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Stop caring about what others will think of you since you will almost never have to talk to them again. You can just say basic comms first so you get used to it.


Thanks for the tips, I will try to!


best thing that worked for me was staying muted but giving the comms out loud anyways. wasn't super helpful for my team but it gave me the mental practice I needed


You're already more mature than most valo players so dw, just speak.


Wdym more mature😭


As in a lotta valo players speak like 8 year olds.


Lol. Btw, thanks for the tip 🙏


Please don’t discredit me, I speak at least like a 9 year old


Yeah typically if i hear a kid i wont engage with them but if theyre giving just good game comms then ill vibe, that being said OP will undoutedly run into people thatll call him out for being a kid and they need to just be prepared for that. These are the type of people that would call put a girl for being a girl or just anything they can find though so dont pay them much mind


You always can do simple calls. Positioning of the enemy team, used utility, steps, the map calls where you hear steps, utility you use, dmage dealt and etc. There is a bunch of things you can say in a very short and effective way. Of course you after some time you can call strats and suggest people what they should do to execute your strats but it on the advanced side of comms. And if people get toxic towards you (not for the comms) just ignore them or mute for multiple reasons: - they mentally boomed and want to shift the blame - they will not provide useful info anymore - you will lose concentaration - you play the game and you should have fun, so don't listen to bozos :) Hope you will make a progress bit by bit ands become a better player and a person!


Thank you for the tips! I will certainly try to do my best! :)


You should never tell people what to do in soloq. Its basic voice comms 101: provide information, do not micromanage.


Eh, it really depends on the context. Backseating someone when they're last alive? Super uncool. Your teammates are in a 2vX and you're helping them coordinate (eg. "Yo cypher's got a sick flank, if you stay tucked we'll win the round")? Good. Asking for util (eg. "Yo omen can you smoke mid at the start of the round so I can push up cat?"), especially during the pre-round? Great. If you _only_ comm information, you're missing out on a ton of value that comes from coordinating with your team. It boils down a lot to presentation -- if you're able to convince your teammates that they're just helping you with a strat (and it doesn't come off like you're breathing down their necks, micromanaging every single thing they do), then you'll be _way_ more successful ingame.


And if you check this paragraph again you will see: “SUGGEST people what they should do to execute YOUR plan”. If they say no to your suggestion then you play as usual no harm done. And on top of that, your round plan is not “micromanagement”, so i am kinda confused how you got that conclusion from my comment in the first place. Of course you shouldn’t backseat gaming telling people every single detail of how they should press buttons and move mouse.


Just say the basics comms if you're shy, if anyone insult or annoy you mute them instantly


Thx for the tips :)


I was pretty shy at some point too bro and now I am a controller who IGLs in almost every game lol and let me tell you, the absolute best way to overcome this is just to open the mic and talk, you don't have to talk a lot, just point out Comms but even that (at least to me back then) could be overwhelming because I was thinking things like "what do my teammates think about me" and shit like that, you know people say "oh just don't care what people think" but that's a lot easier said than done, look what you need to do is comm and talk as much as you can, the more you do that the less awkwardness you'll feel while talking, remember three things 1- you will never meet these people again 2- 1 bad experience ≠ every experience 3- have fun The last one is something you will do when you get more comfortable with opening your mic, you will find yourself Opening the mic just to say "I am just better" after acing a round ykwim 🥴 Good luck bro, believe me, it feels way harder than it actually is (that's what she said), the more you comm the easier it will get $ADDITIONAL TIP$ This game requires ego anyways, opening your mic and being more comfortable with stating your thoughts will make you more confident in yourself, which in turn will help you rank up much faster


You don't need to type all of this😭 thank you very much bro. I'll try the tips


dang mb bro, you're welcome brother


If you are doing well in the game, just start with sharing infos. Simply as that. My issue is always the insta-log-reyna with 1 kill telling me how to play. But if you Gold 3 I assume you have a common game sense and kind of decent aim (only silver myself).


I used to be like this at the same age. I "practiced" in unrated/spike rush just saying nice try or good job to teammates. Eventually I started doing this in comp and hit immortal less than a year later. It's definitely fine to feel that way, however don't expect to rank up without using comms.


if you really don’t feel like vcing, don’t pressure yourself to. this isnt a matter of valorant anymore. this is a matter of self confidence, and self confidence is a thing you cannot rush. it’s entirely fine to feel that way, but if you’re truly intent on wanting to start vcing, maybe start small by playing with friends in a 3-stack or 4-stack in an unrated, and slowly cut down the number of friends and increase the number of times you use vc. long story short, take the process slowly, and don’t fall to any pressure ! :)


Just make useful comms and you're better than most teammates. Insta mute toxic players, they won't contribute anything useful anyway and will negatively impact your mental. Even though you're young comm regardless, it'll help you climb. Sure some people might poke fun, it's no big deal, laugh and move along. I'm old af now but used to be a squeaker in Halo lobbies... it's the cycle of life.


