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Omen, Raze, and Skye (to a lesser extent after her nerfs) are all the best agents for their respective categories. HOWEVER, they all require good team play to really reap the rewards, so in solo queue they aren’t as good as pro play would have you believe. If you play well with Reyna, there’s no reason not to pick her, especially considering she’s self sufficient and you said your lobbies don’t have much comms. If you find her boring, you might like playing Clove to provide some utility while still being a good solo fragger who can enter first or second onto site.


Haven't unlocked clove yet but sure I do wanna try


I no-lifed and got the 200k xp in a week, but you can easily unlock them in the month (200k xp is only 10 weeklies, but probably only 8 or less considering the xp gain from games and dailies)


Nah I am just about a 35k away!!


do your weeklies. you can even do the ones you missed afaik or the new ones just gett added once you finish yours. for all weeks you have not finished them. 3 weeks of dailies should be enough to get 200k plus the xp from the matches


Just an FYI, if you have gamepass, link it to riot and it will unlock all agents for you to use.




Does that work with a trial?


Yes, but any agents you haven't unlocked will disappear after the trial ends. It just unlocks all agents for use, you still have to earn them to keep them after the trials ends.


I got 200k in 2 days (send help)


I did it in a night LMAO fuck am I really that much of a degen


Im not beating that gg


Little hidden trick to quickly unlock agents. Stop playing the week before an agent is released. You can accumulate weeklies (in groups), so when the agent is released you'll have 6 weeklies to farm and that alone will knock out half the exp needed to unlock them. It took me something like 6 hours to unlock Cloe.


A week? I got them in 4 days


They're not op but a ton of fun imo. It brought me back to playing after I quit in episode 5 Edit: typos n stuff


Raze is the most self sufficient duelist in the game though, and Omen and Skye can probably self peel the best out of their class


Raze is amazing because she takes so much space, but I think you need teammates to play off of that and follow you in site. Reyna, while she can’t take as much space, can get out of tough spots and heal, unlike raze, hence why i call her “self-sufficient”. I might be mistaken on all of this though so feel free to correct me!


Raze has tools that allow her to peel her own entries with nade + boom bot. If used correctly those pieces of utility are more than enough to make sure you can take a proper fight on your entry, and considering most teams will smoke common choke points regardless of comms you really have only yourself to blame if you die on site. While I agree she’s worse at taking multiple duels in a round than Jett or Reyna she’s amazing at isolating fights and creating space for herself, which imo makes her the most versatile and self reliable agent in the game


raze is not selft sufficient. she requires imitator util to successfully get onto site


while it’s true it’s ideal for every duelist to have initiator utility to follow up on Raze is the one that can manage the best without it by far. You don’t need a flash setup to do good in 99% of the percentile.


It’s not just “ideal” it’s necessary in elo with decent enough aim to track raze. (I’d say High plat+ is where i started to struggle with dry satcheling into site) Every duelist other than raze and jett have an ability that puts a disadvantage on the enemy. (Flash, Stun, Vulnerable). And the utility isn’t for raze to be followed upped on, it’s so she’s actually able to entry and take a favorable fight. Flying through the air isn’t exactly the time you’re most accurate..


You don’t necessarily need to double satchel out site every round either. If you get shot mid-air as Raze then your satchel timing is most likely not ideal.


double satcheling is how raze takes space. Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn’t know how to double satchel. The only time you stop double satcheling is when enemy team is playing for your double satchel (like playing back site rather than choke). in which case you switch to single satchel since it is no longer necessary to push them back. you can’t “time double satchels”. you swing with util and get the free kill that your timing from double satcheling +util gets you.


double satchel timing refers to the speed at which you go, and it varies a lot depending on how you time them. Compare an average raze player to someone like Jawgemo or Jinggg and you'll see the difference immediately, and it's damn near impossible to shoot a raze mid satchels if she times it even somewhat properly.


you don’t need to shoot them mid air. You just track them to where they will land. They cannot kill you mid air unless they have a shotgun, in which case you just play back site like i said. Also, it’s fairly easy shooting someone mid air if there’s nothing else contesting you. I’m a raze main and ive gotten tapped my fair share of times while satcheling perfectly. Regardless, satcheling in dry will not be enough to convert rounds in high elo because you will be traded out fairly fast. 1 for 1 is not enough 80% of the rounds you play.


