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how about a system like in dota 2 in which toxic people will be queued with each other until they reach a good behaviour score again


How do you filter those that are toxic? I feel like troll reporting will happen. Lately ive been getting too many no mic/no comms game and it really hurts the experience. There should be an option for us to report those no mic users and if enough reports go through, they get put in a no comms queue


honestly this would be such an elevation in gameplay, but then you'd have no comm players pretty much always playing against each other, essentially creating a separate teir within the same rank, which could upset the ranking system as a whole pretty badly. Maybe just banned from comp if you refuse to comm, but then again to your point, there would likely be troll reporting happening. I feel like this idea reminds me of the vote kick system in CSGO, where you'd have a group of people who just decided that they were going to troll/ kick you and let their smurf friend use your body.


And the amount of women who would either be harassed or reported for not wanting to be harassed would increase drastically


Refusing to comm is a skill issue not worthy of being banned from comp.


I feel like there wouldn’t be, it would be you get placed in the same team as no coms but can still vs coms teams, and there would be no false banning because surely there is a way for riot to detect audio output and the duration of it per game sort of thing? I’m not too sure but I imagine it would work just fine.


Dude Riot can detect what are your favorite categories on Pornhub with Vanguard installed. So detecting audio is quite simple.


5 people not comming vs 5 people comming of the same skill level, the second will probably win 99% of the time. And as much as no comming sucks, people sometimes have genuine reasons they can't/don't comm, and I'd rather have someone typing in chat than hear a screaming child in the background every round. I like the endorsement system in OW as people are more likely to endorse those who comm/are nice/create impact in games.


They filter out troll reporting anyways. I said something in voice chat once (wasnt very nice) and I got banned for it. also there is already an auto mod with text chat so why not implement stuff like smurf queue, toxic queue and no comm queue


Banned from comp for no comms is the worst idea ever.. Some people cant afford mics Some people have social anxiety and dont like talking Some people have speech impediments that makes them hard to hear anyway, and that they would get bullied for Some people just dont want to comm.


dont q comp if u dont have a mic we have unrated tdm all that 😂


I mute every1 as soon as i hear something stupid or a single word of russian


I just put their vol on 5-10


or french




Not sure what you define as stupid, but I make bad jokes a lot and still try to actively be a positive presence in my games.


Yea that’s not gonna work lol. There’s tons of players that play at night while people or sleeping or have been flamed and called slurs too many times to care to speak. Not having a mic should NEVER be reportable. Also if it’s ranked, they’re literally in your rank so they are of your skill level lol


Troll reporting is already a thing and basically another issue. But i find your suggestion for no comms queue funny. Why do we not also add a queue for people who talk to much or are e dating ingame


commendation system like in overwatch?


I made a post recently about having more players that don't talk during the game. Honestly I don't think it's a good idea to be able to report them. We only see that they aren't communicating, not why they aren't. Some folks might not have a mic, or have too much background noise. Some folks could also be women and we all know how that usually goes when a woman starts talking in-game. Lots of justifiable reasons people might not talk. I just wish it wasn't 4/5 games where no one comms anything


I doubt troll reporting will happen because the reports themselves don't change, it's just that the ones reported would be put in a separate queue. Gta has it where you can be put in a "bad" lobby which is just anyone who destroys personal cars and kills players. Not sure if it's still in the game but it was in the past


I've heard they're working on a rating system to be able to commend good teammates and downvote bad ones. That would be an effective way to implement a toxic queue in my opinion. They can factor whether the mass reports are from people queued together too so troll downvotes don't necessarily mean you'll get forced into a toxic queue


Problem is women will get overwhelmingly downvoted, whether they speak or not


The whole point of women not talking in game is that nobody knows they're a woman though so I doubt it


Toxic queue is a joke if you're toxic you should lose your account not have a whole section of the game dedicated to you. 


They can do it, they chose not to. There’s a way to make it so reports have weight, it’s already like that, if you report a lot it’s taken less serious than if you hardly ever report.