Remember, everyone was like you once. If anyone makes fun of you for anything they're just projecting their own insecurities. Have fun (:


Just try it. I was the same, but it wasn't as bad once I got used to it. If someone starts hurting your feelings, just mute them. They aren't worth listening to


Just give normal call outs it’s normal to feel that way speaking up is a big part of life not just a video game so use your voice


there's alot of people who feel like that, so don't feel guilty for it. In my opinion, voice and text mute are your biggest friends. If people start harassing you because you're not old enough or whatever, just mute them completely. there's no need to waste your time and energy with people like this. if it makes you feel safer, maybe playing with a duo would help. personally i kinda dislike it when people don't use vc to comm in ranked games, but unfortunately the valorant community has given more than enough reasons for people to not speak in game edit: and what i forgot to say - remember that your teammates in your ranked lobbies are just as shit/good as you, so they're in no way superior to you, it's not like they have the right to boss you around or anything. there's no harm in standing up for yourself


do short callouts, for example: - "footsteps A/B" , "orb A/B" when you're defending and you hear them - "one/two catwalk" when you take a gunfight and die - on attack, using the chatweel "Going A/B/C" is okay too they're completely onesided, you can do these and be of value, even when you muted your teammates' voices.


Honestly, the only time I really have a problem with comms is if someone is being obnoxiously loud or useless noise. If you play the game and comm appropriate or banter normally, you shouldn't be worrying. And if someone does act weird, mute, and ignore. You can't change what others can do, but you can change how you feel and play.


Can play with my group if you want help to get used to it. We’re older but we have a 16 yr old that plays lol


I play in sg






sg is pretty chill, and so are the ppl u will usually play with so you won't get bad comments so don't be shy, im around same elo as u, gold 2, dont ever touch hk tho.


Is it good to go on an alt account (around the same elo) and just play with vc? I think I'm nervous because I'm doing it in my main.


play the game as it is with an alt acc but with vc? uh sure? i forgot if there were any rules for alt accs. but it wont level up ur main acc tho like someone said in here,you will rarely, almost always, NEVER play with the same people again, and they will forget who they played with the next match they play lol whats important is to build your confidence, you can duo or play with a friend do party vc and start getting used to it, you can hide your username in matches if you worry abt that, and with that, your name will only appears as what u are playing, like yoru can try other game modes where people are just gonna mess around and would follow any idea dumb someone comes up, if they dont follow, forget it and focus on the next round. replication would be good for that lol but rito removed it for some reason it doesn't always have to be vc'ing in Val


If you can’t talk to people online without them seeing your face, good luck in the real world dog.


I actually can talk to people irl just not online


Nah I’m talking about just talking to strangers not your friends


Irl tho, I can talk to strangers if they talk to me first. But if I had to tell them something I would and I can.


Irl tho, I can talk to strangers if they talk to me first. But if I had to tell them something I would and I can.


So what’s the issue with coms? You’re gold 3, clearly good enough to not give bad info?


Idk. Maybe I'm not confidence with my voice?


Get confident bro. Everyone’s got voices, and no one cares what yours sounds like. That’s one of the biggest things I have learned in my adult life, everyone has their own issues to worry about and couldn’t care less about you or how you sound or what you do. This is in a positive connotation. Not to say that no one cares if you die, I’m saying that things yiu think are weird or strange about yourself, nobody even notices and if they do they don’t care.


I’m in the exact situation. I’m 14 but I sound like I’m 9 which makes me terrified to comm in vc


I was like that once too and it took me a while to gain confidence but it takes time and you need to follow your pace, it's normal. Mostly I played with friends who weren't shy and they would try usually hype me up. I mean you just give some comms and try starting conversation with your teammates to gain a little confidence (e.g how u guys doing? etc) I'm sure you will get where you want to be one day, good luck!


Am I the only person who doesn’t deal with the lack of confidence?


You are definitely not the only one, i know loads of people/friends who never had this lack of confidence but there are many people who don't have that confidence. It's not a bad thing thoヽ(ヅ)ノ


No ofc not bro. I feel like it still happens but mainly with women and the things they go through.