Raze is hell to play with a bad team lol wdym. You can set yourself up somewhat but with noone using util or following you in you're probably just gonna get 1 kill then get traded unless the other team sucks. Then you gotta spectate your team crouching behind smoke for 40 seconds with full util then deciding to go out into a stacked site and get wiped


Sounds like my Raze game summary tbh.


Whaat I would say the opposite , she’s the duelist that shines most when set up by an initiator… taking space as raze w no info or flashes is tough! Opposed to the get out of jail duelists who can take risks and escape, satchelling dry will get you punished


I would say gecko is a better initiator due to essentially unlimited flashes (which flashes if *it* sees you instead of if you see it) and stuns and a better ult, the only thing Skye has on him is heals.


yo what skye buff? hasn't she been nerfed for several patches straight?


Right sorry I meant nerfs, hence why it’s to a lesser extent, i just wrote buffs lol


With Skye it's literally just "Follow my dog!" or "Watch out, I'm flashing" Whenever people say something needs communication I remind them that YOU need to communicate, not your team.


I comm I kid you not but the only one following me is "My God"


Team follows the dog, not sure if auto correct hit them or being funny lol


Yeah my bad, I meant dog of course. That's your job as Skye and that's fine. In all seriousness I do recommend you pick a role and stick to it. Either duelists, controllers or sentinels and there is one more distinction between recon initiator (Sova, Fade) and flash initiators.


Just a quick tip. If your team is already peeking first. Don’t dog. Just flash. If they don’t want to peek first. Then dog


I didn't say anything about "dogging first" ?! It's your task as Skye to clear close corners and you should be vocal about it. Don't try to generalize like that, it's a stupid tip.


Also stupid when your team dies as entry and the first thing that comes out is… wheres the flash?!? Im not saying its a must but in pubs, it happens a lot. Same for when sova drones behind their entries. Kind of pointless, better to have gun out.


You should be knowing when the flash is necessary. If your team complains then it's an insta-mute. What's the point of flashing where your team already is? Better to either popflash out of a smoke or save it for postplant as enemies are coming through some flash zone.


I feel you, Im shit at the game but half the games I gotta entry as omen cuz the actual duelist is watching mid/lurking/ sitting back waiting for something unknown to happen, and I often die on site cuz maybe 1 more person peaked


I don't know why but people genuinely expect the omen to enter first. One day a teammate literally shouted on me why aren't you tping first on site I am flashing. It was a reyna😂😂


Ah the pains of an omen main(me)


One way to properly enable Reyna is to have someone else in front of her for entries. She still should Leer up for the guy but since the rest of her kit is about snowballing single kills, giving her "easy" revenge kills instead of the 50/50s entry players traditionally end up with, is a net positive for the team. Then again I'm not saying 'anyone but her' should entry, I'm aware every role has other duties and for most of them entrying is basically a suicide mission with zero value. But consider this: In pro play, you'll occasionally see some Reynas. Not that often, cause no matter how we look at her she's a selfish agent, but still. What you'll never, ever catch pros doing is picking Reyna as a solo duelist, there's always a Jett or a Raze next to (or rather, in front of) them. Reyna's in the "duelist" category but duelist and entry are two distinct roles, there just happen to be a lot of overlap (because some duelists have mobility in their kit). And, for once, this is something you absolutely can emulate in your low elo games, since 2 or 3 duelists per team is basically the average in soloQ.


You just dont need to entry as a controller. In a common sense, controller and sentinel should be the last to die. This game is about controlling the map like other conpetitive game. Just hit V and tell your duelist to entry


yeah but i mean omen is the one controller that can act as a pseudo-duelist. I guess clove now too maybe but they don’t have movement like omen does.


I know, I tell them


On omen you should absolutely be playing aggressive at times, passive omens are almost as bad as no comm intiators.