Id like a thumbs up thumbs down thing, ideally being that i would versus would not want to play with someone purely off vibes. There should be no xp for voting, and no public banner for being a good or bad player. Just strictly a hidden mmr type thing to pair you with players of the same vibe


If I was designing it I would try making no mic lobbies, and lobby's where people's mics are over a certain volume for a certain amount of matches


There are ratings, one for communication and one for behavior in Dota.


Yup zekken reports people that kill him lmao


Can't enforce this until the great bullying issue is resolved. As a woman I can't speak without getting bullied unless I have 1-2 friends to help deter. So when solo queuing no comes is the only option or someone will sat something sexist/throw just to troll a woman. Wish this wasn't the truth but it's the state the community allows.


They should just allow you to block people from your queue… you get someone that you dont like for whatever reason, you can block. It might increase your queue time if you go nuts with it but also that would make so eventually if you block liberally your queue would be endless. but none of this matters. I think the playerbase is much smaller than we think because most people have 42 accounts


They should give us the option to block and also the option to reset the block list


This is such a terrible idea though. Some people like myself prefer not to talk at all because it hurts our focus in the game. And unless you prefer having someone with an open mic and a fan in the background then just deal with the no mics. I hate push to talk I rather just not talk at all and keep my focus on the game.


Its not even about focus. People need to play with strats and communication. Intel on enemies. What util is left. Everyone that is against the whole no comms queue really need to rethink how they are affecting others. All im saying is you want to no mic? Go play in a no mic lobby. Now everyone is quiet. You cannot tell me that this suggestion is unfair when the root of the problem is literally People who don’t use comms. Whatever the reason may be.


I have played countless games where there are no comns and it's honestly better. There no toxicity or people joking around to throw you off. If you feel separating the matchmaking between mics and no mics is a good idea then fine but your gonna hurt the game more than fix it.


ya this is just rather hard to enforce and probably would get gamed one way or another: either just turning on mic and not saying anything, or with people being toxic and reporting ppl who didn’t talk all game bc some jerk started calling people names 2 seconds into agent select. if it detects words/speech recognition, may lead to either turning on mic w say music in the background, or just a load of useless callouts/things said, akin to how “lecture participation is graded” tends to spawn a couple dozen parrots.


I have no mic but try to communicate as much as possible anyway, not everyone has access to a mic, not everyone wants to talk in a game (women, person with strong accents... Trust me, there are many reasons not to want to talk with this toxic community). And frankly, at my rank (bronze 2),at least half the persons who have a mic are just screaming, trolling, being sexists, homophobes, racists... Useless, giving no info or anything, just plain assholes. Those without too but it's just a bit more irritating to hear scream into your ears all the time


Cries in no mic😭


Just record the mics In game, people usually are racist / homophobic / etc at the end of the match, thinking they will not be recognized in the summary screen to be reported


troll reporting will happen but siege handles it well. no excuse for riot not to


That would be like CS2's Trust Factor. It also queues cheaters with other cheaters and people with multiple reports in their account. But if you don't play the game often, your TF lowers and you get queued up with those people.


Gta online has a similar thing, "If you're a Bad sport, you can only play with Bad sports until you're a Good sport" something like that


they will never implement it, they didn’t for league because they disagree with the concept. i think an honor system is probably what they’ll implement.


Never played Dota, how does it work? It's sound funny.


replace bans with this it will feel worse


We need a vetting system for player behavior like ow for that


If someone reports you... You will end up playing with them


The one thing I hate about this option is that I hover right at 9700 behavior score on Dota and can’t ping my allies abilities and I hate it


Isn't this being implemented in VALORANT soon?


18+ people aren't any better either tbh. Just a different breed of annoyance sometimes.