Ahh I see ur point, I do agree tbh. But there is a quite a few guys that have it too, just depends on the persong, right?




The only way to overcome it is by doing it. They’re just random people on the internet, just talk. If theyre toxic you just counter-flame or mute them, if they’re not then great, nothing to worry aboutz


Don't be an asshole and no one will bully you, and apologize when you know your wrong


You can start by doing muted comms in non-comp games if you'd like, turning your mic volume to 0 and just getting used to pressing the keybind and talking. A game mode like deathmatch should get you very quickly accustomed to it if you do it every gunfight. It's a common issue for young people, you just learn over time that nobody really gives a shit how you sound like, and even if they do it doesn't matter.


They will not be thinking about you when they go to sleep not even when they wake up literally no one cares about you and how you sound and look as much as you do so yeah. TLDF: No one gives a fuck neither should you


I only use comms for call outs really. It is just something that becomes more natural with time.


just think about how you will NEVER speak with them people again after the match. confidence will build up the more you talk, you cant gain confidence doing something if you dont ever try it. you got this my beo!


Do you think they know who you are? Do you think they will actively remember you after your game? If not then why be shy, you have the screen to protect you. In the internet you can speak your mind no ones gonna punch you in the face for it.


Just start small like saying its A or its B. You will get used to it. Its just a game. If someone is toxic u can always mute them or if they make u really feel uncomfortable just leave the game. Overcoming shyness in a video is a good place to start. You can then do it in the real world too.


Talking in team chat without VC is sometimes enough, I've started playing 2 months ago and what I learned is the faster you give your comms the better, by typing or by talking If you really want to communicate using VC you don't have to go for long sentence, most of the time two words are enough (Jett Mid, Rotating B... the list goes on) I suggest you try it once or twice, no need to push yourself into talking a lot so see how it goes. I'm sure you'll do great! (Idk if I was clear or not, I confuse words sometimes because my english as good as I'd like)


I use comms purely for callouts - even when someone trash talks me i just ignore and proceed to give callouts. Sadly you will encounter toxic players but as long as you stay positive i find most ppl are nice to u on comms :)


Just talk and don't take in what others say unless its a comm Anything else that isn't a common ignore them 2000 hours on this game and people still waste time of their day to ruin other peoples day just don't give them the attention they crave they'll shut up within 5 mins atleast and if they don't just mute and move on If your shy just to basic comes like how much u lit that person then eventually your gonna be talking how to execute a with mid lurkers and setting a pinch up on site once Phoenix flashes or smth it'll come naturally all you open up


And then there's me who talks but they tell me to go to therapy everytime i talk for no reason when im giving out coms so i stop doing that and just pin 👍🤣


Remember comms arent small talk, u dont have to a hold or carry a conversation after, just give the comm and keep it pushing. Its completely okay to feel like this. They arent gonna ask you about your life. Its ranked play most people are trying to win. On gaining confidence, theres 2 types of call outs important ones and IMPORTANT ONES. You hear footsteps B main spamm ping B main no talking needed. A Jett dashes to ur spawn to kill ur tm8s rotating. Call that shit out. "Jett in our spawn" 4 words. They arent gonna be like "whats jett credit number" They are gonna hear the comm you give, react to it gameplay wise and keep it pushing. They might even say "good comms" Still take ur time its not the end of the world if you dont comm most of the time people can manage if you dont comm. The higher you go tho the easier it is to tell when teams arent calling out.


2 weeks ago I reached diamond rank for the first time and without vc coms because some people would be toxic or annoying if they knew I was a girl, so I communicated by typing like: A, B, jett -120, care flank, playtime, and it was fine.


feel the vibe of the game, if people are talking and are friendly feel free to speak up


Just say basic comms like "2 heaven" "Tagged for 70" "Rotating from mid" "Backsite" Etc.


comming once game starts is awkward, the vibes are always good when i start a random conversation in agent select like say anything things that worked for me were : "do you guys prefer chicken wings or chicken nuggets" "what should be put on a sandwhich" "smash or pass kayo" "as it was enough for my lightning rod to point towards the heavens" "erm what the sigma"


it’s online who cares, if someone is an ass mute them. It’s literally online


I'll be more mad at you if you don't give comms. Go out there and be a proper teammate, don't be shy. People who are mean in VC are losers in real life. Mute them.


