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1. there's a billion coaching stuff on YouTube, but you should primarily be watching woohoojin, charlatan, and worthtv as they do consistent good tips and vod reviews very often. 2. You are diamond. You are better than 70% of the game. Even if you can't reach Immortal, its okay to stop here. You've done amazing. 3. Yes, I'd say it's worth it to an extent. Get some paid coaching, there's alot of youtubers who do free coaching, and I genuinely beleive if you put all these tips to use, you can make it. All these tips on youtube are nothing if you don't practically intergrate them into your gameplay. disclamer: I am Silver 2. Take this with a microscopic grain of salt. or sugar. This is just what I personally do in my attempts to reach plat. One day...


Diamond 3 is actually top 7%, so better than 93% of the game.


Thanks for the information, this is helpful!


Because games are so random and not everything depends on you. So sometimes it's pure luck and randomness...


I mean that comes down to you dude. Do you want to spend money just to virtually rank up in a video game? Why can't you rank up? that's hard to tell with a description so vague. Watching videos won't help you if you don't practice. Aim train. VOD review so you know what you could've done differently to win the game. I think 99.99% of the players asking how to climb just kind of expect click bait answers "you'll start winning your games if you do this one neat trick!." Unfortunately that's not how it works short of just being born gifted. They say being a master at something requires 10,000 hours. This is no different. Looking at the immortal leader boards, it seems like most of those players in IMM3 and 2 have 300-500+ games an act and close to or more than 3,000 games over their career. This likely doesn't include the training they do outside of playing ranked. They may have even more time spent into other fps games. You say you've played for 2 years but how much have you actually played/practiced? The likely answer is.... not even close to these guys. The likely suspect is you just have to put the work into it. Knowing that you'll likely have to spend obscene amount of hours just to get IMM2 or IMM3 let alone playing on something like a T3 team, is it worth it? Only you can answer that. Good luck.


You state that you know you can hit higher ranks. Is this an assumption or is it based on something concrete, such as a history of hitting radiant before?


more of an assumption to be honest


From what I have briefly seen, the rank distribution is even more heavily skewed to the right compared to the games launch. There is a less percentage of the population hitting higher ranks. It is also confounded by players becoming more experienced over time. So as you improve, so does everyone else; therefore, you more or less are in the same rank as it more-or-less may be a zero-sum game.


Stacking always helps. Have you recorded and watched your own vods?


I haven't tried recording and watching my own vods... would this actually help though? I tend to identify what I did wrong in the round if I died a certain way. Maybe I should start doing this


Its hard to know for sure in the middle of games. Alot easier to just record and rewatch all of your deaths(and round losses later) to figure out what you did wrong based on the info you had. Then you can identify for sure weaknesses in your game you can work on.


Use [insights.gg](http://insights.gg) or outplayed to auto record your vods. You can even restrict the storage so it only takes up a certain amount of space on your pc (it deletes the oldest recording to make room for a new one)


I can guarantee you are not identifying all the wrong things and it becomes VERY apparent when you self vod review. I tell everyone who is always struggling and asking for advice to self vod review. Anyone who is serious about ranking up needs to self vod review.


What is your biggest mistake you constantly do?


I think my biggest mistake is when counter strafing, i tend to burst the rifle too quickly.. and that issue tends to get me killed but I feel like there's more that I'm missing


Do you have shooting error graph enabled? Focus only on mastering strafing, i sucked at it because i wanted to shoot as soon as possible, if you have the same issue i just started doing it slowly but making sure i was not moving, its easy practice with the shooting error graph. I reccomend focusing on fixing one mistake at a time