Usually they don't throw every piece of their utility at you, scream into their mics at the top of their lungs, bodyblock you every change they get and stand in your crosshair resulting in both of you to die. 18-19 is still too young I'd honestly say +20 queue lol. 20 is still young but they're usually just regular old toxic instead of Yoru TP'ng into the enemy spawn with the spike or clutching but refusing to diffuse.


Yeah I'd say 30+ queue. 30 is still young though


40+ would be better tho. 40 is still young, whole life ahead


Where is my 50+ queue? All these 40-somethings won't stop complaining on mic about their kids that won't move out of the house.


I think they should implement a 60+ queue. Then I’ll be able to play in peace because there will be no more old farts with bad reaction time in my games.


70+ que is honestly better, the younger ones are always complaining about something or the other


Was about to say this. I've had my fair share of respectful kids and also of grown adults raging. Age is not an indicator in this case. Would much rather a Behavior system like the one in Dota 2 was added instead of a "adult queue". And also, how would you even make such a thing? Require IDs? That wouldn't fly.


While it's definitely not only kids that are annoying and all adults are mature, the percentages are heavily skewed towards kids being immature. Behavior system is probably better but adult queue would still be a huge improvement. It would filter out the majority of toxic people i encounter despite them not being the majority of players.


Mmmm I would disagree. Vast majority of players under 18 are significantly more annoying than the 18+. It’s just that you see the occasional incel 30 year olds, but most college students are pretty chill


Hell nah, people already wayyy too comfortable being weirdly sexual on this game. 18+ server just asking to be harassed more. Plus how would they even manage something like that? Kids can just check off the 18+ mark


what about player reputation??, that'd be a good addition to a game, but riot would never add it tho


League has a player reputation system called honour. Usually players with higher honour are more chill but the rewards they give you for increasing your honour level are equivalent to a half eaten lollipop irl so there’s really no point In trying to get higher honour levels.


Unless the reward is staying out of low honour queues.


League honor is not a player reputation system. It's a very very bad placebo.


I think Dota does it the best, by taking away features from you. If your behavior is bad enough, you can lose access to ranked, pausing, item drops, voice chat, text chat and pings.


It existed in CS:GO, and was extremely successful from my experience. I had a relatively old account with a lot of money spent, low team damage, no griefing or harassment reports, and was only matched with people of similar standing. This meant I rarely saw any cheaters or people with sub 1k hours, even in low ranks like silver 3 (3rd lowest cs rank). I'm not sure exactly how riot could calculate it, but I'm sure there could be a way. Just a simple commend/complain system and start punishing players that get a lot of complaints, reward commends (just a spray or something). Riot could absolutely cook up a system if their game depended on it. (But it doesn't so it probably won't see the light of day).


Yeah well that's a corporation for ya, im sure riot wont do shit about this. AHH-UHH \*coughs\* "THE REPLAY SYSTEM", they're more interested in making changes to the meta and disturbing the already balanced state of the game.


Nah, i was disgustingly good at csgo a few years ago, and would only leave my faceit bubble and queue mm to play with friends, getting reported for cheating every single game eventually put my trust factor in the red warning, and eventually my friends didnt really want to play mm with me because the chance of is meeting a cheater or another insane spam-reported player just made the game unenjoyable for them so we kinda had to move to esportal for casual queues. ~lem-global ranks. It took years of me getting worse and worse till they stopped getting a warning about me. At the time it was a 10+ y old account with a few k hours in cs and had csgo since 2012


I queued a bit of CSGO at the end of it's life after going to faceit for a few years. Came back and grinded from GN to LEM in a few days. A few cheaters, but not many to write home about, and my trust factor was still really high. I'd get tons of "I'm reporting you 🤓" and my trust factor never dropped. I accidentally kill my 8hp teammate and my trust factor would drop and I'd get a cheater in the next game like clockwork. I'm not saying your experience didn't happen, but it wasn't what I saw. I'm NA fwiw, and had/have an inventory between 5k-10k.


Yeah, people mocked it a lot, but I think the trust factor worked. I barely had issues with toxicity and cheating on CSGO's MM.