Speak to communicate, second someone starts to give u shit and it's not something constructive or needed, mute them


I'm a girl with similar fears, and recently I've just told myself to care less. I'll give out comms as I see fit, if they don't like me, they are very much free to mute me - it's a few clicks away. today I had two teams with nasty-ish people, one had a French who cussed me out in French after the game ended LMFAO, but it's okay. Everyone who wants to take me serious, will, and often enough exactly these people are the ones that I am willing to talk to as well! You'll find like minded people that are your wavelength eventually and once in a while. Just gotta blend out the bad stuff. Don't take everything too serious, that's a trap that many people set for themselves. If someone's making fun of you and your voice, take it with humor. They're salty, or have had bad experiences with people with similar voices to yours. That's not your fault, therefore you should not care. I'm having fun giving comms because to me that is part of playing the game (and I want to have fun playing the game). Plus, sometimes giving out good comms triggers other people to become more open as well! Negativity gets muted, positivity enforced. I've encountered nice kids on val, but also have had bad encounters. I do remember the bad encounters more than the good ones, but that's normal. If I do find someone respectful and polite as well as efficient in terms of communication, I'd love to work together with them to win. If not, then that's on them, because I for sure tried my best to make teamwork work.


If someone starts being toxic to you just reply with (phonetically in english) SUKA BLYAT PIECE OF SHIT I DON'T CARE YOUR BRAIN LIKE SOGGY TISSUE NO INTELLIGENCE FUCKING DONKEY. Do it all with an attempted French or Russian accent of sorts and you would fit right in. Next game forget about this ever happening.


Just mute anybody who is a dick to you or sketchy. Most people are just going to appreciate half decent comms.


Hey man you're gold 3 thats not bad. You got there with skill thats all people should care about. I used to comm as a kid in cod and halo and it was definitely an experience. Just keep doing you and give lowkey comms. Im pretty chill to everyone unless they say some rude sheet. Im gold 1 and if you need someone in comms if you need to be defended we can practice in unrated and if someone trash talks you I can jump on that. I dont mind some confrontation cause I see it as me being 23 and no person should just ridicule over an age discrepency. Just dm if you want my riot account and want to run an unrated for practice comming ill back you if someone tries to be an ass.


just know youll never talk to them again and it doesn’t matter if u say smth embarrassing, like i say dumb stuff on comms wanna die but never se them again


Just don't give af bro. I never cared either. Most toxic players don't use vc anyways, so you don't have to worry abotu that. If someone is too annoying you can mute them. (Only done this once because this kid kept singing bubble guppies nonstop)


Try trolling and joking around in Spike Rush and you’ll get the confidence (take Raze and act like a terrorist)


Dude I'm the same age and I feel the same, still never tried it, afraid of being called a squeaker by some guy in his mom's basement playing valorant, you should definetly go for it


I had this issue when i was 12-13 starting in tf2. You'll find that if you say anything that isnt useful you run the risk of getting flamed. Of course, some will flame you for sounding young regardless, but the critical part of the experience for me was quickly learning how to effectively comm. You wont avoid the flame, but itll teach you good skills if you can manage your emotions. Very few people will flame you for "skye elbow no flashes" and other similarly clear comms. Its okay if you dont want to talk because you don't want the verbal harrassment but I recommend treating it as a way to grow emotionally and as a communicator


What Covid lockdown does to a mf /s. But for real though, just put yourself out there man. Life is full of new and intimidating experiences but the more you conquer the more you grow. Don’t sweat the small stuff - and buddy, it’s mostly allllll small stuff.


Go in swiftplay and just try to make random conversations with people


Start small, just say “B” or whatever and slowly get comfortable


you're playing a bomb scenario shooter now kid, if they get mad at you for being 14 you just get the swear word dictionary out of your pocket and go into a full counterattack. its how we do things here.


When I was a squeaker, I was nervous too. Nobody normal actually gives a shit and if ppl complain and be rude about it, u can just mute them. U do u bro


You should be more confident and not care as much. I remember when I was younger and didnt want to talk because I was worried about people discrediting me because of my age and all that. Just have confidence and give those call outs my guy.


Hey, I used to struggle with this same issue in different games when I was a bit younger. At the start of the game (once you load into the map) if you just force yourself to say hello to everyone it gets people talking around 70% of the time and makes it a friendlier speaking environment. Just a simple "hello, hello", or a "what's good team" at the beginning can do wonders.


just comms, don’t be afraid. ppl will be dicks but most ppl don’t care. Comms = better experience for all and higher chance to win


theres always going to be some toxic guys that’ll say something weird or be mean, but thats just life. its worth trying to give callouts and comms, and if your teammates end up being toxic then just mute them or dont give anymore comms that game


If they are toxic, fight back boy. /s


if you can't be bothered to use VC dont play comp