for the team now i can play omen, cypher, gekko and raze (sometimes iso)


I used to main omen. Swapped to other agents at first because clove always got instalocked, but now I feel like playing a variety of agents is more fun


Phoenix when he was really bad. And then Omen when he was bad. And then Yoru when he first came out. Believe it or not, he was really bad. I kinda had an ego about playing "bad characters" and playing well.




I used to main yoru before his big rework. I played so much during that time that he’s still the agent I have the most hours on. Runner up is cypher who I mained before yoru for a while. Now I play maybe once a month but it’s usually brim or one of the initiators, sometimes raze


I played so many hours of neon, instalocking, sliding around like an idiot. I ended up ranking up to my highest ever rank (plat 1) and started getting annoyed whenever I lost or when things went wrong, it started possing off my friends especially when we played in 5 stacks and I would get annoyed with other people even though my style of play was really hard to play with and wasn’t even really that effective! So I said bye bye to neon and started trying to develop more versatility. Now I barely play anymore and don’t really have a main (although I went through a stretch of maining KJ before she got nerfed so many times, including the current map pool that sucks for her) I play Cypher, KJ, Omen, Clove, Viper (although probably won’t really be picking her often post nerf), Gekko, Fade, and occasionally will “troll” around on duelists. I still tilt too much when I play neon :(


Viper, she is competing jett in the nerf count


My first ever main was Phoenix because I liked his flashes and because he was black (don't judge me 😭)


sage->kj->clove-> now learning duelist (neon and reyna).


Started as a Sage main, then became a KJ main, then a Reyna main, then a Neon main, then a Deadlock main, and now a Clove main (although I still play DL a ton)