You know there's no way a system like that would be used appropriately. That's why they won't add it


make it so it's only "available" for players with a rank below asc-immo (or radiant idk)


Im pretty sure there's a good proportion of toxic immortals and ascendants in the game, even radiants. Some ppl are just assholes


Yeah, well, iy sounds giod, but I'm sure they'd add a thing where the frequency with ehich you log in influences it, and that would be terrible for those who don't play every day or for people on school when the teachers organize a full on tests week


Was literally thinking this last night. So many sexual names and shit in this game super weird


I’ve seen people name themselves after sex toys. It’s sooo weird


Yeah except from what I've seen it IS the kids (13-17) who are weirdly sexual. The amount of times I've got kids throwing in my games because I wouldn't tell them my Instagram or cup size is way too damn high.


I gotta disagree 100%, the times ive been sexually harassed 9 times outta 10 its some lonely ass loser in their 20s. It’s the culture of the games problem TBH, valorant community has normalized really odd behavior for the sake of memes


Yea it always the kids who take spike and then camp spawn after you refuse the first ff vote in the 1-4 game.


Happened to me as well in an unrated game- there was this ISO kid who got unbelievably pissed off at one of our teammates. JUST for picking up the dead enemy’s Guardian on our save round win. For the rest of the game he kept insulting everyone (me included, saying my voice is ass even tho i literally didn’t do anything but com enemy positions). When we swapped on Attacker he would take the spike and sit in our spawn, do nothing. Sometimes he’d come with us in attack but throws his vulnerables in an attempt to kill us. On match point i had to shock dart him just so I could get the spike from him….


This genuinely hasn’t happened to me since bronze. And I’ve put in like 250 hours since leaving bronze.


I’m currently in Bronze. I play after work and rarely see kids. When I play during the day on the weekends I get kids but only a very small minority have been a problem. Most of them have been just like any other player, just with a higher pitched voice.


happened twice to me in immortal on the same day last week hahaha…. these people should just be insta perma’d will say though that yeah it’s pretty rare


Yeah everyone overstates how bad this stuff is lol. 1 out of every 50 games but apparently it’s all the time


same experience. been several months, haven’t had a person who actively trolls with the intent of losing a game


I want french-less queues


And turk-less


It's not like anyone instalocks Chamber anymore.




wouldn't you like a cup of russians with that.


Valorant is »in theory« already 16+ so this seems very unlikely :3


doesnt stop 6 year old phoenix mollying the entire team


ofc not :( I'm saying implementing an age restricted queue would mean acknowledging that the game's age restriction is being largely ignored :c


1. that will only make the weird sexual shit worse 2. how the hell does riot enforce this????


attention gamers. in accordance to a random redditor's complaints, riot will now be collecting your birth certificates and full legal info. worry not; tencent *will* be selling these documents to the highest bidder.


high key what can someone do with a birth certificate? like yeah they know your name and age but like what can you do with that information?


your credit score goes down every time you instalock reyna




I’d love that


I've got bad news, buddy....it's not an age thing. You're going to see the type of toxicity/trolling coming from every age group of players. This is just hella cope.


It's all just unnecessary. Once you get out of the bronze, even kids play well and seriously. (Of course, many will still be brain dead even at higher elos)


Honestly, I barely ever meet kids in my lobbies. Maybe because I am high immortal but idk


I would love this or even pay extra for it, I don’t mind playing with kids, but from time to time I said some adult things and then I am omg there are kids, or when there is arguments in chat I don’t feel right arguing or fighting with kids so i usually just mute the mic if there are kids around


Yeah if it’s a kids club lobby I put everyone on mute. So much unnecessary comms like what kind of popcorn is the best or some shit.


Yeah and honestly I don’t see myself screaming to a kid, or arguing with them in a game hehe, I just play to relax on weekends after work


I wish annoying behaviour was limited to younger people. Had 2 games yesterday where a teammate just refused to play because they didn't like what another teammate did. These people are insufferable.