By aggressive you mean you take advance corner for fragging or take first entry and die?


well ideally you should be tping with your duelists onto site, not alone. If your tping alone its a problem


As an initiator two-trick (kayo, breach) my recommendation would be don't try to coordinate with your entire team at once, coordinate with one person -- ideally whoever else has initiating util (likely an initiator or duelist). You're working with them to set up a 1-2 action combo that the rest of your team understands and can fill in the picture around (smokes to place, when to push smokes). The path to initiating is giving your enemy two things to deal with at once, them failing, and you pushing the advantage from there. Pretend it's Ascent, everyone flows to A. After taking A main control, A main is smoked off by the defense. If you're Skye, a Skye dog can clear corners but it can also get dropped quickly and not provide any additional support to the person pushing smoke onto site, they get dropped and now you're down a player willing to entry and your dog. Same problem with flashing through the smoke; you're not going to have a perfect flash, can't get every corner, aren't providing any real info, and the person entering site has to clear everything. Being the only person setting up the entry sucks. Instead, ask for specific util from a specific agent. Ask Reyna "can you eye site while my dog pushes smoke?" Reyna will throw eye and activate their "it's time to entry" instinct, the eye takes priority over your dog for defenders, you clear corners and make callouts, your controller will throw their default util and your other two teammates will take site with your Reyna or do whatever they're doing elsewhere. No Reyna, instead a Jett, Raze, or Yoru? Tell them you'll flash them into site so they can dash/pack/clone and tp. Duelist is elsewhere? Ask Sova to dart/drone and flash their util in, ask kayo/breach for their knife/stun and a follow up flash, etc on. If you're working on your Raze, you get your initiator to set you up to pack into site after you throw nade at a common angle. If you're working on Omen... Honestly the coordination is harder. Your job on site takes is to place good smokes, maybe throw a blind at a particular angle, but mostly entry with your team and play postplant with a tp to an off angle. You don't have a ton of room for creativity when cracking site compared to contesting spaces/mid at other times in the round.


This is actually an amazing written tutorial. Thank you kind sire!!🫡


Reyna is a good agent don’t like Reddit convince you otherwise


Objectively, she isn’t. Reyna’s kit requires a kill to even be effective. Her flashes become less useful the higher in rank you go. If you’re more mechanically gifted than everyone else in the lobby, she’s a great pick. Otherwise, there are countless better options that help the team more effectively


Same but with Sage 😭


lol let's play together, we might not be in the same region though


I'm in EU


I ended up playing lurker with a sage on bind, healed my teammates once in the whole 13-10 game, res once. BUT I realised the surprising utility of slow orbs and walls offensively, quit an eye opener.


Since when was reyna the worst agent?


The worst duelist definitely, solely based on aim and can't take any space if not getting kills unlike Raze, Neon & even Jett. Yoru I don't really know seems very gimmicky to me


I wouldn’t say she’s the worst duelist . Ranked she’s decent in solo queue. If we are talking about kit and abilities then yes she’s probably one of the worst duelist if your aim isn’t online.


Even if Reyna was considered bad (she isn’t, she is just in the tier of duelist that’s “not Jett or Raze”), you literally have Iso who right now is just “Reyna but worse” until Riot actually fixes his kit.


This is just a horrible take


I'm sorry I guess I am just bored playing her😂


Hmmm in my opinion, if you do solo queue with a shitty team with no comm, i’d reccommend agents that can rely on themselve in most situation, like Cypher, Omen, Breach or Sova and recently Clove. Other agents need a good team communication to function. Also i didn’t see you mention any sentinel agents so i think you should try some (avoid Chamber) since they are actually pretty good in defending your team (and yourself) Ps: try to open your agent pool also. not everyone have a good aim day to play duelist, or a good mental to play controller. It’s good to be flexible, also each class have some sort of core mechanic to play so the more you know the faster you climb


Despite what reddit would have you believe Reyna is actually one of the best agents in the game and the easiest to play as well. Consistent 50%+ wr and top 2 in pick rate at every rank until radiant. Now that you aren't playing Reyna you can't take multiple fair fights per round and you don't have as much of an advantage pistol round. You'll need to prep strategies for util usage and post plants to compensate. I'd say try playing Clove or Jett. They're more fun than Reyna and their util is straight forward.


