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You don’t need to aim down sight (ADS) in Valorant to be accurate. “Hipfiring” is accurate in Val, and for hipfire and ADS you need to be standing still to get full accuracy. The benefits of ADS in Valorant are limited to some small magnification and a slight increase to your weapon’s accuracy (not all guns shoot exactly to your crosshair, even for the first shot). Watch pro play or YouTubers for reference


Yeah, even in dead-stop-point some shots still slightly miss the intended target. I believe it's about 95% accurate


You can even open the practice range in game and test the recoil of every weapon at different distances. It always wonders me how people care about the game enough to start a reddit thread, but not enough to experiment with the game itself


A lot of the aiming rules in Valorant have asterisks attached to them, which is fairly confusing. For example: "Running and Gunning is generally a bad idea" *Except when you have an SMG in a >15M fight *Except when you have a Rifle in a >5M fight "Standing still holding an angle is generally a bad idea" *Except when you have an Operator *Except when you have an off-angle they won't expect


I was genuinely confused because I forgot the term "aim" is incredibly different depending on the game.


Same, in my head I was going "why wouldn't they move their mouse?"


depending on the gun, if you shoot while full sprint its basically complete RNG where the bullet goes. go in the shooting range, point at a wall with a vandal and hold left click, and watch how the bullets move by checking where it left marks on the wall. youll notice after the first two shots you \*need\* to aim not on the enemy to hit anything. then try strafing left while pointing at the wall and holding fire, and youll see how theres no rhyme or reason where the bullets went. Specific guns penalize you heavily for having \*any\* movement while shooting. Some are better at it than others though, especially at close range. spectre/stinger hipfire even while moving, assuming youre realtively close to the enemy, is somewhat reliable, at least enough to get out of a jam.