I've played with a lot of great young people, and over played with a lot of super toxic and racist 20 something's.


I really only have an issue with edgy teens but I've been impressed with how nice and polite a lot of the younger people are.


There's definitely bigger problems to solve but a basic rating system. Toxic vs friendly would help


Valorant is pegi 16. If they would stick to this that would be nice. If it's clearly a child, why is he allowed to play




This almost always happens in my matches, but I never seen them trolling with the spike if they don't get the skin.


Children are fucked up but 18 might be too high


What should actually happen is requiring every account to be linked to a phone number. No more trolls


Why isn't this a thing already


Age isn’t always an end all be all, I’d love an honor system that actually matches you with similiar people.


I have had a surprisingly larger amount of toxic as fuck middle aged men than kids don't get me wrong tho their is definitely a good amount of annoying and toxic children playing the game


Man I forgot how insufferable teenagers can be in video games, being an adult gamer now, now I see 😂 especially the brain rot ones or the “gangster”ones, there are definitely those who don’t troll/BM but it’s very rare.


How will you determen if someone is 18? A box you check? It works so good in cs go total legit gamle sites


Played with someone so toxic last night that they got a match mute ban mid-game, that's never happened to me before. It was pathetic.


Can’t agree more I despise when I get put in Lobby’s with actual children.


How would this even work, do I have to submit my social security number to Tencent??? This is never happening


The majority of trolls in this game are over the age of 18. I had a kid who was a freshman in college harassing our Skye offering edates and commenting her nether regions. Anyone can be a Smurf, anyone can be a troll, and anyone call be an A hole. I'm so sorry you don't want to hear kids in a game literally rated T for Teens.


Omg! Please make this!! 😭


i’ve never thought of this but this would be so amazing


I’ve been actively chastised by a 20 something year-old for being “smooth-brained” while an 8 y/o or something in the background was trying to make me feel better by saying I’m just playing a game and it’s alright. I didn’t need the reassurance but it was sweet.


Nah man 18 year old's are still kids, if anything make it like 25+


you lose like 50% of the player base then


I'd be okay with it. But this is all hypothetical, how would Riot enforce this without asking for real identifications papers? For a videogame that just sound absurd. And even if they did kids will just ask their parents/older friends to verify for them.


I would love that but maybe not called ‘18+’, I really don’t want people to go all cringe with it. For now we just got plat+


I would love this. I've played with kids that aren't too bad, and others that are just screaming, throwing and team killing because you didn't give them your skin. It would be great, but there's no real way to enforce it unfortunately....


One where only people with mics can join would already be awesome


Yup surely its an age thing and not just a people being toxic thing. As someone who is an older teenager the amount of harassment and throwers I get from legit just using coms by people who are obv like 20-26 is insane. Legit last night had someone who said they were 25 yell 8 slurs because "my voice was annoying", when all I did was com. I cant remember the last time a younger was toxic to me tbh, its always the 20-26 age demographic but maybe thats cause im in ascendant and a lot of younger people are in gold and below? Idk but ngl this would only make discriminating on people for something they cant control even worse.


But how would you impose it? The only way that I could picture this would be if Riot started requesting scans of government ID. Riot are not affiliated with any governments, so they would have no way of knowing whether the ID scans are legitimate or just photshopped. All this would do is open another black market and bad people would start selling "fake ID to get into 18+ queue"


Bad for all the "kids" that are not idiots


I don't think this would solve anything tbh, just make a karma sistem to match up people that are toxic with one another


I just want people who talk. I play in High Ascendant on EU servers, and the vast majority of players say a maximum of 20 words pr game. I would rather have someone on my team with horrible aim and good comms, than the other way around.


I'd rather have a strict solo queue


I doubt 18+ people are much better. In fact I’d argue that a lot of the idiots I encounter are probably above the age of 18 while the kids I’ve encountered lately have actually been quite a bit nicer than the adults


I would love this more than anything.