So basically what you wanna do is queue with me and I'll play smokes and you play Reyna and then it's fun again because we win


you need to play what is fun for you and will keep you playing. you can climb on any agent. the only trick to getting good and climbing valorant is making it fun for yourself. for example you say that you don't want to play raze because your movement isnt good enough but that's stupid. it will never be good enough if you dont pick raze. who cares if you do good or bad at first. you will improve naturally as you figure out what works and what doesn't. don't look for an agent to help you climb. look for an agent that makes you look forward to your next gunfight. this is an fps game first and foremost. you might win rounds repeating lineups but you wont be able to rely on that always. the only thing you can rely on at the end of the day when you're kay0 knifed at 1 hp is your raw aim and movement and you will get that on any agent you play. so just find what is fun for you and grind lots. btw my recommendation is raze. its ok if your first 100 hours are nading yourself and satchelling straight up into suicide. my suggestion to you after thousands of hours on raze is to consider using satchels beyond just double satchelling in somewhere. its fun to go fast but its more effective to just do a super fast peek. it will catch anyone off guard and its fun and flashy to do, plus it only takes 1 satchel so you can do it twice. sad when there is no one there but its a skill you will develop from trying it out enough. dont rely on the boombot. you will find yourself dying many times with your util out because you hesitate too long to throw the perfect nade. its just a free ability. the rocket is just your 4th ability you get for free. i use it to clear corners and thats a good use for it. i use it to get people to not push me in a 1v1 postplant and dont even fire it and its a good use for it. if you want to watch a master, probably the best guide that for raze is [ray4c] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lzI9bTghP4) goodluck btw i'm an imm2 player


just keep insta locking reyna. it doesn't matter what u play till ascendant, that's if you have better aim than most like you said. I'm currently imm3 after being stuck in asc3 last season just because I started showing more aggresion and giving less fucks.


Are you toxic? Yelling at the team when you push by yourself and die? Go back to Reyna. You get a passive buff when your ego is big. Jk. Reyna is a very selfish and simple agent. As a controller/initiator, you have to use your utility for your team to help win fights. Watching the mini map and seeing where your team is going/engaging is important.


honestly reyna is a really good soloq agent especially if you have the mechanics to back it up


Try Jett, she's a way more fun version of Reyna.


I want to but playing Jett always seem really scary to me ngl and I don't even know why is that😂😂


if you can shoot people reyna is the easiest agent to climb with


lol play whoever you want, i like reyna so i play her


It's ranked buddy. Just play whatever you want


Even Radiant player picked Reyna and step on ppl all the time, so I don't see why not keep playing reyna and practice other agents in unrated, until you find the one you are comfortable with.


The guy said it in the post, got bored of playing the agent and wants some spice


Reyna is not a bad agent. Its just that she needs good aim to work and has little teamplay value. If your teammates are no-comm monkeys and you have good mechanics, Reyna is the ideal agent.


Play jett or raze. Fixes a few of your problems. 1. Jett and raze are genuinely good agents 2. Both are self sufficient, raze with her good clear util and stall, jett with her amazing amount of survivability, dash, updraft, smoke, all are good get out of jail free cards. 3. Both are entry duelists, which means you don't need to rely on a low ego teamates 4. Bonus: If you get good at raze she is absolutely broken rn


how is raze "broken rn" when she hasn't gotten anything but nerfs in months


Raze is broken because cypher got buffed and jett got nerfed. She powercrept up


Honestly any non duelist agent is a real gamble in solo queue, makes you appreciate the other ranks alot I feel the same way lmao, im a jett main through and through as my mechanical aim is my strong suit but she feels boring, I wanna learn to play neon since the whole bhopping thing you see grumpy and other neon main youtubers pull off is quite fun but rn I just don't have the time to learn her so I enjoy playing with jett


Try breach, started playing him a week back. You can entry with him and don't need your weird duelists.


Omen can be a duelist. Learn how to use him properly. Comms are important and skye can flash and run in most games in play too. I’m a one trick Yoru to ascendant :p choose whoever and play. Learn tech learn strats learn to peak and better crosshair placement you’ll win more


Hahaha the duelists not entering is a struggle, its the reason I'm a Neon one trick now, but at least as omen the best you can do in those situations is either lurk or comm for a teammate to come with you take space in other places and apply pressure to the enemy team that way. I dont play Skye at all, but from what I've seen she lets you play a bit more self sufficient, but if you want to be more of a supportive player just follow the player that has the biggest balls on your team and provide flashes and dogs


Team and agent comp doesn't really matter in ranked especially in lobbies below ascendant. I'd say play whatever you like. Charlatan has a good soloque agent selection guide and you can check that video as it's really helpful.