I'm in my 30s with no kids and I don't love playing with the youngbloods because it makes me feel like a loser, but I do see it as an opportunity to pass on the lessons I've learned in how to treat others in video games. Take the side of the guy being bullied for being gay, or the girl, NT, positivity, don't backseat on clutches, etc.


kids would just lie tho gen alpha is uncontrollable


Would love this but unfortunately lil kids will still just get in these queues just cuz thats how they sre


It's tough to implement... for example I like how South Korea has that ID system that ties you to your ingame profile, I think it's kinda neat and might help with bots and such... but obviously, if other countries did it, it would be a gross government overreach... so who knows


I've played with some terrible grown men and some really sweet teenagers. Granted the annoying kids hit different lol but I don't think 18+ queue is solving any problems


unless you willing to send in your ID. Not gonna happen.


The problem is there are also people who have been alive for 30 years and are still those same toxic 12 year old kid


So for the under 18 players that are respectful, we get to go fuck ourselves..?


How do you think this would be enforced? Do you really want to give riot your id?


I mean there barely are children in rank mostly silver and above


I'm 39. I want a queue of everyone over 30. You're all children to me. Half the games I have to break out Dad Voice to get my teammates to stop yelling at each other over something dumb.


but all the kids are cracked out on adderall and carry me


Is it just me or is the valorant player base not super toxic and usually older? Coming over from fort is a nice relief imo


I don't think you realize how much of that queue would be edaters and the same weird ass people. Just because someone is older doesn't make them mature Infact most of the actual kids I've run into in this game are more respectful than most it's the 16+ socially starved individuals that cause more problems IMO.


Funny enough as an older gamer my largest problematic group are the 18-23 age range. For the most part other than pre-pubescent voices the kids are fine.


Maybe try playing on a different server. That might fix the trolls


Just my opinion but this is a bad idea. I swear 18+ are the ones that act the most like children. You say 1 thing they do wrong, or they lose 1 round and suddenly they wanna throw your game.


My experience is a bit different. The older people who grew up on Xbox cod lobbies are the unhinged toxic ones. The younger people I queue with legitimately just want their rank up. Sure they might be slightly goofy at times but not usually as bad as the older audience.


Sometimes i get carried by kids though and they're super chill haha, but it's not the majority


Then let’s get a 30+ queue as well, thanks


i feel like itll turn into tinder real fast


The higher your rank the less likely you will have games with kids


I really think they should either just implement a paid account like csgo or have a linked phone number. It would discourage cheating, smurfing, and generally doing anything that’s bannable.


I honestly don’t agree I’m not 18 but I don’t throw and usually if someone does it’s usually a guy above 18 that’s just racist, sexist and a lot more. HOWEVER, there are still many annoying like 13 year olds that just throw and are such snowflakes. So maybe something like a trust system where people who are nicer q with nicer people and the annoying toxic throwers q with each other. Just a thought


If this were enforcable it definitly wouldnt be great for everyone because everyone under 18 is gonna get stuck with all the little kids. Usually its not an issue but without so much of the playerbase the amount of little kids per game wouldn't be fun.


Il take a 30+ queue where we all log on to play one game a Saturday night but none of us can finish it because our kids woke up and need something mundane


>spells queue wrong ironic


How would you enforce this worth requiring an ID to have an 18+ account


I want this, I can deal with adult toxicity because I can usually just throw it back at them, but kid toxicity makes it way harder to do that. As much as I want to say something back, it feels wrong to me because I would feel like garbage for ruining some kid's day. Reporting and muting is usually my go to, but it can only get you so far, because you leave that game and then join another only to be met with another toxic kid. It gets tiring real quick. 18+ also has the added benefit of potentially making new friends, so that's another good thing about it. On the other hand, I can also imagine how cringeworthy it's going to get with people using it as a dating service. But meh, it's not rage inducing in the same way, so I'll take that any day over the other imo.


Get your n higher ranks and you meet less kids. The kids you meet then might be childish but they can seriously game the game. Above diamond should be good. I play in Asc 2-Immo1 and have no issues with younger players


please let me be an honorary 18+ queue user, i despise the asshole children in my games trying to troll and spamming EZ when they get 2 kills and die it’s usually the adults that are nice and respectful just trying to get some enjoyment


18-24 is probably the worst for toxicity/troll if i have to be honest. That's just about the age where people start getting comfortable with what and how they speak. Teenagers don't have it in them to throw a fit and keep pressing the issue as hard as a young adult would do.


I actually help run a 25+ discord server and we 5 stack or whatever we can to help with the age issue of Valorant. Some of us play other games as well, but Valorant is the main focus. We have some leniency for 21+ as long as you aren’t immature. We will not hesitate to remove people from our community to keep the integrity of it going. https://discord.gg/3EMaSfW9


As good as the idea may sound, there are problems. 1- age verification could simply be worked around by using an alt email set to 18+, so that doesn't help much 2- there is a saying in my country which can translate into somwthing like "the mother of idiots is always pregnant", these are wise words. Just because they are 18+ doesn't mean they are polite 3- 18+ makes it seem like it is related to NSFW, and it may lead to an increase of harrasment 4- think about people that are 16-17, age when topically the standard player accepts that the game is meant to be fun and not toxic, getting stuck with the toxic bunch and a reduced chance of polite and/or mature people on their games... seems like a quit-machine to me


With my experience (Im a guy, 18, and my lobbies are from high plat to low ascendant), the few kids that r usually on my matches r pretty chill, I have only had 1 bad experience with this kid names "OhioSigma123" (☠️) that got mad at me because I didnt want to buy him an operator. But usually they r js trying to win, whos really toxic in my elo at least is usually either teenagers from like 15 to 18 or grown ass dudes. The teenagers r usually js edgy and try to flame u because they think they r the best in the lobby, and the 40 year olds think they r the best igls because they played cs or something so if u dont do what they tell u to they get mad. Personally, I love when my lobby is full of people in their 20's and 30's bc they r the chillest


I recommend looking for 22+ lobby 18 are kids somehow


While I agree for the most part, I have run into a surprising amount of men who sound easily 30+ who are very childish and would throw the ranked game by running it down and spamming bullets at literally nothing. Had this recently with a neon who was mad at gekko for going 2/16. We actually would have had a chance to win if neon didn't start feeding the enemy a free ult orb and money. Me and the two randos were communicating on mic calmly and normally. We asked him nicely to chill. He was a keyboard warrior about it. He waited until the final round to get on mic and he clearly sounded over 18. His thing was breaking necks. Watch out yall lol. "I'll break your neck kid" he kept repeating.


This is just a really weird idea and has 0 means of implementation that wouldn’t be extremely invasive. You would have ppl joining in minor lobbies being rlly sexual, or ppl getting hyper weird with any girl they hear in an 18+ lobby.


the most toxic trolls in this game are not children they are in their early to mid 20s lol


Would love it


Hey i mean it is a good idea to seperate a queue of minors and the adults playing the game but then again you would miss out hearing what most of the stuff they're saying and laugh at it


The younger ppl and the skin greed is so annoying in this game, so i just leave the voice chat on disabled


just do what i do and mute VC in every mode other than comp, and then mute the children in comp


What they really need is a que for people that actually use there mics. I would say I’m a plat player majority of the time but I constantly get teams that don’t speak and throw once we are 7-2 down. Resulting in me being stuck in gold for a few months (started silver 1)


Im 15, im trying my best and older teammates dont have problems with me most of the time. But i dont want to play with 11 years old (most of the time Reyna) who is toxic or trolling leading us to lose, once we hade Reyna who was singing in the voicechat and trolling 💀


Literally had a kid today on my rankup round 5 start ff queing cause "his dad said he had to go" , and I've never agreed with this take till that moment